'd b .................... .... : " # ; F 1 ~b~ L .... '~" .... :;":~"2~;:~: ,;'-:V:'"'::'" '" ~.:"F' " '.., '-' ,:' ,.:. ,!= r:: ....... '$ "'- ::'L7,~:I'!" '/;;T~T~T" :: ,~'""" ; : , . ':,':;: .' :-:. • ' :' < :.:';k' -" : ; " : ";' i ' ~' . ~:";""~-',: " " , , . ,.,:, : : ':, i. ." ': " ' " ' ......" "' " " .. : ':" ' ' ,' J "" ; : :'::' '" " : :'~ " ..... .~ o0~ ~k~. ~'_~i~'~' ~'~' "hr.'ii, ,, :d Vol. 3, Issue No. 17 TERRACE, B.C., WEDNESDAY. April 29, 1987. 50 CEN'I'~ I~ q II . "; ,T. ., New agencies ! urged to NO A h.elp:.-workersl b Y( ~CE -. Alcoholism late," was Dong Fost~'S and ;drug dependency,, assessment •- of services. i~ typically perceived as available inthe northwmt. disorders almost exclusive Foster is .the regional ~ to down.and.outers, on-, director for Northwest ~" skid row,,me now being Alcohol andDrug corm, " identified and=, acknowl- selling :0~, and,he edged as serioUsproblems .- appeared 'along - with - ,in theshops and:offices of. counsellor Jeff Talbot B,C. A ~sedom--solution . before -the~ five.memb~ will"require, better educe-,:: Task' Force on "A.Icoho! tion of .,~mployers and-:a ~: 'and .Drag ::•Abuse in,:~the , network " of . community-..-Workplace,., .-. agencies :'to supp6rt : ."By the~eawork ~ ~: : Workers during i~ieeoyew, ~ref .err~,to us, wnat.we.'.re: a government task.., force, .-getting m a personm me. was told. recently:in'i:Ter- latter stages of chemii:al 11t~ ~leek vehk~ promoting Alpine car stereo systems was one of many exhibits at the annual Jaycses' Pacific Northwest ra~. " - dependency," Foster said. Trades Fair held recently In the Terrace arena. Standing next to the car Is Bob Hltchcock, sales representative for Sight and He placed theblame for - • 8ound, the Terrace distributors for Alpine. Organizers said this year's Trades Fair was the biggest ever. Watch the May 6 Issue of "What we're able to of.. the Terrace Review for more photos and coverage of the three-day exhibition. Photoby Danie~SerquJst. far now is too little, too that situation : on lack. of.. education and- intervew tion on the part of employers ands genres! Ba n dsh e il i attitude toward-alcohol. , "a .readily. available and • acce,pted".~:s0¢ial.: !lubri-: . ~i ; ..; ..... pped from ., "~cohol,abuse is. not - .4 r ::" tire viewed as an,abnormal problem until-a parsee's: legacy plans " life is on the verge of fall. .f- ing apart," Foster said. TERRACE- Detailed supports the bandshell "The referrals we get.ale planning Work and tender project in principal but is '~ .~Y .... "" 4r~ usually hostile.and ha~ a specifications are being unable to fund it due to dubious potential for m~- drawn up for Terrace's the cost of the pool expan- cess." Those who do: Expo legacy projec,' t but sion. Aid. Bob Jackman •manage to straighten thek that proj ,act no longer in- suggested it Would be an lives out after' years ~of cludes a"'bandShell in appropriate undertaking substance abuse :Foster - George M. Little Park. for community groups termed "white-knuckle The bandshell was part such as service clubs, and successes", hanging 'on of the original grant ap- he estimated the total cost grimly to sobriety, plication, :: but Terrace of building a bandshell to "knowing they,can't ddUk council has decided the be •between $25,000 and and drag anymore". The $500,000 price tag on $40,000. success rate, Foster said, ~is enhancements to the about 40 percent. swimming pool complex If the project obtains An .average Of .about everyten people in Will take as much as the funding, Terrace:council Bed Orleans, developer of the Mount Layton Hot Springs Resort at Lakelse Lake, shares his one in city can afford. The Expo will donate the use of land lunch with a little friend. The resort Includes a water elide complex which features three elides, the region will develop a legacy grant will cover in George M. Little Park each standing 60 feet high; a 22-unit hotel with the main hot springs nestled In the lobby. The about one-third of the as a site for the structure. complex Is sure to attract many tourists to the are& See stow page 3. P~otoby OanleleBerqullt. metered (ks Ipqe 34 cost. The pool' expansion, Which Aid. Me Takhar termed a "Cadillac', pro- Sports fishermen ject, will add resources to the existing exercise room and include other, ameni- set 1987 agenda ties such as a sauna and hot tub. Ata recent coun- TERRACE -- The Skeena organization will lobby cil Committee of the Watershed Sports Fisher. for a comprehensive Whole •meeting it was men's Coalition will cow management scheme to noted changes to the struc- tinue its efforts this year conserve the Skeena fish ture of the building's ceil- to establish a co- resource for all users. ing.will end problemswith management board for the The Coalition was moisture condensation Skeena River with equal founded last year out of and result in better heat representation of native, concern for critical deple. -retenti0n. sport and commercial tion of salmon and Terrace architect Alex- fishing interests. steelhead stocks native to ander lnselberg is in At a recent public the skeena. The