Miss Verna g. Weber, SE:RGE!I. Al tao PRAIRIE REGION SCHEDULE April 10 • 16, 1949 Issued ~ach Week by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation VOLUME n No. IS ISSUED AT WINNIPEG. APRIL I 5c PER COPY-$I.OQ PER YEAR This Week: Holy Week Meditations (Pages 1-3) * St. Matthew Passion (Page 5) * Rossini's Stabat Mater (Page 7) * Cuckoo Clock House ~ THIS IS Mathilda, the obliging bird ot the Cuckoo Clock House. testing her voice for the special Easter edition of the program on April 16. With her are Beth Robinson and Kenny Graham, the two young Torontonian~ who have boon on the popular children's pro­ gram since it started more than three years ago. Mathilda's cheerful song is heard each week, heralding the program and marking the transi­ lion from onc "room" of the 'nouse" to another. Cuckoo Clock House is heard on the CBC Dominion network Saturdays at 5:00 p.m. CST, 5:30 p.m. MST. * * * Easter Easter is a time of special delight to young people. Indeed all the symbols associated with it-hot-cross buns. Easter eggs, rabbits, Bowers and new bonnets-suggest new life and reflect the atmosphere of youth and spring. For chil­ dren and others interested in the folk customs of the festival, Charles Wasserman of Montreal will trace their origin and explain how some of them came to Canada. He will speak on April 16 in the program Thi.l Week. Holy Week Meditations Winnipeg Concert Many other programs during the week will Each day during Holy Week, special quarter­ The Winnipeg Concert this week (Sunday, have Easter themes. Some of the week's musical hour meditations will supplement the regular April 10, CBW 4:30 p.m.; CBK, CBX 3:30 CBe programs-including Bach's St. Matthew Pas­ religious programs on networks, con­ p.m.) will again originate at a public perform­ dueled by Rt. Rev. W. T. Barfoot, of the sion on Wednesday Night-are described else­ Anglican diocese of Edmonton. Bishop Barfoot ance in \Vi.l1nipeg's Civic Auditorium. Eric where. The Way 01 the Spirit has special Easter will be heard from Edmonton 011 CB\V at 4:45 Wild will conduct the orchestra in three or­ dramas. p.m.: CBK, CBX 3:45 p.m. chesb'al suites. Page 2 CBC TIMES Prairie Region N.Y. PHILHARMONIC Lad, from H.M.s. Pinafore; Land of Hope and Glory, from Pomp and Cir­ Sunday, April lOth, 1949 ph~;:; ~~~cs;:,k":;~:;;;o:;:,c BS=~ cumstance (Elgar). James Melton I'--------::==-:7:"-:::=:::::-:-....,.::::::--.,..,.....,.-,:-::":::.,--------~ IWalter. From few York. Symphony and Nora Crennan: I'll See You Again, CBW, MANITOBA (990 Kc.) (CST) No.5 in C Minor (Beethoven); Sym- from Bittersweet (Noel Coward). 8:55 Musical Proqram 12:30 Way of the Spirit 7;30 Comrades in Arms phony No.6 in F Major (Beethoven). James Mclton: 0 Dry Those Tears. 9:00 CDC Ne.s 1 :00 CDC New. 8:00 CBC National New. Orchestra: Tarantelle, from Covent 9:03 Weather 1:03 Capital Report • 10 Th Old So CBW 2:00 p.m.; CBK, CBX 1:00 9:15 World Church New. 1:30 ReUqioua Period :. DO· Gardens Suite (Coates). A sketch 9:30 Sunday SChool of the 2:00 N.Y. Philharmonic 8:30 Album of Familiar p.m. based on the song, When You and I Ail" 3: 30 Cburch of the Air Music 10:00 CDC Ne.s 4:00 Slnqmq Stars 9:00 Staq. 49 CHURCH OF THE AIR \Vere Young Maggie, is also included 10:02 Neiqhbourly New. 4:30 Winnipeg Concert 10:00 Alan and M. on the program. From Vancouver. 10:15 Prairt. Qatdener 5:25 CBe News 10:25 Interlud. Very Rev. G. B. Snell, Pro-Cathedral 10:30 Recital 5:27 Weather Foreca.t Dam. 7,30 p.m. 11 :00 St. Alban's Anglican 5:30 Ouie and Haniet 10:30 Critically Spea1dng Church of the Redeemer, Calgary. Church 6:00 Weekend R..lew 11 :00 Cla••lc. For Today Topic: Christ the Crucified. -- 11:59 Dominion Time Signal 6:15 Jc~ Fisher 11:30 Ve.per Hour CBW p.m.; CBK, CBX 2,30 PRELUDE TO MIDNIGHT 12:00 Alan ~ 6:30 Stringli For Sunday 12:00 CBC New. 3,30 12:15 Just Mary 7:00 Fred Allan 12:10 Weather Forecast p.m. Recorded program. Night at the CBK, SASKATCHEWAN (540 Ke.) (MST) Ballet-excerpts from twenty ballets­ 8:55 Musical Proqram. 12:30 ReUgious Period 7:00 CDC National New. SINGING STARS played by the London Philharmonic 9:00 CBC News 1:00 N.Y, Philharmonic 7:10 The OJd Sonqs Today', broadcast will be the third under Walter Goehr. From Toronto. 