FOOTBALL SCORES INSIDE, 1B Saturday, September 13, 2014 YOUR NEWSPAPER [email protected] • www.courier-herald.com Drawer B, Court Square Station, Dublin, Georgia 31040 • 272-5522 Volume 100, No. 217, Pub. No 161860 75 CENTS TheDDA Courier concerned about parking Herald By PAYTON TOWNS III important that the primary parking on Jackson and Jef- The Main Street Dublin/Downtown Development Au- ferson streets goes to customers. We also understand that thority is exploring options for increasing off street em- employees need a place to park." ployee parking in the downtown area. The parking situation was talked about during the "This way, the on street parking can be used by cus- Main Street Dublin/DDA meeting Friday morning. Coming tomers," said Joshua Kight, executive director of the Kight said they want to educate the business owners Saturday To Downtown Development Authority. "With all of the new The Market On businesses that are coming in downtown, we think it's See DDA page 3a Madison Every Saturday 7:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Sorry, No Pets B & W Produce - fresh pro- duce Special photo Beasley Farms - fresh eggs: The Star Spangled Banner is chicken, duck and turkey tattered and torn, but still on dis- Carroll Farms - fresh produce play in Washington D.C. Ronald Daniel - pound cakes, ‘From the bread, bbq sauce, honey, cane syrup, pepper sauce, meat rub shore dimly Ingrid Durden - hand-sewn aprons, knits, hand-made jew- elry seen...’ Kenneth Fontenot - relish, peanut brittle, teacakes, pig skins, pickles, jellies, pear pre- The story of the serves, watermelon rind pre- serves man behind our Fresh & Sweet Farm (Tom- my & Beverly Veal) - as- National Anthem sorted peppers, canned By SCOTT THOMPSON goods, mini pound cakes, pecan pies, pralines Two hundred years ago tonight, a Maryland lawyer stood aboard the HMS Elizabeth Hattaway - salsa, Tonnant and in the dawn's early light, relish, pickles, preserves witnessed one of the most inspiring Photos by Dahlia Allen events in American history. His name J & J Farms - tomatoes, but- The county recently purchased land behind a Buckeye Road cemetery for indigent burials. was Francis Scott Key. Key's thoughts ter beans, peas, jellies and impressions of the perilous fight against Fort McHenry led to his writing Ferris Johnson - Tree-ripened of a poem, which was set to music and apples became our National Anthem. Francis Scott Key was born on August Pete Knoch - Pickled okra, 21, 1779 to Ann Phoebe Penn Dagworthy decorative gourds Indigent burials on rise (Charlton) and Cap- tain John Ross Key Canzadia Lowery - Home- at the family made cakes, pies, baked Numbers more than plantation Terra goodies Rubra in what doubled from ‘12-13, was Frederick M & G Farms - produce, County, Mary- plants, potpourri, goat's milk soap, body scrub with four since July 1 land. His father, Brenda Mathern - ceramics, John Ross Key, handmade straw baskets, By DAHLIA ALLEN was a lawyer, a original photography judge and an offi- hen a per- cer in the Continen- Murray McDonald - firewood tal Army. His great- son dies grandparents on his father's side were Chris & Katie Mimbs - devoid of Philip Key and Susanna Barton Gar- homemade crafts, raw unfil- resources diner, both of whom were born in London tered local honey, beeswax lip and immigrated to Maryland in 1726. balm, beeswax candles, all or family, Key studied law at St. John's College, natural anti-aging cream county Annapolis, Maryland. He married Mary govern- Tayloe Lloyd on January 1, 1802. The Jim Musselwhite - peaches couple would go on to have 11 children. ments become responsible for the fi- By 1805, Key had set up his legal prac- Nature Crisp Farms - let- nal earthly act – disposition of the tice in Georgetown, part of Washington, tuce, potatoes, broccoli, pep- body. In Laurens County, the num- D.C. pers, carrots, radish, potatoes, W During the War of 1812, Key, accom- cabbage, strawberries ber of such cases seems to be on the panied by the British Prisoner Exchange rise. The commissioners paid for Agent Colonel John Stuart Skinner and Phillips Produce - produce dined aboard the British ship HMS Ton- and baked goods five indigent cremations in FY12 “When people get laid off, they and 12 in FY13. Since July 1, they See KEY page 3a Lisa Wright - sugar free have covered the cost of four. just can’t do what they used to baked goods, cookbook Most of these people who died destitute had come here for the medical services they do.” could receive at Carl Vinson Veterans Ad- DAR to honor ministration Medical Center. While the VA Tell IT! of takes care of funeral arrangements for vet- — George Wyche Constitution with erans – patients and residents – who pass Director the Day: away there, those veterans who have moved into private nursing homes often are Wyche’s Funeral Home