Volume CVIII Issue 3 August 26, 2021 xaviernewswire.com Published since 1915 Fiat justitia, ruat caelum @xavier.newswire XU mandates vaccines for spring As COVID-19 cases spike,Task Force discusses further restrictions bor Day weekend coming up,” es to,” he said. BY ALEX BUDZYNSKI AND Coleman stated. In general, students were HUNTER ELLIS Additionally, the university not surprised by the recent Editor-in-Chief and Multi- will likely refine its Zoom pol- surge. media Managing Editor icy, reintroducing hybrid and “I wish it wasn’t that way, online options. but we’re now in this situation Xavier is now requiring all “I received a proposal this where off campus students students to be fully vaccinat- evening for how we’re going are having a COVID-19 spike ed against COVID-19 prior to pivot to potentially offer- and we need to be aware of to the Spring semester as an- ing a Zoom option as we did our actions,” Kirby said. nounced in yesterday’s cam- last semester, but only for stu- “We’re seeing no indica- pus-wide message from Dr. dents that are in quarantine tion of spread in classrooms Colleen Hanycz, president. or isolation due to COVID… on campus or in other facili- This update comes as Xavi- that’s going to be the number ties on campus so that’s really er is experiencing a surge in one item on the Task Force’s good news,” Coleman elabo- positive cases, consistent with agenda (this) morning when rated. national trends. we meet.” Following guidance from According to the email Newswire photo by Desmond Fischer Coleman noted that stu- the Centers for Disease Con- message, this protocol follows think it’s important that they tract the virus,” Coleman said. dents can expect to hear about trol and Prevention and Tri- full Food and Drug Adminis- are required for the spring.” Coleman noted that al- these changes by the end of Health officials, vaccinated in- tration (FDA) approval of a In contrast, senior biomed- though there are more break- this week via the Provost’s of- dividuals will only be required COVID-19 vaccine. With this ical science major Jayla Co- through cases than expected, fice. to quarantine for 10 days if announcement, Xavier be- pland did not agree with the it is still imperative that stu- Dean of Students Jean they are symptomatic or until comes the first institution in decision. dents receive a vaccine. Griffin emphasized the need they receive a negative test re- the Greater Cincinnati region “I don’t think the vaccine is “Most of the students that for students to change their sult. Inoculated, asymptomat- to mandate the COVID-19 right, because it is your body are vaccinated and are getting actions in order to prevent ic students are not required to vaccine. This requirement and your choice,” she said. the virus are experiencing further restrictions from the quarantine, even if they are a does not apply to university According to Coleman, stu- mild to no symptoms... The university. close contact. employees. dents with medical and reli- vaccine never said that you “I really hope we can make This year, Manor House Chair of the COVID-19 gious stipulations will be ex- wouldn’t get sick. What it the changes we need to make has returned to regular res- Task Force Jeff Coleman clar- empt from the mandate. said was you wouldn’t get as voluntarily... if it doesn’t idential housing, while the ified how the vaccine mandate This announcement comes sick or end up in the hospital,” work, I think we have... to University Apartments re- will be enforced. after a week and a half of Coleman remarked. look at what additional expec- main quarantine housing. “In order to register for classes and at a time when According to the Task tations we might have (to) put However, the majority of cas- spring classes on Oct. 18, Xavier is seeing a spike in pos- Force, the vaccine require- into place,” she said. es in this surge are being iden- students have to show proof itive tests, despite 77% of stu- ment has nothing to do with “The variant is starting tified in off-campus students. of their first shot. Then, By dents being fully vaccinated. the spike in cases. to be pretty prevalent in our In her message, Hanycz Jan. 3, students have to show According to the most “That decision had been community… (it) has created emphasized the power of vac- proof that they’ve been ful- recent data shared on the made a while back, but we a concerning reality. It is con- cinations, identifying them as ly vaccinated, otherwise they COVID-19 Dashboard, Xavi- were waiting for FDA ap- cerning to see the cases rise as critical tools in battling the will be withdrawn from their er is experiencing one of