PLANNING AND TRANSPORTATION REGULATORY PANEL DATE : Thursday, 5th June, 2014. TIME : 9.30 a.m. PLACE : The Salford Suite, Salford Civic Centre, Chorley Road, Swinton. Members attending this meeting with a personal interest in an item on the agenda must disclose the existence and nature of that interest and, if it is a prejudicial interest, withdraw from the meeting room during the discussion and voting on the item. A G E N D A PART 1 - OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 1. The Panel is asked to consider whether it agrees to the inclusion of the items listed in Parts 1 and 2 of the agenda. 2. Apologies for absence. 3. Declarations of interest. 4. To approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 15th May, 2014. - PAGE 3 5. Planning applications and related development control matters:- 9.30 a.m. 14/64545/COU – Nutkins Nursery, 15 Half Edge Lane, Eccles M30 9AY – PAGE 14 14/64584/ADV – Nutkins Nursery, 15 Half Edge Lane, Eccles M30 9AY – PAGE 20 14/64603/FUL – George’s Restaurant, 17-21 Barton Road, Worsley M28 2PD – PAGE 26 11/60256/HYB – Land Bounded By The River Irwell, Chapel Street, Greengate And The Former Liverpool To Manchester Railway Line – PAGE 36 6. Planning applications determined under delegated authority – PAGE 38 7. Planning appeals – PAGE 62 1 URGENT BUSINESS 8. Business which, due to special circumstances, the Chair of the meeting is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency. EXCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC 9. To consider and, if thought fit, to pass the following resolution:- "That, under section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the ground that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as specified in the paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Act, respectively indicated." PART 2 – CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC URGENT BUSINESS 10. Business which, due to special circumstances, the Chair of the meeting is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency. Access to Information A copy of this agenda, the reports and the background documents shown in those reports (except those in Part 2) are open to inspection by members of the public. Further information is available from the contact officer named below. Contact Officer: Claire Edwards Tel. No : (0161) 793 2602 Senior Democratic Services Officer Email : [email protected] Customer & Support Services Date: 28th May, 2014 Salford Civic Centre, Chorley Road Swinton, M27 5DA NOTE: At the conclusion of the Panel, Members will convene in a briefing session to reflect on any issues arising during the meeting, the notes of which will be submitted at a future Chair’s Briefing. 2 ITEM 4 PLANNING AND TRANSPORTATION REGULATORY PANEL 15th May, 2014 Meeting commenced: 9.30 a.m. “ adjourned: 11.30 a.m. “ reconvened: 11.45 a.m. “ ended: 12:40 p.m. PRESENT: Councillor Mashiter - in the Chair Councillors Antrobus, E. Burgoyne, K. Garrido, Hunt, Kean, J. Murphy, Pugh, G. Wilson and R. Wilson Councillor Blower during consideration of all items except planning application reference 14/64489/FUL (Irlam Railway Station, Station Road, Irlam). Please note that a list of persons in attendance (including any Ward Councillors) in respect of matters referred to in Minute 101 is included at Appendix A. The Chair made reference to the recent sad death of former Councillor, Stan Witkowski, who had previously served on the Panel. Panel Members and those present at the meeting observed a period of silent tribute. 98. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Critchley, Lea, Ord and Turner and Mr. J. Wheelton. 99. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest. 100. MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS RESOLVED: THAT the minutes of the meeting held on 3rd April 2014 be agreed as a correct record. 101. APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION (Full details of the matters referred to in this Minute are contained in the report of the Strategic Director for Environment & Community Safety, as amended, in the case of the applications marked * in the supplementary report). RESOLVED: THAT, following consideration by the Panel, the under-mentioned applications for planning permission were determined, subject to the conditions listed in the above report(s), as indicated below:- 3 Application Number/ Site Development Decision Applicant 13/63927/FUL 20 Oaklands Road Erection of a single Granted, subject to Scotinvest Ltd Salford storey house for approval of the materials M7 3PY assisted living submitted in accordance with Condition 5 being delegated to the Chair, in consultation with Councillor G. Wilson. *14/64489/FUL Irlam Railway Construction of 66 Granted, subject to (a) Ms Sarah Mee – Station space park and ride the inclusion of a Transport for Station Road car park, 10 additional considerate contractor’s Greater Manchester Irlam spaces for private use, condition, (b) Condition 5 together with being amended to require associated lighting, provision of replacement drainage infrastructure, trees within the car fencing, CCTV, cycle parking