In the Tabernacle God communicated to us through the Urim and Thummim, in the High-Priest’s breastplate. Now God speaks through your inner voice and conscience. He is saying: “Just do a little bit more for Me today.” NAME TTETZAVVEHETZAVVEH Tetzavveh MEANING GHY] “You should command” LINES IN TORAH SCROLL OIL FOR THE CANDELABRUM | 27:20–21 179 APPOINTMENT OF PRIESTS; PRIESTLY GARMENTS | 28:1–43 PARASHIYYOT INAUGURATION OF AARON AND HIS SONS | 29:1–46 2 open; 8 closed THE GOLDEN INCENSE ALTAR | 30:1–10 VERSES 101 WORDS 1412 LETTERS 5430 DATE 10 Tishri, 2449 LOCATION Mount Sinai KEY PEOPLE Moses, Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, Ithamar MITZVOT 4 positive; 3 prohibitions CHARACTER PROFILE LIGHT NAME Nadab and Abihu The western lamp in the Tabernacle burned continually; MEANING Nadab (“[God] has been the Jewish people are charged to be a “light unto generous”); Abihu (“He is my Father”) the nations,” spreading light and goodness to the PARENTS whole world (27:20). Aaron and Elisheba GRANDFATHERS Amram, Amminadab SIBLINGS Eleazar and Ithamar ACHIEVEMENTS Were deputy high priests; BEAUTY were mourned by the whole Jewish people The priestly garments were made from the most lavish KNOWN FOR materials and put together by skilled artists. Make Never married; entered the Holy of Holies and offered sure that all the rituals that you perform are done in an unauthorized fire; desired so strongly to connect with the most beautiful way possible, and then you will God that their souls left their physical bodies and did not honor God (28:2). return; their physical bodies were kept intact and they were pulled from the Holy of Holies by their clothing and then buried INNER DEVOTION There were two altars in the Tabernacle: a copper altar outside in the courtyard, and a golden altar within the Sanctuary. Worshiping God has two elements: the public service of action and then the inner service of the heart and its feelings for God (30:6). ĐđĢĦ Ď:ēė - ė:Ēė ĦđĚĥ ø Ā ĦƀāĘúİĄÿĐøĘ ĤāđŭČĀăĚÿĘ ĦĕĦĀăė Ųü ĖŷĀĒ ĦüĕƀÿĒ ěþĚžþĥ Ĉ Ėĕ ŸþĘ ýČ đƃēøă ģüĕøđ ĘųýČĀĤøĉĥüĕ ĕž ýĜ øăčąĦ þČ ć ĐžđÿĢøă þ Ħă ĐźĀĦÿČøđă 20 đĕŷ ĀĜ Āčđă ěƂāĤ úĐĄ ÿČ āđĦāČ ƃ ĖāĤƄø úİĄ ÿĕ ĦųĂďýİĄĀĐąĘÿİ ĤžþĥúČ Ĉ ĦþėŸāĤĀĠÿĘă ġđƃēüă Ě Ƅď ýİ āđĚ ĘþĐžāČøăč 21 :ďĕĚĀ Ąü Ħă ĤŲ ýĜ ĝ :ĘĄýČĀĤøĉĥüĕ ĕƀ ýĜ øăč ĦŲýČýĚ ęŰĀĦāĤāď ž øĘ ŵę ĀĘ āđĞ ĦģĂēſăÿ Đŭ ĀđāĐøĕ ĕž ýĜ øĠ üĘ ĤþģŲāăčąďÿİ čþĤƀþİýĚ Ėāđŷø Ħüă Ě āđĦüČ ų ă đĕž ĀĜ ĀăčąĦþČøđ ĖĕĀ ŸüēĀČ ěƃāĤúĐĄÿČąĦþČ ĖĕƄĀ ƄþŠ ýČ čžýĤøģÿĐ ĐŽĀĦÿČøđă 1 ĕƀ ýĜ øăč ĤŲĀĚĀĦĕ ĄüČøđ Ĥƀ ĀĒ ĀİøĘ þČ ČđŷĐĕüčúČĄÿđă čƂĀďĀĜ ěűāĤúĐĄÿČ ĕŭüĘąāđĜ úĐĄÿėøĘ ĘŲýČĀĤøĉĥüĕ ĕƀ ýĜ øăč ēė ŵĤ ýăčďø ÿ Ħă ĐųĀĦÿČøđă 3 :ĦþĤĄĀČøĠüĦøĘđă ďāđŲčĀėøĘ ĖĕŭüēĀČĀ ěžāĤ úĐĄ ÿČøĘ ĥþĈ ďŲāģąĕďøĎüč ý ĦĕĀ ƀüĉĥĀİøđ 2 :ěĄāĤ úĐĄ ÿČ āđĥøăďÿ Ų Ĉ ģøĘ ěŷāĤ úĐĄ ÿČ ĕƂýďøĎüăčąĦþČ đźĉĥĀİøđă ĐŭĀĚøėĀē ÿē đžă Ĥ đĕĦČ Ųü Ęüă ý Ě ĤƀþĥúČ Ĉ čŰýĘąĕýĚøėÿēąĘĀăėąĘþČ Also, oil does not mix with other liquids; it always remains on top (Exodus Rabbah). !roughout history it has been astonishing that, despite their hardships, Israel has remained 500 above its tormenters, neither intermingling with them nor imitating their way of life (Rabbi Abraham b. Jacob Saba, 15 th century). !ey should bring to you. Normally, when the Torah issues a command about the construction of the Tabernacle and its contents, we "nd that the expression “You should make” is used. Here, however, this would be inappropriate, since the Jewish people would not have had any fresh olives with them in the desert from which olive oil could be produced. So how could they be told to “make” olive oil? Rather, the command to donate olive oil must have been ful"lled using olive oil which the Jewish people 28:1 Every sacrifice must involve already had with them—oil which they took out of the three divisions of Israel: Egypt. !erefore, the verse says, “!ey should bring Priests, who perform the sacrificial to you clear olive oil,” since it was the existing olive ritual; Levites, who accompany oil that needed to be collected and passed before the sacrifice with song; and the Moses for inspection, to see if it was of su#cient Israelite, who offers the sacrifice. th quality (Nahʑ manides, 13 century). All three are necessary as they 28:1 Draw Aaron your brother close. God chose reflect the triad of essential Divine Aaron as an intermediary between Himself and the attributes: Priest=Hesedʑ (kindness), Jewish people, to teach them how to serve Him, just Levite=Gevurah (severity) and as Moses had acted as an intermediary through Israelite=Rahamimʑ (mercy). which God had been given the Torah on earth. bites kabbalah But if the Levites are Gevurah how In other words, Moses was the intermediary could Aaron and his sons have through which Divine service descended into the originated from the Levite clan, world, and Aaron was to be the intermediary which is their polar opposite? through which Divine service would be carried out Because that is the way of God: He on earth, causing it to ascend heavenward. !erefore, can bring water from fire and fire it was necessary for Moses to bring Aaron “close” to from water. himself, elevating Aaron to his own level (Rabbi Meir Loeb Weisser, 19 th century). exodus 27:20 ! 