Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02116-7 - Ethnic Patriotism and the East African Revival: A History of Dissent, c. 1935–1972 Derek R. Peterson Index More information Index abolitionism, 105–106 of Rwenzururu movement, 271–272 , accountability, 39–40 , 64 , 105–106 , 107 , 276–277 123–125 , 183–185 , 236–240 of Tanzania, 27–28 , 152 African Association, 189 in Tumutumu mission, 203–206 African Orthodox Church, 86–87 in Uganda, 28–29 African Religions and Philosophies Arthur, John, 204 (Mbiti), 8–9 Arusha Declaration, 14 , 170 African theology, 6–12 , 150 Askwith, Tom, 237 Ajuoga, Matthew, 147 , 150 autobiography See also Johera as exemplary, 199–203 Alexander, David William, 86 in Mau Mau detention camps, 236–246 Amba (people), 262–263 . of Mau Mau guerillas, 195–196 See also Rwenzururu in post-genocide Rwanda, 289–291 Amin, Idi, 271 production of, 195–196 Anderson, Benedict, 251 and the Revival, 1 , 5 , 30 , 43–44 , 98–101 , Anglican church 116–119 , 125–126 , 143–144 , 184–185 , and African Orthodox Church, 87 198–199 , 206–214 , 277 , 293 and Bataka Union, 87–88 , 92–93 scholarship on, 197–198 , 215–216 leadership of, 84–85 Ayany, Samuel, 24 , 144–145 and the Revival, 74 , 95 , 100–101 and Rwenzururu, 269 Bahati, David, 282 , 286 in Toro, 258–259 . Bakewell, Lionel, 108 , 112 , 115 , See also missionaries 117–118 , 142 Angola, 42 Bakonzo Life History Research Society, Ankole (kingdom) 263–266 , 269 . See also Konzo (people) discretion in, 73 Balaba, Ezekieli, 115 , 141 ethnic confl ict in, 284 Balamba, Daudi, 108 , 121–125 , 144 Revival in, 62–63 , 71–72 , 73 Balya, Aberi, 84 , 258–259 anthropology, 9–12 banana farming, 85–86 , 154–155 Anti-Homosexuality Bill, 282 , 286 Barongo, Edward, 174 , 176 Appiah, Kwame Anthony, 37 Bawalana, Timosewo, 31–32 , 249–250 , 252 , archives 272 , 274–280 . See also Rwenzururu of Hans Cory, 107–108 Bataka Union, 23 , 80–81 of Kenya, 27–28 and Buganda’s hierarchy, 86–93 management of, 30–32 and church history, 86–87 of Revival, 13 , 45–47 , 108 and decorum, 88–90 335 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02116-7 - Ethnic Patriotism and the East African Revival: A History of Dissent, c. 1935–1972 Derek R. Peterson Index More information 336 Index Bataka Union (cont.) litigation in, 179–180 , 193–194 and diplomacy, 90–93 political hierarchy of, 155–156 and disturbances of 1949, 101–102 population of, 161–162 , 188–189 and gender, 96–97 and prostitution, 21–22 , 157–166 , history writing of, 23 , 79 , 87–88 , 96–97 170–173 , 221 and Kabaka, 88 , 92 , 101–102 Revival in, 181–194 and Lady Irene, 102–103 Tanganyika African National Union in, origins of, 85–88 167–168 and Revival, 100–101 villagization in, 175–176 See also Buganda ; Miti, Jemusi ; See also Haya (people) Mukasa, Reuben Spartas ; Mulumba, Bunyan, John, 12–13 , 37 , 50 , 201 . Semakula See also Pilgrim’s Progress, The beer, 121–123 Bunyore Welfare Society, 132 bicycles, 40–41 Bunyoro, 252–253 , 264 , 286 , 287 Bjorklund, Diane, 197 Burundi, 108–109 , 118 , 268 Buchman, Frank, 237 Buganda (kingdom), 287 Cambridge University, 17 , 47–48 and Agreement of 1900, 86 , 87 Cambridge University