Scientific Publications About the Faroe Islands, 2010

Scientific Publications About the Faroe Islands, 2010

Scientific publications about the Faroe Islands, 2010 Vísindaritverk 2010 This list for 2010 is compiled to show the P.H. and Fosaa, A.M. (eds). Dorete – her scientific work going on within and out­ book. Faroe University press, supplement­ with the institutions in the Faroe Islands. um 52: 227­243. It should in this way be easier for the read­ Brown, R.J. 2010. Acquisition footprints and ers of Fróðskaparrit to have an idea of the sea floor coupling in multicomponent OBC different Faroese projects the scientists are seis mic data. Geophysics 75, Q11­Q20. working on and make it easier to acquire Edwards, K.J., Guttesen, R., Sigvardsen, P.J. pap ers and books. The list also includes and Stu mann Hansen, S. 2010. Language, pap ers and books made by scientists out­ over seas research and a stack of problems side the Faroese institutions, and when­ in the Faroe Islands. Scottish Geographical ever possible, the editorial office of Fróð­ Journal 126: 1­8. skap ar rit can provide contact addresses of Eilers, S., Restorff, G. and Ruiz, E. 2010. On the author(s). Moreover, this list also in­ Graph C*­Algebras with a Linear Ideal cludes some papers missed out in pervious Latt ice. Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathe ma­ numb ers of Fróðskaparrit. tical Sciences Society (2) 33(2): 233­241. Gaard, E., Norði, G.á and Simonsen, K. 2010. En viron mental effects on phytoplankton Fróðskaparsetur Føroya pro duc tion in a Northeast Atlantic fjord, – University of the Faroe Islands, Far oe Is lands. Journal of Plankton Research J.C. Sva bos gøtu 14, FO-100 Tórshavn doi:10.1093/plankt/fbq156. Phone: +298 35 25 00 Fax: +298 35 25 01 Gaini, F. 2010. Fortidens helte i modvind. Email: setur@setur .fo Masku lini tet og identitet blandt unge Web page: www .setur .fo mænd på Færøerne. NIKK Magasin. Oslo: Nord ic Gender Institute Scientific papers Gaini, F. 2010. Hvad har du lært i skolen i dag? Bengtson, S­A., Eliasen, K., Jacobsen, L.M. and Familiekapital og skole på Færøerne. BARN Magnussen, E. 2010. Man­de pend ence of 3. Trondheim: Norwegian Centre for Child House Sparrows (Passer domes tic us) in the Research Faroe Islands: habitat patch charac ter ist ics Gislason, H., Karstensen, H., Christiansen, D., as determinants of pre sence and numb ers. Hjeldec, K., Helland, S. and Bæverfjord, In: Bengtson, S­A., Buck land, P., Enck ell, G. 2010. Rib and vertebral deformities in SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS ABOUT THE FAROE ISLANDS, 2010 153 rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) ex­ stagi on ali all’essiccazione del pesce nelle plain ed by a dominant­mutation mechan­ Isole Faroer nei primi decennia del XX sec­ ism. Aquaculture 309: 86­95. olo. In: Clausen, J.S. (ed.). Studio Nordici Guttesen, R. 2010. Veðurlag, framleiðsla og XVI: 55­67. fólkatal í 1800­talinum og fyrr. In: Nols øe, Jones, E., Jensen, J.K., Magnussen, E., Greg­ L. (ed.). 2010. Brót úr Føroya søgu. Fróð­ er sen, N., Hansen, H. and Searle, J. 2010. skap ur og Landsskjalasavnið: 43­65. A mole cul ar characterization of the Hansen, H.S., Nielsen, S.P., Andersson, K.G., charismatic Faroe house mouse. Biological Thørr ing, H., Joensen, H.P., Isaksson, M., Journal of the Linn ean Society 102: 471­482. Kost iain en, E., Suolanen, V., Sigurgeirsson, Magnussen, E. og Jensen, J­K. 2010. Breeding M.