28:3 tetzavveh parashat tetzavveh Oil for the Candelabrum 20 And you should command the children of Israel that they should bring to you clear olive oil, crushed for lighting, to ignite the lamp (until it burns) continually. 21 In the Tent of Meeting, outside the partition that is in front of the (Ark of) Testi- mony, Aaron and his sons should arrange that it (has su!cient oil to burn) from evening to morning before God. "is is an eternal law for the children of Israel. Appointment of Priests—Priestly Garments 1 (When the Tabernacle is built,) you should draw Aaron your brother 28 close to you, together with his sons, (separating them) from the chil- dren of Israel, to serve Me as priests, i.e., Aaron, and Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar, Aaron’s sons. 501 2 You should make holy garments for your brother Aaron, for honor and splendor. 3 You shall speak to all the wise-hearted people, whom I have #lled with the spirit of wisdom, and they shall make Aaron’s garments to consecrate him, so that he can serve Me as a priest. 27:20 You should command. When the Jews sinned with the Golden Calf, Moses exclaimed to God that if He would not forgive the Jewish people then, “Please erase me from Your Book (the Torah) which You have written!” (32:32). !ere is a principle that the request of a saintly person (tzaddik) is always ful"lled unconditionally, regardless of any clauses that the tzaddik himself may attach to the request. In our case, even though the Jewish people were ultimately pardoned by God, Moses’ request to be erased from the Torah still had to be ful"lled 1. Why is light in some way. often used as a metaphor for For this reason, Moses’ name is not mentioned in this entire Torah spirituality? portion, so that in a subtle way, it could be said that he was “erased” from the Torah. !erefore, this portion begins, “And you should command,” avoiding any reference to Moses’ name directly (Rabbi th 2. Have you had Jacob b. Asher, 14 century). a “crushing” experience that Clear olive oil. !e olive oil had to be pure and free of sediment (Rashi, th proved to be 11 century). illuminating? !e olives themselves had to be pure. If they were decayed or