2 AGENDA NO. 1 F. No. 8-85/2012-FC The State Government of West Bengal vide their letter No. 2208-For/10T-27/10 dated 8th October, 2012 submitted a fresh proposal seeking prior approval of the Central Government under Section-2 of the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 for diversion of 101.83 ha of forest land in favour of M/s Bengal Emta Coal Mines Ltd. Under Birbhum Forest Division, West Bengal. In response to letter of even number dated 06th August, 2014 of the Ministry, State Government have submitted the following reply:- Sl. Point raised by the Ministry Replied by the State Government / project No. proponent (i) DGPS map of the area Maps, in this connection, have already been proposed for diversion. sent to the Eastern Region of the Government of India in response to their letter No. 5-WBA057/2012-BHU dated 27.01.2014. However, a copy of the same is furnished for ready consideration (p. 310/c). (ii) DGPS map of the area GPS maps of CA area, furnished by the proposed for Compensatory User Agency, are enclosed (ps. 317-323/c). Afforestation. (iii) Requisite documents for Necessary certificate/documents under compliance under Scheduled FRA, 2006. Document has already been Tribe & other Forest Dwellers endorsed along-with the proposal (Recognition of Forest Rights) submitted. However, copy of the same is Act, 2006, as per MoEF’s again enclosed (ps. 336-336/c). guidelines dated 03.08.2009 and 05th February, 2013. (iv) Map showing location of Map showing the distance of the protected Protected Areas (National area from the project site – Necessary map, Park and Sanctuaries) in 10 in this connection, is sent herewith (p. Km radius of the project. 368/c). (v) Compensatory Afforestation Compensatory Afforestation plan for 10 Plan has been submitted only years – Considering the weather condition for five years, however, as per as well as climate, prevalent in the State, this Ministry’s letter No. 8- plantation with 5 years’ maintenance will 85/2012-FC dated 12.11.2012, be sufficient for the survival of the trees. it should be for 10 years. However, if the Ministry so desires that 10 Accordingly, a revised C.A. years’ maintenance will be required, the Plan for 10 years may be State Government has informed submitted. accordingly so that further action may be taken. (vi) As per the State Government’s Discrepancy in enumerated number of 3 proposal, 5708 trees have been trees – Necessary documents furnished by enumerated, however, the site the user agency, in support of this. Copies inspection report mentioned of authenticated documents, duly checked only 1797 trees. The by Att. Divisional Forest Officer, Birbhum discrepancies may be clarified. Division are enclosed (ps. 369-475/c). Total nos. of trees – 4808 ( Below 60 cm = 4797 and 60 cm and above = 11) (vii) The proposal has not been Acknowledgement Slip, generated in the uploaded on the Ministry’s process of uploading the proposal in the website and it has been Ministry’s website, has already been submitted without furnished with the Govt. of India. acknowledgement slip However, a copy of the same is again generated by the website. It is enclosed for ready consideration (p. 478- to mention that this Ministry 479). had conveyed the decision of the CIC to all the States/UTs in letter No. 16-13/2011-FC(I) dated 29.10.2013 stating that proposal will not be accepted by the Ministry if proposal is not uploaded on the Ministry’s website and proposal without acknowledgement slip generated by the website (copy of guidelines is enclosed). The facts related to the proposal as contained in the State Government’s letter dated 08.10.2012 are given below in the form of factsheet: FACT SHEET 1. Name of the Proposal Diversion of 101.83 ha of forest land in favour of M/s Bengal Emta Coal Mines Ltd., Under Birbhum Forest Division, West Bengal. 2. Location (i) State West Bengal (ii) District Birbhum 3. Particulars of Forests: (i) Name of Forest Division and Birbhum Forest Division Forest area involved. 101.83 ha (ii) Legal status/Sy. No. Protected Forest (iii) Map Maps attached at ps. 151-153, 186-199, 242- 245/c 4 4. Density of vegetation 0.06 5. Species-wise (scientific names) and Enclosed marked “A” (ps. 160-171/c). diameter class-wise enumeration of Terminalia arjuna, Mangiferaindica, trees (to be enclosed. In case of Tamarindusxindica, Ficushispida, irrigation / hydel projects Albizzialebbek, Acacia catechu, enumeration at FRL, FRL-2 meter & Gmelinaarborea, Ficusglamerata, FRL-4 meter also to be enclosed) Albizziaodoratissima, Syzygiumcumini, Pongarmiapinnata, Eucalyputs spp. Azardirachtaindica, Buteamonosperma, etc. 6. Brief note on vulnerability of the Not so vulnerable to erosion. forest area to erosion 7. Approximate distance of the Adjacent to forest proposed site for diversion from boundary of forest. 