Cairngorms National Park Strategy and Action Plan for Sustainable Tourism 2011-2016 Strategy and Action Plan for Sustainable Tourism 2011-2016 • CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK Published by the Cairngorms National Park Authority 14 The Square Grantown-on-Spey Moray PH26 3HG Tel: 01479 873535 Fax: 01479 873527 Email: [email protected] www.cairngorms.co.uk © CNPA 2011. All rights reserved. ISBN 978-1-906071-64-6 For a larger print version of this publication, please contact the Cairngorms National Park Authority. Tel: 01479 873535. It can also be viewed at www.cairngorms.co.uk and is available in other formats on request. Photos: Blair Atholl Estate, David Gowans, Murray Fleming, www.cairngormlandscapes.co.uk, CNPA Acknowledgements The Cairngorms National Park Authority commissioned The Tourism Company (www.thetourismcompany.com) to produce the Sustainable Tourism Strategy and Action Plan under the guidance of the Cairngorms Sustainable Tourism Forum. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK • Strategy and Action Plan for Sustainable Tourism 2011-2016 Foreword 03 Facal-toisich Tourism is vital to the Tha turasachd deatamach do Phàirc Nàiseanta a’ Cairngorms National Park. Mhonaidh Ruaidh. Tha an sgìre seo air a bhith a’ People have been enjoying còrdadh ri daoine fad iomadach linn, agus tha tòrr this very special area for den eaconomaidh ionadail an urra ri luchd-tadhail centuries, and much of the ann an diofar dhòighean. Ach, ciamar a nì sinn local economy depends on cinnteach nach dèan 1.5 millean neach-tadhail cron visitors in one way or air na dearbh rudan a tha gan tarraing sa chiad dol another. But how do we a-mach – tìr, fiadh-bheatha, cultur agus sìth? ensure that 1.5 million visitors a year don’t Ann an 2005, dà bhliadhna an dèidh ainmeachadh undermine the very things that attract them in the na Pàirce, bha sinn gu math toilichte gum b’e sinne first place – the landscape, wildlife, culture and a’ chiad Phàirc Nàiseanta san RA a fhuair an tranquillity? European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in In 2005, just two years after designation, we were Protected Areas. Chaidh an Còir-sgrìobhte seo a delighted to become the first UK National Park to thoirt seachad airson ar ciad Ro-innleachd be awarded the prestigious European Charter for Turasachd Seasmhachd, a mhìnich na bha sinn Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas. The airson a dhèanamh anns na bliadhnaichean tràtha Charter was awarded on the basis of our first mar Phàirc Nàiseanta ùr. Ann an 2011, bha dùbhlan Sustainable Tourism Strategy which set out what ann nuair a chur sinn iarrtas eile a-staigh airson an we wanted to achieve in our early years as a new Còir-sgrìobhte fhaighinn a-rithist, agus chaidh sinn National Park. In 2011, the real test came as we ar measadh a rèir na rinn sinn anns na còig re-applied for the Charter and were assessed on bliadhnaichean a dh’fhalbh. Fhuair sinn e gun what had actually been achieved over the previous duilgheadas. Tha an ro-innleachd seo a’ mìneachadh five years or so. na tha sinn ag amas air sna bliadhnaichean roghainn. We passed with flying colours. This strategy sets Tha Fòrum Turasachd Seasmhachd a’ Mhonaidh out what we would like to achieve on the next Ruaidh, a tha a’ gabhail a-staigh riochdairean à stage of the journey. gnìomhachasan, coimhearsnachdan ionadail agus The Cairngorms Sustainable Tourism Forum, bho thaobh ghlèidhteachais, air a bhith uabhasach which includes representatives of local businesses, cudromach ann a bhith a’ stiùireadh an ro- communities and conservation interests, has been innleachd seo agus ‘s ann air sgath an obair cruaidh instrumental in guiding this strategy and the agus an dealas, gun deach an Còir-sgrìobhte a thoirt re-award of the Charter is largely down to their seachad a-rithist. hard work and commitment. ‘S e tuairisgeul as fhèarr leam airson turasachd My preferred definition of sustainable tourism is a seasmhachd a’ tighinn à abairt Ghàidhlig – ‘Fàg simple Gaelic saying: ‘Fàg rudeigin airson an duine rudeigin airson an duine eile’. Tha mise den eile’ – ‘Leave something for the other man’. I think bheachd gum bu choir dhuinn a bhith ag amas nas we should be even more ambitious and aim to àirde na seo agus a’ fàgail rudeigin nas fhèarr leave something better for the other man. airson an duine eile. David Green, Convener, Cairngorms National Park Authority Daibhidh Green, Neach-gairm, Ùghdarras Pàirc Nàiseanta a’ Mhonaidh Ruaidh Strategy and Action Plan for Sustainable Tourism 2011-2016 • CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK Contents 05 Foreword 03 ■ 1. Introduction 06 ■ 2. Assessment 09 2.1 Economic, social and environmental context 09 2.2 Tourism facilities and services 12 2.3 Tourism performance and visitor response 18 2.4 Enterprise needs and aspirations 20 2.5 Progress since 2005 22 2.6 External influences on the market and product 23 2.7 SWOT analysis 25 ■ 3. Strategy 27 3.1 Policy context 27 3.2 Aims and vision 30 3.3 Key principle and strategic objectives 31 3.4 Priority markets 38 3.5 Framework of areas for action 39 ■ 