/W THIS ISSUE... WACHOCK: • A Record and Remembrance by Rafael Feferman 3 • 1929 Business Directory transcribed by Warren Blatt 7 • From Pinkas HaKehillot by Shmuel Levin & Daniel Blatman translated by Judy Montel 8 DZIALOSZYCE: • From Pinkas HaKehillot by Daniel Blatman translated by Judy Montel 9 ^j^ciot interest G p • 1929 Business Director y transcribed by Susan Javinsky 1 4 EXTRACT DATA IN THIS ISSUE 1 6 • DZIALOSZYC E MARRIAGES 1862-186 5 by Susan Javinsky 1 7 • KLIMONTÔ W MARRIAGES 1840-186 5 by Ronald Greene 2 4 • MALOGOSZC Z B M D 1844-1867 by Dolores Ring 3 9 • SOBKÔ W DEATHS 1810-183 8 Ajournalofl by Warren Blatt 5 7 INDEX to KIELCE-RADOM SIG JOURNAL I-VI as xôverina tfic of by Warren Blatt 6 2 GLOSSARY, PRONUNCIATIO N GUID E ... 64 oftRe ...but first a word from your editor 2 as defined 6^ the boundaries they existed 1867-1917 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 6, Number 4 Autumn 2002 ... but first a word from our editor As we complete our sixth year of publication, I am very proud of our journal, which has now published a total of 1,54 8 pages - Speciaf interest 0roup including 755 pages of vital records extracts, which contain over 35,000 events and the names of over 150,00 0 persons. A n inde x of all articles in these six volumes appears on the last two pages of Ajournai this issue. ISSN No. 1092-800 6 In this issue, we have features o n the towns of Wachock Published quarterly, ("Vankhotsk") and Dziatoszyce ("Zaloshitza") - a translation o f in January, April, July and October, by the the articles from Vad VaShem's Hebrew-language Pinkas KIELCE-RADOM HaKehillot, and transcripts of the entries for each town from th e Special Interest Group (SIG) 1929 Polish Business Directory. Fo r Wachock, we also have a detailed "Record and Rememberance" by Rafael Feferman, listin g Gracie Station all of the Jewish residents of the town and their fate i n the P. O. Box 127 Holocaust. New York, NY 1002 8 e-mail: [email protected] The vital records extracts in the issue are for four differen t towns - Dzialoszyc e marriages 1862-186 5 (a "new" town for us); Annual subscription rates (U.S. funds): Klimontow marriages 1840-1865 ; Malogoszcz births, marriages U.S.A.: $26.00 and deaths 1844-1867; and Sobkôw deaths for 1810-1838 . Canada: $30.00 Elsewhere: $37.00 I'd lik e to note that the translation o f the Hebrew-language Subscriptions and changes of address Kielce yizkor book, Sefer Kielce (Tel Aviv, 1957) , mentioned in should be sent to the above. this column in the last issue, is nearing completion. Th e full text should be online by the end of this year. W e are still looking fo r someone to scan the photographs in the book, to put them online The KIELCE-RADOM SI G as well. Th e translation can be found on JewishGen at is a non-profit, informa l world-wid e < http://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/Kielce/Kielce.html > . body of individuals interested in Jewish genealogical research from Kielc e and Two other features on Kielce in the last issue - th e book Radom, two gubernias in the Kingdom containing Hebrew tombstone inscriptions fro m Kielce's Jewish of Poland a s defined b y the boundaries cemetery, 1870s-1920s ; and the Polish-language "Historica l as they existed from 1867-1917 . Dictionary of Kielce Jews" - ar e still in need of funding i n order to be translated. Pleas e contact me if you are interested in ADVISORY GROUP: assisting. Warren Blatt, Editor Debra Braverman, Membership Carol Isaak has generously volunteered to take over the Carol Isaak, Production printing and mailing aspects of our Journal next year, and Debra Braverman had previously volunteered to serve as our new VISIT OUR WE B PAGE subscription and finance manager. Debr a and Carol are taking www.jewishgen.org/krsig over the jobs that Mark Froimowitz has performed fo r the last three years. W e thank Mark for his years of dedicated service to the Kielce-Radom SIG. All matters relating to research and editorial articles should be directed to: We are still in need of articles and material contributions fo r Warren Blatt, Editor the Journal. I f you would like to assist, please contact me. 8 Bishops Forest Drive Waltham, MA 02452-880 1 Don't forge t to renew your subscription fo r 2003, using the e-mail: [email protected] enclosed subscription form . Th e subscription rate s remain the same, but we have a new mailing address. ©2002, all material this issue — Warren Blatt Autumn 2002 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 6, Number 4 Wachock, Poland - A Record and Remembrance Compiled by