VOICES OF DEM rysi A Handbook for Speakeo, Teachers, and Writers s 4. 4 Compiled by BERNARDMOLC5HON under the direction of CHESTER S.WILLIAMS Assistant Administrator, Federal Forum Project Bulletin1941, No. 8 es - FederalSecurity Agency6 -- 4. AO -PaulV.tvicNirrt,Administrator U. S. OFFICEOF EDUCATION - .01 -John W. Studebaker, Commissioner United States GovernmentPrinting Office --------Washington:1§41 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents,Weishington, D. C.- ---Price 15 cents . ci ., 4 4 Contents rage "GIVE Mg LIBERTY!" V "WE GOFORWARD"..__ lx FOUR FREEDOMS-- _ - - Ix MEMORABLESTATEMENTSON: Our InalienableRights_ 3 Liberty_- _ - - -- 4 DefendingLiberty__ ----- 7 GivingupLiberty 10 Minorities__ 11 Power._ 12 Suffrage___ __ _ _ _ - _ _ 13 . Freedom to Know__ 14 Criticism_ 16 Freedom of Expression___ _ _ _ _ 18 / .. Freedom of Conscience___ _ _ _ ._ 1 21 Justice______ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ 23 Equality _ _ 25 'Free Homes ___ ____.___._____ ___ 27 tv What We Readand Write_ 27 Truth _ _ _ 29' Thinking As We Please _ . 31 Free Government_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ , - _ 32 MEMORABLE STORIESOFLIFE, LIBERTY;AND THEPURSUITOFHAPPINEss_ 37 Oppressive Government__ _ 39 V _ __ _ _ The Wages ofaSlave _ _ __ 39 "Why Didn'tThey Ask for MyKingdom?"_ _ .. 0. -ft . .0 40 , He Refused to Bow____ _ _ 40 "What I Do, I Do Freely-forLiberty"_ _ _ 40 A Good Listener______ 41 , "We Do Not Wish To Molest 0 Yoe_ 41 "We Shall LightaCandle"_ _ 41 No Man $hall Interfere__ _ _ _. 42 MasterpileeesWritten in Jail__ _ _ ._ - - 42 "We Must Give the LibertyW3 Ask" _ _ _ _ _ __- 42 . Guns Cannot KillaFaith:_ _ . _ VV _ __ _ 43 Refutation,Not:Suppression 43 Truth Ought to Govern 44 II 1II Rights ofaFree Press Page 44 MutinyonPaper 45 Forty-twoYearsUntilVictory 45 SufficientEvidence__ _ _ _ ft WO eM 46 "But ICannotDesertIt"__ 46 A Demandfor FreeSpeech 46 "Fair Play!" TheY Shouted__ _ _ _ _ 47 Few PeopleBotheredTo Listen_ _ _ _ 47 A JuryAssertsIts - _ _ Rights _ _ __ _ .10 47 A PrincipleMeansMoreThana Cause_ __ 48 Rightto _ aFairTrial___ _ _ _ _ 48 Freedom ofThought 7. ................. 10, 49 Earned LastingGratitude 49 "Long LivetheModernShool!" 50 0111 inn "This IsDemocracy!" 50 .- ay....Rosh Woman Suffrage 51 v, For MinorityRepresentation___ __ àJ 51 "You HaveSaved UsAll Today!"_ ..... 51 Alien andSeditionLaws_____ _ __ _ 52 He WoreDown HisOpponents 52 Madison andLiberty 53 WashingtonandaCrown _ 53 "It IsaRising Sun".. 53 THOSEWHO LIFTEDTHEIRVOICES 55 BOOKSFORFURTHERREADING 60 INDEX ) 79 411, I ')11.-e.toreff....x/4.14 "ii....-7" pi .., z. .".. .4...kri.itly41,;:,., ASor. ,.,,i,.... eIlif V :4444 ....., , ' t ..:_Ns .1i . - , r( ,.sw:. .--'0 : I . ; -' erit*0 1.°,,. % r(OA *A: r.' , f... r.,t i , .. » (4 1 4 $ . ... ' r 1:in- Ai . 1: , e .4 y , "t'l,' .....r..i . - . " p "I '.I'..:j Arw 4 I 4 o !-''s'',.. i /,e., i 4104 .4. v 4 . ." r j "&. '.1'.*!!' ,;-4 ." ! i. 1 ..rift.FIRST-0017TINENT/itt. $$'..i. 4 .4, CONV Plilair 1 , . 4"t.4,-:,4. Ia. 4; , .... -,. Lr7,...%O.:Ait . .4f V'1,4061.14,r . 