FareFare FareFare VendingVending ProofProof ofof ContactContact HowHow toto RideRide ConnectionsConnections InformationInformation MachinesMachines PaymentPayment InformationInformation 3. Press send Press 3. STOP# 2. Enter 5-digit 5-digit Enter 2. •• PlanPlan youryour triptrip usingusing thethe onlineonline triptrip plannerplanner atat LocalLocal busbus andand lightlight railrail shareshare thethe samesame farefare FareFare vendingvending machinesmachines areare locatedlocated atat eacheach lightlight railrail LightLight railrail operatesoperates onon aa proof-of-paymentproof-of-payment system.system. CustomerCustomer Service:Service: 602.253.5000602.253.5000 or service animal. service or BUSBUS && LIGHTLIGHT RAILRAIL ®® 22966 1. Text Text 1. Valley Metro valleymetro.orgvalleymetro.org,,, RidekickRidekickRidekick ,,, thethethe TransitTransitTransit structurestructure andand passpass types.types. PassesPasses cancan bebe purchasedpurchased station.station. AnAn All-DayAll-Day oror multi-daymulti-day passpass isis alsoalso validvalid FareFare inspectorsinspectors regularlyregularly patrolpatrol thethe systemsystem andand askask TTY:TTY: 602.251.2039602.251.2039 (for(for thethe hearinghearing impaired)impaired) facilities or threatens the safety of any other person person other any of safety the threatens or facilities PlanPlan youryour triptrip usingusing thethe manymany busbus connectionsconnections thatthat BookBook oror contactcontact CustomerCustomer Service.Service. fromfromfrom farefarefare vendingvendingvending machines,machines,machines, online,online,online, atatat transittransittransit onon busbus forfor thethe purchasedpurchased timetime period.period. passengerspassengers atat randomrandom toto produceproduce aa validvalid transittransit STOP# enter or Say 3. your service animal soils or damages Valley Metro Metro Valley damages or soils animal service your meetmeet atat eacheach lightlight railrail station.station. YourYour All-DayAll-Day oror CustomersCustomers cancan obtainobtain informationinformation aboutabout variousvarious For more information, visit visit information, more For valleymetro.org/rights. centerscenters oror atat nearlynearly 800800 ValleywideValleywide retailretail locations.locations. passpass andand proofproof ofof eligibilityeligibility forfor reducedreduced fares.fares. 2. Say 2. and your service animal may be asked to leave if if leave to asked be may animal service your and •• BuyBuy aa transittransit passpass atat anyany lightlight railrail station,station, multi-daymulti-day passpass isis validvalid forfor bothboth busbus andand lightlight rail.rail. •• ChooseChoose fullfull fare,fare, reducedreduced farefare (youth,(youth, senior,senior, transittransittransit servicesservicesservices bybyby usingusingusing ourourour automatedautomatedautomated phonephonephone on transit system property. system transit on (602) 253-5000 (602) 1. Call Call 1. Ride Guide ®® VisitVisit valleymetro.org/saleslocationsvalleymetro.org/saleslocations forforfor aaa completecompletecomplete ViolatorsViolators areare subjectsubject toto fifi nesnes rangingranging fromfrom $50$50 toto must not sit on seats or block exits or aisles. You You aisles. or exits block or seats on sit not must transittransittransit center,center,center, retailretailretail outletoutletoutlet ororor online.online.online. ForForFor aaa UseUse thethe onlineonline triptrip plannerplanner oror RidekickRidekick tototo planplanplan disableddisabled oror MedicareMedicare cardholders)cardholders) oror systemsystem 2424 hourshours aa day,day, 365365 daysdays aa year.year. Act. Act. Valley Metro is not responsible for theft or damage to bicycles bicycles to damage or theft for responsible not is Metro Valley BUS & LIGHT RAIL list.list.list. Express/RAPIDExpress/RAPIDExpress/RAPID refersrefersrefers tototo expressexpressexpress busbusbus serviceserviceservice $500$500 andand cancan loselose theirtheir transittransit privileges.privileges. service animal must be under your control and and control your under be must animal service listlistlist ofofof retailretailretail locations,locations,locations, visitvisitvisit youryour trip.trip. Express/RAPIDExpress/RAPID bus.bus. HablamosHablamos español.español. origin in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Rights Civil the of VI Title with accordance in origin APRIL 2017 whichwhich hashas anan upgradedupgraded cost.cost. what tasks the animal is trained to perform. Your Your perform. to trained is animal the tasks what valleymetro.org/saleslocations.valleymetro.org/saleslocations. without regard to race, color, disability or national national or disability color, race, to regard without •• SelectSelect thethe farefare type:type: 1-Ride,1-Ride, All-Day,All-Day, 7-Day,7-Day, of emergencies, call 911. call emergencies, of