Annual Report 2018/19 WESTERN CAPE GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS AND DEVELOPMENT PLANNING VOTE 9 ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19 Cover image: Barrydale, Western Cape CONTENTS PART A 2 .4 Key policy developments and GENERAL INFORMATION legislative changes . 39 1. DEPARTMENT GENERAL INFORMATION . 2 3. STRATEGIC OUTCOME ORIENTED GOALS 40. 2. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS/ACRONYMS . .2 4. PERFORMANCE INFORMATION BY PROGRAMME . 45 3. FOREWORD BY THE MINISTER . 6 4 .1 Programme 1: Administration . .45 4 .2 Programme 2: Environmental Policy, 4. REPORT OF THE ACCOUNTING OFFICER . .8 Planning and Coordinaton . 47. 4 .3 Programme 3: Compliance and 5. STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY AND Enforcement . 51 CONFIRMATION OF ACCURACY FOR THE 4 .4 Programme 4: Environmental Quality ANNUAL REPORT . 13 Management . 55 4 .5 Programme 5: Biodiversity Management . .60 6. STRATEGIC OVERVIEW . 14 4 .6 Programme 6: Environmental 6 1 . Vision . 14 Empowerment Services . 63 6 2 . Mission . 14 4 .7 Programme 7: Development Planning . .66 6 3 . Values . 14 5 TRANSFER PAYMENTS . .70 7. LEGISLATIVE AND OTHER MANDATES . 15 5 .1 Transfer payments to public entities . .70 7 .1 Legislative and other mandates . 15 5 .2 Transfer payments to all organisations other 7 .2 Legislative mandates . 16 than public entities . 71 7 .3 Policy mandates . 17 7 .4 Relevant court rulings . 18 6 CONDITIONAL GRANTS . 74 7.5 Recently finalised legislative and 6 .1 Conditional grants and earmarked funds policy reform . 18 received . 74 7 .6 Proposed legislative and policy reform initiatives . 18 7 DONOR FUNDS . .76 7 .1 Donor Funds Received . 76 8. ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE . 21 8 CAPITAL INVESTMENT . 78 9. ENTITIES REPORTING TO THE 8 .1 Capital investment, maintenance and asset MINISTER/MEC . 22 management plan . 78 PART B PART C PERFORMANCE INFORMATION GOVERNANCE 1. AUDITOR GENERAL’S REPORT: 1. INTRODUCTION . .80 PREDETERMINED OBJECTIVES . 24 2. RISK MANAGEMENT . .80 2. OVERVIEW OF DEPARTMENTAL PERFORMANCE . 24 3. FRAUD AND CORRUPTION . .82 2 .1 Service delivery environment . 24. 2 .2 Service delivery improvement plan . 34 4. MINIMISING CONFLICT OF INTEREST . 83 2 .3 Organisational environment . 39 5. CODE OF CONDUCT . 84 3. PEOPLE MANAGEMENT OVERSIGHT STATISTICS . .94 6. HEALTH SAFETY AND 3 .1 Personal related expenditure . .94 ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES . .84 3 .2 Employment and Vacancies . 96 3 .3 Job Evaluation . 97 7. PORTFOLIO COMMITTEES . 85 3 .4 Employment Changes . .98 3 .5 Employment Equity . 101 8. SCOPA RESOLUTIONS . .87 3 .6 Signing of Performance Agreement by SMS Members . 104 9. PRIOR MODIFICATIONS TO 3 .7 Filling of SMS Post . .105 AUDIT REPORTS . .87 3 .8 Employee Performace . 106 3 .9 Foreign Workers . 108 10. INTERNAL CONTROL UNIT . 87 3 .10 Leave Utilisation for the Period 1 January 2016 - 31 December 2016 . 108 11. INTERNAL AUDIT . 88 3 .11 Health Promotion Programmes, including HIV and Aids . 111 12. AUDIT COMMITTEES . 88 3 .12 Labour Relations . .113 3 .13 Skill Development . 114 13. AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT . .89 3 .14 Injury on Duty . .115 3 .15 Utilsation of Consultants . .116 PART E PART D FINANCIAL INFORMATION HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 1. REPORT OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL . .121 1. INTRODUCTION . 92 2. ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS . 126 2. STATUS OF PEOPLE MANAGEMENTMATTERS AT THE DEPARTMENT . 92. 2 .1 Department Workforce Planning Priorities . 92 2 .2 Employee Performance Management . .93 2 .3 Employee Wellness . 93 2 .4 People Management Monitoring . .94 KLEIN KAROO, WESTERN CAPE KLEIN KAROO, WESTERN CAPE PART A GENERAL INFORMATION 1. DEPARTMENT GENERAL INFORMATION PHYSICAL ADDRESS: POSTAL ADDRESS: 1 Dorp Street Private Bag X9086 Cape Town Cape Town 8001 8000 South Africa South Africa TELEPHONE NUMBER/S: +27 21 483 4091 FAX NUMBER: +27 21 483 3016 EMAIL ADDRESS: enquiries .eadp@westerncape .gov .za WEBSITE ADDRESS: westerncape .gov .za/eadp ISBN: 978-0-621-47463-3 PR: PR180/2019 2. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS/ACRONYMS The following acronyms, with their associated meanings, are used in this report: AML Atmospheric Emission License BGCMA Breede-Gouritz Catchment AGSA Auditor-General South Africa Management Agency AO Accounting Office BLM Better Living Model AOS Accounting Officers System BLC Better Living Challenge APP Annual Performance Plan BPO Business Process Optimisation AQMP Air Quality Management Plan CASIDRA Cape Agency for Sustainable AR Annual Report Integrated Development in Rural ARC Agricultural Research Council Areas BBBEE Broad Based Black Economic CBD Central Business District Empowerment CCR Climate Change Response BCP Business Continuity Plan CD Chief Directorate BESP Built Environment Support CFO Chief Financial