PALMS Ganodermain Florida:Elliott & Broschat Volume 45(2) 2001 Observations and M. t. Eluorr Pathogenicity AND T. K. BnoscHer Universityof Florida Experiments Fort LauderdaleResearch and EducationCenter 3205 CollegeAvenue on GsnodermcrFort Lauderdale,Floricla zonatum in 33314 USA Florida Ganoderma butt rot of palms, caused by Ganoderma zonatum, is a widespread and serious disease in Florida, USA. The means by which the fungus invades healthy palm trunks is not known. However, infection appears to begin at the center of the base of palm trunks and spreads outrvard and upwards from there, eventually producing a hard, shelf-like structure that is the basidiocarp (conk). Basidiospores produced within the conk may be the primary method for spreading the fungus in the urban landscape. Wilt symptoms are caused by the fungus rotting the xylem, as well as other trunk tissue, in the lowest 1.5 m of trunk. It is believed that most, if not all, woody palms are susceptible to this disease. Experimental attempts to inoculate healthy trees with this fungus have generally been unsuccessful. Palms are found throughout Florida (USA)in both basidiomycete fungi that are found throughout natural and landscaped settings. They are not l the world on all types of wood - gymnosperms, grown for agronomic purposes, but are important hard- and softwood dicots, and palms (Gilbertson as ornamental plants. When a list of the top ten , & Ryvarden 1986). The genus is greatly debated diseasesof Florida ornamentals was compiled in , at the specieslevel; Miller et al. (1999) described "currently 1997, Ganodermabutt rot of palms was listed as , it as chaotic." This has been due to number two (Schubert et al. 1997). The fungal , speciesnames being added and then dropped, an genus Ganodermais a group of wood-decaying , inconsistency in criteria used for identification 62 PALMS45(2): 62-72 I'ALNlS Ganodermain Florida:Elliott & Broschat Volume45(2) 2001 1 (above).Sabal palmetto (sabal palm) with wilted and desiccatedleaves due to Canodermozonotum infection. 2 (right).Syogrus romonzoffiana (queen palm) dying from Canodermazonatum. Only the spearand one other leaf remaingreen. 3. Basidiocarp(conk) o1 Conoderma zonatum. Note glazed reddish- brown top surfaceand whiteundersurface. The "straight"side of the conkis directly attached to thetrunk. There is no "stem" or "stalk"that attachesthe conkto the trun k. 63 PALMS Ganodermain Florida:Elliott & Broschat Volume 45(2) 2001 purposes at the specieslevel, and the fact that the vasculartissue aswell as the surrounding tissue morphological characteristics change based on has been degradedby the fungus. This becomes environment (Moncalvo et al. 1995). evident when a palm that has died or is dying from Ganoderma butt rot is cut down and cross- In Florida, Ganodermabutt rot is a lethal disease sections made of the trunk. Figs 4 and 5 are that appearsto be causedby the fungus Gqnoderma examples of the wood rotting and disease zonatum Murrill. Another fungal name that was progression pattern observed. The fungus associatedwith this diseasein the first half of the colonizes and degradesthe palm trunk tissue 20th century was Ganodermasulcatum MurrilI closestto the soil line first, expands in diameter (Murrill 1902,79O8;Childs & West 1953).Murrill at the baseand moves up the center or near-center indicated in his papers that both specieswere of the trunk. Therefore, the diseaseprogression associatedwith dead wood in Florida, and that pattern within the trunk is best described as cone- they were very similar in appearance.Recently, shaped,widest at the soil line and narrowing to a these two specieshave been grouped together as pinpoint. In general, we do not see the fungus one, G. zonatum (Gilbertson & Ryvarden 1986). extend more than 1.5 m (-5 ft) up into the palm Although G. zonatum is often referred to as a trunk. Although roots may eventually rot, member of the G. lucidum complex, it is a distinct especiallyafter the palm dies, the lethal damage speciesfrom G. lucidum (Adaskaveg& Gilbertson from the fungus appearsto be associatedwith the 1989). Information is available regarding the trunk degradation. Ganoderma butt rot is a disease morphological and cultural characteristicsof G. of mature palms (i.e.,palms with trunks) and has zonatum (e.g., Adaskaveg and Gilbertson 1989; not been observed to affect seedling or juvenile Adaskavegand Gilbertson 1988; Gilbertson & palms in natural or landscapesettings. R1'varden 1986), but little is known about the diseaseit causes.A similar basal stem rot of oil It was previously thought that the location of the palms is widespread,but is causedby a different initial basidiocarpformation was the entry point Ganodermaspecies, presumed to be G. boninense for the fungus, perhapsfrom a wound to the trunk. (Miller