1 V e GiveMe Libertyl" DOW)/ the longcorridorsof historyechoes thecryofPatrick Henry:"Givemeliberty!"Poets haveexpressed inverse, man'seternallongingforfreedom;statesmenhave voicedit in great orations;paintershaveinterpretediton canvas; musicians 'have recorded itinsongand ballad.It, isoneof theimportant flt tasks ofeducatorsteachersinclassrooms,lecturersinforums, speakersonthe radio,columnistsin thepressto makethis dra- maticphrasemeaningfulto peopleof themodern world. This bookletbringstogethermemorableexpressionsonlibertyand democracybyphilosophers,statesmen, andwriters ofall times.It also presents in briefstory formmemorableepisodes inthenever- endingstrtiggle forfreedom.Theselectedreferencessuggestsources of additionalmaterialonthesql subjects. Ifthesequotationsand storiesfindtheirwayintoclassroom dis- cussions,speeches,radio dramas,and thehearts andmemoriesof the people, thislittle book,broughtout with thehope that *itwill help educators andothersto interpret andmake vividtheprincipleswe seektopreserve,will havemadeits contributionto democraticmorale. Morale iscomposed ofmany elements.Healthphysicaland mentalisoneof theelements.Confidencethatareasonabledegree of securityandopportunitycanbe obtainedinoursociety isanother. Hope offutureprogressandincreasingeconomicwelfareis still another.Yet, inthe daysahead, theremay notbe muchsecurity or safety.Lifemaybemoredifficultanddangerous.Dislocations in theeconomicsystemseeminevitable.Therefore,moralemust grow outof personalconvictionsof moralvalues. Men havebarteredawaytheirfreedomfortempovarymaterial gains onlyto find thatsacrificeanddeprivationaredemandedin thenameofconquest, andwar.Themorale ofademocracyis, in part, strengthenedand developedbyadeep andabidingffiith in the enduringmoral values.Americansmust feel themselvesa part of the great humanstrugglesof thecenturiesthroughwhichthe moral principlespf freedomandrespect for theindividualhave beenwonandrewon. Theymust recognizethevoices ofdestruction, p'romisingmaterial prosperityin return for blindobedienceto arbitrarriiithority,trim what theyarethehollowecho ofanancientandrecurringlyranny. They mustsee more clearly thaneverthatmaterialprosperityand economicprogress rest,astheyalwayshave,onmoralfoundations. Confidencein theultimatetriumphof freegovernment isessential to morale. VI FOREWORD - Menare noless uncomfortableasslaves today thantheywere 4,000years'ago.They respondto voices of 'deliverance.The vic- tims ofautocracy must. struggleto free themselves, butwehave an evenharder taskwemust maintain the freedomwehave already won.It, is harderbecausewetake it for grantedthisfreedom: Hence,weneed thepoets and thestaiesmen,the teachersand the philosophersto sharpen and quickenourperceptionstomakeus awareoft theieaiiing of freedom.The wordsin *This handbook, if quotedfuently andspread abroadmay servethis highpurpose. JOHN W. STUDEBAKER, U. S.Commi8gionerof Education. k. Vokesof Democracy VoicesoFDemocrácy s 0. Thehopeexpressedbymany yokes of oftime democracythroughcenturiew Was effectivelyeumanarizedbythePresident -StaresinJanuary1941: of theUnited gab 11We GoForward" ...ifthespiritof Americawily, killed,even thoughthe bodyandmind,constricted Nation's in,analienworld,livedOn,theAmerica o knowwouldhaveperished. Thatspiritthatfaithpspeakstousin often our daily livesinways unnoticed,becausetheyseemso(ibvious. here inthe Itspeakstous CapitaloftheNation.Itspeaksto