organiza- Charge 0f design. The 8th ,,nnual Day Care Week is coming up May 3 to 10. Licensed day care oentree In Terrace meeting in Terrace Coali. tion consists of directors Aid. George Clark said amworklng together to Inform the community abouteervlces at their centree. Krlstopher Long tion member Bob Brown, representing the steelhad attends the Terrace Day Care Centre on a regular basis. See stow on the local centre page 13. at the April 27 council Photoby DenialsBerqulet, a localresident who is also society, the B.C. Wildlife meeting that council still president of the B.C. Federation, several rod I I i ._ I Ilia I I Steelhead Society north. and gun clubs, f'~ Oats HI Lo Prl¢ Forecast: Cloddy and BuSiness Guide g Entertainment 16 Church Dlrsctoryl 10 Horoscope 17 west chapter, said despite resort owners and April 20 5 ' 0 20.4 occasional rain through and outfitters.Its declaled April 21 6 1 .8 Thursday. Remaining Classified Ads. 22 Letters ' 4, 5, 9,18 resistance from both com. April 22 10 2 trace Coming Events 8 Opinions 4 martial fishermen and the objectives are rehabilita- April 23 16 1 trace ¢ool and possibly clear- Apd124 10 3 trace Ing over the weekend. Comics 21 Sports 6 senior bureaucracy of the tion of Skeena River April 25 10 ~. trace Highs around 10, lows Crossword 21 Stork Raped ! Department of Fisheries salmonids and the April 36 9 1 1.6 • around 2.3. Dining Dlractop/ : , ~ 2. Talk of the TOwn I I I II I Ill • and Oceans (DFO) the eeatlamd ee P~, 6 % :t i I • . • + +,• • ,, • . , 5 ¸' ,_ .. +, :.: " .: ,. : : - ~<+ ~ i +i' i :," • + .. :: 2 Tm~e Revlm~-- Wednesday, April 29, 1987 : , ii ~?i i i : + : :: ~ '+,i • , ,+ + . , . + . • "' ,, / . : (: " i. ,;~ : .Gold :i~!/::!::/:i!1%~::'? ;~i:~. ii~: found/ -Westmin Resources ex- pects to make a produc- • " "' ".i' tion decision on its gold - , : +-::: .&..L"" .. : , - property: near. •Stewart sometime in July, accord- in8 to Harlan Meade, western regio/tal explora- tion manager for the com- pany, Meade said project evaluation drilling is presently under way on the Silbak Premier and • Big Missouri properties, and the tender for a final feasibility study has been awarded to Wright, En- + .. rinsers. Their report is ex- pelled in June, and Meade saidthe joint venture part- i I nets wilt then decide ' ' whether to proceed. More than 60 IocM peopleT attended a recent Chamber of Commeme luncheon to get infomnatlon on the new $24 million sawmil being built In Ter. • -Construction could, e race by Skeena Cbllulose~ Construction manager Jim Davis (standing) said nearlyall,, the mill'S machinery will be fabrlnated inCanada and local OI ' .be'Bin as"early as this fall, •contractors will have opportunities for work "if their.pencils are sharp enough .... '.. -, . " : ' ' . and silver, would start :agltdSometime produetion-ofgold in the third Pleed for nuclear: : m ed,cin+e quarter of 1988. i i i -... The.mine is expected to "+"employ.:!.lllsttenyears.:.~120peopleThe feasibility study fog.at is . N ' o rt h we st to bie ' studi e d •:- being directed only at sur- . In ' face mining, methods, bt/t Meade said exploration .TERRACE: -- The substances such as drugs of the lungs. Mills Memorial would discipline; the position is "::... re~lts.in.!the Silbakarea Ministry of Health has and hormones, Patient s requiring come to about $400,000 presently being advertised. ;~+ point toward the puss,bill- agreed to fund a study to These substances can nuclear medicine services for equipment and reno- Carelius said he hopes i;i!ii..tyof an underground pro- determine" if a nuclear also.be injected into apa- presently have to travel to rations, and the service the Ministry of L Health !.:~ii .gramat some future date., medicine facility is re- tient and used tO create Vancouver or Prince would require two full. study will becompleted .-~(. The patternof mineralize- quired.in the Northwest, images of internal partsof George with the associated time technicians.: and two sometime in the next few ' ti0n there, lhe said, seems Mills Memorial Hospital the body when scanned expenses and time delays other staff to operate~ The months. Letters of sup- /:5i tO, indicate richer gold administrator Norm- with especial-samara, As in diagnosis. Ministry of Health; he port, he said, have been : mntent at depth. Carelius said recently, an example, Carelius said, Information obtained noted, will require Mills received from hospitals in ...... One analyst, describing Carelius explained radioactive iodine from Trail Regional Memorial•to find a physi- Stewart, Smithers, Hazel- the Westminproperties as nuclear: medicine is a ~becomes concentrateddnwHospital;which services a clan qualified in the ton and Kitimat. '""major deposit",-in- diagnostic tool with a wide ' the thyroid gland; 5ther I l)opulationaboutequaito ":' r""or • L~dicated the total reserve variety of applications,, elements can beused to+thelocal:region and Terrace ~' may approach one million particularly in cancer in- obtain scans of : bone, i received a nuclear , police ' ounces, vest,ration.
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