Rafael Feferma n This document was prepared in July, 1999, by Mr. Rafael Feferman, who currently resides in Forest Hills, New York, USA. I t is has been compile d completely fro m memor y by Mr. Feferman, a Holocaust concentration camp survivor. Th e map on the following page, which is not to scale, was drawn in a computer aided design program fro m the original pencil sketch which looked remarkably similar. Th e introduction was transcribed i n a word processor by Mr. Feferman's frien d Mr . Friedman. This is a record and remembrance of a small town in Poland, just prior to the outbreak of World War II on September 1,1939. The population, demographics, family and living arrangements are graphically and cartographically demonstrated. Th e map and family lis t show the locations in the town, and tells the fate of the residents who lived there. Town (miasto): Wachoc k ("Vankhotsk" ) County (powiat): Ilz a Province (wojewôdztwa): Kielc e Jewish Populatio n Number of families: 9 8 Individuals: 45 9 Surviving individuals: 2 4 Killed i n the town during the German Occupation: 1 6 Killed b y the AK (Armia Kriova) after the Occupation: 3 The balance of the prewar population disappeared i n the Holocaust. In the family lis t on the following two pages, the numbers in the column on the left correspond to the numbered houses on the map. Th e three columns on the right contain the number of family member s before the war, the number of survivors after the war, and an asterisk indicating that the property was owned by the Jewish residents. Other material about Wachock: • A story of a visit to Wachock in 199 0 by Mike Persillin, with a transcription of 43 tombstones in the Jewish cemetery there. Kielce-Radom SIG Journal, 11: 2 (Spring 1998) , pages 17-18. • A report on the current condition of the Jewish cemetery i n Wa.chock: < http://www.jewishgen.org/cemetery/e-europe/pol-w-z.html >. • Ther e is no known separate Jewish civil records register for Wachock, which i s not unusual for a Jewish community of this size. Th e Jews in Wqchock registered their vital events in the Jewish civil register of Ilza (see Kielce-Radom SIG Journal, III: 1 (Winter 1999) , pages 21-36; VI: 1 (Winter 2002), pages 46-63). • Reference s i n descriptions of the Jewish holdings of the State Archives i n Radom: Akta dotyczqce Êydôw w radomskim Archiwum Paristwowym (1815-1950) [Records relating to Jews in the Radom State Archives (1815-1950)], (Warszawa: Zydowski Instytut Historyczny, 1998) . Se e Kielce-Radom SIG Journal, V:2 (Spring 2001), pages 20 and 24. -WB (COUNTRY): POLAN D 93 MIASTO: (TOWN) WACHOC K OLD WOJEWÔZTWO: (STATE) KIELECKI E CEMETERY CO POWIAT: (COUNTY) ILRZECK I DATE: 1939 NOT TO SCALE 52| 51 | 50 | 49|4B | J JH 4S| 44 | 43 | 42 | STARACHOWIECKA RYNEK SKARZISKA 93 CMENTARZ TOWN SQUARE (CEMETERY) | 4|S I 6 | 7 | 8 | g JJ MIKVA 93 Document prepared by, LU (RITUAL Rafael Feferman BATH) BUZNICA 61-20 Grand Central Parkway o SYNAGOGUE Forest Hills, NY 11375 W10SKA July, 1999 Pre- Holocaus t Address MIERZEC —I 9 - TORAS Rynek#13 192 | AN D BOOKS (SMALL VILLAGE) ^~^ BURIE D Map Key #30 Autumn 2002 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 6, Number 4 Wqchock - A Record an d Remembranc e A Famil y Halberstam 2 1 Famil y Zelinger - Moisze , Miriam, Froim, Zelda, Uriash Elia, Hinda 6 1A Zin a femperin 4 IB Ianki l Szuster 6 2 Moish e Leib, wife, 5 children 7 3 Famil y Brit 5 Killed by Leszek Kurczinski, son Mendel killed by Polish A.K. after war 4 Herszi l Grabski, wife, 1 child 3 Killed by Germans at beginning of war 5 Famil y Herling - Mother , 3 sons 4 1 One son Moishe survived 6 Famil y Binsztok - wife , 6 children, also sister and brother-in-law 9 1 One son Shimon survived a s a Christian in Germany 7 Zelinge r - Shlom o and wife Golda 2 8 Famil y Binshtok - wif e Golda, son Chaim 3 Killed by Kowalczyk (Cegelnia), son Chaim killed by Polish A.K. after war 9 Mei r Shuch, wife 2 10 Rafae l Shuch , wife, child 3 11 Chai m - wif e and daughter 3 12 Lustman , Mendel, wife and child 3 1 Mendel survived 13 Anielewich , Leib and daughter 2 14 Hude l 1 15 Son-in-la w of Froim Mendel, wife and 2 children 4 16 Pinche s Mandel, wife, 2 sons, father and niece 6 Niece Itka shot dead the night of the dispossession 17 Chai m Troper, wife and 2 children 4 18 Ichielshair , wife, mother-in-law, sister-in-law 4 19 Mosh e Reszke and family 9 20 Mil k lady and son 2 21 2 families Schneide r 9 22 Famil y Schneider and sister 5 23 Sande r Hecht, wife and 3 children 5 Betrayed by men who were hiding them.
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