VolumeVolumeVol. 66, No.65,65, 40No.No. 207207 MONDAY,MONDAY,TUESDAY, FEBRUARYFEBRUARY JUNE 9, 10,202010, 20202020 50¢50¢ Pedestrians wearing face coverings and protective masks crossed Main Street in Flushing Monday morning, Open for as businesses began to gradually VolumeQUEENS 65, No. 207 reopen citywide. AP Photo/FrankMONDAY, Franklin II FEBRUARY 10, 2020 50¢ QUEENSQUEENS QueensQueens business. TODAYTODAY Sort of. FebruaryFebruaryJUNE 9, 10,10, 2020 20202020 commitmentscommitments Sectors of the Queens economy reopen as ADDISLEIGH PARK WAS DESIGNATED AADDISLEIGH JAMAICA MAN PARK WHO WAS ALLEGEDLY DESIGNATED a New York City historic district during Black drovea New after York a aCity pair historic of black district motorists during and Blackfired NYC enters first phase History Month in 2011. The New York City hisHistory gun atMonth them inon 2011.June 6The has New been York charged City Historic Districts Council is celebrating the of recovery plan withHistoric attempted Districts murder Council as isa hatecelebrating crime bythe Queensneighborhood’sneighborhood’s District rich richAttorney andand distinctivedistinctive Melinda historyhistoryKatz. By David Brand thisneighborhood’s month. rich and distinctive history Yosefthis month. Aranbayev, 41, allegedly pursued the Queens Daily Eagle two men and shot his gun at them before the The borough known as the epicenter men found police officers and reported the MayorMayor BillBill dede BlasioBlasio delivereddelivered hishis seventhseventh StateState ofof thethe CityCity addressaddress atat thethe AmericanAmerican MuseumMuseum ofof of NaturalNatural the worldwide HistoryHistory on onCOVID-19 Thursday.Thursday. pandemic ManyMany ofof incident.ASAS RACIALRACIAL COVENANTSCOVENANTS SEGRE-SEGRE- Mayor Bill de Blasio delivered his seventh State of the City address at the American Museum of Natural History on Thursday. Many of gatedAS RACIALthe city’s neighborhoods,COVENANTS AddisleighSEGRE- his proposals will have a particular impact on Queens. hasMichael begun Appleton/Mayoral to gradually emerge Photography from Office the gated the city’s neighborhoods, Addisleigh his proposals will have a particular impact on Queens. Michael Appleton/Mayoral Photography Office Parkgated thetransformed city’s neighborhoods, from an exclusivelyAddisleigh shadow of the illness, with some sectors “PUBLICPark transformed STREETS from BELONG an exclusively TO EV- whitePark neighborhoodtransformed intofrom one an of exclusivelyNew York of the Queens economy reopening under eryonewhite neighborhoodand it offends intothe publicone of conscienceNew York City’swhite neighborhoodpremier African-American into one of New enclaves York Mayor pledges to protect business,a gradual state plan.serve toCity’sQUEENS think premierthat someone African-American believes they haveenclaves the Mayor pledges to protect business, In Phase One serve of the state’s four-part by the early 1950s. The area was home to Mayor pledges to protect business, serve rightby the to chaseearly down1950s. and The shoot area atwas anyone home be to- economic reopening initiative, retail stores luminariesby the early like 1950s. Count The Basie, area wasLena home Horne, to cause they are not from the neighborhood,” previously considered “nonessential” can Ellaluminaries Fitzgerald, like CountIllinois Basie, Jacquet, Lena Horne,Jackie youth and build homes during annual address KatzElla said,Fitzgerald, “This could Illinois have endedJacquet, with someJackie- youthBy David and Brand buildwill homes have a specific impact during on Queens. annualdeep reopeninto the for night curbside addresson Jan. pickup. 10, as Construction patrons, in- Robinson,Ella Fitzgerald, James Brown,Illinois JoeJacquet, Louis, Jackie Milt By David Brand will have a specific impact on Queens. deep into the night on Jan. 10, as patrons, in- oneRobinson, being killed.James TheBrown, defendant Joe Louis,is accused Milt QueensBy David Daily Brand Eagle willFrom have reopening a specific communitiesimpact on Queens. centers in cludingdeepand into Mayor manufacturing the night Bill onde canJan.Blasio, also 10, toastedresume.as patrons, a lease in- Hinton,Robinson, Roy James Campanella, Brown, PercyJoe Louis,Sutton Miltand Queens Daily Eagle From reopening communities centers in cluding Mayor Bill de Blasio, toasted a lease of being a vigilante hell-bent on clearing his Mayor Bill Queensde Blasio Daily delivered EagleQueens his seventh neighborhoodsFrom reopening beset communities by municipal centers disin in- agreementcluding Mayor that wouldBill de enable ContinuedBlasio, the toasted 190-year-old on page a lease 15 CootieHinton, Williams. Roy Campanella, Percy Sutton and neighborhoods beset by municipal disin- agreement that would enable the 190-year-old neighborhood of the two