City of Marina City of Marina 211 HILLCREST AVENUE MARINA, CA 93933 831- 884-1278; FAX 831- 384-9148 www.cityofmarina.org Steve Endsley July 18, 2018 Assistant Executive Officer Fort Ord Reuse Authority 920 2nd Ave., Suite A Marina, CA 93933 RE: FORA Consistency Determination for the Marina Municipal Airport Master Plan Update Dear Mr. Endsley: This letter is a formal request to the Fort Ord Reuse Authority (FORA) for a consistency determination for the comprehensive update to the City of Marina’s Municipal Airport Master Plan. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) recommends that airports update their long-term planning documents every seven to 10 years, or as necessary to address local changes at an airport. The last Master Plan for Marina Municipal Airport (Airport) was finalized in 2008. In 2014, the City of Marina received a grant from the FAA to update the Airport Master Plan. The FAA grant covers 90 percent of the fixed fee project cost, with the City providing a ten percent match. The provided package includes staff reports and City Council Resolutions needed to fully entitle the project and consists of the following: ▪ City Council Resolution No. 2018-62, approving the Marina Municipal Airport Master Plan Update; ▪ City Council Resolution No. 2018-63, finding the Marina Municipal Airport Master Plan Update consistent with the Fort Ord Base Reuse Plan; and ▪ City Council Resolution No. 2018-64, adopting the Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact for the Marina Municipal Airport Master Plan Update. Advisory recommendation of the Planning Commission were considered during City Council review of the project. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ___ S e r v i n g a W o r l d C l a s s C o m m u n i t y Pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), an Initial Study – Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared and a Notice of Determination was filed with the County Clerk. All documents have been upload to FORA staff-provided Dropbox account and include the following: ▪ From the City Council meeting of June 5, 2018 ➢ City Council Staff Report ➢ Resolution No. 2018-62 with Exhibits (Exhibit A can be found at http://marina.airportstudy.com/master-plan/ due to the size of the document) ➢ Resolution No. 2018-63 with Exhibit ➢ Resolution No. 2018-64 with Exhibits ▪ FORA required documents: ➢ RUDG Checklist ➢ Consistency Determination Submittal Worksheet ➢ FORA Consistency Determination Analysis Table (as Exhibit A to Resolution No. 2018-63) Thank you in advance for your review and consideration. Please contact me at (831) 884-1238 if you have questions or if you need additional information. Sincerely, Christy Hopper Planning Services Manager Community Development Department City of Marina RESOLUTION NO. 2018-63 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MARINA FINDING THE MARINA MUNICIPAL AIRPORT MASTER PLAN UPDATE CONSISTENT WITH THE FORT ORD BASE REUSE PLAN WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) recommends that airports update their long-term planning documents every seven to 10 years, or as necessary to address local changes at an airport; and, \\.'HEREAS, the last Master Plan for Marina Municipal Airport (Airport) was finalized in 2008; and, WHEREAS, in 2014, the City of Marina received a grant from the FAA to update the Airport Master Plan; and, WHEREAS, Chapter 8 of the Fort Ord Reuse Authority (FORA) Master Resolution requires that all legislative land use decisions affecting property in Former Fort Ord be submitted to FORA for a determination of consistency with the Fort Ord Reuse Plan and Master Resolution; and, WHEREAS, an analysis of consistency prepared in accordance with Master Resolution Chapters 8.02.010 and -.020 criteria for determining consis~ency shows that the project is consistent with the Fort Ord Reuse Plan and Master Resolution; and, WHEREAS, an Initial Study (IS) and Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) have been prepared in response to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (under separate Resolution). Through the Initial Study, it has been determined that the project's environmental impacts are less than significant with mitigation measures. These mitigations measures relate to potentially significant impacts associated ~ith biological and cultural resources, geology and soils, hazards and hazardous materials, hydrology and water quality, transportation/circulation, and utilities and services systems. The Mitigation and Monitoring Program (MMRP) for the project is located on page 119 of the IS-MND. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Marina hereby finds the Marina Municipal Airport Master Plan Update consistent with the Fort Ord Base Reuse Plan as shown on EXHIBIT A. