INDEX.qxp 2/15/2008 8:45 AM Page 313 Index Ablon, J., 15 Bakker, P., 5 Aboriginal people, 1, 5. see also Indians Ballanden, John, 78 history of, 32 Ballendine, John, 87 land claims of, 199 Bannatyne, A.G.B., 164 worldview of, 15 Barth, Frederick, 99 acculturation, 185 Batoche, 103, 150, 191, 199, 215–218, 225, of children, 93–94, 101 228 by Métis, 4–5 Batoche, Battle of, 9, 18, 213, 215, Adams, Howard, 154 219–221, 240–241, 244, 259–260 Adas, Michael, 186, 189–190, 200 map of, 222–223, 226–227, 230–231, Adhémar de Saint-Martin, Antoine, 35 234–237, 242–243, 246–251, 256–257 Adhémar, Jean Baptiste, 35 Batoche, Xavier, 224 Adhémar, Jeanne, 35 Batt, Isaac, 40, 50 agriculture, 8, 11–12, 16, 114, 118, 199 Battleford, 205, 214–216 Albany Post, 48 Baxter, Alexander, 42 Alberta, 8–9, 12 Beaumayer, Joseph, 37 as helping Métis, 16 Beaver Club, 95 Alberta Heritage Trust, 16 Beaver Indians, 60 alcohol, 28, 47, 49 Bedson, Samuel L., 114 distribution of, 107 Begg, Alexander, 156, 160–161, 180 over-consumption of, 5, 10 Belbird, 80 prohibition on, 85 Belcourt, Father G.A., 62, 64 Aldous, Montague, 149, 151 Bhagwan, Birsa, 186, 189–190, 193, 196, Algonquin tribes, 1, 6 201–202 Allan, William, 164 Big Bear, 215 Andre, Father Alexis, 199 Big Frog, 81 Aposte Ouyatonons, 36 Bird, Isabella, 117 Arcand, Joseph, 224 Black, Henry Moore, 18, 203, 205, Archibald, Lieutenant Governor A.G., 208–210, 264 108, 136, 142, 266–267 Black, Mr. Justice John, 161 Ashdown, James, 165, 181 Blackfoot Indians, 28, 39, 205, 216 Assiniboia, District of, 6, 8, 17 Blackwood, Frederick Temple (Lord Assiniboine Indians, 25, 34, 40, 53, 204 Dufferin), 52 Assiniboine River/valley, 6, 26, 30, 34, Bois Brûlés, 22 36–37, 41, 56, 62, 66, 101 Boisvert, Donald, 107 Astley, W.J., 253, 255 Bonneau, Napoleon, 113 Athabasca River/country, 22, 27, 37, 46, Boucher, John, 224 55, 57, 60, 100–101 Boulton, Major Charles A., 166 Atsina (Gros Ventres), 98 account re T. Scott, 163, 168, 180 Atwood, Margaret, 202 and Battle of Batoche, 213, 217, Aulneau, Father Jean-Pierre, 35 219–220, 225–229, 238, 240, 244, 252–253, 255 Baie St. Paul parish, 130–131, 138 and Louis Riel, 175, 178 – 313 – INDEX.qxp 2/15/2008 8:45 AM Page 314 314 | Index threatened execution of, 167, 169, 174 Cameron, James, 151 Bourgeault, Ron, 145 Cameron, W.B., 224 bourgeois, 45, 93, 96–97, 101–102, 189 Campbell, M., 10–11, 15 Bourget, Bishop Ignace, 192 Canada First policy, 266–267 Boyer, Charles, 44 Canadian Confederation, 13, 27, 264 Brassy, 79–80 Canadian Constitution Act (1982), 3 British North America Act, 264 Canadian Métis Society, 13 Brown, Jennifer S.H., 5, 81, 87, 93–94 Canadian Pacific Railway, 154, 188 Bruce, John, 267 Candle Lake, 82 Brulees Sioux Indians, 209–211 capitalism, 8, 15, 19, 105, 187–188 Bucks Head, 84 Card, B.Y., 5 Budd, Henry, 85 Cardinal, Bev, 13 buffalo furs, 128–129. see also fur trade Cardinal, Douglas, 15 buffalo herds, 39, 56, 61, 66, 123, 188, Carlton House, 52 204, 210 Caron, Adolphe, 216–217, 233 decline of, 8, 70 Caron, Jean, Sr., 220 disappearance