OPEN ACCESS The Journaf of Threafened Taxa fs dedfcafed fo buffdfng evfdence for conservafon gfobaffy by pubffshfng peer-revfewed arfcfes onffne every monfh af a reasonabfy rapfd rafe af www.fhreafenedfaxa.org . Aff arfcfes pubffshed fn JoTT are regfsfered under Creafve Commons Afrfbufon 4.0 Infernafonaf Lfcense unfess ofherwfse menfoned. JoTT affows unresfrfcfed use of arfcfes fn any medfum, reproducfon, and dfsfrfbufon by provfdfng adequafe credff fo fhe aufhors and fhe source of pubffcafon. Journaf of Threafened Taxa Buffdfng evfdence for conservafon gfobaffy www.fhreafenedfaxa.org ISSN 0974-7907 (Onffne) | ISSN 0974-7893 (Prfnf) Communfcaffon A sfudy on fhe densffy, popufaffon sfrucfure and regeneraffon of Red Sanders Pferocarpus sanfaffnus (Fabafes: Fabaceae) fn a profecfed nafuraf habffaf - Srf Lankamaffeswara Wffdfffe Sancfuary, Andhra Pradesh, Indfa Chenchu Ankafafah, Thondafadfnne Masfan & Muffangf Srfdhar Reddy 26 Sepfember 2017 | Vof. 9| No. 9 | Pp. 10669–10674 10.11609/jof. 2869 .9. 9. 10669-10674 For Focus, Scope, Afms, Poffcfes and Gufdeffnes vfsff hfp://fhreafenedfaxa.org/Abouf_JoTT For Arfcfe Submfssfon Gufdeffnes vfsff hfp://fhreafenedfaxa.org/Submfssfon_Gufdeffnes For Poffcfes agafnsf Scfenffc Mfsconducf vfsff hfp://fhreafenedfaxa.org/JoTT_Poffcy_agafnsf_Scfenffc_Mfsconducf For reprfnfs confacf <[email protected]> Pubffsher/Hosf Parfner Threafened Taxa Journaf of Threafened Taxa | www.fhreafenedfaxa.org | 26 Sepfember 2017 | 9(9): 10669–10674 A sfudy on fhe densffy, popufaffon sfrucfure and regeneraffon of Red Sanders Pferocarpus sanfaffnus Communfcaffon (Fabafes: Fabaceae) fn a profecfed nafuraf habffaf - ISSN 0974-7907 (Onffne) Srf Lankamaffeswara Wffdfffe Sancfuary, Andhra Pradesh, Indfa ISSN 0974-7893 (Prfnf) Chenchu Ankafafah 1 , Thondafadfnne Masfan 2 & Muffangf Srfdhar Reddy 3 OPEN ACCESS 1,2,3 Deparfmenf of Envfronmenfaf Scfence, Yogf Vemana Unfversffy, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh 516216, Indfa 3 [email protected] (correspondfng aufhor), 2 [email protected], 3 [email protected] Absfracf: Pferocarpus sanfaffnus fs a hfghfy vafued medfum-sfzed fegumfnous endemfc free wffh a resfrfcfed range fn fhe soufhern Easfern Ghafs decfduous foresfs. The enumerafon fn four 1ha pfofs has yfefded a fofaf of 878 Red Sanders free fndfvfduafs (≥30cm gfrfh af breasf hefghf - gbh) wffh a range of 165–246 fndfvfduafs per ha and 9–51 fndfvfduafs per 0.01ha. The sfze cfass sfrucfure reveafed fhaf fhe majorffy of fndfvfduafs occurred fn fower gbh cfasses wffh 364 fndfvfduafs (39.5%) fn 30–50 cm gbh cfass and 420 fndfvfduafs (45.6%) fn 51–70 cm gbh cfass, whffe fn fhe hfgher gbh cfass (71–90 cm gbh) onfy 129 fndfvfduafs (14%) and seven fndfvfduafs fn >90cm gbh cfass were recorded. Overaff fhe popufafon sfrucfure fndfcafed a fow rafo change fn fower gbh cfasses suggesfng a sfabfe popufafon. A hfgher percenfage of fffe sfages fn recruffmenf sfage ffke seedffngs and sapffngs fhan frees was observed and fhe feafure of re-sproufng from roofs afer fre damage was afso recorded. A boffeneck progress from regenerafng frees fo aduff frees was nofced, may be due fo sfow growfh of fhe specfes. Hfgh sfem densffy and presence of fndfvfduafs fn aff fhe regenerafng and reproducfve cfasses suggesf fhaf Red Sanders fs foferanf fo mffd dfsfurbance. Buf fhe drasfc reducfon fn fhe densffy fn hfgher gbh cfass refecfs fhe concern for recruffmenf fn fufure as ff may afecf fhe seed oufpuf due fo foss of reproducfvefy ff mafure frees. Keywords: Coppfcfng, endemfc, muffpfe sfems, popufafon sfrucfure, sproufs. DOI : hfp://dof.org/10.11609/jof. 2869 .9. 