03 *RGGDUGV/DQH6KHUÀHOGRQ/RGGRQ EXISTING CHARACTER Landscape Character The site lies immediately adjacent to the settlement RI6KHU¿HOGRQ/RGGRQLQWKH/RGGRQDQG/\GH Valley character area. This character area covers a broad tract of landscape extending from Old Basing, Chineham and Basingstoke eastwards and northwards to the District boundary. Loddon and Lyde Valley’s key characteristics and other relevant extracts are provided below: %URDGVKDOORZYDOOH\VLGHVRIWKH5LYHU/\GH and River Loddon that meander through, and unify, the varying landscape types; 7KHÀDWORZO\LQJYDOOH\ÀRRUSDVWXUHKDVD GLVWLQFWLYH SDWWHUQ RI GUDLQDJH GLWFKHV ZLOORZ lined watercourses, water meadows and an often pastoral, remote character; *HQHUDOO\XQVSRLOWTXLHWDQGUXUDOFKDUDFWHU and a sense of remoteness in less accessible parts of the river valley, but with intrusion by major roads, the railway and electricity pylons in some areas, and by an incinerator immediately east of Chineham Mixed Farmland and Site Boundary Parkland Woodland: Small scale Character Areas Modern Military Open Valley Sides Open Arable on Clay Mixed Farmland and Open Valley Floor Urban areas Woodland Farmland Residential Character The existing residential areas adjoining the site off Goddards Close and Goddards Lane include a range of 20th century dwellings of varying typologies with common themes including red brick and render; roofs of slate; and red clay tiles. The local character of 6KHU¿HOGRQ/RGGRQSURYLGHVGHVLJQHOHPHQWVWKDWFRXOGEHWDNHQ forward into the proposed residential site. The historic core of the village contains a conservation area with many listed buildings of varying vernacular forms and styles. Red brick buildings with pantile roofs are widespread within the centre and timber frame construction with thatched roof detail . 04 *RGGDUGV/DQH6KHUÀHOGRQ/RGGRQ CONSTRAINTS & OPPORTUNITIES What are the constraints and opportunities? 56.0m 57.0m 58.0m 59.0m 60.0m 61.0m 62.0m Bow Drive 63.0m 64.0m Bow Gardens 65.0m 66.0m Goddards Close 67.0m Goddards Lane 68.0m 69.0m Consider Views from Goddards Application Boundary Potential Access Point off Goddards Close Lane Listed Building Existing Roads Extent of Flood Plain Existing Trees & Hedgerows Consider Views from Existing Properties Off Site Existing Pond Contours Landscape buffer to screen Conservation Area Conservation Area /RZ 3RLQW 3RWHQWLDO /RFDWLRQ IRU 3URSRVHG Public Open Space Corridor Balancing Pond 05 *RGGDUGV/DQH6KHUÀHOGRQ/RGGRQ VISUAL CONTEXT Visual Analysis 7KHVLWHLVVLWXDWHGDWWKHZHVWHUQHGJHRI6KHU¿HOGRQ/RGGRQYLOODJH DQGFRPSULVHVRIRQH¿HOGFXUUHQWO\XQGHUDUDEOHXVH&RQVHTXHQWO\LW Bramley Road LV ODFNLQJ LQ DQ\ VLJQL¿FDQW YHJHWDWLRQ FRYHU RU RWKHU LQWHUQDO IHDWXUHV of value. The site boundaries are well contained by existing features: 4 Goddards Lane forms the southern site boundary. Goddards Lane is narrow, sunken and enclosed by hedgerows with occasional trees. The 2 historic farm complex at Carpenter’s Farmhouse, off Goddards Lane abuts the site’s south western boundary. Bow Drive Gateway 1 Modern residential development situated by Goddards Close, Bow Drive and Bulls Down Close abut the eastern site boundary and includes Reading Road bungalows as well as two storey properties.Trees and scrub along the Bow 3 Goddards Lane Brook corridor are situated adjacent to the site’s northern site boundary $QHVWDEOLVKHG¿HOGKHGJHURZZLWKDIHZPDWXUHWUHHVIRUPVWKHZHVWHUQ Aerial plan with site boundary and viewpoint locations site boundary. Goddards Lane Court Farmhouse Proposed Site 1 PHOTO VIEWPOINT 1: Easterly view from footpath by Bulls Down Close Proposed Site Properties along Bow Drive 2 PHOTO VIEWPOINT 2: View from existing properties off Bow Drive Goddards Lane Woodland on Bulls Down Camp Goddards Lane Residential properties on Goddards Close 3 PHOTO VIEWPOINT 3: Northerly view from Goddards Lane by Little Bowlings Farm 06 *RGGDUGV/DQH6KHUÀHOGRQ/RGGRQ HISTORIC CONTEXT Historic Maps ,GHQWL¿HGLQWKHKLVWRULFPDSSLQJWKHVXUURXQGLQJDUHDRI6KHU¿HOGRQ/RGGRQDSSHDUVXQFKDQJHGXQWLO7KHPDSUHFRUGVWKHDGGLWLRQRI UHVLGHQWLDOSURSHUWLHVWRWKHZHVWHUQHGJHRIWKHVLWHERXQGDU\)XUWKHUUHVLGHQWLDOHVWDWHVDORQJWKHQRUWKHGJHRI6KHU¿HOGRQ/RGGRQFDQEHVHHQLQWKH PDSDORQJ%XOOV'RZQ&ORVH7KHPDSDOVRUHFRUGVWKHSUHVHQFHRIIXUWKHUGZHOOLQJVWRWKHHDVWRII1RUWK¿HOG5RDG c1888 c1969 c1912 c1981 c1956 c2013 07 *RGGDUGV/DQH6KHUÀHOGRQ/RGGRQ FACILITIES What are the local facilities? The site is sustainably located with good access to the village centre and existing community amenities. The plan and key below show a range of existing local services and facilities that are within 400m, 800m and 1200m, 1600m and 2000m (5, 10, 15, 20 & 25 minute walking distance) of the site. There are bus services that call at Basingstoke, Lychpit, Chineham, Bradford Abbas, Bramley, Silchester and Tadley. A bus stop is located in close proximity to the site along Goddards Lane. There is also a free school service bus from the village to Bramley. 