et al. 1999). This pathogen does not occur We do not believe that is true. The location of the in North America. Considerable information is basidiocarp is where the fungus is emerging from available on this diseasein SoutheastAsia, so we the trunk. This means the degradation is occurring have relied heavily on this information as a basis internally as the fungus moves from the lower for initiating researchin Florida. This article is a center of the palm to the outside. This is especially compilation of our personal observations and evident when a palm suspectedof being infected pathogenicity researchresults obtained since 1994. with G. zonatum, based on wilt symptoms and palms, I. OBSERVATIONS proximity to other diseased but without basidiocarpsis examined.This meansthat wounds Symptoms and Signs are not a likely factor in diseaseinitiation. Other Ganodermazonatum is a white rot fungus that external environmental factors associatedwith the produces numerous enzymes that allow it to trunk are probably not associatedwith disease degrade (rot) woody tissue, primarily lignin and development either, such as too much mulch cellulose (Adaskaveget al. 1991). As the fungus around the trunk, irrigation heads striking the destroys the palm wood internally, the xylem trunk, flowers or shrubs too close to the trunk, or (water-conducting tissue) will eventually be painting the trunk. affected. Therefore, the primary symptom that Life Cycle of the Fungus may be observed is a wilting, mild to severe,of all leaves but the spear leaf (Figs. 1 and 2). Other The basidiocarp or conk is the most easily symptoms can best be described as a general identifiable structure associatedwith the fungus. decline - slower growth and off-color foliage. The conk is a specializedmass of fungal growth However, these symptoms alone should not be that originates from mycelia in the palm trunk. used for diagnosis of Ganoderma butt rot, since Fig. 6 illustrates different stages in the other disorders or diseasesmay also causethese development of the basidiocarp. When the fungus symptoms. Only when these symptoms are first starts to grow on the side of a palm trunk or accompanied by the development of the palm stump, it is a solid white mass that is basidiocarp (conk) (Fig. 3) can the palm be relatively soft when touched. It will have an confirmed as affected by G. zonaturu.Also, it is irregular to circular shape and is relatively flat on commonly observedthat basidiocarpswill form the trunk or stump. prior to any obvious wilting or decline symptoms. As the conk matures, a small shelf or bracket will It should be emphasizedthat this fungus is not start to form asthe basidiocarpbegins to protrude restricted to vasculartissue. The palm wilts because from the trunk. It will still be white, both on the 64 PALMS Ganoderma in Florida:Elliott & Broschat Volume45(2) 2001 Thble 1. Palms documented to have been infected with Ganodermq zonqtum. Palm Sourcez Nannorrhopsritchiqna FTG Phoenix canartensis DPI, FTG Acoelorraphewrightii FTG Phoenix dactylifera FLREC Acrocomiaaculeata FTG Phoenix reclinata DPI, FTG Adonidia merrillii FTG Phoenix roebelenii FTG Aiphanessp. DPI Phoenixsylvestris FLREC Arenga engleri FTG Ptychospermaelegans TREC Arenga tremula FTG Ptycho s p erma mac arthurii DPI, FTG qlomonens Arenga undulatifolia FTG Ptycho sp erma s e FTG Attalea sp. FTG Roystoneaaltissima FTG Bactris maior FTG Roystoneaoleracea FTG Brahea berlandieri FTG Roystonearegia DPI, FTG Brqhea brandegeei FTG Sabal causiarum FTG, TREC Brqhea dulcis FTG Sabal mauritiiformis FTG Brahea edulis x brandegeei FTG Sabalpalmetto DPI, FLREC, Butia eriospatha FTG Sabal uresana FTG Butia capitata DPI Satqkentia liukiuensis FLREC Carpentariaacuminata FLREC Serenoarepens FTG Caryota mitis DPI Syagrusoleracea FTG Chamaeropshumilis FTG Syagruspicrophylla FTG Coccothrinaxsp. FTG Syagrusromanzoffiana DPI, FLREC, Cocosnucifera DPI Syagus sancona FTG Copemiciacurtisii FTG Syagrusschizophylla FTG Dictyospermaalbum DPI Syagrusx costae FTG Dypsis cabqdae FTG Washingtoniarobusta DPI, FTG Dypsis lutescens DPI, FTG Elaeisguineensis TREC ZDPI = Diseasesand Disordersof Ptants in Florida Euterpeedulis DPI (Alfieri et aI., 1994); FTG = Fairchild Tropical Gastrococoscrispa FTG Garden, Miami, FL; TREC = University of Hyophorbeindica TREC Florida's Tropical Researchand Education Livistona benthamii FTG Center, Homestead, FL; FLREC= University of Livistona chinensis DPI, FTG Florida's Fort Lauderdale Research and Livistona merrillii FTG Education Centeq Fort Lauderdale, FL; Forestry Livistona muelleri FTG = Florida's Department of Forestry, Miami, FL. Livistona saribus Forestry top and bottom surfaces.Eventually, it will form expanding in size at a later date. In southern, sub- a very
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