Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-47996-7 — English Convents in Catholic Europe, c.1600–1800 James E. Kelly Index More Information Index Aberdeen, 178 recruitment, 23, 32, 35, 68, 74, 107, Acquaviva, Claudio, SJ, 32 125, 126 Adrian, Saint, 149 relationship with exile colleges, 174 agents, 53, 102–4, 166, 167, 175, 177 relationship with local community, 16, Aire, Poor Clares 63, 68, 70, 84, 87, 113, 118, 119 agents, 102 relics at, 147, 148, 150, 154, 156 benefactors to, 118 spirituality, 130, 145 enclosure, 62 Approbation Affair, 35, 45, 48, 165 English mission, 62 Arrowsmith, Edmund, SJ, 157 finances, 121 Arundell, Dorothy, 25 foundation of, 4, 117 Arundell, Elizabeth, Countess, 81 relationship with local community, 118 Arundell, Gertrude, 25 spirituality, 130, 144 Arundell, Henry, sixth Baron Arundell, translations of works, 11 81 Alacoque, Margaret Mary, 95 Arundell, Henry, third Baron Arundell, 86 Alban, Saint, 153 Ashby, vere Thimelby, Richard, SJ, 87 Albert VII, Archduke, 116 Aston, Gertrude, 86 Alexander VII, Pope, 119 Augsburg, 146, 156 Alexis, Saint, 80, 90 Augustine, Saint, 82, 85, 88, 89, 94, 95 Allen, William, Cardinal, 71, 141, 162 Alost, 4 Baker, Augustine, OSB, 14, 48, 136 Andleby, William, 159 Barberini, Francesco, Cardinal, 118 Andrews, Helen, 95 Barker, Edward, 170 Angier, Isabella, 173 Barlow, Ambrose, OSB, 157 Angier, Thomas, SJ, 173 Baronius, Caesar, 13 Anne Charlotte, of Lorraine, 61 Barrow, William, alias Waring, Harcourt, Anne, Saint, 81, 84 SJ, 157 Anti-Catholicism, 19, 55–6, 66, 158, 183 Basson, Mary, 86 Antwerp, 160 Becket, Thomas, Saint, 153 Irish College, 179 Bedingfield, Edmund, 94, 97, 147 Antwerp, Carmelites, 5, 119 Bedingfield, Margaret, 83, 112 agents, 103 Bedingfield, Margaret (ii), 114 architecture, 92, 96 Bedingfield, Mary, 70, 92 benefactors to, 84, 87, 118 Bedingfield, Sir Henry, 112 boarders at, 61 Bell, Francis, OFM, 155 enclosure, 54, 55, 56, 61, 63, 67, 68, 72, 74 Bell, Thomas, 47 English mission, 124 Bellarmine, Robert, SJ, 12 finances, 92, 107, 110, 113, 121, 125 Benedict, Saint, 84, 95, 149 foundation of, 4, 92, 117 Benedictines, 147 martyrs, links to, 153, 156 attempted convent at Louivain, 6 material and visual culture, 84, 87, 93, attempted convent at Paris, 6 94, 95 Cassinese Congregation, 6 214 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-47996-7 — English Convents in Catholic Europe, c.1600–1800 James E. Kelly Index More Information Index 215 English Congregation, 4, 14, 44, 72, martyrs, links to, 155 102, 179 material and visual culture, 81–3, 86, 88, Maurists, 84 90, 91, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 170 St Gregory’s, Douai, 103 music, 106, 107 St Laurence’s, Dieulouard, 72 poverty, vow of, 100 Bentley, Ann, 91 recruitment, 22, 27, 35, 74 Berkeley, Jane, 3 relationship with exile colleges, 164, 167, Best, Mary, 86 168, 170, 173, 175, 178 Birbeck, Mary, 174 relationship with local community, 61, Birkhead, George, 138 62, 63, 65, 69, 75, 76, 82, 83, 112, Blaise, Saint, 151 123, 159 Blomfield, James, 164 relics at, 145, 147, 148, 149, 155, 160 Blount, Edward, 13 school, 63, 70, 76, 94, 173 Blundell, Ann, 23 spirituality, 144 Blundell, Jane, 23 war in