RARITAN MOST PROGRESSIVE TOWNSHIP WITH THE SUBURBAN NEWSPAPER LARGEST IN GUARANTEED THIS AREA RDS CIRCULATION Voice of the Raritan Bay District" VOL. III. — No. 46. FORDS AND RARITAN TOWNSHIP FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 13, 1939. PRICE THREE CENTS DEATHS RISE To Be Honored Heads New Group RARITAN TOWNSHIP.—Ac- KEAS8EY WATER BAILEY REPORTS cording to the annual report of TOWNSHIP BOARD V. B. Skov, registrar of vital statistics, submited Tuesday Rumoured METERS FAIL TO LARGE INCREASE night to Director of Public Safe- NAMES TWO TO ty Victor Pedersen, township deaths, including those of the As We Rocsevelt hospital and the New Likelt!.., REGISTER USAGE IN RABID CASES Jersey Home for Disabled. Vet- ESTIMATE GROUP erans, rose approximately twen- ALSO ADOPTS TEMPORARY Well, the second week of the new year is fast drawing 4 HOUSES HOOKED UP TO 1 31 PERSONS GIVEN PAS- ty per cent last year. The re- to a close ... No suits, no threats, no errors . We did METER-SEVERAL MET- TEUR TREATMENT DUR- port revealed 163 recorded BUDGET OF $39,990 ERS JUMPED ING 1938 deaths as compared with 130 for PENDING FINAL SETUP however, receive several letters giving us some very good 1937. Deaths exceeded the 146 tips for use here . That's what we like . The more, KEASBEY.—As a result of a pre WOODBRIDGE.—"Rabies have births for 1938. The records al- RARITAN TOWNSHIP. — The the better ... Of the communications received, we feel lirninary survey made toy Michael been unusually prevalent during so show that seventy marriage township board of commissioners, Korczowski, newly appointed sup- the past year." So stated Health licenses were issued. at its regular meeting held Tues- you'd be interested in the following: erintendent of the Keasbey Watei Officer Harol^ J. Bailey in his an- day night, adopted a temporary System, it was learned this week nual report to the Township com- budget of $39,990 with which to "Dear Blabbering Reporter: that very few if any of the meters mittee in which he noted that carry on township business until owned by the Township are work- there were 82 reports of dog bite the final appropriations Lire pass- "A couple of days ago, last month, I received a thing we ing properly. For years the system cases, of which 14 cases were that PBA HEADS LIST ed for the fiscal year. use for starting a fire. After careful observation, I manag- has been conducted at a loss. of rabid dogs. In addition to the working budg ed to make out it was the Lighthouse Beacon, or Blatter, Although a complete report of '"Thirty-one persons were bitten et, the commissioners renamed the survey has not been made to by these rabid dogs," Bailey con- OF 1939 DONORS Commissioners J allies Forgionc or Somethin', and was very much surprised later to find the Township committee as yet, tinued, "which necessitated the and Henry Truger, Jr., as members out it was a newspaper. Township Attorney Leon E. Mc- Pasteur treatment for rabies. A Com. James Sehaffriek to the board of school estimate for Elroy said last night that Korczow nurriber of these cases were indig- FORDS.—Residents of the sec- TO 1SHJD UNIT another year. The mayor also serv- "The first thing that struck my eye was all about a Fire ski, accompanied by an expert of ents which made it necessary for ond ward, who recently formed es as a member of that body. ' the meter company, found three Com. Charles Alexander the health department to pay the the James Sehaffriek Association, $241.50 COLLECTED TO In. a resolution by Mayor Walter Commissioner stealing—allegedly—some of the taxpayers', FORDS. — The Knights and cases where four houses were i cost of serum administered. The elected Committeeman Sehaffriek DATE-RED CROSS' DO- C. Christensen, payment was ap- dough. Then I read about some guy bumping off a friend hooked up to one meter, two cases Squires will sponsor a supper- amount expended for rabies serum to head the new organization. proved on a $5,200 school bond, where two houses are hooked up dance Saturday evening, January in 1938 amounted to $88.75.1 might Other officers named included NATES BEDDING due January 22. A letter oE thanks he thought was an intruder. Then there were a couple of to one meter and one case where 28, at the Hotel Pines in .honor of add, that during these epidemics Michael Estok, vice president; was read from the New Brunswick items telling the politicians what they can do and where there was no meter at all. The ex- Commiteeman Charles J. Alexand- of rabies, we received the whole- William Toth, secretary; Victor WOODBRIDGE. — The Patrol- Lions club, for assistance given by pert also found several places er who was recently re-elected