9.10669-10674 Edffor: Ravf Prasad Rao , Srf Krfshnadevaraya Unfversffy, Ananfapuramu, Indfa. Dafe of pubffcafon: 26 Sepfember 2017 (onffne & prfnf) Manuscrfpf defaffs: Ms # 2869 | Recefved 08 January 2017 | Ffnaf recefved 30 March 2017 | Ffnaffy accepfed 02 June 2017 Cffafon: Ankafafah, C., T. Masfan & M.S. Reddy (2017). A sfudy on fhe densffy, popufafon sfrucfure and regenerafon of Red Sanders Pferocarpus sanfaffnus (Fabafes: Fabaceae) fn a profecfed nafuraf habffaf - Srf Lankamaffeswara Wffdfffe Sancfuary, Andhra Pradesh, Indfa . Journaf of Threafened Taxa 9(9): 10669–10674 ; hfp://dof.org/10.11609/jof. 2869 .9. 9.10669-10674 Copyrfghf: © Ankafafah ef af. 2017 . Creafve Commons Afrfbufon 4.0 Infernafonaf Lfcense. JoTT affows unresfrfcfed use of fhfs arfcfe fn any medfum, reproduc - fon and dfsfrfbufon by provfdfng adequafe credff fo fhe aufhors and fhe source of pubffcafon. Fundfng: MOEF&CC, New Defhf (14-63-2013 RE). Compefng fnferesfs: The aufhors decfare no compefng fnferesfs. Aufhor Defaffs and Confrfbufon: Dr. M. Srfdhar Reddy fs workfng as Assfsfanf Professor. Hfs fnferesfs are foresf ecofogy and foresf managemenf. He has confrfbufed fo fhe manuscrfpf fn fhe form of fefd work and manuscrfpf preparafon. C. Ankafafah fs presenffy workfng as junfor projecf feffow fn MOEF&CC projecf and he was acfvefy fnvofved fn fefd work and manuscrfpf preparafon. T. Masfan fs presenffy workfng as junfor projecf feffow fn UGC projecf and pursufng PhD work and he has parfcfpafed equaffy fn fefd work and as weff fn manuscrfpf preparafon. Acknowfedgemenfs: The fnancfaf supporf by fhe Mfnfsfry of Envfronmenf Foresfs and Cffmafe Change, N.Defhf (MOEF&CC projecf 14-63-2013-RE) fs fhankfuffy acknowfedged. The aufhors fhank fhe Andhra Pradesh Foresf Deparfmenf for gfvfng permfssfon and supporf fo underfake fefd work fn fhe foresf. 10669 Density, population structure and regeneration of Red Sanders Ankalaiah et al. INTRODUCTION Field methods and data analysis The study on the assessment of Pterocarpus Pterocarpus santalinus (Family Faboideae) santalinus population in SLWS is part of a Ministry of commonly referred to as Red Sanders is an Endangered Environment, Forests & Climate Change (MoEFCC) tree species endemic to the dry deciduous forests of project. The field work was undertaken in four study the southern Eastern Ghats of Andhra Pradesh (CAMP plots of 1ha each namely LKM1 (14.6166 N & 78.9327 Workshops on Medicinal Plants, India (January 1997) E), LKM2 (114.6539 N & 78.9505 E), NPK1 (14.5677 N & 1998). Its natural habitat is hilly terrains and dry slopes 78.9463 E) and NPK2 (14.430 N & 78.9558 E). The field with an altitude range of 300–800 m in Kadapa and work was carried out from 07 August 2015 to 25 October Sheshachalam hill ranges (Raju & Nagaraju 1998). Red 2015 with permission from the Andhra Pradesh Forest Sanders is a valuable timber species with multiple uses. Department. Each 1ha area comprised 10 10x100 belt A natural dye ‘santalin’ is extracted from its heartwood transects with at least 50m distance among them and which is used as a coloring agent in pharmaceutical all Pterocarpus santalinus tree individuals >30cm girth at preparations, food items, leather and textile industries. 