4. Action 41 4.1 Stakeholder engagement and working together 41 4.2 Brand awareness and marketing 44 4.3 Information and interpretation 47 4.4 Resource management and conservation 49 4.5 Outdoor access 52 4.6 Product diversification and distinctiveness 55 4.7 Business support and investment 59 4.8 Knowledge gathering and sharing 62 ■ 5. Implementation 65 5.1 Delivering annual action plans 65 5.2 Key players in implementation 66 5.3 Monitoring and renewal 67 Strategy and Action Plan for Sustainable Tourism 2011-2016 • CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK 06 1. Introduction The Cairngorms National Park is a major • Ongoing private sector investment in facilities destination for tourism in Scotland. The Park has and services; a long tradition of welcoming visitors and • A stronger Cairngorms National Park contains some of Europe’s finest landscapes presence on the web and in other media, with a rich biodiversity and cultural heritage. Its including local visitor centres; designation as one of just two National Parks in Scotland underlines its importance as a special • Interpretation guidance in place, reflected in place to protect and to enjoy. new Park information and orientation materials and take up by others; Likewise, tourism is critically important to the Park, providing the major source of income and • A more strategic approach to outdoor access, employment. Nowhere else in Scotland is it including the identification of core paths and more important to the local economy. improvement of routes, working with local land managers, rangers and other For these reasons, it is essential that tourism in stakeholders; and the National Park is promoted and managed wisely and effectively. This is the purpose of this • Training and networking support provided to strategy and action plan. businesses and communities engaging in tourism. Building on the last five years A framework and guideline for all In 2005 the first Strategy and Action Plan for Sustainable Tourism in the Cairngorms was This strategy and action plan has been prepared published. This new strategy builds on that for all those involved and interested in tourism foundation. It does not represent a major in the Cairngorms National Park and should departure from the approach outlined then, provide a common agenda for everyone to but provides a complete revision and follow. While the Cairngorms National Park redevelopment, clarifying priorities and Authority (CNPA) and the Cairngorms Business renewing the action plan in the light of the Partnership (CBP) are clearly key agents in its challenges and opportunities foreseen in the delivery, it should apply equally to the local coming five years. authorities in the Park, local business groupings, local communities, land managers, conservation Much has been achieved since 2005. In interests and individual enterprises. particular: In order to reflect this wide range of • Greater awareness of the Cairngorms stakeholders, the Cairngorms Sustainable National Park supported by a strong brand Tourism Forum (CSTF) has been established identity and active brand management; replacing the Visitor Services Information & • Stronger engagement, co-ordination, and Tourism (ViSIT) forum from 2005. The CSTF will representation of private sector tourism have the responsibility of ensuring agreement to enterprises at the Cairngorms level, through the strategy and overseeing its implementation. the advent of the Business Partnership covering the whole Park; CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK • Strategy and Action Plan for Sustainable Tourism 2011-2016 07 Meaningful sustainability How was the strategy prepared? This is a strategy for sustainable tourism. The strategy has been based on extensive The UN World Tourism Organisation defines research and consultation, including: this as: “tourism that takes account of its • Working through previous and current current and future economic, social and policy documents, research studies and environmental impacts, addressing the needs reports; of visitors, the industry, the environment and host communities”. • Analysing existing product and market data; Increasingly, such an approach is becoming • A visitor survey conducted in 2009/10; mainstreamed in tourism. It is highly • An online survey of tourism enterprises, important for the Cairngorms National Park achieving 90 completed responses; with the close interdependency of the • A stakeholder workshop held on 23 June success of tourism and the quality of the 2010 at the Lecht Ski Centre; environment in this area. • Structured interviews with key To be sustainable, tourism needs to be representatives of public, private and competitive and profitable as well as voluntary bodies; environmentally and socially responsible. It • Consultation on a draft strategy and is important that the terminology should action plan; and not get in the way here. Sustainable tourism essentially means good, successful and • A Strategic Environmental Assessment of beneficial tourism – a concept relevant to the draft strategy.
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