to hearted support of Mr. Moore, the Kucharek, treasurer: William Bald men's Benevolent Association, Lo- the commissioners at the former's they could go. Says I to me, 'Here's a dime novel for what? where the meters were jumped. the township committee. dog warden. During the year, erston, publicity director and John ral No. 38, led the list of contrib- Christmas party. Nothing. Good!' The function was decided upon $294.00 was expended in the work Hohol, sergeant-st-arms. utors to the Woodbridge Emerg- Korczowski also had difficulty 1 ency Squad fund this week with a James Kirkpatrick, tax collector, in locating curb stops. In most at a meeting of the group held at o£ ridding the Township of stray The next meeting of the associa- "The rest of the paper didn't amount to much. But, that the Pines Monday night. Stephen dogs." donation o£ $50. Sending the dona- reported a grand total of $657,- esses they have been filled over. tion will be held in the Fords Ca- tion, Patrolman Nels J. Lauritzen, (i67.53 in taxes collected last year. 'Rumoured' column—Heaven's sake, listen! If you should All the stops will have to be spot- Tanochik, president, was in charge sino next Tuesday evening, Janu- 1 of the session. recording secretary of the P. B. A., Current taxes for 1938 were $344,- by some hook or crook, mostly crook, get something on ted, dug up and capped . Contagious Diseases ary 17. Plans will be made at this wrote: 805.03. Collections for Deceiriber ot me, please, please do not print. Please! Let me know—I Testing the meters, Korczowski Ben Jensen, county probation According to Bailey, commun- time for a pig roast supper. last year totaled $114,861.19. found that when the faucets were officer, and Leon Ferbel, chief icable diseases in the Township "Dear Friends: will pay. Blackmailer, crook and son-and-so! squire, were appointed co-chair- "In answer to your appeal for as- Building Inspector William M. turned on only in a few cases did noticeably decreased in 1938. Dis- Thompson reported to the board the meters register. men of arrangements. They will eases reported during the past 12 sistance sent to this association, "Maybe, if I offered you a little graft, in the line of in- be assisted by Clarence Dillworth, please find enclosed a check for that there are a number of fire- months were as follows: damaged and dilapidated buildings side dope, you would probably forget about what 1 do William Handerhan, Michael J. Scai-let fever, 18; tuberculosis, DAMBACH NAMED $50.00 (fifty dollars) and accept, Germak, Recorder Alfred C. Urf- through me, the hearty thanks of in the township which represent a that my wife doesn't know about. Or do you want cold 55; diptheria, 1; chicken-pox, 7; menace to health and safety. The fer, Stephen Totin and Tankochik. measles, 12; whooping cough, 4; I he members of this association for cash? Being that I haven't enough cash to bribe you out OFFICERS NAMED the cuurtesies extended to our ail- mayor suggested that, a conference Tankochik named the following streptococcic throat, 1. BY ASSOCIATION be held between the building in- of a story about me, I'm passing the following story on for members to the speakers' commit- ing brother Joseph Mokfinsky, The health officer also noted who is still on sick leave. spector, director of public health, your use and in return you could do me a favor by steering tee for the year: Windsor J. Lakis, that 152 patients were transported township attorney and mayor to your typewriter away from my name. The story goes BY FORDS BANK chairman; Committeeman Alex- to Middlesex General hospital to TO BEJHAPLAIN "I trust that the squad will meet consider this problem. something like this: ander and Dr. Ralph Deutsch. be treated for a veneral disease at with every success and may we a cost to the Board Of Health of STANDING COMMITTEES look forward to continued co-op- Joseph L. Pengell, of Oak Tree, " 'A certain Woodbridge fireman was out riding with a FOR FISCAL YEAR $231. eration in serving the people of asked the commission what pro- ARE NAMED: CONTEST IS the entire Township faithfully." gress has been made to clear up girl friend of his when he brought his car to a sudden stop. Nurses Lauded ALSO PLANNED the "piggery" nuisance" in that IRVING HANSEN RE-ELECT- "Our Child Hygiene nurses are Other contributions listed this "Let's get out," he said. "Nope," replied the sweet young SALES IN NIXON week were as follows: section. Mayor Christensen replied ED PRESIDENT "»F LOCAL to be commended on their splen- HOPELAWN.—At a recent meet that an ordinance limiting pigger- thing. "Why not?" " 'Cause," she answer&d.
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