75¢ VOLUME 07 • NUMBER 23 PSALM 100:3 June 8, 2021 MORGAN COUNTY WEATHER THIS WEEK Moonshine & Mud Veteran of the Week Thomas P. Payne The weekend was packed full of great People came from all over to hole tournament, chili cookoff, bbq sauce things to do in Morgan County. One attend the event. Vendors, food, games, contest, and much more. of those was the Moonshine and Mud crafts, live music, and the Mud Sling were Johnboy says he is ready for next festival hosted by Johnboy’s BBQ at the all a part of the fun. years event to be a 2 day festival to pack Morgan County Fairgrounds. There was a mullet contest, corn- in all the fun. LEO of the Week The Badge Redmon Returns Inside This Edition Obits Page 2 Local Page 3 History Page 4 Games Page 5 Faith, Family Freedom Page 6 American Heritage Page 8 Heroes Page 9 Trending Page 10 After a short rest, Tom We are grateful Redmon has returned to to have him be a part of Like & Follow us writing. He took a short our paper but more im- on Social Media. break just to get some portantly a fixture in the rest but is back bringing Morgan County fabric. you the articles that you He is truly a treasure. enjoy so much. Tuesday, Page 2 In Loving Memory June 8, 2021 Loreen Bunch, 73 Jerry Dean Phillips, 54 Loreen Bunch, age 73 of Devo- Also surviving are several niec- Jerry Dean Phillips, age 54, of wife, Paulette Phillips of Coal- nia passed away at her home es, nephews and other friends Devonia passed away Sunday, field; nephews, Kevin Ward, on Saturday, May 29, 2021. and family. May 30, 2021 at his home. He Bradley Phillips, Cody Woods, She was preceded in death by was a member of Free Commu- Robert Huckaby, Dusty Bunch; her parents Shadrice and Lille The family will receive friends nion Baptist Church. He played nieces, Rebekah Parchman, Mae Patterson Bunch; brothers on Tuesday, June 1, 2021 from guitar, sung in church and wrote Amy Young, Mahaley Huckaby, Randall and Emer Bunch; sis- 12-2 pm Schubert Funeral many gospel songs. He loved and Laura; mother-in-law, Elma ters Geneva York and Rachel Home Wartburg. Funeral ser- his family dearly and enjoyed Huckaby; father-in-law, Charles Patrick. vices will follow at 2 pm with hunting, fishing, ginsenging, Huckaby; brother-in-law, Char- Bro. Gary Armes officiating, in- and playing bluegrass and blue- lie Robert Huckaby and wife, Surviving her are Husband ternment will follow in the Bunch grass gospel music. Junelle Hileman. Stanley (Big Mo) Bunch. Cemetery, Devonia, TN. Brothers: Lowell (Gladys) He is preceded in death by his The family will receive friends Bunch Schubert Funeral Home is hon- father, Elmer Phillips; brother, Wednesday, June 2, 2021, Verlon (Faye) Bunch ored to serve the family of Lo- Roger Phillips; sister-in-law, at Schubert Funeral Home in Walter (Maxine) Bunch reen Bunch. Jenny Phillips. Wartburg from 5:00-7:00 p.m. Funeral services will be Thurs- He is survived by his loving wife day at Free Communion Bap- of 32 years, Loretta Crabtree tist Church in Devonia at 11:00 Obituaries must come from a funeral home to be in the newspaper. Phillips; son, Eric Austin of Clin- a.m. with Bro. Odis Phillips, Bro. ton and Jacob and wife, Bridgett Kevin Ward and Bro. Eric Austin Phillips of Coalfield; grandson, officiating. Interment will follow Landon Austin and grandson in the Phillips Cemetery in De- on the way; mother, Jewel Phil- vonia. Send Letters to the Editor lips of Devonia sister, Lisa and husband Tim of Coalfield; broth- Schubert Funeral Home is hon- ers, Michael B. and wife, Joyce ored to serve the family of Jerry [email protected] Phillips of Clinton and Jeff and Dean Phillips. Sunbright Honor Roll Sunbright High School 4th Nine Finn Rodgers Willie Phaler Weeks Honor Roll Addison Shannon Jozie Shelton Cameron Simmons Highest Honors Honors Callie Smith Kendra Adkins Megan Bilyeu Ashlin Trent Alex Buchanan Lindsey Brown Jasmine Collins Stanley Cooper High Honors Kiersten De La Cruz Charlee Hawn Lindsey Brown Shannon Freels Logan Kreis John Hamby John Hamby Casie Newport Charlee Hawn Lucas Morgan Alley Shannon Kristen James Olivia Newport Andru Stone Katelyn Massey Holly Nitzschike Michael Webb Lucas Morgan Alexis Northrup Casie Newport Graycie Ostermayer Sunbright High School 2nd Se- Graycie Ostermayer Willie Phaler mester Honor Roll Finn Rodgers Jozie Shelton Addison Shannon Cameron Simmons Highest Honors Michael Webb Callie Smith Kendra Adkins Alex Buchanan Honors High Honors Jamsine Collins Gavin Carpenter Austin Frogge Keirsten De La Cruz Stanley Cooper Erica Hendrick Shannon