Bell ceremony In reference cremated at county expense. The most recent such death happened By PAYTON TOWNS III to Ray Rice los- Wednesday. The man had been in Dublin for three weeks. He died in a local nursing A ceremony to honor the founding of ing his job be- home where the VA had placed him. His on- this country will be held at 4 p.m. Wednes- cause of the ly family is a daughter in Canada who had day at the Bicentennial Bell near Railroad no relationship with her father, said Coun- Park at the intersection of South Jefferson abuse of his ty Administrator Bryan Rogers. and Martin Luther King. At least 50 percent of the indigent The Bells Across America Ceremony wife: He should deaths for which Laurens County has had will be held in reference to the signing of have lost more than the responsibility have been of people who, the Constitution on Sept. 17, 1787 at Inde- like the man who passed away this week, pendence Hall, Penn. The tradition of cele- that. He should had connections to the VA, Rogers said. “It’s brating the Constitution was started by really sad. The majority are veterans who the Daughters of the American Revolution. have lost his own came here because of the VA. So many of Melanie Moore, committee chairperson manhood. I've them, we can’t find any family to notify.” for Constitution Week John Laurens Chap- Two years ago, the state of Georgia ap- ter, DAR, said they are hoping people will been an abused proved cremation as an accepted form of come out to the ceremony, which will also woman and he body disposition in indigent deaths. Lau- be taking place in other locations across should have lost See BURIALS page 3a See BELL page 3a much more. Bank of Dudley hosts Index Obituaries . 2a Business and Breakfast 85 Years Ago. 4a Weather. 5a Sports. 1b,2b Entertainment. 1c-3c The Dublin-Laurens County Chamber of Com- Classifieds . 4c-7c merce held its September Business and Breakfast at the East Dublin Branch of the Bank of Dudley Friday morning. Co-sponsors were Bank of Dudley, Middle Georgia Mechanical Heating and Air Conditioning, T. Lake Environmental Design, Mayor and City Council of the City of East Dublin, Laurens County Schools and Teen Challenge Super Thrift. Larry Drew won the $150 cash drawing. (Photo by Payton Towns III) Saturday, September 13, 2014/Dublin, Ga/Page 2a The Courier Herald Study: More pilots testing positive for drugs WASHINGTON (AP) — Over the same period, He called the report “an im- kinds of drugs, including The Courier Herald Tests of pilots killed in new drugs were coming in- portant first step toward drugs that could impair a GRIFFIN LOVETT, Publisher plane crashes over more to use and the U.S. popula- understanding those impli- pilot’s functioning as well DUBOSE PORTER, Executive Editor than two decades show an tion was aging, creating cations.” as drugs used to treat po- JASON HALCOMBE, Managing Editor increasing use of both legal greater demand for drugs. Dr. Mary Pat McKay, the tentially impairing condi- PAM BURNEY, Advertising Director and illegal drugs, including The toxicology tests “reflect board’s chief medical offi- tions such as seizure disor- CHERYL GAY, Circulation Manager some that could impair fly- tends in the general popu- cer, said the study was lim- ders and psychiatric ill- ing, according to a study re- lation and likely indicate a ited to aviation because ness. Published by Courier Herald Publishing Company leased Tuesday by the Na- significant increase in drug similarly comprehensive The most common drug 115 S. Jefferson St., Dublin, Georgia 31021-5146 tional Transportation Safe- use” by pilots as well, the drug test data doesn’t exist found in the tests was an ty Board. study said. for fatal highway, rail and antihistamine that causes W.H. LOVETT The study examined tox- However, the share of ac- maritime accidents. drowsiness and is a key in- President and Chairman, 1934-1978 icology reports for almost cidents the board has in- But it’s likely there are gredient in many over-the- DUBOSE PORTER 6,700 pilots killed in crash- vestigated in which impair- similar trends in those counter medications for al- Chairman es from 1990 to 2012. ment from a drug was modes as well, she said. lergies, colds and sleep. Se- GRIFFIN LOVETT Not only did the share of found to be a factor hasn’t More than 9 out of 10 of dating antihistamines in President pilots testing positive for a increased appreciably, the the pilots tested were pri- general were found in 9.9 drug increase over that pe- report said. vate rather than commer- percent of pilots tested dur- Periodicals Postage Paid at Dublin, Georgia riod, but the share of pilots Since 1990, the NTSB cial pilots, and 98 percent ing the last five years stud- (USPS 161-860) - Daily Except Sunday and select holidays.
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