Dieckmann, Bernhard [Hrsg.]; Wulf, Christoph [Hrsg.]; Wimmer, Michael [Hrsg.] Violence. Racism, nationalism, xenophobia Münster; New York; München; Berlin : Waxmann 1997, 331 S. - (European Studies in Education; 5) Quellenangabe/ Citation: Dieckmann, Bernhard [Hrsg.]; Wulf, Christoph [Hrsg.]; Wimmer, Michael [Hrsg.]: Violence. Racism, nationalism, xenophobia. Münster; New York; München; Berlin : Waxmann 1997, 331 S. - (European Studies in Education; 5) - URN: urn:nbn:de:0111-opus-15679 - DOI: 10.25656/01:1567 http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0111-opus-15679 http://dx.doi.org/10.25656/01:1567 Nutzungsbedingungen Terms of use Gewährt wird ein nicht exklusives, nicht übertragbares, persönliches und We grant a non-exclusive, non-transferable, individual and limited right to beschränktes Recht auf Nutzung dieses Dokuments. 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Sie dürfen dieses Dokument nicht in irgendeiner Weise public or commercial purposes, to exhibit the document in public, to perform, abändern, noch dürfen Sie dieses Dokument für öffentliche oder distribute or otherwise use the document in public. kommerzielle Zwecke vervielfältigen, öffentlich ausstellen, aufführen, vertreiben oder anderweitig nutzen. Mit der Verwendung dieses Dokuments erkennen Sie die By using this particular document, you accept the above-stated conditions of Nutzungsbedingungen an. use. Kontakt / Contact: peDOCS DIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation Informationszentrum (IZ) Bildung E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.pedocs.de EUROPEAN STUDIES IN EDUCATION WAXMANN European Studies in Education Violence - Racism, Nationalism, Xenophobia IEuropean Studies in Education Europaische Studien zur Erziehung und Bildung Etudes Europeennes en Sciences de 1'8ducation Christoph Wulf (Ed.) Volume 5 Violence - Racism, Nationalism, Xenophobia Ed. by Bernhard Dieckmann, Christoph Wulf and Michael Wimmer . Waxmann Miinstermew York Die Deutsche Bibliothek - CIP-Einheitsaufnahme Violence - Nationalism, Racism, Xenophobia 1 ed. Berrlhard Dieckmann, Christoph Wulf, Michael Wimmer Miinster, New York: Waxrnann 1997 European Studies in Education; Vol. 5); ISBN 3-89325-487-0 NE: Diecklnann, Bemhard; Wulf, Christoph; Wimmer. Michael [Eds.]; European Studies ISBN 3-89325-487-0 O Waxmann Verlag GmbH 1996, Postfach 8603, D-48046 Miinster, F.R.G. Waxmann Publishing Co., P.O. Box 1318, New York, NY 10028, U.S.A. Umschlaggestaltung: BBrbel Lieske Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Printed in Germany European Studies in Education The political, economic, and social developments in the European Union pose new challenges to education in Europe, where each country has its own system. Under these circumstances, the relation between national, regional, and local traditions on the one hand and supraregional, transnational aspirations on the other must be conceived. The field of education is seeing the rise of new issues, responsibilities, and research requiring scholars from different Euro- pean cultures to work together. European Studies in Education constitutes an international forum for the publication of educational research in English, German, and French. The multilingual nature of this series mirrors that of Europe and makes it possible to portray and express cultural diversity. The present volume was written in the framework of the Network Educational Science Amsterdam (NESA), in which more than 30 European and a few non-European faculties and research institutes cooperate in the area of education. We sincerely thank the Faculty of Education at the Freie Universitat Berlin, which facilitates the collaboration of the network's educatio- nal institutions, for its support in funding the publication of these research results. Christoph Wulf Content Preface Bernhard Dieckmann/Christoph Wu[S/Michael Wimmer Violence - Racism, Nationalism, Xenophobia I. Conceptual-Theoretical Perspectives Floya Anthias New Racism and Nationalism - Social, Cultural and Scientific Approaches and Solutions: Rethinking Racist Exclusions and Antiracisms Christoph Wulf Violence, Religion and Civilization Yves Michaud Violence, Identities and the State Ulrich Albrecht The Challenge posed to Theory in the Social Sciences by Ethnosocial Wars in Europe Edgar Morin Discours of Sarajevo. The European Intelligentsia between Mission and Demission Ulrich Herrmann Discipline and Education: Pedagogic Aspects of the