1.3m height (gbh) were enumerated. Along with trees all The paste/tonic prepared from its wood is used in seedlings (<40 cm height), saplings (40–150 cm height) treating diabetes, skin diseases, fever and to improve and regenerating trees (10–30 cm gbh) of Pterocarpus eyesight (Jadhav 2008). The timber is high in demand in santalinus were recorded in the transects (Image 1). Japan and China for its exquisite color to prepare luxury The enumerated trees are categorized into different furniture, carvings and for its superior acoustic qualities gbh classes to determine the population structure. in preparing musical instruments (Mulliken & Crofton Similarly, the population structure of adult trees and 2008). Owing to its high demand, the trees are logged regeneration plants was made using the mean frequency for the heartwood and billets of cleaned heartwood are values based on the abundance at 0.01 (10x100 scale). smuggled from even interior inaccessible forest areas. SPSS version 20 was used to calculate mean, standard This kind of exploitation is affecting recruitment, seed error and to draw bar diagrams. Kolmogorov-Smirnov output and age structure of the population. The aim of (K-S) goodness of fit test, contingency table and chi- the study is to generate baseline information about the square test were carried out based on Zar (1999). Linear density, regeneration and population structure in terms regression between gbh mid point ln (mi) and density of girth classes of the Red Sanders tree in relatively less of individuals in each gbh class ln (Ni+1) was done to disturbed protected area - Sri Lankamalleswara Wildlife determine the recruitment status by analyzing the Sanctuary (SLWS) affected by natural fires, browsing and slope and regression coefficient. Horizontal spread of dead wood collection; which will be useful in monitoring canopy (D1) and vertical spread from the first joint of the and managing the target species in well protected as target tree (D2) were added (D1+D2) and a relation with well as in highly disturbed natural habitat of the target respect to tree height was analysed. species. Study area RESULTS SLWS covers an area of about 15,135ha in the hill ranges of the southern Eastern Ghats, extending between A total of 878 Pterocarpus santalinus tree individuals 14.66–14.73 N & 78.900–78.983 E in Kadapa District (≥30cm gbh) were recorded in the four 1ha study plots. of Andhra Pradesh. The sanctuary area comprises dry The range of occurrence is 165–246 individuals per ha mixed deciduous forest type with Pterocarpus santalinus and 9–51 individuals per 0.01ha. The size class structure - Anogeissus latifolia - Hardwickia binata combination revealed that the majority of individuals are confined to of dominant trees exposed to grazing and annual lower gbh classes with 364 individuals (39.5%) in 30– fires (Champion & Seth 1968). The topography in the 50 cm gbh class and 420 individuals (45.6%) in 51–70 forested area comprises valleys and hills in the range cm gbh class totaling to 784 individuals (85.1%). The of 190–480 m with prominent quartzite outcrops. The higher 71–90 cm gbh class has 129 individuals (14%) soil is red ferruginous loam, shallow and nutrient poor. and only seven individuals are present in >90cm gbh The temperature is between 13–45 0C and the region class (Fig.
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