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Marina at a r~gular meeting held on the 5th day of June 2018, by the following vote: A YES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Amadeo, Morton, O' Connell, Brown, Delgado NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ATTEST: Anita Sharp, Depil.ey ..c.!!Y)cle rk EXHIBIT A FORA Consistency Determination Table EXHIBIT A FORA Consistency Determination Analysis Table Legislative Land Use Decisions Marina Municipal Airport Master Plan Update May 2018 FORA Master Resolution criteria Discussion LEGISLATIVE LAND USE DECISION CONSISTENCY 8.02.010 (a) In the review, evaluation, and determination of consistency regarding legislative land use decisions, the Authority Board shall disapprove any legislative land use decision for which there is substantial evidence supported by the record, that (1) Provides a land use designation that allows more intense land The Airport Master Plan uses than the uses permitted in the Reuse Plan for the affected Update (AMP) does not territory; intensify existing land uses (2) Provides for a development more dense than the density of use The AMP does not include permitted in the Reuse Plan for the affected territory; proposals for development (3) Is not in substantial conformance with applicable programs SEE SEPARATE specified in the Reuse Plan and Section 8.02.020 of this Master WORKSHEET Resolution; The Airport Master Plan (4) Provides uses which conflict or are incompatible with uses Update (AMP) does not permitted or allowed in the Reuse Plan for the affected property or propose changes to existing which conflict or are incompatible with open space, recreational, or land uses already found habitat management areas within the jurisdiction of the Authority; compatible with the Base Reuse Plan (5) Does not require or otherwise provide for the financing and/or The AMP does not include installation, construction, and maintenance of all infrastructure proposals for development necessary to provide adequate public services to the property covered by the legislative land use decision; and The AMP proposes are to the northeast of the runway as (6) Does not require or otherwise provide for implementation of the additional habitat to mitigate Fort Ord Habitat Management Plan. the future extension of the runway – the result is a net zero impact (b) FORA shall not preclude the transfer of intensity of land uses The Airport Master Plan and/or density of development involving properties within the Update (AMP) does not affected territory as long as the land use decision meets the overall intensify or transfer existing intensity and density criteria of Sections 8.02.010(a)(1) and (2) land uses above as long as the cumulative net density or intensity of the Fort Ord Territory is not increased. Page 1 of 8 EXHIBIT A FORA Consistency Determination Analysis Table Legislative Land Use Decisions Marina Municipal Airport Master Plan Update May 2018 (c) The Authority Board, in its discretion, may find a legislative land use decision is in substantial compliance with the Reuse Plan when the Authority Board finds that the applicant land use agency has demonstrated compliance with the provisions specified in this section and Section 8.020.020 of this Master Resolution. 8.02.020 (a) Prior to approving any development entitlements, each land use agency shall act to protect natural resources and open spaces on Fort Ord Territory by including the open space and conservation policies and programs of the Reuse Plan, applicable to the land use agency, into their respective general, area, and specific plans. (1) Each land use agency shall review each application for a N/A development entitlement for compatibility with adjacent open space land uses and require suitable open space buffers to be incorporated into the development plans of any potentially incompatible land uses as a condition of project approval. (2) When buffers are required as a condition of approval adjacent N/A to Habitat Management areas, the buffer shall be designed in a manner consistent with those guidelines set out in the Habitat Management Plan. Roads shall not be allowed within the buffer area adjacent to Habitat Management areas except for restricted access maintenance or emergency access roads. (b) Each land use agency shall include policies and programs in their N/A respective applicable general, area, and specific plans that will ensure consistency of future use of the property within the coastal zone through the master planning process of the California Department of Parks and Recreation, if applicable. All future use of such property shall comply with the requirements of the Coastal Zone Management Act and the California Coastal Act and
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