University of Nebraska - Lincoln DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln US Army Research U.S. Department of Defense 1987 Baseline Acidity of Percipitation at the South Pole during the Last Two Millennia J H. Cragin U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory M B. Giovinetto University of Calgary A J. Gow U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/usarmyresearch Part of the Earth Sciences Commons, and the Environmental Sciences Commons Cragin, J H.; Giovinetto, M B.; and Gow, A J., "Baseline Acidity of Percipitation at the South Pole during the Last Two Millennia" (1987). US Army Research. 308. http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/usarmyresearch/308 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the U.S. Department of Defense at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in US Army Research by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. GEOPHYSICALRESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 14, NO. 8, PAGES789-792, AUGUST1987 BASELINE ACIDITY OF PRECIPITATION AT THE SOUTH POLE DURING THE LAST TWO MILLENNIA J.H. Cragin U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory M.B. Giovinetto University of Calgary, Alberta A.J. Gow U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory Abstract. Measurementsof meltwater pH from annual ward transport of pollutants from Eurasia and North layersof SouthPole firn and ice samplesranging in age America to the Arctic during winter [Rahn, 1981]. Because from 40 to 2000 yearsB.P. showthat precipitationat this of potential long-rangetransport, the possibilityalways remotesite has a highernatural aciditythan that expected existsthat present-dayprecipitation, however remote its from atmosphericequilibrium with CO2. The averagepH location, will contain anthropogenic H2SO4 or HNOs. of deaerated(CO2-free) samples was 5.64 + 0.08, whileair- One way to eliminatethe anthropogeniccomponent is equilibratedsamples averaged 5.37 + 0.08, a pH that is to usesamples of polar snowand ice whichwere deposited about a factor of two more acidic than the expected back- before the industrial revolution and are now preserved groundpH of 5.65. The observed"excess" acidity can be chronologicallyin permanentice sheets.Impurities are in- accountedfor by SO1-and NO7 levelsin the samplesorig- corporatedinto the snowby rainout,washout and dry fall- inating from non-anthropogenicH2SO4 and HNO3. Be- out. Polar snow and ice sampleshave been usedextensive- causeof the presenceof thesenaturally occurring acids in ly to provide natural backgroundconcentrations and en- SouthPole precipitation,a pH of 5.4 is considereda more richmentsof many pollutants, especiallymetals [Cragin et representativebaseline reference pH for acidprecipitation al., 1975; Herron et al., 1977; Boutron and Lorius, 1979; studies. Weiss et al., 1979; Boutron, 1980; Boutron, 1982]. Al- though ice core acidity has been estimatedindirectly by Introduction surface conductivity methods [Hammer 1980; Hammer et al. 1980],the only measurementsof pH on liquid samples Most studiesof acid precipitationhave used relatively reportedfor pre-1800ice samplesare thoseof Koernerand recent rain or snow samplesfrom either populated areas Fisher [1982], who found a mean Holocene (200-5500 [Cogbilland Likens, 1974; Galloway et al., 1976;Wolff et yearsB.P.) pH of 5.48 in coresfrom the AgassizIce Cap, al., 1977;Brezonik et al., 1980;Lewis and Grant, 1980]or Ellesmere Island, Canada. However, as they state, no at- remotelocations [Weiss et al., 19778Sequeira, 1981; Gal- temptwas made to eliminateor controlCO•-induced acid- lowayet al., 1982;.lickells et al., 1982;Koerner and Fish- ity, which could introducevariability in the background er, 1982;Pszenny et al., 1982;Keene et al., 1983].While pH results[Koerner and Fisher1982]. Titrations of acidity remoteprecipitation is generallyless acidic than that from in ancient(30,000 yearsB.P.) ice core samplesfrom Dome industrializedareas, even samplesfrom remote locations C, Antarctica (74ø39'S, 124ø10'E), gave an average H* are often more acidic than the pH 5.65 expectedfrom dis- concentrationof 2.44/zEq/L [Delmaset al., 1980], which solutionof atmosphericCO2. (A derivation of the effect is equivalentto a pH of 5.61. In similartitrations of seven of CO2 on the acidity of pure, i.e., distilled, water can be deeper(800 to 900 m) samplesfrom the Dome C ice core, foundin Craginet al. [ 1984].) A major concernis whether Delmas et al. [1980] obtained an averageacidity of 1.07 this excessacidity is of natural or anthropogenicorigin. + 0.52 tzEqH+/L, correspondingto a pH of 5.97. These Acid rain on Bermuda has been ascribed to long-range at- older samplescorrespond to Wisconsinage ice deposited mospherictransport of