Table I of Station Assignment and Service Information December 21, 2004 The NTSC station facilities and service information shown on this report are based on NTSC facilities authorized by license, or, if a station has a construction permit for new NTSC facilities (CP), the listed NTSC information for such station are based on the facilities authorized on its construction permit. DTV station facilities and service information are based on the designations in the Form 381 filings by the stations. Information for single-channel DTV and NTSC stations appear at the end of the report. The ERP columns are effective radiated power in kilowatts. The HAAT columns are antenna height above average terrain in meters. For both NTSC and DTV facilities, if the authorized antenna height above average terrain (HAAT) is zero or negative, the value in the table has been rounded up to a positive 01 (stations in this situation should not consider this to be an error). The location columns are latitude over longitude, expressed in degrees, minutes and seconds as DDDMMSS.S. The NTSC and DTV pop and area columns are the population and area (people and square kilometers) within the NTSC Grade B or the DTV service contour where service is predicted based on consideration of intervening terrain and interference from other DTV and NTSC stations. The service area and population served data reported on this Table will in many case be different from that reported on the October 7, 2004 Table of Station Assignment and Service Information due to certifications, corrections and updates submitted or applied subsequent to October 7, 2004. In addition, some of these differences reflect the certain minor modifications to the Commission’s interference analysis methods to more closely conform them to the Commission's rules and industry practices. ------------- NTSC ----------- -------------- DTV ----------- ----- NTSC ----- ----- DTV ------- State City Call Facility_ID Channel ERP HAAT Location Channel ERP HAAT Location Pop Area Pop Area AK ANCHORAGE KAKM 804 07 288. 00240 0612522.0 08 50. 00240 0612522.0 318253 25672.3 317918 26443.9 01495220.0 01495220.0 AK ANCHORAGE KDMD-DT 25221 33 66. 00300 0612010.0 32 50 33 610957.0 310919 5199.1 285194 8919.7 01493048.0 14941 2.0 AK ANCHORAGE KIMO 13815 13 316. 00238 0612522.0 12 41. 00240 0612522.0 318303 26080.4 317582 25379.1 01495220.0 01495220.0 AK ANCHORAGE KTBY-DT 35655 04 38.9 00055 0611311.0 20 234 55 611311.0 306169 10901.9 302684 10885.8 01495324.0 1495324.0 AK ANCHORAGE KTUU-TV 10173 02 100. 00219 0612522.0 10 21. 00240 0612522.0 318527 28961.3 317228 22617.0 01495220.0 01495220.0 AK ANCHORAGE KTVA 49632 11 50.1 00091 0611133.0 28 52. 00061 0611133.0 296677 10338.4 296210 7946.7 014954 1.0 014954 1.1 AK ANCHORAGE KYES 21488 05 100. 00250 0612010.0 06 45. 00277 0612010.6 318196 23312.0 348442 45260.9 01493047.0 01493046.8 AK ANCHORAGE NEW -DT 83503 09 316. 00212 06104 2.0 26 1000 212 6104 2.0 322302 24783.8 323936 23703.1 01494436.0 1494436.0 AK BETHEL KYUK-DT 4983 04 4.68 00061 0604733.0 03 1 61 604733.0 8824 5521.4 9613 10324.0 01614622.0 1614622.0 AK FAIRBANKS KATN-DT 13813 02 26.7 00218 0645520.0 18 60 33 645042.0 83293 15344.4 82195 6901.9 01474249.0 1474252.0 AK FAIRBANKS KFXF 64597 07 39.8 00268 0645520.0 22 1. 00214 0645520.0 82712 9683.4 81403 4271.8 01474255.0 01474255.0 AK FAIRBANKS KTVF 49621 11 50.1 00001 0645036.0 26 12. 00001 0645036.0 81588 4984.5 81247 3841.9 01474248.0 01474248.0 AK FAIRBANKS KUAC-DT 69315 09 46.8 00163 0645442.0 24 79 152 645442.0 82767 14213.9 82102 6701.0 01474638.0 1474638.0 AK JUNEAU KJUD-DT 13814 08 0.204 00001 05818 6.0 11 3 33 5818 6.0 13599 344.4 30759 5513.4 01342629.0 1342629.0 AK JUNEAU KTOO-TV 8651 03 0.5 00001 05818 4.0 10 0.748 00001 05818 4.0 29798 1113.3 30441 3982.9 01342521.0 01342521.0 AK KETCHIKAN KUBD 60520 04 0.955 00001 0552059.0 13 3.2 00001 0552059.0 13997 630.5 15441 4355.1 01314012.0 01314012.0 AK NORTH POLE KJNP-TV 20015 04 19.1 00485 0645244.0 20 0.081 00005 0644532.0 84347 30901.4 31029 1016.1 01480310.0 01471926.0 AK SITKA KTNL 60519 13 0.2 00001 0570327.0 02 1. 00001 05703 1.0 8762 352.9 8802 6898.2 013520 2.0 013520 4.0 AL ANNISTON WJSU-TV 56642 40 5000. 