Á. and Pálsson, S.E. 2010. Effect of bio logy of the house sparrow (Passer dom­ nordic diets on ecosys model predictions of esti cus) in the Faroe Islandsd. Fróðskaparrit inges tion doses. Radiation Protection Dosi­ 58: 125­132. metry 140, 2: 182­190. Marnersdóttir, M. 2010. Poesia, canto e musica Hansen, Z.S. and Joensen, H. (eds). 2010. Før­ nelle Isole Faroer. Studi Nordici XVI. 2009: oysk­donsk orðabók. Orða bóka grunn urin, 69­75. Pisa. Tórs havn. Marnersdóttir, M. 2010. Postkolonial drama­ Heycock, C., Sorace, A. and Hansen, Z.S. 2010. tik. Nordisk drama. Fornyelser og trans gres­ V­to­I and V2 in Subordinate Clauses: an sion er. Ritstj. Maria Sibinska et al. Fundacja Investigation of Faroese in Re la tion to Ice­ Rozwoju Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego. landic and Danish. Journal of Com para tive Gdańsk: 304­311. Germanic Linguistics 13,1: 61­97. Marnersdóttir, M. 2010. Romantik på Fær øer­ Heycock, C., Sorace, A., Hansen, Z.S. and ne. Sprog og litteratur i Norden. Myte, frihed Wilson, F. 2010. (Re)discovering an aux il­ og fælles skab. E. Skyum­Nielsen (ed.). iary/main verb distinction in Scandi nav ian Nord at lant ens Brygge: 49­69. child ren. In: Costa, J. et al. (eds). Langu age Marnersdóttir, M. 2010. William Heinesen på Acqu isi tion and Development: Pro ceed ings of færøsk. Översättning – adaption, inter pre­ GALA 2009. ta tion, transformation. Föredrag vid den Heycock, C., Sorace, A. and Hansen, Z.S., Vik­ 28:e studiekonferensen i Inter na tion al Ass­ ner, S. and Wilson, F. 2011. Residual V­to­I oci ation of Scandinavian Stud ies (IASS) i in Faroese and its lack in Danish: de tect­ Lund 3­7 augusti 2010. Red. Claes­Göran ing the final stages of a syntactic change. Holm berg och Per Erik Ljung. Tillgäng­ Work ing Papers in Scandinavian Syn tax 87: lig gör ande i OJS: Biblio teks dir ek tion en, 137­165. Lunds Universitet. Jacobsen, J. í L. and Mikkelsen, J. 2010. Mál vís­ Niclasen, B.A., Simonsen, K. and Magnusson, indi. Sprotin. A.K. 2010. Wave forecasts and vessel safe­ Jacobsen, J. í L. 2010. Málmaðurin í útvarp inum try: A review of possible operational warn­ 1. Veturin 2008­2009. Og so nøkur inn køst. ing parameters. Marine Structures 23: 1­21. Sprotin. Nielsen, E.E., MacKenzie, B.R., Magnussen E., Joensen, J.P. 2009. Fiskagentur. Le lavoratrici and Meldrup, D. 2007. Historical analysis 154 SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS ABOUT THE FAROE ISLANDS, 2010 of Pan I in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua): Sigurðardóttir, T. and Magnussen, K. 2010. temp or al stability of allele frequencies in Biblio graphy. In: Sigurðardóttir, T. and the south east ern part of the species distri­ Smith, B. (eds.). Jakob Jakobsen in Shetland bu tion. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 64(10): and the Far oes. Shetland Amenity Trust 1448–1455. and the Uni vers ity of the Faroe Islands. Norði, G.á. 2010. Impact or organic enrich­ Ler wick: 254­278. ment on the sediment biochemistry and Sigurðardóttir, T. and Smith, B. (eds.). 