1900. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 933 By Mr. l\IcAL.EER: Petition of the Chamber of Commerce of MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. New York for equipment of coast artillery for defeD.Be-to the A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. W. J. eommittee on Military Affairs. BROWNING. its Chief Clerk, announced that the House had passed By Mr. McCLELLAN: Petitions of druggists of the city .of a bill (H. R. 6237) making appropriations to supply .urgent defi­ New York, asking for the repeal o~ the stamp tax upon proprie­ ciencies in the appropriations for the fiscal year e!ldmg.Ju~e 30, tary medicines, etc.-to the Committee on Ways and Means. 1900, and for prior years, and for other purposes; m which it re­ By Mr. MADDOX: Petition of Charles R. Johnson, trustee.of quested the concurrence of the Senate. Elizabeth Johnson, deceased, praying reference of his war claim to the Court of Claims-to the Committee on War Claims. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. _ By Mr. MOON: Papers to accompany House bill for the rel~ef The PRESIDENT pro tempore presented a memorial of the Lu­ of Shiloh Presbyterian Church, Calhoun, Tenn., and for the relief zerne County Medical Society, of Pennsylvania, remonstrating of the Methodist Episcopal Church of South Calhoun, Tenn.-to against the enactment of legislation for the further prevention of the Committee on War Claims. cruelty to animals in the District of Columbia; which was referred · By Mr. NEEDHAM: Papers to accompany Hou~e bill No.~' to the Committee on the District of Columbia. for the relief of Elizabeth Edwards-to the Committee on Invalid He also presented a petition of the Board of Trade of Philadel· Pensions. · . phia Pa., praying for the enactment of legislation to define and By Mr. PRINCE: Petitions of clerks of the post-~ffices at Moline fix the standard of value and to maintain the parity of all forms and Sterling, Ill., favoring the passage of House bill ~o. 4351, for of money issued or coined by the United States; which was re­ the classification of post-office clerks-to the Committee on the ferred to the Committee on Finance. Post-Office and Post-Roads. Mr. NELSON presented a memorial of the State Agricultural By Mr. RAY of New York: Petition of citizens of Earlville, Society of Minnesota, remonstrating. against the enact~en t of leg­ N. Y., for the passage of a bill relating to dairy food and prod­ islation to promote commerce and mcrease the foreign trade of ucts-to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. the United States, and to provide auxiliary cruisers, transports, By Mr. ROBB: Papers to accompany House bill to remove the and seamen for Government use when necessary; which was re­ charge of desertion against the military record of J, Cavender­ ferred to Committee on Commerce. to the Committee on Military Affairs. He also presented a petition of sundry railway mail clerks of Also papers to accompany House bill No. 5712, for the relief of Minneapolis, Minn., praying for the enactment of legislation pro­ Charle~ Maschmeyer-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. viding for the classification of ·clerks in first and second class post­ By Mr. SHATTUC: Papers to accompany House bill to remove offices; which was referred to the Committee on Post-Offices and the charge of desertion against the military record of Frank Post-Roads. Wempe-to the Committee on Military Affairs. He also presented a petition of the Dr. Koch Vegetable Tea Com­ By Mr. SLAYDEN: Papers to ~ccompany b~l granting a pen­ pany, of Winona, Mirin., praying for the repeal of the stamp tax on sion to A. J. Coffey-to the Committee on Pensions. proprietary medicines, perfumeries, and cosmetics; which was re· By Mr. THOMAS of North Carolina: Petition of Sarah F. Tren­ ferred to the Committee on Finance. with executrix of Clifford W. Simpson, deceased, for reference of Mr. McMILLAN presented a petition of sundry railway mall war 'claims to the Court of Claims-to th6 Committee on War clerks of Menominee, Mich., praying for the enactment of legisla­ Claims. tion providing for the classification of clerks in first and second By Mr. THROPP: Statement to accompany House bill_ to cor­ class post-offices; which was referred to the Committee on Post­ rect the military record of Abraham Gibson-to the Committee on Offices and Post-Roads. Military Affairs. He also presented the memorial of Dr. H. J. Stauffer and sun­ By Mr. YOUNG of Pennsylvania: Petition of the Philadelphia dry other citizens of Jeannette, Pa., remonstrating against the Board of Trade, favoring the passage of the shipping bill-to enactment of legislation for the further prevention of cruelty to the Committee on the Merchant Marine and Fisheries: animals in the District of Columbia; which was referred to the Also, petition of Andrew Morton and Hugo Seaberg, of Springer, Committee on the District of Columbia. N. Mex., objecting to the admission of New Mexico as a State-to Mr. McBRIDE presented a petition of sundry railway mail the Committee on the Territories. clerks of Salem, Oreg., praying for the enactment of legislation Also petition of Sarah Clay Bennett and Martha E. Root, of providing for the classification of clerks in first and second class the W ~man's Suffrage Association, favoring a sixteenth amend­ post-offices; which was referred t-0 the Committee on Post-Offices ment to the Constitution granting suffrage to women-to the and Post-Roads. Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. CLAY presented a petition of the Chamber of Commerce of Also, petition of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of ~ ew Atlanta, Ga., praying that an appropriation be made providing York, urging the increase of the coast artillery-to the Committee for the deepening of the channel of the· St. Johns River from on Appropriations. Jacksonville to the ocean; which was referred to the Committee Also, petition of the Central Labor Union of Washington, D. C., on Commerce. relating to section 3 of House bill No. 5486-to the Committee on He also presented a petition of sundry citizens of Augusta, Ga., the Census. praying for the enactment of legislation providing fo:r the reor­ By Mr. ZIEGLER: Fonr petitions of druggists of Cumberland ganization of the United Htates Weather Bureau; which was re­ County, Pa., and one petition of 18 druggists of the city of York, ferred to the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. Pa.., relating to the stamp tax on medicines, perfumery, and cos­ Mr. ALLEN presented a memorial of the First Regiment~ Vicks­ metics-to the Committee on Ways and MeaD.B. burg Command, Division of Nebraska, Union Veterans Union, re­ monatrating against the enactment of legislation providing the SENATE. age limit for entering the Weather Service of the Government; which was referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. THURSDAY, January 18, 1900. Mr. PERKINS presented a petition of the Chamber of Commerce The Senate met at 1 o'clock p. m. of Los Angeles, Cal., and the Board of Trade of Pasadena; Cal., Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. W. H. MILBURN, D. D. praying for the enactment of legislation provi~ing for the in~pec­ The Secretary proceeded to read the J onrnal of yesterday's tion and treatment of trees, plants, buds, cuttmgs, grafts, scions, proceedings, when, on motion of Mr. NELso~. and by unanimous nursery stock, and fruit imported into the United States; which consent, the further reading was dispensed with. was referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Journal, without objec­ He also presented a petition of the Merchants' Exchange of Oak­ tion, will stand approved. land, Cal., praying for the construction of the Nicaragua Canal; which was ordered to lie on the table. INDEX OF REPORTS OF. SECRETARIES OF SENATE. He also presented a petition of the Chamber of Commerce of The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a com­ Los Angeles, Cal., and of t~e Mercha~ts' E~change ~ss o c~ation munication from the Secretary of the Senate, transmitting, in of San Francisco, Cal., praymg for the mserhon of an item m the resuonse to a resolution of March 3, 1899, a complete alphabetical deficiency appropriation bill to prevent the discontinuance of the index of the annual reports of the Secretaries of the Senate; hydrographic branch of the United States Geolo~cal Survey; which was referred to the Committee on Printing. which was referred to the Committee on the Geological Survey. SUBSISTENCE FUNDS. He also presented a memorial of the Board of Trade of Pasa­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a com­ dena, Cal., remonstrating against the reduction of the present munication from the Secretary of War, transmitting a letter from tariff on citrus fruit importations, and remonstrating against the Acting Commissary· General of Subsistence urging the impor­ ratification of the proposed reciprocity treaty with the Bri~ish tance of securing legislation to authorize all officers who disburse West Indies; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign subsistence funds to keep in their personal possession,.for dis­ Relations. bursement, such unrestricted amounts as may be authorized from He also presented a petition of the Board of Trade of Pasadena, time to time by the Secretary of War; which, with the accompany­ Cal., praying for the enactment of legislation providing for the ing papers, was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, and construction of a canal through the Centi·al American Isthmus; ordered to be printed. which was ordered to lie on the table. 934 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE.
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