00396 0333624.0 09 15.6 00359 0333624.0 1495254 23532.9 1427957 23297.8 008625 3.0 008625 3.0 AL BESSEMER WDBB 71325 17 2240. 00675 0332851.0 18 350. 00675 0332851.0 1301726 26661.2 1547542 37222.8 008724 3.0 008724 3.0 AL BIRMINGHAM WABM 16820 68 1450. 00314 0332737.0 36 885. 00406 03329 4.0 1072113 13452.8 1544969 27816.1 008651 7.0 00864825.0 AL BIRMINGHAM WBIQ-DT 717 10 316. 00426 03329 4.0 53 1000 404.0 332919 1481125 26408.7 1652223 31747.9 00864825.0 864758 AL BIRMINGHAM WBRC-DT 71221 06 100. 00420 0332919.0 50 1000 420.0 332919 1669073 33492.9 1688609 32851.9 00864758.0 864758 AL BIRMINGHAM WIAT 5360 42 5000. 00421 03329 2.0 30 1000. 00426 03329 4.0 1417863 24744.5 1672308 30438.6 00864821.0 00864825.0 AL BIRMINGHAM WVTM-DT 74173 13 316. 00408 0332926.0 52 1000 408.0 332926 1567847 28732.1 1699241 32770.5 00864748.0 864748 AL DEMOPOLIS WIIQ 720 41 1950. 00324 0322145.0 19 1000. 00324 0322145.0 100121 12965.5 323990 25810.2 008752 4.0 008752 4.0 - 2 - ------------- NTSC ----------- -------------- DTV ----------- ----- NTSC ----- ----- DTV ------- State City Call Facility_ID Channel ERP HAAT Location Channel ERP HAAT Location Pop Area Pop Area AL DOTHAN WDHN 43846 18 1070. 00223 0311430.0 21 1000. 00223 0311425.0 313131 13810.6 451177 24727.4 00851848.0 00851843.0 AL DOTHAN WTVY 4152 04 100. 00573 0305510.0 36 995. 00573 0305510.0 846946 42341.5 863928 43868.1 00854428.0 00854428.0 AL DOZIER WDIQ 714 02 100. 00226 0313316.0 11 1. 00393 0313316.0 339612 22937.7 236328 18094.1 00862332.0 00862332.0 AL FLORENCE WFIQ 715 36 851. 00221 0343440.0 22 555.9 00202 0343441.0 262658 10651.3 543411 20682.1 00874654.0 008747 2.0 AL FLORENCE WHDF 65128 15 2510. 00431 03500 9.0 14 1000. 00431 03500 9.0 734726 16345.2 1068989 29322.1 008708 9.0 008708 9.0 AL FLORENCE WYLE-DT 6816 26 550. 00230 0343438.0 20 50.0 230.0 343438 251740 10425.9 361004 15576.1 00874657.0 874657 AL GADSDEN WPXH 73312 44 5000. 00340 0335327.0 45 225. 00309 0335327.0 1416963 19897.6 1336412 17235.6 00862813.0 00862813.0 AL GADSDEN WTJP-TV 1002 60 5000. 00352 0334853.0 26 150. 00315 0334853.0 1215101 13792.3 1355161 17242.8 00862655.0 00862655.0 AL HOMEWOOD WTTO 74138 21 1050. 00408 03329 4.0 28 1000. 00409 03329 4.0 1268802 19158.1 1655390 30386.2 00864825.0 00864825.0 AL HUNTSVILLE WAAY-DT 57292 31 1120. 00540 0344412.0 32 50.0 546.0 344415 844809 18338.0 1013796 24359.6 00863159.0 863202 AL HUNTSVILLE WAFF 591 48 1170. 00579 0344239.0 49 41. 00552 0344239.0 892691 20588.0 935780 22238.2 008632 7.0 008632 7.0 AL HUNTSVILLE WHIQ 713 25 1230. 00352 0344414.0 24 396. 00340 0344413.0 788812 16649.7 1089177 26875.5 00863146.0 00863145.0 AL HUNTSVILLE WHNT-TV 48693 19 1290. 00531 0344419.0 59 1000. 00514 0344419.0 949469 22109.4 1402376 35643.4 00863156.0 00863156.0 AL HUNTSVILLE WZDX 28119 54 2400. 00518 0344412.0 41 400. 00518 0344412.0 846400 19039.2 1209432 29670.2 00863159.0 00863159.0 AL LOUISVILLE WGIQ 710 43 4180. 00262 03143 4.0 44 925. 00262 03143 4.0 255623 12326.7 336988 18761.2 008526 3.0 008526 3.0 AL MOBILE WALA-TV 4143 10 316. 00381 0304117.0 09 29. 00381 0304117.0 1155217 30422.4 1200512 34526.7 00874754.0 00874754.0 AL MOBILE WEIQ 721 42 1170. 00183 0303933.0 41 199. 00185 0303933.0 614986 11240.7 911465 16241.5 00875333.0 00875333.0 AL MOBILE WKRG-DT 73187 05 100. 00581 0304120.0 27 1000 581.0 304120 1460308 47765.6 1406346 45387.5 00874949.0 874949 AL MOBILE WMPV-TV 60827 21 3083. 00436 0303518.0 20 500. 00436 0303518.0 989469 18895.1 1213122 27192.3 00873316.0 00873316.0 AL MOBILE WPMI-TV 11906 15 5000. 00521 0303735.0 47 1000. 00558 0303640.0 1164879 24769.7 1245923 34113.5 00873850.0 00873627.0 AL MONTGOMERY WAIQ 706 26 710. 00177 0322255.0 27 567.54 00176 0322255.0 390538 10729.2 549682 18065.9 00861733.0 00861733.0 AL MONTGOMERY WCOV-TV 73642 20 617. 00226 03220 6.0 16 1000. 00518 0315828.0 405930 11879.7 829851 37695.2 00861716.0 00860944.0 AL MONTGOMERY WHOA-DT 72307 32 3000. 00545 0320830.0 51 285. 545.0 320830 543471 25057.7 579887 28326.5 00864442.0 864443 AL MONTGOMERY WMCF-TV 60829 45 617. 00308 0322411.0 46 500.
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