2010. over ly ing water quality in relation to fish Jakob Jakobsen in Shetland and the Faroes. farms in Faroese fjords. NVDRit 2010:17. Shet land Amenity Trust and the University PhD­ Thesis. of the Faroe Islands. Lerwick. Patursson, Ø., Swift, M.R., Tsukov, I., Simon­ Wenningsstedt, A. 2010. Hví spøgir Jeremias? sen, K., Baldwin, K., Fredriksson, D.W. and In: Nolsøe, L. (ed.). 2010. Brót úr Føroya Celikkol, B. 2010. Development of a porous søgu. Fróðskapur og Landsskjalasavnið: media model with application to flow 123­135. through and around a net panel. Ocean Weyhe, E. 2010. Ein táttur eftir Sjóvarbondan Engine er ing 37: 314­324. – ella tveir? Fróðskaparrit 58: 65­75. Petersen, H.P. 2010. Analytiskt mið­ og hástig í Weyhe, E. 2010. Føroyaskur málføramunur før oyskum. Fróðskaparrit 58: 5­17. sam bært Schøter og Sørensen. Fróðskaparrit Petersen, H.P. 2010. Jakobsen’s Faroese ortho­ 58: 41­64. graphy from 1889. In: Sigurðardóttir, T. and Weyhe, E. 2010. Hundatátturin og Dansk Smith, B. (eds.). Jakob Jakobsen in Shetland Konge tal – og tvey bygdamál. Fróðskaparrit and the Faroes. Shetland Amenity Trust/ 58: 18­40. Uni vers ity of the Faroe Islands. Lerwick. Weyhe, E. 2010: Tilnavne af stednavne i færøsk. Petersen, H.P. 2010. The Dynamics of Faroese­ Bo tolv – onomastikkens harding. Veneskrift Dan ish Language Contact. Winter. Heidel­ til Bo tolv Helleland på 70­årsdagen 9. juni berg. 2010. Redigert av Terje Larsen og Tom Sch­ Petersen, H.P. 2010. Two Changes in Faroese: midt. Novus. Oslo: 139­145. A Comm on Denominator? Íslenskt mál 32: 115­132. Reports and papers of common interest Sibinska, M. et al. (eds.). Fundacja Rozwoju Andersson, K.G., Nielsen, S.P., Thørring, H., Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego. Gdańsk: 304­ Hansen, H.S., Joensen, H.P., Isaksson, M., 311. Kos tia in en, E., Suolanen, V. and Pálsson, Sigurðardóttir, T. 2010. Paradise Lost og S.E. 2010. Improving ingestion dose model­ „Slaget ved Slesvig“. Oversættelse ved ling for the ARGOS and RODOS decision e tabler ing en af fær øsk litteratur. Fyrilestur sup port systems: A Nordic initiative. The á IASS (Inter na tion al Association of third European IRPA Congress, Helsinki, Scandi nav ian Studies)­ráð stevn uni „Over­ 14­18 June 2010. sætt else i nord isk litteratur“, Lund. In: Danielsen, M. (ed.). 2010. Introductory Digi­ http:// conference. ht.­ tal and Analogue Electronics. A collec­ ceed ings 8pp. tion of examination problems 1991­2010. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS ABOUT THE FAROE ISLANDS, 2010 155 Innleiðandi digitalur og analogur elek tron­ Gaini, F. 2010. Ungdómslív – vársól fyri sinnið. ikk ur. Savn av próvtøkuuppgávum 1991­ Skúli, frítíð og trivnaður hjá ungdómi í Før­ 2010. Contributions: Danielsen, M. (1991­ oy um. Frøði 15,2: 18­21. 2010), Joensen, B. (2008­2010). NVDRit Gaini, F. 2010. Faðir og sonur í sama báti. 2010: 08. Familja og sosialur kapitalur hjá ungum, Danielsen, M. (ed.). 2010. Samskiftisskipanir margi nali ser að um monnum. Frøði 15,2: – Savn av próvtøkuuppgávum 1993­2010. 25­29. Comm unications – A collection of exam­ Gaini, F. 2010. Ung í telduøldini. Hvønn leiklut ina tion problems 1993­2010. Con tri bu­ hevur teldan í gerandislívinum? Frøði 15,1: tions: Danielsen.

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