sulfatesand nitratesfrom North when the acid-neutralizingterrestrial dust input to ice America [.lickellset al., 1982]. Galloway et al. [1982] re- sheetswas considerablyhigher than during the last 10,000 centlymeasured the pH of precipitationfrom five remote years[Cragin et al., 1977; Briat et al., 1982]. Here we pre- areas of the world and attributed much of the acidity at sentvalues of pH from both air-saturatedand CO,-free theselocations to long-rangetransport. The well-known South Pole ice core samplesspanning the last 2000 years. arctic haze over Alaska is believed to be caused by north- Experimental Copyright1987 by the AmericanGeophysical Union. A 200-m-long, 10-cm-diameterice core was recovered from the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station during the Paper Number 7L8013. 1981-82 austral summerusing an electromechanicaldrill 0094-8276/87/007L- 801353.00 [Rand,1976; Kuivinen et al., 1982].The corewas "dated" 789 790 Craginet al.: BaselineAcidity of Precipitationat the SouthPole stratigraphicallyalong its entirelength [Kuivinen et al., scribed elsewhere [Langway et al., 1974; Cragin et al., 1982] by continuouscounting of coarse-graineddepth- 1975; Herron et al., 1977]. Immediately after cleaning, hoarlayers that are knownto occuron an annuallyrepeat- these samplesof firn or ice were placed in individual wide- ing basis[Giovinetto, 1960; Gow, 1965].With this tech- mouth polyethylene (LPE) bottles and allowed to melt. nique,age errorsincrease with depthbecause of missed Several samples were initially melted under a nitrogen at- yearsattributable to hiatusesin accumulation.However, mosphere but pH values were similar to those obtained by the error is estimated not to exceed 100 years for the deep- nitrogen deaeration only, indicating that melting under ni- estand oldest(approximately 2000 years B.P.) portionof trogen was not necessary.After each melted sample had the core. reached room temperature (25 + 1 øC), it was deaerated by The core was transportedfrozen to the U.S. for subse- bubbling filtered (0.4 t•m) purified nitrogen gas through it quentanalysis at the U.S. Army ColdRegions Research for 15 minutes to remove CO2 and eliminate pH variability and EngineeringLaboratory (CRREL). For the chemical causedby differing amounts of H2CO3. Additional deaer- measurementsreported here, we used 10- to 20-cm-long ation (Table 1, column four) produced no significant pH half-coresegments, each representing exactly one year's change, indicating that 15 minutes was sufficient. The accumulation to eliminate chemical variability due to sea- sample pH was then measured under a nitrogen atmos- sonal concentration differences [Langway et al., 1975]. phere in a specially constructed Plexiglas chamber. Sam- The firstthree samples, from depthsof 7.72-7.92m, 14.63- ples were then allowed to equilibrate with air overnight in 14.82 m and 20.00-20.15 m are of snow deposited since the dark for several days and measurements were again the onset of the Industrial Revolution. Snow layers made to determine the pH of air-saturated samples. depositedsince 1940 (above 7.7 m) werenot sampledbe- All pH measurementswere made with an Orion model causeof possiblelocal contamination from the South Pole 81-03 combination Ross electrode. This electrode differs Station,constructed and occupiedsince 1957. Older sam- from ordinarycombination pH electrodesin that the ref- pleswere selected at 20-m intervals. erencehalf cell potential is controlledby reversibleredox All subsequentlaboratory work, includingsample clean- equilibriarather than by the conventionalcalomel or Ag/ ing, melting,deaeration and analysis, was performed in a AgC1.Compared to a conventionalcombination pH elec- Class 100 clean room. Utensilsand labware (Teflon, poly- trode, the Ross electrode respondedmore rapidly and ethylene)used to cleanthe coreor containsample melt- showednegligible drift evenin low ionicstrength solutions waterwere cleaned by rinsingfirst with distilled-deionized of South Pole meltwater. The precisionand accuracyof water,then by rinsingwith electronicgrade acetone and thesemeasurements is estimatedto be + 0.05 pH unit. finallyby leachingfor 3 dayswith 18 megohmMilli-Q © deionized water. Surface contaminants were removed Results and Discussion from sectionsof firn core samplesby mechanicallyscrap- ing off the outer 0.5-1.0 cm with a stainlesssteel chisel. The values for pH and correspondingcalculated acidi- This processwas conductedwithin a Class100 laminar- ties presentedin Table 1 are for 12 annual incrementsof flow clean air station in a coldroom using extreme care to South Pole core coveringapproximately the last two mil- allow cleaned areas of the core to contact only cleaned lennia. 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