area, 63, 104 Blundell, Margaret, 23 Bruges, Franciscans, 5 Blundell, William, 23–4, 103 architecture, 92 Bois-le-Duc, 4 benefactors to, 107 Bolney, Dorothy, 101 enclosure, 73 Bologna, 143 finances, 92 Bolt, John, 37, 155 martyrs, links to, 155 Bolt, Mary, 37 material and visual culture, 107 Bolte, Jane, 39 music, 107 Bolton, John, SJ, 63 recruitment, 35 Bond, Mary Charlotte, 130 relics at, 155, 157 Boniface VIII, Pope, 51 school, 120 Boonen, Jacobus, Archbishop, 43, 44, 122 Brussels, 80, 142 Bornhem Brussels, Benedictines, 3 English Dominicans at, 174 agents, 102, 103 Borromeo, Charles, Cardinal, 150, 168 architecture, 91 Boulogne, Benedictines. See Pontoise, benefactors to, 84, 86, 97, 116 Benedictines enclosure, 74 Bowes, Mary, 86 English mission, 18 Brady, Patrick, OFM, 173 finances, 91, 111, 122, 123, 176 Brent, Christina, 131 foundation of, 1, 6, 25, 116, 162 Brent, Mary, 70 library, 13 Bridget of Sweden, Saint, 85 material and visual culture, 84, 86, 93, Broomfield, Anna, 39 97, 148 Brown, George, SJ, 158 music, 106 Brown, Thomas, alias Day, 102 recruitment, 24–5, 27, 35, 42, 74, 122, 162 Browne, Anthony Maria, second Viscount relationship with exile colleges, 172, 176 Montague, 159 relationship with local community, Browne, Magdaline, 62 111, 151 Bruges, 4, 162 relics at, 147, 151, 153 Bruges, Augustinians school, 40, 91 architecture, 69, 81–3, 92 spirituality, 48, 136 benefactors to, 60, 82, 86, 88, 93 troubles at, 4, 12, 27–32, 40, 43–7, 64, boarders at, 59, 107 121, 136, 172, 173 devotions at, 95 Brussels, Dominicans, 174 enclosure, 57, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, agents, 103 69, 70, 75, 76 architecture, 53, 93 finances, 82, 92, 102, 104, 106, 107, 112, benefactors to, 85, 88, 93, 96 122, 123, 128, 167 enclosure, 53, 55, 66 foundation of, 3, 176 finances, 53, 109, 121, 167, 177 library, 57 foundation of, 5 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-47996-7 — English Convents in Catholic Europe, c.1600–1800 James E. Kelly Index More Information 216 Index Brussels, Dominicans (cont.) Caryll, Mary, 39, 109, 147 martyrs, links to, 155 Catherick, Edmund, 156, 157 material and visual culture, 84, 86, 88, Catherine of Bologna, Saint, 84 95, 96 Catherine, Saint, martyr, 107 relationship with exile colleges, 167, 170, Catholic 174, 177 emancipation, 1 spirituality, 134–5 Enlightenment, 63 Brussels, Franciscans. See Bruges, Reformation, 9–10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 19, Franciscans 22, 71, 77, 78, 80, 86, 114, 135, 139, Buckfast Abbey, 156 141, 145, 150, 152, 159, 160, 161, Bulter, Alban, SJ, 170 184–5, 191 Burch, Henri-François van der, Reformation, commitment to, 52 Archbishop, 71 Reformation, debates within, 48–50 Burgess, Matthew, 178 Cecilia, Saint, 94 Burton, Catherine, 63 Challoner, Richard, Bishop, 11, 165, 175 Busby, Anne, 88, 93 Chambers, Ann, 175 Butler, Catherina, 73 Champney, Anthony, 44 Byrd, William, 37 Charles Alexander, Prince of Lorraine, 61 Charles I, King, 22, 86, 117, 125, 157 Caimo, Jan-Robert, Bishop, 61 Charles II, King, 26, 61, 125, 157 Calais, 108 Chichester, Catharina, 82 Calasanz, Joseph, Saint, 149 Clare, Saint, 81 Caldwell, John, alias Fenwick, SJ, 157 Clement