Heritage Statement Prepared for Heritage Western Cape Submitted in terms of Section 34 of the National Heritage Resources Act 25 of 1999 as a result of an intention to redevelop by means of Additions & Alterations Erf 342 (Lot 98, consolidated Erven 98 & 340) Taillard Street Arniston (Waenhuiskrans) Cape Agulhas Municipality prepared by Raymond Smith November 2013 Fig.1 View acros Markusbaai from the harbour with Erf 342 in the centre - thatched roof and gable ends C 2013 Contents 1. Executive Summary - p3 2. Statutory and Policy Framework - p4 3. Introduction - p5 4. Location and Context - p5 5. Description of Site/ Buildings and Identification of Resources - p10 6. Historical background of Cultural context - p17 7. History of Site and Ownership - p18 8. Interested & Affected Parties: Consultations and Comments - p20 9. Analysis and Statement of Cultural Significance with Grading - p20 10.Design Indicators, Informants and Constraints - p22 11.Development Proposal: Additions & Alterations - p24 12.Assessment of Impacts - p28 13.Conclusion - p28 14.Recommendation - p29 Heritage Statement HeritageStatement – 15.List of Figures - p29 Arniston 16. Sources & References - p30 , 342 Erf 2 1. Executive Summary 1.1 Purpose of this Report It is the intention with this Heritage Statement to identify, analyse and propose a grading of significance to heritage resources related to consolidated Erf 432 (Lot 98, Erven 98 and 340). With this information, design indicators and informants will be established allowing an assessment of impacts by the proposal on resources in order to inform the redevelopment application for Additions & Alterations. By so doing, satisfy the requirements of Section 34 of the National Heritage Resources Act 25 of 1999 and thereby assist HWC in their decision making process when considering the application for a permit to alter and introduce additions to a structures older than 60 years on the site. 1.2 Location of Resource(s) The property is prominently located in a residential zone on the sea front edge in Taillard Street, in one of three Cape Agulhas Municipality Town Planning Scheme designated heritage precincts of Arniston which lies 24 kilometers south of Bredasdorp.The area is referred to as “Arniston Old Town” which is the area east of Pratt Street and north of Cliff Street. Fig. 3 on page 7 indicates the heritage area referred to while demonstrating the properties’ relationship with other resources such as the Grade 1 Kassiesbaai fishing village to the north and its siting within the broader town context. 1.3 Description of Cultural Significance Historically the property is representative of the early evolution of cultural landscape and settlement patterns of the place and as such contributes much to the quality of the historic reading of the town. Originally the property formed part of the Arniston Downs farm dating back to 1836 when it was still a loan farm for grazing. The much altered architectural fabric still possess the scale and form of its earlier life with some authentic fabric intact. Aesthetically, its contribution to the broader visual-spatial character within the cultural landscape and quality of the heritage area is valuable for two reasons: Firstly it adds value to the setting and has a landmark quality which contributes to important vistas, enjoys visual linkages with other heritage resources, landscape elements and set pieces such as Kassiesbaai fishing village, old town centre, coastal walk and majestic views over Markusbaai and the coast. Secondly, it forms an important component of the greater collective character of the streetscape with its neighbours which combines to provide the genius loci of the precinct. These contextual relationships assists in constructing an historic narrative while allowing a morphological reading of Arniston which contributes to understanding the cultural evolution of place. This report proposes a grading of 3C. Heritage Statement HeritageStatement – 1.4 Recommendation It is therefore recommended that Heritage Western Cape endorse this Heritage Statement for having met the Arniston , requirements of Section 34 (1) of the National Heritage Act 25 of 1999 and in so doing grant a permit for the redevelopment in the form of Alterations & Additions to the property with the conditions as specified under design 342 indicators, informants and constraints in section 10 p22 & p23 of this report and reflected in revised proposed sketch plans Fig’s 26-29 on pages 24 to 27. Erf 3 2. Statutory and Policy Framework 2.1 Application Outline The owner(s) of Erf 342, Taillard street, Arniston, Mr De Villiers Graaff (trustee of Groenvlei Farms Trust) appointed architectural practitioner Mr Bobby Welman to produce sketch plans for possible redevelopment of the existing property which includes major Additions and Alterations to the dwelling. Mentioned sketch plans were shown to HWC who informed the owner that the site triggers Section 34 of NHR Act 25 of 1999 since the building fabric is older than 60 years and falls within a Heritage Area and therefore require that a Heritage Statement be produced. This report accompanies the official application and version 2 sketch plan proposal for a permit in response to the mentioned requirement. 