of, 71, 198, 204, 209 Carrière, Angelique, 115 slaughter of, 69–70 Carrière, Elie, 115 buffalo hides, 128 Carrière family, 149 market for, 71 Carrière, Joseph-Adolphe, 115 processing of, 70 Carrot River, 77–78, 82 buffalo hunters, 33, 52–53 Cartier, Georges-Étienne, 136, 264–268 buffalo hunting, 3–4, 7, 10, 59, 61–62, Carver, Jonathan, 43–44, 46 153, 199 Cathead, 80 commercialization of, 58 Catholicism, anti, 159–160 forbiddance of, 6 Cedar Lake, 34, 37, 50 Buffalo Lake, 94, 103 Chambers, William, 162, 166 buffalo meat, 57, 64 Champagne, Ambroise, 224 consumption rate of, 64–65 Champagne, Antoine, 38 market for, 57, 63 Chapleau, Joseph, 171–172 buffalo ponies, 59 Chaplette, James, 87 buffalo pound, 49 Charette, Guillaume, 63 buffalo robes, 61 charisma, 191, 202 market for, 66–71 Chesterfield House, 98 processing of, 69 Chicot, 22 trade of, 67–68, 70, 103, 115, 123 Chukoopan, 79–80, 88 buffalo runs, 59 Clark’s Crossing, 217 buffalo slaughter Cloutier, Reverend G., 214 wastage from, 66, 70 Cocking, Matthew, 40, 50, 46–49, 51 Buffaloe, The, 31 Cohn, Norman, 195 Bull Dog, 205, 207, 209–210 Collected Writings of Louis Riel, The, 203 Bumsted, J.M., 18 Colley, Linda, 160 Burley, David, 86 Collins, Joseph Edmund, 162 colonization, 2, 6, 14, 142, 185, 188, 190, Cahokia, IL, 2 196, 202, 261 Calgary, University of, 145 Commission Inquiry (1881), 112–113, Callwell, Major, 214, 238–239, 245 115, 141 INDEX.qxp 2/15/2008 8:45 AM Page 315 Index | 315 Conselheiro, Antonio, 186, 189, 195–196, Dennis, Colonel John S., 163, 177–178, 200–201 252, 263 Constant, Joseph, 87 Denoe, Marie-Denise (dite Destaillis), 35 Coombes, Joseph, 161, 164–165 Department of the Interior, 106, 114, 117, Council of Assiniboia, 132–133, 166 120, 123, 126, 128, 142, 149, 153, 199 country marriage, 25, 92–93, 97, 99, 102 Derby, Lord (Edward H. Stanley), 216 coureurs de bois, 1, 6, 24 Desfonds, Sieur Louis Lamay, 36 Courrier de St. Hyacinthe, 175 Desjarlais, Baptiste, 87 Coutu, Henri, 175–176 Dewdney, Governor Edgar, 147–148, 218 Cree Indians, 2, 6, 22, 25, 34–35, 40, 51, Dickason, O.P., 2 84, 86 Dion, J.F., 12 and insurrections, 215–216, 218 dispossession thesis, 105–107, 123 language of, 42, 52–53 District of Assiniboia, 161 society of, 77, 79–80 Dobbin, Murray, 145 and Twatts, 82, 85, 88–89 Documents Relating to the North West Cronin, M., 10 Company, 57 Crowfoot, 205, 216 Dominion Lands Act, 187, 267 Crozier, L.N.F., 206, 215 Dominion Lands Board, 152 Cumberland House, 40, 50, 56, 60, 62, Douaud, P., 5, 10 74, 83 Douglas, Thomas (Lord Selkirk), 6–7, journals of, 49, 76–82, 84–85, 87–88 132 Cumberland Lake, 56 Down-River Plains Cree, 98 Cunningham, Robert, 108, 116 Drouin, E.O., 12 Custer, General George, 203 Drury, Captain C.W., 229, 252 Cut Knife Hill (battle), 215, 218 Dubois land claims, 151 Duck, George, 152–153 Dakota Sioux Indians, 34 Duck Lake, 146, 148, 199 Damon, A., 4 Dufferin, Lord (Frederick Temple Dandonneau, Marie-Anne, 38 Blackwood), 158 Daniels, Harry W., 1, 4, 16 Duffy, Dennis, 145 Darndennes, Marie-Angélique, 