An Associated Collegiate Press Four-Star All-American Newspaper TUESDAY March 11 , 1997 Volume 123 • THE • Number 39 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Newark, DE 250 Student Center• University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 Pennit No. 26 Keepers family to file suit against UD BY KIM WALKER and servicers acted in ·'willful misconduct 1974 when he fe ll f rom the 17th fl oor force, said Arnold Jabin, the Keepers' Both Keepers and Slatkin were Mauagin'! Maga::ine Editor and reckless indifference'' by placing air­ window in the same building. fa mily lawyer. standin g on the radiator when they fell. A negligence suit was fil ed against the conditioning units under the windows and Experts hired by the estate of the ''The rooms s ho uld never have bee n R eports s ho wed Keepers· b lood university Thursday by the parents of a ins ta lling plated instead of tempered student, Howard Sla tkin, testified that if designed with those windows," he said . alcohol content was 0.096. In Delaware. a freshman who fe ll to his death from hi s glass. the glass had been tempered instead of The s uit said the university did not level of 0.10 is considered legal ly drunk. 13th-floor window in the Christiana East Robert A. Keepers Jr.. 19 , was trying plated . hi s acc ident would not have correct the hazards revea led in the Slatkin John Balaguer. who is representing the Tower 18 months ago. to co nnect with someone over e-mail occurred. the suit said. case and failed to warn students and their Keepers. would not comment on what Robert and Debra Keepers asked the ea rl y Sept. 9 , 199 5 , when he became The windows are mad e of double­ guardians of the possible dangers. influence this would have on the ca;,e. U.S. Diqrict Court for a six-person j ury frustrated , punched the window and fel l paned plated glass, the sui t said. The The radiators should have been moved Immediately fo ll owing Keepers· death. and an undisclosed a mount in thro ug h. report s said. The medical panes are .122 inches thi ck a nd are and furn iture rearranged in the apartments Senior Vi ce President David Ho ll owell compensatory damage~ for th e death of examiner's office ruled the death an separated by a . 187-inch space. because the university knew o r s ho uld formed a committee to investigate the their only child. accident. Because the Towers' windows have known that students sta nd o n them accident. The ;,ui t alleged the university and the The suit refers to a case settled out of encompass almost the entire wall, plated and that the windows broke frequently, The committee met twice during the Tov. ers · origi nal contractors. designers court in w hich another s tudent died in g lass is t oo weak to withs tand much the suit said . see KEEPERS page A3 Just hanging around • • • Columnist to speak at graduation G EORGIE ANNE GEYER BY KENDRA SINEATH being the first American journalist to few students have heard of her:· Staff ReJJm1cr report the Guatemalan guerri II a Davis spoke of a >i milar situation a Although on ly a small percentage of movement on location; being the onl y couple of years ago when the seni o rs chose to take part in the American to interview Argentine commencement speaker was Ken selection of thi s year's commencement President Juan Peron and being the only Bums. speaker. the choice has been made. person to intetview Prince Sihanouk of Receiving an honoraty degree from Columnist Georgie Anne Geyer. Cambodia when all American t-epotters d1e university. Bums spoke for free and noted for her work as a fore ign were forbidden to enter the country. although hi s name was not well known. con-espondent. accepted the university's Despite Geyer's credentials. some hi s speech earned him a standing in vitation last week. and will be seniors. li ke Rob Santossio. are ovation from d1e senior cla.\s. speaking bef01-e the graduating class of di sappointed. Burns. the creator of PBS series 1997 at the May 3 1 commencement "My parents are flying in from about the Civil War and baseball. was exerctses. Florida and I would be lying if I told met with the san1e response as Geyer. "As a pioneer journalist. she has you they weren't just a little Davis said. covered revolutions and coups from disappointed." said Santossio. who "We must remember.'' Davis said. Guatemala to Bosnia.'' said Robert voted for Colin Powell. '·name recognition is not as important Davis. director of the Office of Alumni " I guess I juM don't understand how as d1e message." and Uni versity Relations. she was one of d1e top choices when so ''Her interview list t-eads like a who's who of intern ati onal leaders." said Davis. who had th e fina l say in choosing the speaker. Unfonunatel y. according to Davis. Residents don't only 160 seniors participated in this year's selection process. The 'in itial list. printed in a number of ads in the The Review. included such want White Clay figures as Colin Powell. Chri tie Todd THE REVIEW I John Chabalko Whittnan and David Btinkley. No, this isn't a shot of a freshman waiting for her next class to begin. Four-year-old Davis said many students added Blair is involved in the university's Laboratory Preschool Program. See story, A3. the ir own suggestions to the li st, including Steven Speilberg. Anne Rice Creek dammed and J.D. Salinger. "The poll basically just gives us a BY CHRISSI PRUITT area. sense of the kind of person the sntdents Copy Editor Dick Hassel. a member o f the are looking for." Davis said. and it is Angry residents expressed their U.S . Army Corp~ of Engineers and one of many factors wh ich are tabulated concern over a proposed dam in c hair o f the propo,al committee. in the final decision. the White· Clay Creek Preserve at said th e meeting was a ~coping Survey targets mistreated '·We look for people with a strong a Thursday ni g ht meeting in the workshop. commitment to academics as well as a Christiana Delmarva P ower "A scoping meeting means we great mesSage ... Davis said about the a uditor ium . Res idents tried to are goin g to provide in formation selection process. A university commission found that 30 percent offaculty and keep their emotions under control on the i~sue a lt ernative~ the Corps However. he admitted. price is one ve hemently against the proposal. should consider, .. he said. students felt victimized because of their race or gender of the maj or factors considered in the "If we are going to lea ve a Hassel to ld t he audience the decision. legacy fo r our c hildren, we · re reservoir proposal is one of many "Someone like Oprah Winfrey we BY GINA MARISCA students. integration. going to have to do better than o pti ons be ing explored to help Srajf k eporrer The survey is part o f an annual According to Professor David just cannot afford. but Geyer. as well as this, .. said Ziggy Mielnikiewicz. a New Castle County during many of the other suggestions were Roughly 30 percent of a sample. report re leased by the commission Colton. a member of the commi ssion Red C lay School Di strict teacher droughts. although no fi nal within our range - between $9.000 which was repre~ent at i ve of the recently that analyzes their progress and the president of the un ve rsity w ho was among the man y decisions have been made. and $ 11.000:· entire faculty and student body. felt during the past year and projects chapter of the American Asso iation reside nts who spoke o ut agai nst But Rep. Joe Miro. whose Last year's graduation speaker. poet mi treated on the basis of gender or fu ture goals. of University Professors. the the reservoir. District 3 is the ' ite of the Maya Angelou. was paid $25.000. race. according to a su rvey The Commission to Pro mo te university still has a long way to go. Representatives fro m the U.S. proposed reservoir. said that goin g Other than money. time is a setious conducted by th e Commission to Racial and Cultural Diversity was ·'It is surprising to di scover that Army Corps of Engineers met through with the proposed dam consideration in scheduling a speaker. Promote Rac ial and Cultural developed to e ncourage equality on ly 12 miles from Wilmington. a with about 200 Newark residents would be a big mistake. 'There was a conflict with one of the Diven,ity. througho ut eac h compo ne nt of city of more than 70.000 people. to discuss the po ss ib i lity of " It would be a travesty to build choice's schedules. but it is not a Verbal comments and being campus life. 52 .2 percent of whom are African­ d a mming White Clay Creek to a reservoir o n this pri stine land." question of who won or lost, .. Davis ignored were the most freq uent The 1995-1996 ann ual report is a American, the university has an build the Thompso n Station Miro said.
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