black men who drove “StateMayor of theBill City” de Blasio address delivered Thursday, his seventh pledg- vestmentneighborhoods to helping beset small by municipalbusiness ownersdisin- Woodhavenagreement that watering would holeenable to staythe 190-year-old in business. Cootie Williams. vestment to helping small business owners Woodhaven watering hole to stay in business. through.” ing“State to preserveof the City” the city’saddress affordable Thursday, housing, pledg- negotiatevestment leasesto helping with theirsmall landlords, business Queensowners WoodhavenLocal elected watering officials, hole tothe stay Queens in business. Cham- expanding to preserve education the and city’s help affordable small businesses. housing, playednegotiate a keyleases role with in thetheir mayor’s landlords, annual Queens ad- berLocal of Commerce elected officials, and even the theQueens de BlasioCham- ERICA VLADIMER, A CANDIDATE ing to preserve the city’s affordable housing, played a key role in the mayor’s annual ad- ber of Commerce and even the de Blasio THE QUEENS COUNTY BAR ASSOCI- expandCongestedDe Blasio, education speaking and help stretchat the small American businesses. of Mu Jamaica- dress.played a key Avenuerole in the mayor’s will annual go ad bus-only,- administrationber of Commerce destepped andBlasio ineven to helpthe says debroker Blasio a challengingERICA VLADIMER, Carolyn MaloneyA CANDIDATE in the dress. administration stepped in to help broker a ation will host a virtual trivia night on Thurs- seumDe ofBlasio, Natural speaking History, at laidthe Americanout his vision Mu- dress. Assisting small businesses newadministration deal that would stepped keep in the to historichelp broker bar ina Democraticchallenging primaryCarolyn for MaloneyNew York’s in 12ththe The Assistingcelebration small at Neir’s businesses Tavern lasted new deal that would keep Continuedthe historic on page bar 10in day, June 18 at 5 p.m. The event was orga- forseum the of entire Natural city, History, but many laid of outhis hisproposals vision Assisting small businesses new deal that would keep the historic bar in CongressionalDemocratic primary District, forexited New the York’srace Friday. 12th The celebration at Neir’s Tavern lasted Continued on page 10 nizedDemocratic by Young primary Lawyers for NewCommittee York’s Co-12th for the entire city, but many of his proposals The celebration at Neir’s Tavern lasted Continued on page 10 HerCongressional departure District,leaves three exited other the racecandidates Friday. ChairschallengingHer departure Sydney Maloney, leavesSpinner three whoand otherhasKristen candidatesserved Barba in Dubowski.Her departureTODAY Prizes leaves are sponsoredthree other by candidates Weil and Congresschallenging since Maloney, 1993. who has served in Kestenbaum.Congress since 1993. Congress since 1993. Flushing community board set STATETHE NEWLAWMAKERS YORK SENATE ARE BACK ENVI- IN Flushing community board set Albanyronmental to vote Conservation on a package Committee of police approved reform THE NEW YORK SENATE ENVI- bills,a bill including sponsored legislation by State to Sen.repeal Joseph50-a, ronmentalFebruary Conservation Committee10, 2020 approved to vote on controversial rezoning which shields officers’ personnel and disci- commitments Addabbo,a bill sponsored Jr. to require by hardState lidsSen. or Josephsturdy plinarya bill records.sponsored by State Sen. Joseph to vote on controversial rezoningBy Victoria Merlino tarpsAddabbo, on top Jr. of to “trash require trains.” hard Thelids coveringsor sturdy to vote on controversial rezoning Addabbo, Jr. to require hard lids or sturdy Queens Daily Eagle would prevent putrid goop from falling out of By Victoria Merlino tarps on top of “trash trains.” The coverings CommunityQueens Board Daily7 will Eagle vote today on a Athewould COALITION train prevent cars as putrid they OF travel.goop ORGANIZATIONS from falling out of Queens Daily Eagle andwould individuals prevent putrid representing goop from Flushing falling comout of- hotlyCommunity contested Boardplan to 7 rezonewill vote the today Flushing on a the train cars as they travel. Community Board 7 will vote today on a munitythe train groups cars as have they filedtravel. a lawsuit against waterfront,hotly contested which plan would to rezoneallow developersthe Flushing to buildhotly condos,contested hotels, plan shopsto rezone and theoffice Flushing space New“APART York City’sFROM City THE Planning FOUL Commission ODORS waterfront, which would allow developers to alongwaterfront, Flushing which Creek. would The allow advisory developers vote tois and spilled garbage that many of my build condos, hotels, shops and office space ADDISLEIGHin“APART an effort toFROM stop PARK the
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