3 1 9 4 7 5 2 6 B 2000M 1600M 1200M B 800M 6 B 9 400M B 9 7 7 B B 5 4 B 8 B 9 1 Medical Practice 5 3RVW2I¿FH 9 Recreation Ground/Park/Sports Club 2 Railway Station 6 Places of Worship B Existing Bus Stops 3 Primary School 7 Public House Existing Bus Routes 4 Local Shops 8 Village Hall 08 *RGGDUGV/DQH6KHUÀHOGRQ/RGGRQ THE FRAMEWORK Bullsdown Close Bow Drive Proposed Bow Gardens Residential Development Up to 95 dwellings Gateway Goddards Close Goddards Lane N Proposed Public Open Space Application Boundary: 6.66Ha Proposed Tree Planting (including informal footpaths and biodiversity enhancement) : 2.36Ha Proposed Residential Development Proposed Equipped Area of Play: 0.04Ha 4.16Ha) Up to 95 dwellings @ 23dph Retained Existing Trees/Hedgerows Proposed Unsurfaced Pathways Potential Footpath Link Indicative Drainage Pond: 0.10Ha Indicative Main Street Conservation Area 9LVXDOO\VHQVLWLYHZD\PDUNHUVDQG Proposed Landscape Buffer Potential Main Access off Bow Drive benches 09 *RGGDUGV/DQH6KHUÀHOGRQ/RGGRQ THANK YOU Thank you for taking the time to view these exhibition boards. Comments can be sent via this web site, email or posted to the address below. WebsiteZZZ\RXUYLHZVFRXNVKHU¿HOGRQORGGRQ EmailFRPPHQWV#\RXUYLHZVFRXN XVLQJ6KHU¿HOGRQ/RGGRQDVWKHVXEMHFWOLQH Alternatively comments can be posted to the address below: <RXU9LHZV6KHU¿HOGRQ/RGGRQ Gladman Developments Ltd. Gladman House Alexandria Way Congleton CW12 1LB Gladman consider all correspondence received and our response to the issues raised will be set out in a Statement of Community Involvement (SCI). As part of a planning application, Gladman submit to the Local Planning Authority a complete copy of all correspondence received (including any details such as your name, address and email where you have provided them). This ensures all your comments are available to the Council during the consideration of an ap plication and shows who we have consulted. As the SCI forms part of the formal application documents, the Council may publish it online, subject to their own Data Protection policies. Should the application be the subject of an appeal, the same information will be forwarded to the Planning Inspectorate. If further consultation is carried out as part of the planning process, Gladman may use your details to make you aware of this and to ask for your views, but will not use this information for any other purpose. Land north of Goddards Lane, Sherfield-on-Loddon Statement of Community Involvement Appendix F Stakeholder Correspondence Land north of Goddards Lane, Sherfield-on-Loddon Statement of Community Involvement Page left intentionally blank Land north of Goddards Lane, Sherfield-on-Loddon Statement of Community Involvement Appendix G Feedback Land north of Goddards Lane, Sherfield-on-Loddon Statement of Community Involvement Page left intentionally blank Steve Barker From: D Monkman <[email protected]> Sent: 08 December 2015 06:51 To: YourViews; [email protected] Subject: Comments - Sherfield-on-Loddon Sherfield-on-Loddon Form Name: sherfield-on-loddon Date of Submission: Tue, 08 Dec 2015 06:51:09 +0000 Your server: www.your-views.co.uk URL of page containing form: http://www.your-views.co.uk/Sherfield-on-loddon-comment/ Are there any other comments you would like us to consider?: Bow drive is already congested with traffic and parked residents cars. The introduction of this scheme will increase traffic and cause major congestion and traffic problems. Large vehicles including buses already have difficulty navigating the area and the proposed scheme will make this intolerable. Bow drive is narrow where the suggested entrance to the scheme is and this will increase potential problems. Enhancing the local foot paths and cycle network will not resolve this fundamental problem. Prefix:: Mr Your name: D Monkman Your email: [email protected] 1 Steve Barker From: Pamela Painter <[email protected]> Sent: 08 December 2015 08:50 To: YourViews; [email protected] Subject: Comments - Sherfield-on-Loddon Sherfield-on-Loddon Form Name: sherfield-on-loddon Date of Submission: Tue, 08 Dec 2015 08:49:58 +0000 Your server: www.your-views.co.uk URL of page containing form: http://www.your-views.co.uk/Sherfield-on-loddon-comment/ Looking at the plans, do you have any comments that will help us shape our masterplan?: Very concerned about extra traffic through Goddard's close and how drive which already gets congested making it difficult For buses and emergency services. Are there any other comments you would like us to consider?: The local state school is already under great pressure already having to add new classrooms
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