Library, 3 , 195 bataka in, 85–86 cattle, 123–125 bicycles in, 40–41 Chatterjee, Partha, 26 dissolution of, 13–14 chiefs, 22 , 66–69 , 108–109 , 121–122 , 135 , grandfathers in, 89 139–140 , 145–146 history writing in, 78–79 , 87–88 , 96–97 , Chalmers, Thomas, 105 250–251 Chambers, George, 118 independence of, 78 , 250–251 Church, Howard, 237–238 and Kabaka, 88 , 89 , 286–287 Church, Joe, 42 , 45–47 , 48 , 62 , 115 , 118 , labor migrants in, 79–80 , 109–112 119 , 207 , 237 postal system in, 44–45 Church of Christ in Africa. See Johera radicals in, 80–81 , 85–93 Church of Scotland Mission, 199–200 . restoration of, 286–287 See also missionaries Revival in, 45 , 81 , 93–101 , 127 Church of the Holy Spirit, 181 , 187–194 . and Swahili, 83 See also Bukoba ; Revival and Uganda’s independence, 255–256 Churchill, Winston, 78 See also Ganda (people) class formation, 221–224 Bugufi (Tanganika), 29 ‘closer union’ controversy, 85 agriculture in, 112–114 Cole, Henry, 7–8 beer in, 121–123 Coleman, James, 15 and Burundi, 108–109 colonial government cattle in, 123–125 and Bataka Union, 102 Christianity in, 114–115 and elections, 166–168 , 189 , 253–254 evangelists from, 42–43 in Kigezi, 66–69 Islam in, 114–115 and ‘rehabilitation’ of Mau Mau detainees, and labor migration, 107 , 109–114 , 181 236–246 , 291 and marriage, 111–114 and Nyabingi cult, 56–60 , 72–73 Pentecostalism in, 117–121 and Revival, 2–3 , 12–13 , 68–69 , 101 political hierarchy of, 108–109 , 121–125 and Toro, 253–256 , 260 Revival in, 107 , 114 , 115–125 , 127 Comaroff, John and Jean, 11 See also Hangaza (people) Common Man’s Charter, The , 14 . Bukoba (Tanganyika) See also Obote, Milton agronomy of, 154–155 Congo, 268 elections in, 166–168 conversion frontiers of, 188–192 and autobiography, 206–213 and labor migration, 109 , 181–182 as critical practice, xiii–xiv , 6 , 12–13 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02116-7 - Ethnic Patriotism and the East African Revival: A History of Dissent, c. 1935–1972 Derek R. Peterson Index More information Index 337 and court procedure, 181–185 Ensor, Mabel, 83 , 100 and interiority, 11 Epprecht, Marc, 282 in Mau Mau detention camps, 237–241 eschatology, 62–65 , 249–250 and moral authority, 187–188 , 208 , in contemporary East Africa, 251–252 258–259 in Rwenzururu, 274–280 and non-conformism, 12–13 , 19–20 , See also time 36 , 65–74 , 76–77 , 93–101 , 143–150 , ethnicity, 3–4 , 21–22 , 26 , 133–136 , 185–192 , 211–214 , 258–259 158–166 , 224–225 , 257–258 . in scholarship, 6–13 See also patriotism and time, 6 , 23–24 , 62–65 , 249–252 , 272 , 274–280 female circumcision controversy, Cory, Hans, 107–108 , 111 , 113 , 122–123 , 204–205 , 217 174 , 179 fences, 17–19 , 137 cultural nationalism, 165–166 , Fields, Karen, 12 285–286 , 288 Foot, Dingle, 254 Culwick, Arthur, 156 , 161 Fort Hall (Kenya), 233 , 240 Frazer, J.G., 7–8 Dar es Salaam, 13 , 28 , 131 , 132 , 157 , 158 , frontiers, 51–52 , 79–80 , 188–193 161 , 163 , 164 , 172 , 177 , 180 , 189 population of, 22 Gahini (Rwanda), 40 , 46 , 80 , 117 , 182 decorum origins of Revival in, 60–62 British standards of, 82–83 Ganda (people) in Buganda, 19 , 81–83 , 88–90 , 