the proval to make an official an- quickly as they have,” Griffin pandemic that is not over. classes,” Coleman said. highest surges in cases since nouncement on it,” Coleman continued. “(It) is especially critical as Students expressed mixed the start of the pandemic, clarified. Coleman noted that a num- we are now experiencing, na- reactions about the vaccine with 86 active, positive cases However, students can ex- ber of positive cases have tionally, significant numbers requirement. Junior exercise as of this Tuesday. pect more changes in the com- been traced to large off-cam- of ‘breakthrough’ infections science major Iain Kirby was The campus message also ing days in response to the pus gatherings, which could among those who have been pleased to receive the an- stated that cases are being re- rise in positive cases. be resulting in the spike. fully vaccinated... we remain nouncement. ported in vaccinated and un- “We’re looking at strength- “As we were doing our convinced that we will sup- “As someone who is going vaccinated students. ening and expanding the mask contact tracing, a majority port those needs best by (re- to be a future healthcare pro- “We’re seeing more break- mandate to more indoor spac- (of positive cases) have been quiring vaccines). This com- vider, it’s hard for me to un- through cases than we had es. (We’re encouraging) social traced to three or four large munity has done extremely derstand other people who anticipated… in our planning distancing wherever you can. social events — house par- well to support our students don’t want to get the vaccine. for this semester we assumed Try to keep group gatherings ties. There was also an event and one another through this However, for the greater good if 80% of students were vac- to a reasonable number. Be at Stones Lanes recently that global pandemic. This is but of the Xavier community, I cinated, they would not con- aware, especially with the La- we’ve traced a number of cas- another chapter in that book.” In this issue... Campus, Page 2 Opinions, Page 4 Sports, Page 6 A&E, Page 7 5HY-XVWLQ:HVWLQWUR- A guest writer for the ;DYLHU¶VZRPHQ¶VVRF- Sports Editor Joe Clark duces himself as the Newswire implores us cer team crushes the UHFRPPHQGV¿YH3L[DU newest member of the to legalize all drugs in competition in their VKRUW¿OPVWRPDNH\RX CFJ. the United States. opening matches. VPLOHODXJKRUFU\ 2 August 26, 2021 Campus News xaviernewswire.com CFJ adds new Protestant chaplain Rev. Justin West joins the CFJ, bringing knowledge and a positive outlook BY TESS BREWER justice-based discussions and 6WDৼ:ULWHU events for local students of color. Reverend Justin West has He was able to welcome joined the Center for Faith those students into his home, and Justice (CFJ) as the new which “was a dream I had; that Protestant chaplain, as well as I want to be able to not only the new Faith and Race Pro- offer support as a staff mem- gram Director. ber but invite students into He has embraced involve- my life too.” ment on campus and is eager Outside of his work at to start conversations with Xavier, he is also a PhD stu- students about “faith, race, life dent in African American — and the intersection of all Preaching and Sacred Rhet- three.” oric. He strives to teach in Before coming to Xavi- higher education, whether at er, West was involved in the Xavier or somewhere beyond. Chicago area as a youth min- Photo courtesy of xavier.edu As a new staff member, ister in a local church and Xavier’s Center for Faith and Justice added Rev. Justin West as the Protestant chaplain over the summer. West believes his perspective also directed nonprofit youth Rev. West will also assist the Dorothy Day Center for Faith and Justice as the Faith & Race Program Director. allows him to relate to first- programs. While he has had sues, adding that he looks for- and a vast array of societal involvement in general. year students uniquely. He experience working as a stu- ward to “being able to support divisions present unique chal- “I want students to feel shared a senior student reflec- dent leader in the past, work- the African American student lenges. supported, cared for and to tion he had heard at Common ing with students at a college population and journey with “There are challenges, but have a sense of freedom to ex- Ground that moved him. campus is a new environment them.” He is also excited by there are also opportunities to plore the issues that concern “The wisdom that (the se- in which he is eager to take the initiatives and programs imagine: to imagine new pro- them,” he added.
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