8. Whether forms part of National No park, Wildlife Sanctuary, Biosphere Reserve, Tiger Reserve, Elephant Corridor, etc. (if so, details of the area and comments of the Chief Wildlife Warden to be annexed) 9. Whether any rare/ endangered/ No unique species of flora and fauna are found in the area. If so details thereof 10. Whether any protected No archaeological/ heritage site/defence establishment or any other important monuments is located in the area. 11. Whether the requirement of forest Yes land as proposed by the user agency in col. 2 of Part-I is unavoidable and barest minimum for the project, if no recommended area item-wise with details of alternatives examined. 12. Whether any work of in violation of No the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 has been carried out (Yes/No). If yes details of the same including period of work done, action taken on erring officials. Whether work in violation is still in progress. 13. Whether clearance under the Environment (protection) Act, 1986 5 is required? 14. Compensatory Afforestation (i) Details of non-forest area/degraded Report regarding the land handed over to forest area identified for CA, its DFO Birbhum is enclosed & marked “B” (p. distance from adjoining forest, 157-158/c)& the land in Bankura District may number of patches, size of each be identified by DFO Bankura (N) &Bankura patches. (S) Division. (ii) Map showing non-forest/ degraded Yes, shown in mouza map &topo map. forest area identified for CA and adjoining forest boundaries. (iii) Detailed CA scheme including Artificial regeneration with aauriculiformis& species to be planted, implementing other indigenous as soon as fund is received, agency, time schedule, cost Forest Department. structure, etc. (iv) Total financial outlay for CA Rs. 29,22,000/- over 22.19 ha in Birbhum Division (b) Afforestation over 82.97 ha in Bankura (N) & (S) Division financial outlet for Compensatory afforestation will be submitted separately. (v) Certificate from the competent Certified that the transferred land in favour authority regarding suitability of the of Forest Department (BirbhumDivn) is area identified for CA and from suitable for afforestation & from management management point of view. point of view. 15. Site inspection report of the DCF (to This site has been inspected by the be enclosed) especially highlighting DFO/Birbhum on 17.12.2006. Report is facts asked in col. 8(xi. xii), 8 and 9 enclosed & marked “C” (p. 159/c) above. 16. Catchment Area Treatment Enclosed as Annexure-VII of the SIR (ps. 293- 304/c). 17. Rehabilitation of Oustees (a)No of families involved Nil (b)Category of families (c)Details of rehabilitation plan 18. Cost Benefit Ratio The user agency has submitted the cost benefit analysis, which is enclosed as Annexure-VI alongwith SIR (p. 289- 292/c)/c). 19. Total Cost of the Project Rs. 76.67 crores. 20. Recommendation i. DFO Recommended (p. 156/c) ii. CCF Recommended (p. 172/c) iii. Nodal Officer Recommended (p. 175/c) iv SG Recommended (p. 175/c). 21. Division/ District profile 6 (i) Total Geographical area of the 455000 ha district (ii) Total Forest area/Divisional Forest 15926.41 ha area (iii) Total area diverted In two cases forest area diverted is (1) since 1980 292.44 ha (2) 0.607 ha (iv) Total compensatory afforestation stipulated in the district/division since 1980 on (a) Forest land including penal 293.047 ha compensatory afforestation (b) Non-forest land Nil (v) Progress of Compensatory Afforestation as on date (a) Forest land 253.457 ha (b) Non-forest land Nil 22. Specific recommendations of the Since there is no alternative so far DCF for acceptance or otherwise of technicalities is concerned diversion of the proposal with reasons forest land becomes unavoidable so, the proposal for diversion of forest land may be accepted. Other remarks: 1. The requirement of land for the project has been estimated at 187.64 ha Class of different land required as derived from land cover plan are given in the table:- Land use pattern Sl. Class of land Land affect due to Total No. Mining (ha) OB, Infrastructure & others (ha) 1. Forest 101.83 -- 101.83 2. Agricultural 18.42 -- 18.42 3. Danga 28.74 37.00 65.74 4. Road & Water bodies 1.65 -- 1.65 Total 150.64 37.00 187.64 2. Map enclosed: For more clarity a Cadastral plan on a scale of 1:3960 in addition to a map on 1:50,000 scale is submitted. 3. Cost of the project: Rs. 76.67 crores. 4. Cost-benefit analysis: Enclosed. 5. Employment likely to be generated: The project being highly mechanized there is no scope of large-scale direct employment. However, it is felt that 7 locals can be deployed as Mazdoors/helper. The total number may be around 50.
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