'Regd. No. NE 907 .. The },t{izoram Gazette Published by Authoritv Vol. XVII Aizawl Friday 26. 2. 1988. Phal�una 7 S.E, 1909 I,m. No. 9 Government of Mizoram PART I Appointments, Posting, Transfers, Powers, Leave and other Personal Notices and Orders. (jIWFR� BY GOVliRl'IOR (ADMINISTRATOR) NOT IFI CATION S No,A. 19015!112/86-PAR(D), the 24th February 1988. The family of Shri Tamlal I ohar, Superintendent, P&A R \Trg), consistin� of 4 (fnur) Adutt members, is he­ reby allowed to avail L. T.c' for visiting Marma, Goa for the current block year 1986-89, No A.l9015/13/81-PARID\ the 22nd February 1988. The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to sanction 30 days Commuted Leave with effect from 18.11.87 to J 6.1.88 to Sml Rosepa ri. Superint..:ndeot. Planning Department, Mizoram, Aizawl on Me­ dicol ground under the L,C,S, (Leave) Rules. 1972 as amended from time to time. 2, Certified that the Officer would have continued to hold the post of Superin­ tendent but for her proc..:eding on leave. 3 Certified that the Officer on expiry of the leave is likely to return to the Same post and place from where she proceeded on leave and is authorised to draw (lUring leave period the pay and allowances as admissible under the Rules. No A.22012/1/85-PERS(Bl, the 25th February 1988, In pursuance of Govt, of India, Ministry of Rome Affairs letter nun,ber U-14020/6/87-UTS dated 4.12,1987, the Governor of N1izoram is pleased to release Shri Felix Sequiera, LA.S. D�puty Commissioner, Lunglei District with efrect from 9.3.1988 (F.N) to enable hIm to report to the Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Goa, Panajim. The GO\ernor is further pleased to order that Shti Feli'{ Sequiera, lAS Deputy Commissioner, Lungl�i \\ill hand over charge of Deputy Commissioner, Lunglei 2 to Shri Lallbanmawia (MCS) Additional Deputy Commissioner, Lunglei who will look after the current duties of Deputy Commissioner, Lunglei until further 01 ders. l'0.A.22012/2/80-APT(A) Pt,! the 23rd February 1988. In the interest of pUblic .. :,elv�ce, the Go"·ernor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and�posting of the follvwmg Officers to the posts as . mentioned against their names with immediate effect 311d un"il further orders :- SI. : lame of Officers Present pos:ing \\here transferred No. postc;od. 1. Shri K. Malsawm, LInder Seey" l<.ev. Under Secy., Itev. Planning & L.A.D. 0 �. �11fi R. Kaprumvunga S.D.O.(C), LawngtJai Cnder Secy., L.A.O. 3. S1ri H. Siku S.O.O.(S), Saiha S.O.O.(C) Lawn.r1ai 4. Shri P. Hlychho B.O.O Lungsen S.D.O.(S), S liha 5. Shri Kha'.Vtintbanga A.D.C., Lunglei AO/BDO, Lllngsen ( in his own gT ade pay ) 6. Sltri Z. Lalhmingliana SD.O.(C), Mamit Under Secy. Health 7. Shri Thu,lmkunga F.A.C.. Lunglei S.D.O.(C), Mamit 8. Shri J. 1 iangdingluaia L.O., New Delhi t 'nder Secretary, Education (newly create�) 9. Shri D. Lalhmangaiha B. D.O., Chawngte E.A.C., "'izawl 10. Shri Lalkhumliana AD.C./E.O., Saiha AO/BDO. Chawngte (in his Own grade J pay ) j J. Shri 1.. V. Malsawma SD.O.(C). Chawngte BDO. Hnahthiala 12. Shri lallura Sailo S.D 0. Hnahtbial SD J, IC) Chawngte :n tbl� resultant vacancy caused by the above transfer and posting of the Officen the following arrangement are made. (I) Shri L. Kawlhmingthanga, Under Secretary. Labour & Enployment Dept!. shall look after works of Under Secretary, Planning vacated by Shri K. Mal· sawma in addition to his Own duties. (2) Shri C. Thanchhuma. D.C.S.O. Lunglei shell look after WOf h of E.A.C., l.unglei vacated by Shri Thuamkunga in addition to his own duties. (31 Shri Lebo Solo, AO/A DC, Saiha s!mll look after works of Election Officer Saiha vacated by Shri Lalkhumliana, E.O.; in addition to his own duties. Shri Zairemthanga, Election Officer. l.unglei shall look after works of AD 'A �C, Lunglei vacated by Shri Khawtinthanga in addition to his own duties. The Officers mentioned above will move independently without," aiting f '1 ,�. er Group to move :- e t' Group No.1 - Shri R. Kaprumvun�a. SI. 2 shall hand over cha" hri Vanlalliana. B.D.O. Lawng'lai and move to Aiz,,·v! to the over charge of Under Secy, L.A.D. ""� Sh· i H. Siku SI. No . 