ask whether an animal is a service animal and and animal service a is animal an whether ask All-DayAll-Day andand multi-daymulti-day passespasses mustmust bebe activatedactivated valleymetro.org/nextride passengers. given equal access to programs and services services and programs to access equal given •• ActivateActivate youryour passpass beforebefore boardingboarding andand keepkeep 15-Day15-Day oror 31-Day.31-Day. TheThe 1-Ride1-Ride farefare isis validvalid forfor lightlight CUSTOMERCUSTOMER SERVICESERVICE to Valley Metro Customer Service. In case case In Service. Customer Metro Valley to Valley Metro’s pet policy. Transit personnel may may personnel Transit policy. pet Metro’s Valley AIRPORTAIRPORT beforebefore boarding.boarding. OnceOnce activated,activated, multi-daymulti-day passespasses train to ensure the safety and comfort of all all of comfort and safety the ensure to train Valley Metro customers using public transit are are transit public using customers Metro Valley youryour passpass asas proofproof ofof payment.payment. PlatinumPlatinum railrail only.only. BUSINESSBUSINESS HOURSHOURS reporting any and all suspicious activities activities suspicious all and any reporting considered service animals and are subject to to subject are and animals service considered areare validvalid forfor thethe numbernumber ofof consecutiveconsecutive daysdays listedlisted LocalLocal Bus/Bus/ 22 Express/Express/ If a train is full, bike riders must wait for the next next the for wait must riders bike full, is train a If • • ConnectConnect toto PhoenixPhoenix SkySky HarborHarbor InternationalInternational Customer Rights Rights Customer Pass/ASUPass/ASU U-PassU-Pass users,users, validatevalidate beforebefore eacheach ReducedReduced or call 602.253.5000. call or Help improve transit safety and security by by security and safety transit improve Help valleymetro.org/saleslocations •• SelectSelect thethe numbernumber ofof passespasses youyou wishwish toto buy.buy. •• Weekdays,Weekdays, 66 a.m.a.m. -- 88 p.m.p.m. companionship or emotional support are not not are support emotional or companionship LightLight RailRail RAPIDRAPID triptriptrip bybyby touchingtouchingtouching youryouryour cardcardcard tototo thethethe orangeorangeorange AirportAirport fromfrom thethe 44th44th St/WashingtonSt/Washington stationstation usingusing onon thethe pass.pass. BothBoth All-DayAll-Day andand multi-daymulti-day passespasses For a complete list of retail locations, visit visit locations, retail of list complete a For you do not block aisles or doorways. or aisles block not do you of daily living. Animals which o er protection, protection, er o which Animals living. daily of ®® TRANSIT WATCH TRANSIT sensorsensor atat aa farefare vendingvending machine.machine. PHXPHX SkySky TrainTrain ... SkySkySky TrainTrainTrain providesprovidesprovides freefreefree ridesridesrides tototo •• SelectSelect “Activate”“Activate” nownow (if(if youyou areare planningplanning toto rideride expireexpire atat 2:592:59 a.m.a.m. thethe nextnext day.day. •• Saturdays,Saturdays, 77 a.m.a.m. -- 77 p.m.p.m. also stand with your bike if the racks are full and and full are racks the if bike your with stand also individually trained to assist its handler with tasks tasks with handler its assist to trained individually accepted. allall terminalsterminals andand thethe EastEast EconomyEconomy parkingparking lot.lot. immediately)immediately)immediately) ororor waitwaitwait tototo activateactivateactivate tototo useuseuse atatat aaa laterlaterlater •• SundaysSundays andand designateddesignated holidays,holidays, symbol and place your bike in the rack. You may may You rack. the in bike your place and symbol •• ArriveArrive atat thethe busbus stopstop oror railrail stationstation fifi veve their service animals. A service animal must be be must animal service A animals. service their verify stock, store hours and methods of payment payment of methods and hours store stock, verify ServiceService operatesoperates 365365 daysdays aa year,year, 2424 hourshours aa day,day, date.date. TheThe 1-Ride1-Ride farefare isis automaticallyautomatically activatedactivated All-Day,All-Day, 7-Day,7-Day, 15-Day15-Day andand 31-Day31-Day passespasses cancan bebe and exiting the train. the exiting and 88 a.m.a.m. -- 55 p.m.p.m. Enter the train at the doors nearest the bike bike the nearest doors the at train the Enter • • minutesminutes beforebefore scheduledscheduled departure.departure. BeBe Valley Metro welcomes people with disabilities and and disabilities with people welcomes Metro Valley 111 Pass types vary by location. Please call ahead to to ahead call Please location. by vary types Pass * Standard text messaging rates apply. rates messaging text Standard * withwith
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