CONTENTSContents SOME WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT .........................................3 IMPRESSIONS OF A JOURNEY ABROAD.......................................9 THE ROOT OF THE RIGHTEOUS WILL GIVE............................... 16 THE LATEST ACHIEVEMENTS OF OUR TEACHER AND RAV.. ....22 JTHE GAON AND TZADDIK RABBI YITZCHAK KADURI ZT”L....... 24 IS THERE WATER ABOVE THE FIRMAMENT? .............................29 THE NEED TO STUDY THE LAWS OF MODESTY ........................ 30 JERUSALEM HAS LOST A JEWEL ................................................34 THE LESSON OF SELF-SACRIFICE AND ITS IMPORTANCE FOR THE FUTURE.................................................................................36 THE HILLOULA OF RABBI HAIM PINTO ZT”L ............................... 40 A TZADDIK HAS LEFT THIS WORLD THE GAON RABBI NISSIM REBIBO ZATZAL............................................................................46 THE PASSING OF RABBI NATHAN BOKOBZA..............................48 THE DISASTER EFFECTS OF CARELESSNESS..........................49 THE ADMOR OF SATMAR HARAV MOSHE TEITELBAUM ZT”L....50 A FEW GOLDEN RULES................................................................52 DVOR TORAH IN HEBREW...........................................................54 UNDER AEGIS OF RABBI DAVID HANANIA PINTO CHLITA ISRAEL - ASHDOD The Pinto “OROT HAÏM OU MOSHE” REHOV HA-ADMOUR MI-BELZ 41/6 • ASHDOD • ISRAËL Associations around TEL: +972 88 856 125 • FAX: +972 88 563 851 ISRAEL - JERUSALEM the world, along with KOLLEL “OROTH HAIM OU MOSHE” KOLLEL “MISHKAN BETSALEL” Rabbi David Hanania Pinto YÉCHIVAT “NEFESH HAIM” REHOV BAYIT VAGAN 97 • JERUSALEM • ISRAEL Shlita, send you their best TEL: +972 26 433 605 • FAX: +972 26 433 570 U.S.A - CHEVRAT PINTO wishes for an exceptional new 8 MORRIS ROAD - SPRING VALLEY • NY 10977 • U.S.A TEL: 1 845 426 1276 • FAX: 1 845 426 1149 year 5767. Shana Tova! May PARIS - ORH HAÏM VÉMOSHÉ 11, RUE DU PLATEAU - 75019 PARIS • FRANCE we all be inscribed in the TEL: 01 42 08 25 40 - FAX: 01 42 08 50 85 LYON - HEVRAT PINTO Book of Life. Amen. 20 BIS, RUE DES MÛRIERS - 69100 VILLEURBANNE • FRANCE TEL: 04 78 03 89 14 - FAX: 04 78 68 68 45 Responsable de publication: Hanania SOUSSAN Mise en Page: Hanania SOUSSAN Impression: Imprimerie de Chabrol Web Site : www.hevratpinto.org 3 SOME WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT Some Words of Encour- agement for the Yamim Noraim Given at the Orot Haim OuMoshe Kollel in Ashdod - Sun- day, Elul 28, 5765 We are approaching Rosh Hashanah, which is the Day of Judgment. A person must feel, however, that each day is a miniature Rosh Hashanah (hence there is no allusion in the Torah to the fact that the first day of Tishri is the day of judg- ment, for a person must feel that Hashem is judging his actions each day), as we say in prayer: “In His goodness He re- news each day, continuously, the work of Creation.” We must feel renewed each day, as the Sages have said: “That the words of the Torah shall be new to you, as if they were given just today” (Tan- huma Yashan, Yitro 7). Thus a person must feel that each day is a new one for him, at which point he will experience a great spiritual elevation. Similarly, we feel renewed when we wear a new ar- ticle of clothing and recite Shecheyanu, for everything new opens the mind, and when the mind is more open, joy is awak- ened. Hence we should have our minds opened on Rosh Hashanah. Yet that is not the case, for instead we are seized with fear (as the Gemara states, “On Rosh Ha- shanah, the more a man bends his mind, the better it is” [Rosh Hashanah 26b]). Why is this so? It is because we haven’t broadened our minds during the entire year. However if we feel renewed each make Hashem our King. However the renewed fear on Rosh Hashanah. If we day throughout the year, then on Rosh reality is that such a person has already feel renewed each day, we will certainly Hashanah we will not be subjected to made Him his King each day through feel “Rosh Hashanah,” but it will not anxiety or fear. his prayers and 100 times a day through be a terrible sensation or a dread of the his blessings, as we recite: “Blessed are In reality, Rosh Hashanah is a day Day of Judgment. In fact we really have You, L-RD our G-d, King of the uni- of fear, since it is the Day of Judg- nothing to worry about, since the Torah verse.” True, we hear the sound of the ment. Yet if a person feels renewed in speaks of joy in reference to Rosh Ha- Shofar on Rosh Hashanah. However his Torah study, he will experience the shanah, as it is written: “Also in the day when we study Torah aloud each day, Creation each day, and he will per- of your joy, and in your festivals, and this too is like the sound of the Shofar. ceive the Holy One, blessed be He, as at the beginnings of your months, you Unfortunately, because of our many sins it is written: “Know before Whom you shall sound with the trumpets” [Num- the power of habit makes a person lose stand.” He will certainly feel something bers 10:10]. Therefore joy has a place on Rosh Hashanah, for on this day we his sensibilities, and therefore he feels on Rosh Hashanah. 