IEPTEMBER 19, 1960 THIRTY BROP!dP,FING-FIVE CENTS ',Oar p°I THE BUSINESS'°" uoT~jFrFOoTg ND RADIO T ' XI.Tsaa.+tun >rtteTpuI Now official: network option time sliced by 30 minutes Page 29 Another toll tv showdown: FCC orders a second hearing Page 58 Stern disqualifies three applicants in Miami ch. 7 case Page 71 Federal Aviation Agency moves for final say on towers Page 78 ...... 'ASTI .T ti, D. C.;"tiE{'T).111B CC Settles FM Allocations and Rules 53 Stations proposed to be added within the 50 in Farts 1, 2 and 3 of the present Get Frequencies; Licensees uv /m contour live in rural areas regulations. The new form brings or in construc- r communities smaller than together rules governing H t. 25 to File 10,000." tion, licensing and operation of The designation of frequencies in F the 88 -108 me hand w = stated that even- These were the headlines in Broadcasting just 15 years ago. And in the same September 17 issue, there appeared an advertisement highlighting the formation of the predecessor company to Avery - Knodel, Inc. In the decade and a half that followed, fabulous growth came to this industry. And to Avery - Knodel, too ... from six employees in two offices Inds Total Time Sales to almost 100 people in seven strategically located offices ... a selling organization full\ ere $246,339,532 in 1944 qualified and really dedicated to sales ano ME sales for the major and re- kw power were reported at ¡196; service. nal networks an increase 24% over and 875 standard 247, of 1911 With this record of healthy growth, we are adcasting stations during 1944 Clear channel unlimited t1 tailed $240,339,¢32, the FCC rer tions of five to 20 kw pleased to celebrate our Fifteenth Anniversary rted last Friday. submitted reporta e figure compares with $19b,- 534 or a gain T for the networks and 841 / "\\ \ \ CV'ERY-KNODEL \ _- RADIO AND TELEVISION STATION RF"PF Offices tn: New York. Atl.'nt,, Franc ; r KCBQ NUMBER ONE IN THE NUMBER ONE GROWTH MARKET Now the 16th Market (over a million) - and the top growth area in the nation, with an 80.2% increase since 1950. San Diego looks to KCBQ for leader- ship and gets it: straight from the shoulder news coverage ... hard hitting editorials ... and penetrat- ing community service. KCBQ - consistently top - rated for four years. Blair has all the facts and fig- ures, including the latest Pulse qualitative study. WADO New York WOKY Milwaukee WAKE Atlanta WYDE Birmingham KYA San Francisco BARTELL BROADCASTING CORPORATION KCBQ Son Diego TeleHaiti 444 MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK 22, NEW YORK TeleCuracao J TelAruba 1010A 0( A1fINO, SopinnLor 19. 1960 KRLD -TV is proud to be the recipient of tie 1960 Associated Press Texas Broadcasters'Awards for Spot News and Feature Stories represented nationally by the Branham Company TI -MES HERALD STATIONS ehapeitee_ 4,' 0a,4--Ft; Gr/. Clyde W. Rembert, President MAXIMUM POWER TV -Twin to KRLD radio 1060, CBS outlet with 50,000 watts. 4 BROADCASTING, September 19, 1960 CLOSED CIRCUITS Moment of harmony What may be- been handling such cases for FCC, is Mutual -is heading downward volun- come museum -piece is slated to ap- expected to announce resignation from tarily. Mutual has required its affiliates pear in newspapers in four major cities special job. Judge Stern is 82 and has to carry six -and -one -half hours for next Monday (Sept. 26) -ad signed handled three such hearings in addition religious programming on Sunday. Re- jointly by all three tv networks. ABC - to Miami ch. 7: Miami ch. 10, Boston ports are that MBS is notifying stations TV, CBS -TV and NBC -TV, which for ch. 5 and St. Louis ch. 2. Commission that network is dropping option time legal if no other reasons rarely do has issued final orders in only two; on Sunday, and stations now may elect anything together, reportedly have Miami ch. 10 and Boston ch. 5. to carry or drop religious programs. agreed that instead of promoting Nixon - Mutual's format provides for feeding Interesting sidelight to resignation Kennedy all- network appearance that affiliates two five- minute newscasts of FCC associate general counsel Edgar night in separate ads, they'll do it hourly, with affiliates selling one seg- W. Holtz who has been special in single ad carrying all their names. coun- ment and keeping revenue and Mutual sel in ex parte cases (see page 71). He Ad is supposed to run in New York, selling other and retaining payment. announced resignation last Washington, Chicago and Los Angeles. Monday, Nomenclature CBS Radio Division Catalyst bringing networks together was two days before special examiner Horace Stern came with initial has run into name problem with its Television Information Office, which out decision on Miami ch. 7 case, which new "Dimension" programming, collec- also has prepared advertising copy that recommended voiding grant to WCKT tion of short features that CBS -owned all of its members may use, either in- (TV) and disqualifying it, well