Freels Logan Kreis Kristen James Austin Frogge Justin Newberry Katelyn Letner Olivia Newport Mykenzie Phillips Andrea Overton Holly Nitzschke Alauna Redmon Mykenzie Phillips Alexis Northrup Alley Shannon Andru Stone Tommy Lee Francis: Publisher Published Mail Delivery Subcriptions every Tuesday Call 423-346-2329 Email: [email protected] by Morgan Heather Francis: Editor County Today, Postmaster: Send address changes to Email: [email protected] LLC P.O. Box 451, Wartburg, TN 37887 P.O. Box Rates in Morgan County 451 Periodical postage paid at Wartburg, TN 510 Main $40; $35 for senior citizens & Veterans USPS Publication Number Street Out of County Rates (15400) Wartburg, $55; $50 for senior citizens & Veterans TN 37887 Tuesday, June 8, 2021 Local Page 3 Disappeared: Chapter 1: Part 2 Nick, Maggie, Chris & the trees showed a sky that was colored with blue and purple hues. Evie-Day 1 Up ahead, a small herd of elk made their way slowly across Maggie continued scouring woods the path. The bull was in front followed closely by four fe- for a moment. “Well, that’s possible. males. They were magnificent creatures. Much larger than a The trees can cast some deep sha- common deer. The bull trumpeted to keep his females mo- dows, and the woods are very dense ving. They seemed oblivious to the human presence, but they along through here. I’m sure it was were used to humans being in the area. just a shadow. But if there really is a Nick threw his hand up in the air signaling everyone to stop. Carol Hall bear-or a person-out there, I hope they They all came to a standstill to allow the elk to pass. Though Author just continue on their merry ole way, the elk seemed unfazed by their presence, Nick was taking no and leave us alone. It’s not uncommon to meet other people chances of scaring them or making them mad. He respected along the trails, but we don’t want to run into any bears.” all wildlife and knew the dangers of approaching a wild ani- They hurried along the trail until they caught back up with the mal. men again. As they walked and talked, they put the incident The elk continued across the path until they entered the out of their minds. It was so peaceful and quiet along the trail woods and disappeared. Nick lowered his arm and started that they easily slipped back into happy, relaxed conversation. walking again. The others followed. Everyone remained quiet They walked for another hour when Nick called for everyone until they were sure the elk were gone. to take a break. Even though the sun was partially obscured The forest was alive with the sound of twittering birds and by the canopy of trees, it was still hot, and a break was a squirrels rustling in the leaves. A gentle breeze ruffled the welcome relief. tops of the trees. Sweat was rolling down Maggie’s back as Nick was in a hurry to reach the camp- she took off her backpack and set it down site. Even though it was only mid-after- next to a fallen tree that lay along the path. noon, darkness would blanket the forest She plunked down on the log and pulled a in only a few short hours. Once it got water bottle out of her pack. Twisting the dark, finding their way would be tricky lid off, she tipped the bottle up and drank and dangerous, even with the aids of until the contents were gone. flashlights. Nick sat down beside her and did the same. As they made their way farther along He was sweating and flushed. Maggie knew the trail, a very eerie stillness settled he needed the break as badly as she did. over the area. No more birds or squirrel Chris and Evie plopped down on the other sounds. No more rustling leaves. Even end of the log. Pulling water out of their the breeze seemed to have stopped. packs, they drank till their bottles were Evie stopped dead in her tracks and empty, too. grabbed Chris’s hand. “Where did all the They were not used to hiking the way noise go?” she asked in a hushed tone, as Maggie and Nick were, and the hot tempe- if she, too, felt she needed to be quiet. ratures, and rugged terrain, were taking a Nothing moved, nothing made a sound toll on them. It was obvious to Maggie that as the four of them stood there. they were very grateful for the rest. “Maggie, have you ever had this happen They all sat in silence for a few minutes while they before?” Nick asked, turning to look at her. rested and caught their breaths. “Uh, no,” she answered, trying to sound unconcerned. “I’m Placing her water bottle back in her pack, Maggie pulled out sure it’s nothing.
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