3 An idea came to me concerning states that this occurred because Ahab studied Torah and knew that what he did the following passage in the Gemara: had submitted himself to Hashem. Im- was forbidden? How could he still have “Three kings and four commoners have mediately after this, there was the battle done it? no portion in the World to Come. The of Ramoth-Gilead, in which Ahab was The Sages have taught, “Manasseh three kings are Jeroboam, Ahab, and killed, though we see no indication that interpreted the Priestly Law in 55 dif- Manasseh. Rabbi Judah said: Manasseh he reverted to his previous way of life. ferent ways, corresponding to the years has a portion in it, for it is written, ‘He And what can we say about Manasseh, of his reign. Ahab [in] 85, and Jeroboam prayed to Him, and He was entreated who was foremost among the Ba’alei [in] 103” (Sanhedrin 103b). Consequent- by him and heard his supplication, and teshuvah (as the Jerusalem Talmud tells ly, how can someone interpret the Torah He returned him to Jerusalem, to his us in Sanhedrin 10:2), for the Holy One, in 85 ways and still transgress it? This kingship’ [II Chronicles 33:13]. They blessed be He, secured a portion for him is why Heaven placed Manasseh in the answered him: ‘They restored him to his under the Throne of Glory. Hashem also same category as Jeroboam the son of kingship, but not to the World to Come!’ heard his supplications, as it is written: Nabat, for one who knows his Master and ” (Sanhedrin 90a). Ahab also did te- “He prayed to Him, and He was entreat- rebels against Him is judged strictly. shuvah, as it is written: “When Ahab ed by him.” heard these words, he tore his clothes I have seen that Rav Shach cites Rashi Of Jeroboam it is written: “At that on the verse, “For G-d will judge every and placed sackcloth upon his skin and time, Jeroboam’s son Abijah became ill. fasted. He slept with the sackcloth, and deed, even everything hidden” (Eccle- Jeroboam said to his wife, ‘Get up now siastes 12:14). Here Rashi explains that he walked about slowly. The word of and disguise yourself so that people will Hashem will judge a person even for his the L-RD came to Elijah the Tishbite, not know that you are Jeroboam’s wife, unintentional sins. We also read: “The saying: ‘Have you seen that Ahab has and go to Shiloh. Ahijah the prophet School of Rabbi Yanai said, ‘This refers humbled himself before Me?’ ” (I Kings is there, the one who spoke of me as to one who gives alms to a poor person 21:27-29). becoming king over this people. … in public’ ” (Chagigah 5a). In fact when The Sages explain that Ahab re- He will tell you what will happen to Rabbi Yanai saw a man giving a penny pented completely. He summoned Je- the boy.’ Jeroboam’s wife did so. She to a poor person in public, he said to the hoshaphat, the king of Judah, and stuck arose and went to Shiloh, and arrived giver: “It would have been better if you him every day. The Gemara states, “Be- at Ahijah’s house. Now Ahijah could had not given to him.” Here was a man cause he used to benefit scholars with not see, for his eyes were dim because who gave tzeddakah, yet erred by giving his wealth, half [his sins] were forgiv- of his age. … When Ahijah heard the it in public, since he forgot that giving en” (Sanhedrin 102b). sound of her feet coming in the door, in this way is forbidden. Even for doing Thus the question becomes, how we he said: ‘Enter, wife of Jeroboam! Why that, he will have to give an accounting, a can possibly group Manasseh and Ahab do you disguise yourself? I have a harsh frightening prospect indeed. with Jeroboam the son of Nabat? Ac- message for you [which he proceeded cording to all opinions, Jeroboam has to give]: … I am bringing evil upon the A person is giving tzeddakah, yet no portion whatsoever in the World house of Jeroboam, and I will eliminate instead of simply giving it discreetly, he to Come, for it is clear that he neither all male offspring from Jeroboam.’ … makes the mistake of giving in public. submitted to Hashem nor listened to Jeroboam’s wife arose and left, and Although he did give, Hashem is going the words of the prophets: “When [Je- she came to Tirzah.
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