Appendix I Authors and editors Frances Bagenal (editor) Ofer Cohen Laboratory for Almospheric and Space Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Physics Astrophysics UCB 600 University of Colorado 60 Garden St. 3665 Discovery Drive Cambridge, MA 02138, USA Boulder, CO 80303, USA email: [email protected] email: [email protected] Debra Fischer Mario M. Bisi Department of Astronomy, Science and Technology Facilities Yale University, Council New Haven, CT 06520, USA Rutherford Appleton Laboratory email : [email protected] Harwell, Oxford OX 11 OQX, UK email: Mario.Bisi@<;lfc.ac.uk Marina Galand Department of Physics Stephen W. Boughcr Imperial CoHege London Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Space Prince Consort Road Science Department London SW7 2AZ, UK 2455 Hayward Avenue email: [email protected] University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MT 48109, USA Mihaly Horanyi email: [email protected] Laboratory for Almospheric and Space Physics, and David Brain Department of Physics Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Un iversiLy of Colorado, Boulder, CO Physics 80303, USA University of Colorado email: Mihaly.Horanyi@Jasp. 3665 Discovery Drive colorado.edu Boulder, CO 80303, USA email: [email protected] 327 328 Appe11dL\ I A11rliors and editors Margaret G. Kivel son Palo Alto, CA 94304- I 191, USA Department of Earth, Planetary, and email: [email protected] Space Sciences University of California, Los Angeles David E. Siskind Los Angeles, CA 90095-1567. USA Space Science Division and Naval Research Laboratory Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic 4555 Overlook Ave. SW and Space Sciences Washington DC, 20375, USA University of Mi chigan email: [email protected] Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2143, USA Jan J. Sojka (editor) email: [email protected] Center for Atmospheric and Space Norbert Krupp Sciences Max-Planck-lnstitut for Sonnensystem­ Utah Stale University forschung 4405 Old Main Hill Justus-von-Licbig-Weg 3 Logan. UT 84322-4405, USA 37077 Gottingen email: [email protected] Germany Tom Stallard emai l: [email protected] Department of Physics and Astronomy Jeffrey L. Linsky University of Leicester JILA, University of Colorado and f\lST University Road Boulder, CO 80309, USA Leicester, LE2 3Ar, UK email: jlinsky@ji la.colorado.edu email: [email protected] Luke Moore Sabine Stanley Center for Space Physics Rm 5 I 6B, Department of Physics Boston University University of Toronto Boston, MA 02215, USA 60 St. George St., Toronto, ON, email : [email protected] M5S I A7, Canada emai I: [email protected] Rachel Osten Space Telescope Science Institute Ji Wang 3700 San Martin Drive Department of Astronomy, Baltimore, MD 2 1218, USA Yale University, emai l: [email protected] New Haven, CT 06520, USA Carolus J. Schrijver (editor) Brian E. Wood Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory Naval Research Laboratory Lockheed Martin Avanced Technology Space Science Division Center Washington, DC 20375, USA 3251 Hanover Street, Bldg. 252 emai l: [email protected] List of illustrations 2.1 Sketch of 1he now of energy during a llare page 28 2.2 Example radio-optical flare seen on 1hc nearby M dwarf flare star EV Lac 30 2.3 Temperature coverage of chrornosphcric, tran!>ition region, and coronal lines trom different elemcnll> and ionic stages :n '.!A Emission lines in the op1ical and ullraviolct during a wcll-<;tudied flare on 1he nearby flare s1ar AD Leo 35 2.5 Wavelength coverage of filters used in optical al>tronomy 36 2.6 Example stellar Oare X-ray ligh1 curve and corresponding change of temperature-; and ahundances for TZ CrB 40 '2.7 Unusual radio/X-ray flare observed on a pre-main-sequence K-Lype star m the Orion Nehula 47 2.8 Cumulative Oare frequency distributions for different categories of M dwarf 50 2.9 X-ray Oare rate expressed as a percent of observing time for stars of different age 5 1 2.10 Flare frequency dislribulions on mature G-type stars 53 2.11 Flare frequenC) .. dil>tributions on old solar-like stars 5-t 3.1 High-resolution i.pcctra of lhc Mar 36 Oph showing interstellar absorption 58 3.2 Map of Lhe four pallially ioniLcd warm interstellar clouds closest to the Sun 58 3.3 Non-thennal velocities in the intcr~lcllar medium versus temperature 60 3.4 Basic structure of' the global heliosphere o1 3.5 Voyager 2 observations of solar wind 63 3.6 A 2.50 axisymmetric. hydrodynamic model of the heliosphere 65 3.7 The joume} of a Lyman-cv photon; the Ly-cv emission line: and the Ly-a spectrum of a Cen B 66 3.8 Temperawre and density vs. solar distance for diffcrcn1 parameters for the local interstellar cloud 69 3.9 Plausible s1ellar mass-loss rate due lo CMEs as a function of coronal X-ray luminosity 74 3.10 The blue c,idc of the Lyman-a absorption line of :rr 1 UM a 7-t 329 330 List of illustrations 3.1 1 The H I density for a hydrodynamic model of the Jr 1 VMa astrosphere 75 3.12 Mass-loss rate versus X-ray surface Oux density for mai n-sequence stars 76 3.13 The inferred mass-loss history of the Sun 78 4. 