IX, Pope, 119 Cambrai, 71 Clement XI, Pope, 187 Cambrai, Benedictines Clement, Caesar, 80 agents, 103 Clement, Margaret, 3, 68, 69, 71, 155, 156 enclosure, 71 Clifton, Catherine, 61 English mission, 48 Clifton, Francis, alias Dominic Fanning, foundation of, 4 SJ, 167 library, 12, 48, 144 Clifton, Thomas, 172 poverty, vow of, 100 Clitherow, Ann, 155 recruitment, 32 Clitherow, Margaret, 137, 155 relationship with local community, 11 Coghlan, James Peter, 103 spirituality, 14, 48, 131, 136 Coleman, Anne, 109 translations of works, 12 Colette of Corbie, Saint, 160 Camden, William, 12 Colford, Gabriel, 102 Campion, Edmund, SJ, 41, 139, Cologne, 4 141, 157 confessors, 12, 27, 43, 44, 55, 58, 66, 81, Cantilupe, Thomas, Saint, 152 87, 90, 94, 97, 105, 108, 116, 122, Capello, Marius Ambrosius, OP, Bishop, 134, 135–8, 155, 156, 163–7, 168, 71, 87, 118 169, 170, 172, 178, 180, 181 Carew, Lucy, 68, 107 Coningsby, Margaret, 67 Carmelites, 143, 150 Constable, Barbara, 15 attempted convent at Liège, 6 Conyers, Claire, 62 attempted convent at Mechelen, 6 Conyers, Elizabeth, 74, 148 attempted convent at Valladolid, 6 Conyers, Lucy, 148 General, 72 Corby, Isabella, 154, 162 Carre, Thomas, 165–6, 173 Corby, Ralph, SJ, 155 Carrington, Lady, 59 Corham, Justina, 67 Carter, Teresa, 106 Corker, Maurus, OSB, 156 Cary, Jane, 88 Corne, Charles, 163 Caryll family, 127 Cornelius, John, SJ, 25 Caryll, John, 39 Council of Trent, 6, 11, 16–17, 51, 53, 58, Caryll, Katherine, 39 64, 71, 77, 78, 91, 98, 101, 113, 116, Caryll, Lady Mary, 59 139, 150, 187, 189 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-47996-7 — English Convents in Catholic Europe, c.1600–1800 James E. Kelly Index More Information Index 217 Cracow, 4 Scots College, 178 Crafts, Anne, 86 Dover, 22 Cromwell, Oliver, 23 du Tot, Monsieur, 80, 90 Cromwell, Thomas, 5 Dunkirk, 108, 112 Curson, Anna, 43 Dunkirk, Benedictines Curson, Elizabeth, 43 agents, 103 Cuthbert, Saint, 159 benefactors to, 97, 125 enclsoure, 73 D’Acquignie, Mr Le President, 60 English mission, 18 D’Aquignie, Pierre-Robert Le Roux finances, 109, 122, 128 D’Esneval, 87 foundation of, 5, 39, 125 Damerin, Guillaume-Antoine, 82 martyrs, links to, 155 Darnley, Katherine, Duchess of material and visual culture, 97 Buckingham, 127 music, 168 Davenport, Christopher, 76 recruitment, 128 Dawson, Catherine, 149 relics at, 152, 155 Dawson, Thomas, 16, 124 Dunkirk, Poor Clares, 9 de Berghes, Alphonsus, Archbishop, 151 benefactors to, 115 de Berniere, Madame, 93 finances, 105 de Blois, Louis, OSB, 13 foundation of, 4 de Bouillon, Cardinal, 119 poverty, vow of, 101 de Carvajal, Luisa, 6, 141 recruitment, 23 de Chantal, Jane Frances Fremiot, 149 relationship with exile colleges, 163 de Crayer, Caspar, 85 relationship with local community, de Fontenois, Madame, 120 105 de Franken-Sierstof, Pierre-Joseph, Durham, 176 Bishop, 119 Durham Cathedral, 159 de Lalaing, Maria Gabriëlla, countess of Düsseldorf, 4, 54 Hoogstraten, 59, 118 Dutch Republic de Longueval, Charles Bonaventure, Count persecution of Catholics, 141, 152 of Bucquoy, 116 de Luynes, Paul d’Albert, Cardinal, 128 Edmondes, Thomas, 27 de Rancé, Jean-Armand
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