Whitley Pumping Station, Coventry Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment A112428-8 Homes England Prepared on behalf of WYG Group Limited. October 2020 3 Sovereign Square, Sovereign Street, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS1 4ER Tel: +44 (0)113 278 7111 Fax: +44 (0)113 219 2317 Email: [email protected] Website: www.wyg.com WYG Environment Planning Transport Limited. Registered in England & Wales Number: 03050297 Registered Office: 3 Sovereign Square, Sovereign Street, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS1 4ER Whitley Pumping Station, Coventry Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment Document control Document: Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment Project: Whitley Pumping Station, Coventry Client: Homes England Job Number: A112428-8 File Origin: Archaeology DBA - Whitley Pumping Station 09Oct20sh.docx Revision: V0 Date: November 2019 Prepared by: Checked by: Approved By: Danielle Farrar (PCIfA), Samantha Hilton (PCIfA), Nigel Mann, Director Archaeological Consultant Archaeological Consultant Revision: Version 1 Date: October 2020 Prepared by: Checked by: Approved By: Samantha Hilton (PCIfA), Martin Brown (MCIfA), Nigel Mann, Director Archaeological Consultant Associate – Archaeology Client Comments Revision: Version 2 Date: Prepared by: Checked by: Approved By: A112428-8 October 2020 www.wyg.com creative minds safe hands Whitley Pumping Station, Coventry Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment Contents. 1. Non-Technical Summary ..............................................................................................1 2. Introduction ................................................................................................................1 2.1 Aims and Objectives.......................................................................................................1 3. Site Location and Conditions.........................................................................................2 4. Methodology ...............................................................................................................3 4.1 Sources Consulted..........................................................................................................3 5. Planning Policy Context ................................................................................................4 5.1 National Legislation and Guidance ...................................................................................4 5.1.1 Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979 ........................................4 5.1.2 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act, 1990 ...............................4 5.1.3 Protection of Military Remains Act, 1986..............................................................4 5.1.4 National Planning Policy Framework 2019 ............................................................5 5.1.5 Historic Environment Good Practice in Planning Note 3: The Setting of Heritage Assets second edition (Historic England 2017).....................................................6 5.1.6 Planning Practice Guidance (PPG): Historic Environment (MHCLG, July 2019).........7 5.2 Local Policy and Guidance...............................................................................................7 5.2.1 Coventry Local Plan 2011 - 2031 (adopted 2017) .................................................7 6. Baseline Data ..............................................................................................................8 6.1 Designated Sites ............................................................................................................9 6.2 Archaeological and Historic Background...........................................................................9 6.2.1 Archaeological Background and Non-Designated Heritage Assets...........................9 6.2.2 Prehistoric .......................................................................................................10 6.2.3 Romano-British ................................................................................................12 6.2.4 Early medieval/Anglo-Saxon..............................................................................13 6.2.5 Medieval..........................................................................................................13 6.2.6 Post-medieval, Industrial and Modern periods ....................................................15 A112428-8 October 2020 www.wyg.com creative minds safe hands Whitley Pumping Station, Coventry Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment 6.2.7 Unknown.........................................................................................................17 7. Landscape Characterisation ........................................................................................17 7.1 Aerial Photographs .......................................................................................................17 7.2 LiDAR data ..................................................................................................................18 7.3 Historic Landscape Characterisation...............................................................................18 8. Historic Mapping Survey .............................................................................................19 9. Site Walkover Survey .................................................................................................20 10. Heritage Potential and Impacts .................................................................................21 10.1 Archaeological Potential ..............................................................................................21 11. Mitigation Recommendations and Conclusions............................................................25 11.1 Archaeological Remains ..............................................................................................25 References....................................................................................................................26 Appendices ...................................................................................................................29 A112428-8 October 2020 www.wyg.com creative minds safe hands Whitley Pumping Station, Coventry Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment 1. Non-Technical Summary This Archaeological and Heritage desk-based assessment has been prepared to support the consideration of this site for future development. This study examines the cultural heritage potential of the proposed development site and the surrounding areas. The site was found to contain potential for previously unrecorded archaeological remains relating to the medieval periods onwards activity of the area, and the industrial use of the application site, considering the use of the site as the ground of the Pumping Station, due to the known evidence found of the application site and surrounding areas. A programme of archaeological mitigation has been advised in the form of a geophysical survey, with any further archaeological work being undertaken in accordance with the standards and guidance from the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists, and a Written Scheme of Investigation agreed in advance with the Coventry City Council Conservation and Archaeology Team. We propose that further archaeological work can be undertaken in accordance with a future Reserved Matters application. 2. Introduction This Archaeological Desk Based Assessment has been prepared by Danielle Farrar (PCIfA), Archaeological Consultant, WYG, on behalf of Homes England to support an outline planning application for residential-led mixed use development and associated infrastructure and landscaping works to provide residential accommodation (up to 400 dwellings), as Whitley Pumping Station, Coventry. A full description of the proposed development can be found in the Planning Statement. 2.1 Aims and Objectives This report has been prepared in line with (any regional briefs or HE guidance) and in respect of the guidelines established by CIfA (2014) Standard and Guidance for Desk-Based Assessment: This DBA will determine, as far as is reasonably possible from existing records, the nature, extent and significance of the historic environment within a specified area. It will be undertaken using appropriate methods and practices which satisfy the stated aims of the project, and which comply with the Code of Conduct and other relevant regulations of CIfA (2014, 2017). The DBA will establish the impact of the proposed development on the significance of the historic environment (or will identify the need for further evaluation to do so) and will enable reasoned proposals and decisions to be made whether to mitigate, offset or accept without further intervention that impact. This study examines the cultural heritage potential of the proposed development site and the surrounding area. The aim of the study is to: A112428-8 October 2020 www.wyg.com creative minds safe hands 1 Whitley Pumping Station, Coventry Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment Identify recorded cultural heritage sites within the site boundary and located nearby with settings and significance affected by the proposal; Identify the potential for previously unrecorded sites to be present within the site; Identify potential impacts and mitigation strategies where appropriate; and, Make recommendations for further work where required. The Historic Environment, as defined by NPPF (2019), comprises all surviving remains of interaction between people and places through time; this includes all buried and upstanding archaeological remains, built heritage
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