35 Dumont, Elie, 229, 240 Daughter of Time, The, 155 Dumont, Gabriel, 4, 53, 102–103, 200, Dawes Act (1887), 12 213, 265 Dawson, B., 12 and Battle of Batoche, 221, 232, de Beauharnois, Charles, 38 259–260 de Champlain, Samuel, 1 land claims of, 151 de Roussillon, Girard, 1 Dumont, Jean, 94, 102 de Salaberry, Charles, 264 Dumont, Suzette, 94, 102 de Trémaudan, A.H., 5, 10, 12, 154, 172, Durand, Paul, 94 179 De Villiers, M., 35 Eccles, W.J., 2–3, 7 Declaration of Rights, 13 ecumenical council system, 196 Deed Poll, 30 endogamy, of Métis, 5, 74 Deetz, Alexander, 86 engagés, 6, 34, 45, 48, 92, 95–97, 101 Deloria, V., 12 English River, 57 Delorme, Joseph, 170–171 Ens, Gerhard, 91, 105–106, 123, 126–129, Denison, Colonel George T., 219, 254, 132–134 262 ethnic category, 75, 88 INDEX.qxp 2/15/2008 8:45 AM Page 316 316 | Index ethnic group, 75, 82 Fort St. Louis, 34, 41 ethnicity, hybrid, 4–5 Fort Union, 66 ethnogenesis, of Métis, 53, 91–93, Fort Vermilion, 51 99–103 Fort Victoria, 22 exogamy, of Métis, 4 Fort Walsh, 205 Fort Wedderburn, 60 Farmer, William, 167 Fort William, 56–57 farming, 115, 151, 153, 188. see also agri- Fortnay, George, 161 culture Foster, John E., 7, 17, 52 economic situation of, 62 Fourmond, Father, 191, 221, 225, 241 Fenian attack, 265 Fourth World, of indigenous people, 14, Fidler, Peter, 28, 77 185 Finley, James, 45–46 Fraser, A., 10 Fish Creek, 151, 215–217, 220 freemen, 52–53, 87, 91–94, 98–102 Fisher, Alex P., 224 French, C.L., 5, 229, 252 fishing, 10–11, 16, 71 Frenchman’s Butte (battle), 215 Flanagan, Thomas, 9, 17–18, 186–187, Frideres, J.S., 16 198–199 Friesen, Gerald, 34, 39, 107 and land claims, 126–129, 133–134, fringe dwellers, 10 136–138, 141–143, 146 Frobisher, Benjamin, 42 Flett, George, 87 Frobisher, Joseph, 42, 49–50 Fleury, Patrice, 224 Frobisher, Thomas, 50 Flying Indian, 84 Frobisher-McGill partnership, 50 Forget, A.E., 146 Frog Lake Massacre, 215 Fort Alexander, 46 Frye, Northrop, 197 Fort Assiniboine, 18, 203, 205, 208–210 fur trade, 2–3, 7, 17, 29, 31–32, 45, 53, 76, Fort Bas de la Rivière Winipic, 46, 56 80, 188 Fort Basquia, 40 buffalo slaughtered for, 66 Fort Belknap Reservation, 204, 208 expansion of, 55 Fort Bourbon, 34, 37, 39, 41, 43, 50 free, 9, 41 Fort Carlton, 51–52 illegal, 42 Fort Chipewyan, 11, 60 importance of, 23 Fort Dauphin, 36–38, 42, 57 monopoly of, 6, 8–9 Fort des Prairies, 49, 51–52, 57 Montreal-based, 34, 37, 92 Equipment Book, 51 fur trade licenses, 42, 46, 50 Fort Edmonton, 22, 28, 103 fur trade provisions market, 55–56, 58, Fort Garry (Winnipeg), 8, 162, 179, 62, 69, 71 262–264, 266–268 diminishing of, 61 Fort Keogh, 207 fur trade traditions, 21, 23, 49 Fort la Corne, 40 Fur Trade War (1815-16), 33 Fort La Reine, 34, 36, 38, 41–42 fur traders, 33, 41, 60 Fort Maurepas, 34, 36 Fort Paskaya, 37, 41 Gabriel’s Crossing, 220 Fort Pembina, 63–65 Gardipee, Jean Baptiste, 87 Fort Rouge, 34 Gareau, Ludger, 220 Fort Severn, 43, 49, 77 Gariépy, Philippe, 224 Fort St.
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