Transformation of External Constraint into Self-Constraint Hinderk M. Etnrich Selfpsychological Explanatory Models of Aggression Chrisliune Bzihn~ann I-lostility and Foreigners in the Light of Lacanian Theory of Aggressiveness 11. Hermeneutic-Historical Approaches Jugdish Gundara Inclusion and Exclusion in Europe Punikos Panayi Racial Violence in the Twentieth Century Crispin Jones Xenophobia and the Educational Construction of Europe Roberl Ferguson Racism and The Mass Media: Struggling With Normality Uli Linke Fantasizing about Violence. Memory, Alterity, and Identity in German Political Culture Kc~fherineC. Donahue The Language of Violence. Race, Racism, and Culture in France Roger Hewitl Adolescence, Racism and Violence in South London 111. Descriptive-Empirical Studies Ralf Bohnsack ))Episodical Community of Fatetr and Youth Violence: A Qualitative Analysis of Hooligan Groups Meredith Watts/Jiirgen Zinnecker Varieties of Violence-Proneness among Male Youth Metin Alkan Racism and Schooling: Experiences of Turkish Students in Secondary Schools in the Netherlands Anton Trant/Elizabeth McSkeane Wider Horizons for Young People: A Case Study in Reconciliation in Ireland, North and South Monika Reinfelder The Misogynist Violence of Fortress Europe Diane L. Brook Racism, Violence and The Liberation Struggle: The Impact on South African Education List of Contributors Acknowledgements Preface Violence. Racism, Nationalism, Xenophobia Terrorist acts of violence, ethnic and nationalistic conflicts, violent attacks on resident as well as nonresident foreigners, drug-related crime, and familial violence have become constant occurrences in the countries of Europe. The claim is repeatedly made that we in Europe today live in societies which are more non-violent than any previous ones. At the same time, however, we are plagued by the problem of violence. The problems of violence, with which the current European states have to deal, have made a renewed reflection about violence neces- sary. Within the framework of this international discussion extending beyond the bounds of individual academic disciplines, we must en- gage in a fundamental consideration of the phenomenon of violence and its manifold manifestations. Scholars from a wide variety of dis- ciplines and from different countries in Europe and North America have made an attempt to do this in this publication. We are faced not only with the problem of finding adequate po- litical, juridical and pedagogical reactions, but, even more, with the question about the political and moral basis of democracy and any type.of civil society. Because apparently not directly politically moti- vated aggressiveness and willingness to employ violence against oth- ers or foreigners arising from religious or sexual differences are often treated as normal and because violence occurs not only in the deal- ings of people with each other but can emerge from national or state systems, it must not be met with the setting up of analytical taboos or with the quick answers of a moral majority. Although the public may with good reason react with moral indignation, it remains the task of scholars to inquire into the structure, the possible causes of and mo- tives for xenophobic, racist and nationalistic violence in an interdis- ciplinary manner and with their various respective instruments. The differences in the national scope of experience serve as the background for this volume, in which not merely integrative attempts at explanation with their various perspectives on the societal, politi- cal, cultural sociopsychological and anthropological situation are presented. On the contrary we have tried here to free the phenomenon of violence, especially the acts of violence of extreme right-wing youths - but also those committed singly and which cannot be attrib- uted to these youths - from possible theoretical prejudices and to ex- amine the phenomenon of violence anew in a conceptual-theoretical, hermeneutic-historical and descriptive-empirical manner: It may not be possible to explain the explosions of violent behav- ior without understanding the crisis of the basis of reproduction of the capitalist system in the states of Europe. Acts of violence and brutality - whether they be viewed as prede- termined, as tendencies or as unavoidable risks in the various in- tellectual disciplines - could be rationalized or minimized by so- cial scientific
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