2.2 Local Authority Planning Policies and Controls The Integrated Town Planning Scheme of Cape Agulhas Municiplity for Arniston, Cape Agulhas Spatial Development Framework of 2009, Conservation and Development Guidelines in accordance with Section 31 (1) of NHR Act and Municipal By-Laws Section 54 on regarding the protection and designation of heritage areas must be observed in reviewing planning policies and in this decision making process. 2.3 Statutory Requirements and Limits of Authority 2.3.1 Requirements In terms of the National Heritage Resources act 25 of 1999, Part 2: General protection, Section 34, “no person may alter or demolish any structure or part of a structure, which is older than 60 years without a permit issued by the relevant heritage resources authority.” This Heritage Statement is compiled in direct response to comply with such Act to identify and determine cultural significance of heritage resources which may be affected by an application for a permit to effect Alterations and Additions in order to assist the heritage management process. Since the site contains building fabric older than 60 years and since it falls within an identified heritage area, the developer has to produce the required Heritage Statement, prepared by a person approved by the responsible heritage resources agency. NEMA Act 107 of 1998 is triggered since the site is within 100 meters from the high water mark. Since the footprint will not be increased by more than 50 square meters to the back and since the excavations will be less than 5 cubic meters, a letter of acknowledgement will be required from the Department of Environmental Affairs Heritage Statement HeritageStatement – and Development Planning, confirming that an EIA will not be necessary. 2.3.2 Limits of Authority The relevant competent authority responsible for the issue of a permit to effect proposed Additions & Alterations in Arniston , this case is Heritage Western Cape and not the local Municipality. The local authority may not approve any proposed building plans for this site without approval from the PHRA first. The administrative process and 342 decisions must comply with the NHR Act 25 of 1999, NEMA Act 107 of 1998 and be in accordance with PAJA Act 3 of 2000, PAIA Act 2 of 2000 and the LUPO Ordinance 15 of 1985. Erf 4 3. Introduction This application for a permit is as a result of the owner, Groenvlei Farms Trust’s intention to do Alterations and Additions on a structure which is more than 60 years old in the resort coastal town of Arniston which is in need of maintenance and refurbishment. The client also wish to address inadequacies with regards waterproofing problems, functionality of internal and external planning while creating more accommodation for the family. In order to satisfy the requirements of Section 34 (1) of the National Heritage Resources Act 25 of 1999, it is the intention with this report to provide sufficient information on the history, context, site and structures on it to enable an assessment of significances and how the proposal may impact such. Further to this, design indicators and informants will be identified and articulated to assist the client’s re-development proposal which will be utilised to measure impacts and allow mitigation through establishing constraints. 4. Location and Context The property is located in the Cape Agulhas Municipal district, 24km south of Bredasdorp along the R 316, in the coastal resort village of Arniston, also known as Waenhuiskrans. Erf 342 is situated in an identified heritage area in Taillard Street referred to as “Arniston Old Town,” which has been known as a popular residential holiday destination. Taillard Street itself is still well intact in terms of original built form which forms an important backdrop for views from Kassiesbaai on the opposite side, the slipway, and the beach contributing much to the experience and sense of place. The property is prominently situated on the bend of Taillard street and visible from particularly the north and easterly directions. It commands spactacular views over other heritage resources such as harbour (slipway), Markusbaai and the well known fisherman village of Kassiesbaai to the north. (see Fig’s. 3, 4 & 5) The landscape character is picturesque with mostly traditional house typology of double pitch roofs with gable ends and white plastered and painted walls. Heritage Statement HeritageStatement – Arniston , 342 Erf 5 4.1 Location map Heritage Statement HeritageStatement – Arniston , 342 Fig.2 Location Map of Arniston within Western Cape Reader’s Digest Atlas of the World Erf 6 4.2 Location of site within Arniston in relation to other heritage resources Heritage Statement HeritageStatement – Fig.3 Present day Aerial photograph of Arniston (Green designated Heritage Areas.
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