Officer Programme CGICTPF Corporate Governance of BEPP Built Environment Performance Plan Information Communication Technology Policy Framework 2 WCG: Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning | Annual Report 2018/19 CHEC Cape Higher Education Consortium EMF Environmental Management CITCOM Central Information Technology Framework Committee EMI Environmental Management CoCT City of Cape Town Inspectors CoE Compensation of Employees EPWP Expanded Public Works Programme CMP Coastal Management Programme ERPP Environmental Resource Protection CMLs Coastal Management Lines Plan CSC Corporate Services Centre FETWATER Further Education and Training in CSIR Council for Scientific and Industrial Water Research GC Game Changers DCAS Department of Cultural Affairs and GDP Gross Domestic Product Sport GIS Geographic Information System DCoG Department of Cooperative GITOC Government Information Technology Governance and Traditional Affairs Officers Council (South Africa) DEA Department of Environmental Affairs GPS Growth Potential Study DEA&DP Department of Environmental Affairs GMC Greenest Municipality Competition and Development Planning GUNYA Gugulethu and Nyanga DEDAT Department of Economic GVA Gross value added Development and Tourism Ha Hectares DIMIS Departmental Integrated HoD Head of Department Management Information System ICMA Integrated Coastal Management Act DITCOM Departmental Information ICT Information Communication Technology Committee Technology DLG Department of Local Government IDP Integrated Development Plan DMA Disaster Management Act IDRC International Development Research DoA Department of Agriculture Centre DoH Department of Human Settlements IFMS Integrated Financial Management DotP Department of the Premier System DP-iMS Development Planning Intelligence IISD International Institute for Sustainable Management Strategy Development DPME Department of Planning, Monitoring IGR Inter-Governmental Relations and Evaluation IPWIS Integrated Pollutant Waste DPSA Department of Public Service and Information System Administration IPST Integrated Planning and Spatial DPSIR Driver-Pressure-State-Impact- Targeting Response ISSP Informal Settlement Support Plan DRP Disaster Recovery Plan IUDF Integrated Urban Development DRD&LR Department of Rural Development Framework and Land Reform IWMP Integrated Waste Management Plan DTPW Department of Transport and Public KfW German Development Bank Works KM Knowledge Management DWS Departments of Water and LUMS Land Use Management Systems Sanitation LUP Land Use Planning EAC Environmental and Culture LUPA Land Use Planning Act ECA Environment Conservation Act LUPO Land Use Planning Ordinance EDP Economic Development Partnership MCMP Municipal Coastal Management EIA Environmental Impact Assessment Programme EIIF Ecological Infrastructure Investment MEC Member of Executive Council Framework METT Management Effectiveness Tracking EIM Environmental Impact Management Tool GENERAL INFORMATION 3 MERO Municipal Economic Review and PAY Premier’s Advancement of Youth Outlook PBES Provincial Biodiversity Economy MIG Municipal Infrastructure Grant Strategy MIS Municipal infrastructure study PBSAP Provincial Biodiversity Strategy and MOU Memorandum of understanding Action Plan MSDF Municipal Spatial Development PCMP Provincial Coastal Management Framework Programme MTEF Medium Term Expenditure PDMC Provincial Disaster Management Framework Centre MTSF Medium Term Strategic Framework PEP Provincial Evaluation Plan MSA Municipal Systems Act PEPPM Provincial Environment Programme M&E Monitoring and Evaluation Performance Measures MUCPs Management Unit Clearing Plans PERO Provincial Economic Review Outlook NBSAPs National Biodiversity Strategies and PES payment for ecosystem services Action Plans PESTLE Political, Economic, Social, NDCs Nationally determined contributions Technological, Legal and NDP National Development Plan Environmental NDPW National Department of Public Works PFMA Public Finance Management Act NSDF National Spatial Development PM Particular Matter Framework PPP public participation process NEAS National Environmental PSDF Provincial Spatial Development Authorisation System Framework NEM National Environment Management PRSDF Provincial Regional Spatial NEMA National Environmental Management Development Framework Act PSG Provincial Strategic Goal NEMBA National Environmental Management: PSP Provincial Strategic Plan Biodiversity Act PT Provincial Treasury NEM: AQA National Environmental Management: RBM&E Results-based Monitoring and Air Quality Act Evaluation NEM: ICMA National Environmental Management: R&D Research and Development Integrated Coastal Management Act RSEP Regional Socio-Economic Project NEMPAA National Environmental Management: SAAQIS South African Air Quality Information Protected Areas Act System NEMWA National Environmental Management SALGA South African Local Government
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