EIC Bulletin E l e c t r o n i c m o n t h l y m a g a z i n e f o r E u r o p e a n i n t e g r a t i o n - N o . 2 5 , O c t o b e r 2 0 0 7 FFOOCCUUSS OOFF TTHHIISS IISSSSUUEE The background of the Constitutional provision that the Parliament may decide on the manner of the Montenegrin accession to EU and NATO IINNTTEERRVVIIEEWW Dr Wiktor Osiatynski, professor at the Central European University in Budapest and Warsaw AANNAALLYYSSEESS Why are Montenegrin officials promising assistance to BiH C u r r e n t a f f a i r s O c t o b e r , 2 0 0 7 S I G N I N G T H E S A A O N 1 5 O C T O B E R I N L U X E M B O U R G , M O N T E N E G R O J U M P E D T H E F I R S T M A J O R H U R D L E O N T H E W A Y T O E U Five years for reforms I T S E J I V o t o f RREEFFOORRMMSS!!?? ust when the last hopes have dissolved that JMontenegro has political elite capable enough of doing their job, i.e. finding a compromise on the issues of supreme importance for the state, it was announced that the major political parties struck an agreement on the content of the First Constitution of Independent Montenegro. Two- thirds majority was ensured, another referendum avoided, but there are also new deep political trenches around the Montenegrin-Serbian divi- sion line, a line that keeps in the game frivolous From the celebrations political groups whose survival depends on the after signing the SAA already trite tales of the encroachment of Greater Serbian pretensions onto the tiny ontenegro made the first serious step into SAA negotiations but have not initialled the Montenegrin state and, conversely, the dangers Mthe circle of the potential new members of agreement due to major political problems. to Serbdom in Montenegro from the assault of the European Union. On 15 October, President of the Council of EU Luis Amado Montenegrin nationalism. Montenegro and the EU signed Stabilisation and warned that the "real work for Montenegro is The ruling DPS-SDP coalition and Association Agreement (SAA), obliging Monte- yet to begin". Movement for Changes from the opposition, negro to entirely harmonise its legal system with "This is a framework agreement, which together with the Bosnian and Albanian par- the demanding EU regulations, i.e. "Acquis" by opens up possibilities for closer cooperation in ties used intense negotiations to find a com- 2010, which is the key precondition for joining all areas of the modern life establishment of var- mon ground, which may spell the opening of the EU "elite club". ious organisations for the fight against bribe and a new stage in political development of this The agreement in Luxemburg was signed corruption, for instance". Amado said. youngest country on earth. MfC, with support by the Prime Minister @eljko [turanovi}, president SSA is an international agreement which of some of the minority parties, became a potential major destination for the prior sup- of the Council of EU and the Portuguese Foreign mainly concerns trade issues (80%). SSA envis- porters of the ruling coalition who are disap- Affairs Minister Luis Amado, European Enlar- ages establishment of a free trade area, obliging pointed with the situation in the society - gement Commissioner Olli Rehn and foreign the EU to abolish immediately all customs tar- which may, in due time, relegate the absolute affairs ministers of the other 26 EU members. iffs for Montenegrin goods that meet certain EU power of DPS and SDP to history. The SAA comes into force only after it has standards, with some exceptions (baby beef, Behind the touchline are now SPP and been ratified by all 27 EU members, as well as wine) which are subject to export quotas. other pro-Serbian parties, the last year's allies the Montenegrin and European Parliament, Montenegro, on the other hand, will only abol- from the anti-independence block, who believe which may take several years. In the meantime, ish its customs tariffs for EU goods gradually, that Constitution discriminates against Serbs and the parties also signed the Interim Agreement, over a period of five years. will therefore easily find themselves outside the which comes into force already on 1 January This "grace period" should serve the constructive political game. Rising barricades 2008 and serves to initiate immediate imple- Montenegrin producers to improve their tech- around those camps will only lead to the mar- mentation of the SAA trade provisions whose nology and enable them to compete with the gins of the political scene. goal is to eliminate customs barrier and open EU producers on the domestic market. Only the biggest optimists would hope the EU market almost entirely to Montenegrin SAA provides deadlines for Montenegro to that the focus of political interests will now move products, and the Montenegrin markets gradu- establish a free trade area with the EU and har- to the economic and social topics, but one ally for the EU products over the next five years. monise its legislation with EU regulation in most could hope that they will now gradually gain in importance. The Constitution now guarantees The Interim Agreement contains some 4/5 areas - from environment and transport to con- state independence, and the Serbian List is def- of the SAA itself. Trade being the exclusive sumer protection. initely inferior to Brussels in terms of setting the domain of European Commission, which func- Montenegro began its SAA negotiations on agenda. It is therefore logical to expect ever less tions as a surrogate Government to EU, it is 7 November 2005 as the State Union of Serbia nationalistic, and ever more reform-minded enough if this document is ratified by the EP and Montenegro, and completed the technical rhetoric. This is the only option, after all, now and the Montenegrin parliament. rounds in early December 2006. The agreement that we signed the SAA which obliges us to har- Signing the SAA, Montenegro caught up was initialled on 15 March in Podgorica. monise with the European regulations in the with Albania on its road to EU. Ahead of them According to the Reuters news agency estimates, next 5 years. That would mean dismantling are still Croatia, which is already negotiating its Montenegro will join the EU by 2015, Croatia monopolies instead of the symbolic battles membership, and Macedonia, which has a can- and Macedonia by 2012. between Montenegrins and Serbs. N.R. didate status. Serbia and BiH completed their N.R. E I C B u l l e t i n N o 2 5 2 A t t i t u d e O c t o b e r , 2 0 0 7 A V I E W F R O M E U R O P E Politics or die needs a proper debate as well as sation" to those who want "protection choices about its political direction. The for their citizens against the harshest changes in favour of more democracy consequences of globalisation". and subsidiarity, as envisaged by the Instead, there is a mosaic of shift- "reform treaty", may be a step in the ing alignments in political Europe that right direction; but of themselves they crosses parties as well as countries. Two will hardly generate more enthusiasm questions make the point. Does a for the union. Instead, decisions about belief in the virtues of free trade mean, a host of issues - managing the single for example, that Swedish, Danish and by Olaf Cramme market, the nature of social Europe, British centre-left politicians are auto- Europe's role in a multi-polar world, matically more "neo-liberal" than their he importance of the so-called competition rules, economic redistribu- French centre-right colleagues who are T"reform treaty" should not be tion - ultimately need a stronger polit- blind to these virtues? underestimated. The enlarged Euro- ical underpinning... In addition to these puzzles, the pean Union of twenty-seven member- At stake are two fundamental debate is distorted by false (if fashion- states needs an updated rulebook in challenges. The first is analytical. The able) assumptions: for example, that order to become more effective. This is effects of EU integration, market liber- more political integration and concen- necessary to equip and prepare the EU alisation and enlargement (or any tration of power in Brussels will ulti- to tackle major international challenges combination of these) are as heavily mately lead to a more social-demo- that states individually cannot address: contested as those of economic glob- cratic Europe, while less integration among them climate change, the alisation, the emergence of the knowl- and centralisation tends towards a geopolitics of energy, the instability of edge and service economy or changing neo-liberal agenda. Europe's historical the current financial system, and issues demographics. While Michael Dauder- experience (and that of the United arising from migration and integration. stadt identifies an "economic tragedy of States too) suggests that the exact But what will come next? Soon, European integration" and George opposite can also be true. the debates will centre again on the Schopflin believes that the entry of Hence, politicising EU integration necessity (or nonsense) of restricting China into the global labour market constitutes a particular challenge.
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