cessesof us through thepro: governinginthesovereigntiesof48 States.It usinour counties, in speaksto ottr cities,inour towns, andinour villages. Itspeakstousfromthe other nations .ofthehemisphere,andfrom thoseacross theseas---the enslaved,aswellasthefree.Sometimes wefailto hearorheedthe8eVoicesqf privilege Freedom,becausetoti8the ofour freedom bisuchanold, oldstory:. Ifwelosethatsacred fire-v-ifweqq, itbesmothered-withdoubtand fearthenwe-shallrejectthedestinywhich strove GeorgeWashington sovaliantlyandsotriumAantlyto establish. In thefaceofgreat perilsnever before purpose is encountered,our strong toprotect andtoperpetuate theintegrity Wedoliot ofdemocracy. retreat.Weare notcoliténtto.standstill./As icans,wego forward, Amer- in theservice ofour country, bythewill of God---Fra-nklinDelanoRoosevelt, ThirdInauguralAddress,e 201 1941. (marg. FourFreedoms ...In thefuturedays, ow whichweseekto makesecure,welook forwardtoaworld foundeduponfouressentialhumanfreedoms. I Thefirst isfreedomofspeechand world. expression-leverywhereirk the _Thesecond isfreedomofevery person to worshipGod inhisownd wayeverywherein theworld. r Thethird is .9 freedomfromwantwhich,translated-intoworld terms,means econdmicunderstandingswhichwillseeureto .00 every X VOICES OFDEMOCRACY 410 nationahealthypeacetime lifefor itsinhabitantstverywhere in the world. The, fourthis freedomfrom fearwhich,translated intoworld terms,means aworld-wide reductionofarmaments to suchapoint and in suchathorough fashionthatnonation will beinaposition te commitan actof physicalaggression againstanyneighborany- wher6in the world. That isnovision ofadistant millennium.It isadefinite basis fora kind of worldattainable inourowntime and st.oration. That kind ofworld is theveryantithesis ofthe so-calledpeworder oftyranny which thedictators seekto create with theerash ofa bomb. To thatneworderwe opposethegreater, conceptionthemoral order. Agood societyis ableto face schemes of worlddomination and foreignrevolutions alikewithout fear. Since thebeginning ofourAmerican historywehave beenengaged in changeinaperpetual peacefulrevolutionarevolutionwhich goes onsteadily, quietly,adjusting itselfto changingconditions--- withoutthe concentrationcamp orthe quicklimein the ditch.The worldorder whichweseek is thecooperation offreecountries, workingtogether inafriendly, civilizedsociety. This Nationhas placed itsdestiny inthe handsand headsand hearts of itsmillions of freemenandwomen;and its faithin free- 'dam underthe guidanceof God.Freedom Meansthesupremacy of human rightseverywhere.Oursupportgoes tothose whostrug- gleto gain those rightsorkeep them.Ourstrength is inourunity ofpurpose; - To that highconcept therecanbenoendsavevictory.-7-Franiclin Delano Roo8evelt,Messageto the Congre88,January 6,1941. dlb - 10 %' 1, 4, s' / 1 e, 9 MemorableStatements . M11111111111111111111111111111111111H1111111111111111IIIIIIMINIIIIIIIIIMMIIIIIIII ..'Sr* ..* a As) 11 Our inalienableRight The people ofthese UnitedStatesare therightful'masters of'bothcongresses and courts,not to overthrow the Constitation,but to overthrowthemenwho pervert the Constitution.AbrahamLincoln (1861).' I The duty of the Stateis tosecure
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