radio stations drop into local shows dividually or with their tv competitors, there as to as two other applicants, from further "differentiate" those stations from other in local promotion of telecast. consideration for channel. Counsel for outlets (BROADCASTING, Aug. 29). Shift South Frank White, vice chair- WCKT is Hogan & Hartson, law firm Seems that Westinghouse Broadcasting man of McCann -Erickson, now is di- which Mr. Holtz is joining. Co. is claiming its WBZ -TV Boston viding his time between New York has had weekly half -hour known as Fifty- headquarters and expanded Washington Canned guitars station Country Dimensions for about 10 years and that Music Network, New York, is operations in RCA Building, 1725 K gearing its KYW Cleveland has had one under to add "recorded- Street. Reason: greater importance of network" programm- same name for four. WBC and CBS ing to structure which so has been Washington in lives of advertising agen- far officials are talking it over. CBS officials limited to selling in cies and their clients. joint conjunction say they don't expect it to involve with Charles Bernard Co., New York, "trouble." Film credits First step in setting up station representative. Basic operating new Sec. 317 sponsor identification tool for CMN, survey of country - Trend to comedy CBS Films is pin- rules in line with provisions of S 1898, Western market, will be unveiled to- ning its network sale hopes on situation signed by President last week, is special morrow (Sept. 20). by Dr. Sydney comedy in 1961 -62 season. Production informal conference between FCC staff Roslow of The Pulse at presentation in firm, which this season will have Angel and representatives of motion picture New York for agencies and advertisers. (situation comedy, licensed to CBS - producers. This is scheduled for TV and in Thursday night schedule) Before San Francisco Wednesday (Sept. 21), with film rep- the blow In as its only network entry, has ear- resentatives to be led by Ed Cooper Chronicle application for ch. 4 Wash- marked additional six series for '61 -'62. ington, D.C., now tv specialist of Motion Picture Assn. licensed to NBC's all of them situation comedies. WRC -TV (BROADCASTING, Sept. 12), FCC feels movie point -of -view im- New entry H&B American Corp., portant, since some Hollywood prac- there's correspondence between Harold P. See, general manager of Chronicle's which recently acquired nine cats sys- tices may have strong impact on tems from Jerrold Electronics for $5 responsibility of licensees. KRON -TV San Francisco, and RCA (NBC's parent) regarding equipment million (BROADCASTING, Aug. 15) con- Traditional Hollywood practice of for new tv station "in undisclosed loca- templates expansion in licensed broad- manufacturers supplying motion picture tion." RCA assistant credit manager cast field (both radio and tv). Company studios with virtually any product with- voiced pleasure at receiving inquiry, disposed of two non -communications out charge in exchange for its use in saying "We are happy to learn of your interests last week. David E. Bright, picture is causing Hollywood lawyers plans.' board chairman, last January acquired to pore over text of new anti-payola control of KFBB -AM -TV Great Falls, British Charles Fletcher - law to see whether this practice would viewer Mont. Charles L. Glett, veteran west Cooke, Conservative member of Parlia- have to be dropped or altered to permit coast broadcast executive resigned vice ment, who participates in weekly panel sale of theatrical films to television. presidency of National Theatres & television programs over Britain's Gra- Television last June to become presi- Public issues At least two multiple nada network, is making study of part dent of H&B American Corp., and its owners in tv and radio are contemplat- tv and radio play in U.S. national elec- subsidiary, Transcontinent Communi- ing "going public" in near future. They tions. He is member of Queen's Council cations System. are awaiting favorable climate and attended American Bar Assn. ses- market Bonanza Musings of radio -tv special- before filing proposals for public issues sions in Washington three weeks ago. ists in presidential campaign: Free time with - He participated in panel that examined Securities & Exchange Commis on barn -storming and whistle- sion, relationship of television programs stopping trips is being offered in profusion. Sta- to crime rate. Job ending Wit issuance of rccom- tions apparently are operating on basis t mendations in Miami ch. 7 ex parte Options slipping Though FCC's or- that when in doubt, give 'em time. case (see page 71) special examiner der of cut in television option time Everywhere there's concern about re- Horace Stern, retired chief justice of took spotlight last week (sec page 31), quired reports to FCC on political Pennsylvania Supreme Court, who has option time on one radio network- time.
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