9:02 Neighboudy New. 2:30 Church of the Air 7:30 Album. of Familiar 9:15 Prairie Gardener 3:00 Singing Stars Music of the semi-finals for the scholarship CBK, CBX J1,30 p.m. 9:30 R&cltal 3:30 Winnipeg Concert 8:00 Staqe 49 awards. The competitors will be 10:00 BBC New. .'25 CBC New. 9:00 Ouie and Harriet Esther Ghan and Morley Margolis. 10:15 Musical Pr09ram 4:27 W th 9:30 Critically Speaklnq The Future of Big Aircraft.-I do 10:30 Harmony Harbour ' eo. er 10:00 Cla••lca For Toda both of Winnipeg; and Roger Doucet not believe in very large landplanes. 10:S9 Dominion Time 5iqnal 4:30 Sonq. and Slnqers 10:30 Ve.per Hour I' of Montreal. From Toronto. 11 :00 Alan MUl. 5.00 Weekend Rniew 11 00 CBC N The whale is bigger than the elephant, 11:15 Ju.t Mary 5:15 John Fisher : e•• CBW 4,00 p.m.; CBK, CBX 3,00 11:30 Way of the Spirit 5:30 Strinqs For Sunday 11:10 Weather and I think that the very big aircraft 12:00 CBC Ne.s 6:00 Fred Allan 11:15 Tales of the Trails p.m. of the future will be the marine craft. 12:03 Capital Report 6:30 Comrade. in Anna 11:30 Prelude to Midniqht -Ala;or Oliver Stewart, on BBC. CBX, ALBERTA (1010 Kc.) (MST) PROBLEM OF CANCER 8:55 Musical Pr09ram 12:30 Re1iqioWi Period 7:10 The Old Sonqs A talk by Dr. William Boyd of 9:00 CBC News 1:00 N.Y. Philharmonic 7:30 Album of Tammeu Toronto on The Diagnosis of Cancer. 9:02 Ne19~bourlT New. 2:30 Church of the Air Musil: The Prairie Gardener Dom. 4:00 p.m. ;:~~ ~:ft:zi Gardener g;~ ~'t:::::eqSt~ncelt 8:00 Staqe 49 10;00 BBC New. 4:25 CBC News 9:00 Oule and Harriet -- 10:15 Musical Program 4.27 Weather 9:30 Critically Speaklnq WINNIPEG CONCERT Summary of Broadcast of Marth 10:30 Harmony HarbouI 4:30 Songs and Singers 10:00 Cla..ics lor Today 27, 1949. 10:59 Dominion Time Signal 5:00 Weekend Review 10:30 Vesper Hour Concert orchestra conducted by Eric 11:00 Alan MUla 5:15 John Fisher 11:00 CBC New. Wild. From Winnipeg, The program Western Canadian Society of 11:15 Just Mary . 5:30 Strings For Sunday 11:10 Weather consists of three orchestral suites. Bal­ 11:30 Way 01 the Splnt 6:00 Fred Allan 11 15 T I I h T .,_ Horticulture: 12:00 CBC New. 6:30 Comrades in Arms : a es 0 t e Ial~ let Suite, The Gods Go A-Begging 12:03 Capital R.pratt 7:00 CBC National New. 11:30 Prelude to Midnlqht (arrangement by Sir Thomas Beecham Organized about five years ago this CDC DOMINION NETWORK (MST) of music from Handel operas and society includes among its seventy-odd 3:30 Aldrich FamUy 6:00 Hawall Calla 8:15 Bod'. Scrapbook concerti grossi); Capriol Suite (Peter members a representative cross-section 4:00 Problem of Cancer 6:30 Para MU5ic Room 8:30 Don Wriqht Chorus of the leadership in horticultural mat­ 4:15 Ed McCurdy 7:00 Serenade Warlock); Matinees Musicales, 2nd 4:30 Canadicma at Work 7:30 Harv9St 01 Stara 9:00 Dominion News Suite of Five Movements from Rossini ters in the prairie region. It includes 5:00 Talking to the Stars 8:00 Chapman & Webb 10:15 Chapman & Webb (Benjamin Britten). plant breeders and plant science 5:30 Amo. 'n Andy (Man.) (Sask.• Alta.) experts from the Dominion Experi­ CBW 4,30 p.m.; CBK, CBX 3,30 mental Stations, Forest Nursery Sta­ . For Corrections anel Late Program Hotes for Last W••k·. p.m. Time_See Page 8. tions, provincial universities, nurseries CANADIANS AT WORK and seed companies, as well as a sprinkling of other members noted for « » program a first prize in 1947, the The story of the Abegweit, the « NOTES» judges at the American Institute for their interest in the advancement of world's largest icebreaker, and the horticulture. RECITAL Education by Radio said: "This is part she plays in maintaining the salt­ radio at it.. lIlost effective The Tova Boroditsky, pianist. From water link in Canada's trans-conti­ Active Members1lip is limited to value of the progmm is in the truly Toronto_ Fantasy in F Minor, Op. 49 nental COllununications between Prince graduates of agricultural and horti­ religious simplicity and realism which (Chopin); Preludes os. 15 in D Flat Edward Island and the mainland. The cultural institutions who arc engaged Major and 17 in A Flat Major, Op. 28 succeeds in taking the subject out of Abegweit is a ferry as well as an ice­ in research, teaching or extension cold print and making it beautifully (Chopin); Scherzo in B Minor, Op.
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