97–101 , Christianity of, 95–96 127 decorum of, 19 , 81–83 , 88–90 , in Bukoba, 155–157 , 190–193 97–101 , 127 in central Kenya, 18 , 212–214 language of, 83–84 and Johera church, 146–150 marriages of, 19 , 95–101 in Kigezi, 69–76 , 127 and the Revival, 45 , 81 , 93–101 , 127 in Nyanza, 131–136 , 141–150 See also Buganda and the Revival, 19–20 , 69–74 , 98–101 , Gikoyo, Gucu wa, 226 143–150 , 190–193 , 212–214 , 258–262 , Gikuyu (people) 292–293 autobiographies of, 197–199 in Toro, 256–262 baptismal names of, 201 demography, 128 , 140–141 , 161–162 , and class formation, 221–223 171–173 , 262–263 , 269–270 , 273–274 , cultural nationalism of, 285–286 , 288 279–280 decorum of, 18 , 212–213 discretion, 17–19 ethnography of, 232–235 in Ankole, 73 homesteads of, 18 , 212 , 222 in Buganda, 97–101 and land, 106 , 221–224 in Bukoba, 157–158 and land consolidation, 106 , 136 , 231–232 in central Kenya, 212–214 and marriage, 222–228 in Kigezi, 69–70 moral agency of, 18 , 221–224 , 244–246 Drakeley, Patty, 94 patriotism of, 220–221 , 224–227 proverbs of, 23–24 East African Educational Publishers, 196 and record-keeping, 204–206 East African Revival. See Revival and the Revival, 1–3 , 206–214 Edel, May, 53–54 and support for Mau Mau, 226–228 elections, 166–168 , 189 , 253–254 God, 7–9 Elkins, Caroline, 219–220 Gogo (language), 7–8 Ellis, Stephen, 11 Golden Bough, The (Frazer), 7–8 emandwa cult, 69–70 , 72 Guillebaud, Harold, 50 England, 44 , 47–48 , 105–106 Gusdorf, Georges, 197 English (language), 83 Gutkind, Peter, 157 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02116-7 - Ethnic Patriotism and the East African Revival: A History of Dissent, c. 1935–1972 Derek R. Peterson Index More information 338 Index Hancock, Keith, 253 honor, 17–18 Hangaza (people) Hopkins, Elizabeth, 58 and beer, 121–123 Horton, Robin, 9 and labor migration, 109–114 language of, 115 Ihangiro (Tanzania), 188–193 and marriage, 111–114 Ikuratire, Daudi, 258 political hierarchy of, 108–109 Iliffe, John, 17 , 25 , 152–153 See also Bugufi India, 42 Haskell, Thomas, 105–106 indigeneity, xiii , 138–141 , 263–266 Hastings, Adrian, 10–11 Invention of Tradition, The (Hobsbawm and Hawkins, Sean, 178–179 Ranger), 3 Haya (people) Isichei, Elizabeth, 11 and Buganda, 153 , 251 Islam, 114–115 customary law of, 179–180 demography of, 161–162 James, William, 11 in independent Tanzania, 175–177 Johera , 127 , 146–150 . See also Luo and litigation, 179–180 , 193 and Luo people, 153 , 160–161 , 168–169 Kabale (Uganda), 61 , 64 marriages of, 153–154 , 159–160 , 173 Kabalega (king), 252–253 patriotism of, 21 , 24 , 152–154 , 160–166 , Kabete (Kenya), 1 , 3 176–177 , 282–283 Kabiro, Ngugi wa, 242 and privacy, 155–157 Kabunga, Felix, 187–188 and prostitution, 21–22 , 157–166 , Kagwa, Apolo, 79 , 82 170–173 , 176–177 , 186 , 221 , 226 Kalenjin (people), xiii and Revival, 181–194 Kalu, Ogbu, 10 See also Bukoba Kamawe, Wanyoike, 238 Haya Union, 21–22 , 293 Kampala, 13 , 94 , 157 , 221 , 257–258 , 269 , and chiefs, 22 271 history of, 162 Kampala Batoro Association, 22 , 221 , and prostitution, 152 , 158–166 , 257–258 186
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