area, and (c) store and landscaping Condition 9 being amended to ensure that the drainage provision, in the first instance, is provided by way of a Sustainable Urban Drainage Scheme. *13/64115/FUL Station House Refurbishment and Granted Mr James Cooper – Station Road reinstatement of North Cheshire Irlam station building to form Developments M44 5ZR offices, cafe, waiting Limited and function room (class A1/A3 and A4 mixed use) plus self contained apartment and associated work, including new verandah, alterations to elevations, demolition of existing lean to and erection of a single storey side extension, replacement fencing/gates comprising 2.1m mesh fencing and creation of 4 Application Number/ Site Development Decision Applicant a bin store (resub of 13/63943/FUL) 14/64423/FUL Monton House Change of use from Granted Mr David Cohen 19-21 Monton office A2 (financial and Green professional) to The Panel requested that Eccles nursery D1 (non- (a) the ‘Monton House’ M30 9LE residential institution) advertisement on the together with front elevation of the construction of new building is taken down ramp access and when implementing the alterations to development - failure to elevations do so may result in a discontinuance notice being served, and (b) the applicant be reminded that any replacement advertisement(s) may require the express consent of the Local Planning Authority. *14/64476/REM Land To Northwest Details of reserved Granted Mr Richard Of Stanley Street matters application for Robinson – English (Site Of Ralli access, appearance, Cities Fund Courts) landscaping, layout Salford and scale for development of Plot B4 (“One New Bailey”) for erection of an 8 storey office building (use class B1) with commercial ground floor units (uses classes A1 to A5, B1 or D1); together with associated servicing and access and formation of new public square (part of) associated public realm, pursuant to outline planning permission 09/57950/EIAHYB 5 102. PLANNING APPLICATIONS DETERMINED UNDER DELEGATED AUTHORITY The Strategic Director for Environment & Community Safety submitted a report containing details of planning applications which he had determined under delegated authority during March, April and May 2014, and were not, therefore, for consideration by the Panel. RESOLVED: THAT the content of the report be noted. 103. PLANNING APPEALS A report of the Strategic Director for Environment and Community Safety was submitted which detailed an appeal that had been determined during March 2014. RESOLVED: THAT the content of the report be noted. 104. ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY FROM 1ST JANUARY TO 31ST MARCH 2014 The Strategic Director for Environment & Community Safety submitted a report detailing enforcement activity from 1st January to 31st March 2014. The report analysed current enforcement data in relation to complaints received and complaints closed during the quarter, as well as complaints received by ward, complaints outstanding by ward, prioritisation of complaints and complaints closed by category for the financial year. RESOLVED: (1) THAT the content of the report be noted. (2) THAT the officers involved be thanked for the work that had been undertaken. 6 APPENDIX A - LIST OF ATTENDEES 9.30 SESSION APPLICATION REF/ OBJECTING IN FAVOUR ADDRESS 13/63927/FUL David Bitan 20 Oaklands Road Salford M7 3PY 14/64489/FUL Angela West* Councillor Walsh* Irlam Railway Station Barbara Edmunds Station Road Shirley Myles* Irlam Janice Higginbotham Mrs. Lever 13/64115/FUL Angela West* Mr. Cooper* Station House Barbara Edmunds Mr. Chisnall Station Road Shirley Myles* Councillor Walsh* Irlam Janice Higginbotham M44 5ZR Mrs. Lever 14/64423/FUL James Blythe* Mike Fisk* Monton House Jean Blythe Ruth Jackson* 19-21 Monton Green Eccles M30 9LE 11.30 SESSION APPLICATION REF. OBJECTING IN FAVOUR 14/64476/REM Richard Purser* Land To Northwest Of Richard Robinson Stanley Street Michael Clarke* (Site of Ralli Courts) Salford * Indicates persons who made representations to the Panel. 7 ITEM 5 REPORT Of Strategic Director for Environment and Community Safety To the Planning & Transportation Regulatory Panel On 5th June 2014 Planning Applications and Related Development Control Matters (Not considered to contain exempt information) Non-members of the panel are invited to attend the meeting during consideration of any applications included within the report in which they have a particular interest. MAIN REPORT 8 PLANNING AND TRANSPORTATION REGULATORY PANEL THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1972-SECTIONS 100A-100K LIST OF BACKGROUND PAPERS The “Background Papers” relating to all reports on Planning Applications appearing in this report are: - 1. The appropriate ‘Development Information Folder’ for each planning application on the Agenda. The contents of the folder include the following documents: (a) The submitted planning application (forms, plans and supporting documents and Information) (b) Correspondence with statutory and other consultees; (c) Letters and other documents from interested parties.
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