partially eaten (by birds) they could not be used for oil production th 3. “God’s lamp (Rabbi Abraham ibn Ezra, 12 century). is man’s soul”; how often do you Olive oil, crushed for lighting. !e children of Israel are compared to Food for thought Food provide it with an olive since olive oil is produced only when the olive is crushed, and “fuel”? the children of Israel reveal their innermost and strongest values when they are “crushed” with su#ering (Babylonian Talmud, Menahʑ ot 53b). ĐđĢĦ đĔ-Ď:ēė ĦđĚĥ ġŲýăčøĥÿ ĈĦă ĦþĜƀāĦ øėđă Ęĕ ŰüİĚ ø đă ŵď āđĠ ýČøđ ěþĈĥſāē đųĉĥúİĄÿĕă ĤžþĥúČ Ĉ ęĕďĀĎøăčÿĐ Ÿü ĐþĘƃýČøđă 4 :ĕĄüĘąāđĜ úĐĄÿėøĘ đžēøă ģüĕ ŵę ýĐ øđ 5 :ĕĄüĘąāđĜ úĐĄÿėøĘ đĕŲĀĜ ĀčøĘđă ĖĕŷüēĀČĀ ěƀāĤ úĐĄ ÿČøĘ ĥþĈ ďŸāģąĕýďøĎüč đƃĉĥĀİøđă Ĕŭ ýĜ øč ÿČøđ ĦþĠžþĜøĢüĚ Ġ :ĥĄýĈĈ ĥÿĐąĦþČøđă ĕŲüĜĥÿĐ Āă Ĉ ĦÿİƀÿĘāđĦąĦă þČøđ ěŭĀĚĀĎøă ĤÿČĄĀĐąĦþČøđ ĦþĘŲýėøĦÿĐąĦþČøđă čŰĀĐĀĒÿĐąĦþČă :čĄýĈĥĉē ĐƀýĉĥúİĄÿĚ ĤŲ ĀĒĥĀ ø Ĉ Ě ĥƀýĈĈ ĥøđ ĕŷ üĜĥ Ā Ĉ ĦÿİƂÿĘāđĦă ěŸĀĚĀĎøă ĤÿČøđ ĦþĘƃýėøĦă čżĀĐżĀĒ ďŭāĠýČĄĀĐąĦþČ đŲĉĥĀİøđă 6 ĤžþĥúČ Ĉ ŵāđĦĀăďĂĠúČ čþĈĥſýēøđ 8 :ĤĄĀăčĂēøđ đĕŲĀĦāđĢøģ ĕƀ ýĜĥąĘ ø Ĉ þČ āđĘąĐþĕă ŷ øĐĄüĕ ĦųāĤøčĄāē ĦžāĠýĦøė ĕƂýĦøĈă ĥ 7 :ĤĄ ĀĒĥĀ ø Ĉ Ě ĥƀýĈ ĥøđ Ĉ ĕŲüĜĥ Ā Ĉ ĦÿİƀÿĘāđĦøđ ěŷĀĚĀĎøă ĤÿČøđ ĦþĘƂýėøĦă čųĀĐĀĒ Đŭ þĕ øĐĄüĕ đăĜžþăă ĚüĚ đĐŲýĉĥúİĄÿă Ěøăė đĕ ŰĀĘĀİ ŵĐĥüĈ Āă Ĉ ĥ 10 :ĘĄýČĀĤøĉĥüĕ ĕƀ ýĜ øăč ĦāđŲĚøĈĥ ęŰþĐĕ ýĘúİ ĦøēÿžĀă ĦüĠă đă ęÿĐŭāĈĥąĕýĜ øčÿČ ĕŲýĦøĈă ĥąĦ þČ ĦøēÿŰĀă ģž ĀĘøđ 9 ĦĕŲüĜĥÿĐ ýă Ĉ ěþčƀþČĀĐąĘÿİ ęĕĤĀ ŷüĦāđĄăĜÿĐ ĐƂĀĥüĈă ĈĥÿĐă ĦāđźĚøĈĥąĦ þČøđ ĦŭĀēþČĄĀĐ ěþčžþČĀĐ ĘŲÿİ ęŰĀĦāĚĥü øă Ĉ Ě ęĕŰüĜ ĀčúČĄĀĐ ĕžýĦøĈă ĥąĦ þČ ŵēĦÿĠø ÿă Ħă ęųĀĦāē ĕžýēđă Ħüă Ġă Ůě þč ŮþČ ĥÿƉĈĤĀē ĐžýĉĥúİĄÿĚ 11 :ęĄĀĦāď øĘāđĦøăė Ą 502 ąĦ þČ ĦøźĀă Ěÿĉĥøđ 12 :ęĄĀĦāČ ĐƀþĉĥúİĄÿĦă čŲĀĐĀĒ ĦāđƀĢøăčøĈĥüĚ ĦŷāăčÿĝĄĂĚ ĘŭýČĀĤøĉĥüĕ ĕž ýĜ øăč ĦŲāĚĥąĘ ø Ĉ ÿİ ąĦ þČ ěƃāĤúĐĄÿČ ƄČ Āĉĥ ĀĜ øđ ĘŭýČĀĤøĉĥüĕ ĕž ýĜ øč üĘ ěŲāĤ ĀăėüĒ ĕƀ ýĜ øč ÿČ ďŰāĠýČĄĀĐ ĦžāĠøĦüăė ĘŶÿİ ęĕųüĜ ĀčúČĄĀĐ ĕžýĦøĈă ĥ SECOND ĦŲāĢøăčøĈĥüĚ ĦĕĀ ƀüĉĥĀİøđ 13 [READING] ĝ :ěĄāĤ ĀăėüĒ øĘ đĕŲĀĠýĦøė ĕƀýĦøĈă ĥąĘ ÿİ Đŷ ĀđāĐ øĕ ĕƂ ýĜ øĠ üĘ ęŸĀĦāđĚøĈĥ ĐŷĀĦÿă ĦĄ ĀĜ øđ Ħŭāčúİ ĐžýĉĥúİĄÿĚ ęŲĀĦāČ ĐƀþĉĥúİĄÿĦă ĦŷāĘĀăčøĎüĚ ĤāđŰĐĀĔ čžĀĐĀĒ ŵĦāĤĥø ø Ĉ ĤÿĈĥ ĕſýĦøĈă ĥđă 14 :čĄĀĐĀĒ ĐžýĉĥúİĄÿĚ ŵĔĠøĈ Āă ĥüĚ ěþĈĥſāē ĦĕĀ ŸüĉĥĀİøđ 15 ĝ :ĦĄāĢøăčøĈĥüăĚĄÿĐąĘÿİ ĦŲāĦāč úİĄ ĀĐ ĦƀāĤĥø ø Ĉ ĤÿĈĥąĦ þČ ĤŲ ĀĒĥĀ ø Ĉ Ě ĥƀýĈ ĥøđ Ĉ ĕŷ üĜĥ Ā Ĉ ĦÿİƂÿĘāđĦøđ ěŸĀĚĀĎøă ĤÿČøđ ĦþĘƃýėøĦă čżĀĐżĀĒ đăĜŭþĉĥúİĄÿă Ħă ďŲāĠýČ ĐƀýĉĥúİĄÿĚøăė čŰýĈĥĉē which he would gird himself, was an indication of his trust in God which always supported him.
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