1 Spiraling astrospheric magnetic field f'or different stellar rotation periods 82 4.2 Low-resolution maps of the solar surface magneti c field characteristic of cycle minimum and maximum 82 4.3 Longitude-latitude map of the photosphcric radial magnetic field of AB Doradus 83 4.4 Solar surface field map for Carrington Rotation 1958, and as modified for different heliospheric field models 84 4.5 111c three-dimensional magnelic field corresponding to the surface distribution of the photospheric radial magneti c field 84 4.6 Cha nges in cosmic-ray flux and in solar-wind particle flux ob erved by Voyager I around September 2012 86 4.7 Cosm ic-ray energy spec1rum for modeled solar rotation periods of 26 d (c uJTent rotation), IOd, 4.6d, and 2d, along with the local ISM spectrum 88 4.8 Cosmic-ray energy spectrum for models with enhanced dipole and spot components 88 4.9 Sketches of different CME configurations 91 4. 10 Solar CME mass and kinetic energy as a function of fl are energy 95 4. 11 Expected mass-loss rate due to CMEs as a function of different dependencies on coronal brightness and for different maximum and minimum event energies 97 4.12 Comparison between the habitable zone and the areas where strong magnetospheric compression is possible by CMEs 100 4.13 Mass flux for a CME simulalion integrated over 1hree spheres at different heigh is above the planetary surface as a fu nction of time lOl 4.14 Renderings of the number density around a close-in exoplanet shown on the equatorial plane for the initial, pre-eruption state and during the CME evenr 6 h aner the eruption 102 4. 15 CME approaching a planet 102 4. 16 Contours of the temperature displayed on the equatorial plane during a CME event for a close-in planet 103 5.1 Geometry of a Keplerian orbit 105 5.2 Angles defi ning lhe oricntalion of a planetary orbit with respect lo the plane of the sky 105 5.3 Detection of exoplanets over time 108 5.4 Stellar light curve during an cxoplanet transit 110 5.5 Distribution of orbital inclinations for the Kepler transiting planet candidates 112 5.6 Wavelength-dependent limh darkening for HD 209458 113 5.7 Transit curves for different impacl parameters, wilh and without limb darkening 114 List of il/11srrario11s 331 5.8 Time series of transit light curves for HD 189733 11 5 5.9 A sketch of the structure and processes of protoplanclary disks 119 5.10 Primordial disk fractions of s t a r~ in young clusters 120 5.1 1 Masses and radii of well-charactcri1.ed exoplanets and solar-system planets 123 5.12 Planet-metallicity correlation for ga.<i giant planet~ 124 6.1 Radial component of the surface magnetic field for planers in om solar system wi th active dynamos 131 6.2 Schematic of a translating inner planetary core due to inner core convection 132 6.3 Schematic of the lunar interior from lunar seismic data 135 6.4 Phase diagram of water for temperature:,, and prc~5iure-; relevant to the ice giant planet interiors. and three-layer interior composirion models for Uranus and Neptune that reproduce the gravity field data I 38 6.5 Properties of planetesimal dynamo~ 140 6.6 Interior structure diagrams for various categories of cxoplanets 143 7.1 Evidence for climate change on the terrestrial planets 150 7.2 Variation in climate drivers at terrestrial planets 154 7.3 Source and loss mechanisms for planelary atmospheres 156 7.4 Flowchart or pathways to energitation and escape of particles from a planetary atmosphere 161 7.5 Evolution of solar drivers of atmospheric e)>eape 166 7.6 Ion escape from the Martian atmosphere, organi 7.ed by solar drivers 167 7.7 Density of escaping atomic oxygen ions from Mars at solar minimum and maximum :lS predicted by a global hybrid plasma simulation 168 7.8 Influence of magneric fields on planetary near-space environments I 70 7.9 Measuremenrs of outflowing oxygen ions from Earth's cu'ip regions as function of solar wind Poynting flux 172 8.1 Galileo Probe results showing Jupiter upper-aunospheric mixing ratios 179 8.2 Ju piter thennospheric parameters, based on Galileo Probe measurements 180 8.3 Upper-atmospheric temperature as a function of heliocentric distance for the giant planets 181 8.4 Ionospheric electron-density profiles derived from spacecrart radio occultation experiments at Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune 183 8.5 Ionospheric: model calculations for Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune 185 8.6 Sketch of a meridian cross secti on rhrough rhe Jovian magnetosphere.
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