3 3 shall move to Lawngtlai immediat ly Shri H. Siku lei'! Sai"a. Shr; P. H Iychho SI. No. 4 should move to Saiha to take over charge of SDO (S) Saiha. Shri Khaw linthaoga SI. No. 5, should hand over charge to Shri Zairemthanga and move to Lungsen to take over charge of BDO. Lungsen. Group No.2 �Lri Z. talbmingliana SI. No.6 immediately hand over charge to Shri H. B. Thara, S D.M. Mamit and move to A zawl to take over charge of Under Secy. Health. Meanwhile, Shri Thuamkunga SI. No.7 should rno," to Mami!. Croup Nc. � Slai Dorr:inic iaJl1nall�a'ha Sl. No. 9 should imnieciiately hand over charge to ShTi Tranbaia, S.D.M. Cbawngte and move to A1Z�\\1 to join ;,s E.A.C. in the meantime Shri Lal­ khumliana 51. No. 10 fhould band over charge to Shri Lebo Solo, A.D.C. Saih. and move to Chawngte to take over charge of B. D.O. Group No. 4 - Shr; L.V. Malsawma SI.No. 11 should immediately hand over charge to ShT; Thanhaia, 5DM Chawngte and immediately move to Hnahthial to tc.ke over charge of BOO from Shri Lallura Sailo SI.No.12. Shri Lallura Sailo should immediately proceed to Chawngle after banding over charge. " NO.A.35018il/82-PAR(D) the 22nd Fehuc,y 1�88. The Governor of Mizoram is plea&ed to order tTf'mfu a r d rmt Dt 01 Sr,l1 lahoH aLfa St}:eJiDlfndt'Dt to the Directcrate of Printinp & S1 aticrer} cn his rc\ersion frem the rost of ASf.istant Project Officer (CP) under DRDA on deputation. This order " ill take effect from 1 be cate subsequent to the date he reliuquished charge of A.P.O. (CP) ,nd until further orders. SdJ- L.c. Thanga, Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No. DCA/E-I64J8 7jPt-Il, the 23rd februalY 1988. In exercise of the power con­ ferred by sUb-rule 21 of the Mizoram Autonomous District Council tCOo:ititution & Conduct of Business of li;e District Councils,) Rules, 1974, the Governor of 1-."izoraIr, cn tbe ad"ke of the Chief Executive Member, is pleased to appoint the follo\dng members of the Pawi District Council as members of the Executive Committee of the Pawi District Council. I. Shri B. Thanchunga 2. Shri T. Tialvunga. R-· 4 9;88 1'0. nCA'E-187-87/Pt, the 23rd February 1988. In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-rule (1) of rule 21 of the Mizoram Autonomous District Coun­ cil (Constitution & Conduct of Business of the District Council) Rules, 1974, the Governor of Mizoram, on the advice of t.he Chief Executive Member. is pleased to appoint tbe following members of the Cbakma District Council as members of r the Executive Committee of Ihe Chakma District Council. 1. Shri Adikanto 2, Shri Blmal Kumar. 1\0. DCAlE-187/87iPt, the 23rd February 1988. Whereas an election of the Chief Executive Member is necessary owing to the expiry of the term of the former District Council aod whereas, after having followed all necessary formali­ ties under provisions of sub-rule (1) of rule 21 of the Mizoram Auto!umous Dis­ trict Council (Constitution & Conduct of Business of the District Councils) Rules, 1974, Sh ri Pulin Bayan has been declared elected. Now, therefore, the Governor is pleased to notify that ';hri P .din B iVa 1 ha� been duly elected Chief Fxecutive Member of the Chakma District Cvuncil in the meeting of the Council held on 2�th January, 1988. By order �nd in the name of Governor of Mizoram. No. DCA/E-164/87/Pt, the 23rd February 1988. Whereas an election of a Chairman for the Pawi District Council in necessary owing to the expiry of the ) fomler District Council and whereas, after having followed all necessary forma'i-I ties under provisions of rule 33 of tbe Mizoram Autonomous District Councii (Constitution & Conduct of Business of the District Council)Rule 1974, Shri. Sanzam­ lova MDC bas been declared elected. Now, therefore, the Governor is pleased to notify that Shri. Sanzamlova, MOe has been duly elected Chairmam of the Pawi District Council in the first meeting of the Council held on the 1st Feb. 1988. By order and in the name of the Gowrnor of M iZoram. No. DCA/E-164/87/Pt, the 23rd February 1988. Whereas an election of a Chief Executive Member for the Pawi District Council is necessary for formation of new Executive Committee and whereas, after having followed all necessary for­ malities under provisions of rule 21 of the Mizoram Autonomou� District COll.leil (Constitution & Conduct of Business of the District Councils) Rules, 1974, Shri Lalchunga Chinzah has been declared elected. Now, therefore, the Govornor is pleased to notify that Shri. LalcbungaChin­ zah has been duly elected Chief Executive member of the PaWl District Coucil in the meeting of the Council held on 3rd Feb.
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