41160 Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 155 / Friday, August 11, 1995 / Proposed Rules DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION The comments should identify the foster and promote general aviation while regulatory docket or notice number and continuing to improve its safety record. Federal Aviation Administration should be submitted in triplicate to the These goals are neither contradictory nor Rules Docket address specified above. separable. They are best achieved by 14 CFR Parts 1, 61, 141, and 143 cooperating with the aviation community to All comments received on or before the define mutual concerns and joint efforts to [Docket No. 25910; Notice No. 95±11] closing date for comments will be accomplish objectives. We will strive to considered by the Administrator before achieve the goals through voluntary RIN: 2120±AE71 action is taken on the proposed compliance and methods designed to reduce amendments, and the proposals the regulatory burden on general aviation. Pilot, Flight Instructor, Ground contained in this notice may be changed The FAA's general aviation programs Instructor, and Pilot School in light of comments received. All will focus on: Certification Rules comments received as well as a report 1. SafetyÐTo protect recent gains and AGENCY: Federal Aviation summarizing any substantive public aim for a new threshold. Administration (FAA), DOT. contact with FAA personnel on this 2. FAA ServicesÐTo provide the rulemaking will be filed in the docket. general aviation community with ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking The docket is available for public responsive, customer-driven (NPRM). inspection before and after the closing certification, air traffic, and other SUMMARY: This action proposes to revise date for submitting comments. The FAA services. the Federal Aviation Regulations that will acknowledge receipt of a comment 3. Product Innovation and prescribe the certification and training if the commenter submits with the CompetitivenessÐTo ensure the requirements for pilots, flight comment a self-addressed, stamped technological advancement of general instructors, and ground instructors and postcard on which the following aviation. the operation of pilot schools approved statement is made: ``Comments to 4. System Access and CapacityÐTo by the FAA. In order to be more Docket No. 25910.'' When the comment maximize general aviation's ability to compatible with the current operating is received, the postcard will be dated, operate in the National Airspace environment and the evolving demands time stamped, and returned to the System. 5. AffordabilityÐTo promote of the National Airspace System, the commenter. economic and efficient general aviation proposals are intended to update The FAA has proposed specific flight operations, expand participation, and training, certification, and recency of and ground time requirements in stimulate industry growth. experience requirements. The proposals various sections of this NPRM. These specific time requirements may be Accordingly, this rulemaking project respond to comments to the FAA from was and is designed to meet these the public, internal FAA review, and modified in light of the comments received in response to this NPRM. general aviation goals and provide comments from the International Civil economic relief from unnecessary, Aviation Organization. Availability of the NPRM burdensome regulations. Throughout DATES: Comments must be received on Any person may obtain a copy of this the development of this notice, the FAA or before December 11, 1995. NPRM by submitting a request to the has been in partnership with the general ADDRESSES: Comments on the proposals Federal Aviation Administration, Office aviation community in developing and may be delivered or mailed in triplicate of Public Affairs, Attention: Public revising the rules in parts 61, 141, and to: Federal Aviation Administration, Inquiry Center, APA±220, 800 143 to ensure aviation safety and yet Office of the Chief Counsel, Attention: Independence Avenue, SW., delete unnecessary, burdensome rules. Rules Docket (AGC±10), Docket No. Washington, DC 20591, or by calling The FAA is committed to this 25910, 800 Independence Avenue, SW., (202) 267±3484. Requests should be partnership with our general aviation Washington, DC 20591. All comments identified by the NPRM number or constituents, and will continue the must be marked ``Docket No. 25910.'' docket number of this proposed rule. partnership through the notice and final Comments may be examined in the Persons interested in being placed on a rule phases of this rulemaking action. Rules Docket, Room 915G, weekdays mailing list for future proposed rules Table of Contents for the Preamble between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m., except on should also request a copy of Advisory Federal holidays. Circular No. 11±2A, Notice of Proposed A. Background 1. NPRM No. 92±10, Aircraft Flight FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: John Rulemaking Distribution System, which describes the application procedure. Simulator Use in Pilot Training, Testing, Lynch, Certification Branch, AFS±840, and Checking at Training Centers. General Aviation and Commercial General Aviation Policy Statement 2. Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) Division, Flight Standards Service, Petition Federal Aviation Administration, 800 On September 8, 1993, Administrator 3. General Discussion of Principal Issues Independence Avenue, SW., David R. Hinson issued a general B. Part 61 Issues Washington, DC 20591; telephone (202) aviation policy statement in which he 1. Definition of Terms 267±3844. recognized that the general aviation a. Aeronautical Experience industry is a critically important part of b. Airman Certificate SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: the nation's economy and the national c. Authorized Ground Instructor d. Authorized Flight Instructor Comments Invited transportation system. Administrator Hinson stated the following: e. Cross-Country Time Interested persons are invited to f. Examiner participate in this rulemaking by General aviation plays a crucial role in g. Flight Training submitting written data, views, or flight training for all segments of aviation and h. Ground Training provides unique personal and recreational arguments as they desire. Comments i. Instrument Approach opportunities. It makes vital contributions to j. Instrument Training relating to the potential economic, activities ranging from business aviation, to k. Knowledge Test environmental, energy, or federalism agricultural operations, to Warbird l. Practical Test impact of the proposals contained in preservation, to glider and balloon flights. m. Supervised Pilot-in-Command (PIC) this notice are also invited. Accordingly, it is the policy of the FAA to Time Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 155 / Friday, August 11, 1995 / Proposed Rules 41161 n. Training time 6. Maintenance Requirements demanded of pilots in today's aviation 2. Areas of Operation 7. Ground School Instructor Requirements environment. 3. New Aircraft Category, Classes 8. Instructor Proficiency Requirements In support of this regulatory review, a. Powered-Lift 9. Renewal of Certificate the FAA completed a historical review b. Glider Class Ratings 10. Recordkeeping Requirements for Pilot 4. New Instrument Ratings Schools with Examining Authority of parts 61, 141, and 143 in January a. Airship Instrument Rating 11. Reorganization of Requirements for 1988. During this review, the FAA also b. Instrument ratings-airplanes Courses that are Approved Under Part received input from pilot schools and c. Instrument rating-Powered-lift 141 college and university aviation 5. Lighter-Than-Air Flight Instructor 12. Appendix AÐRecreational Pilot departments operating under parts 61 Certificate Certification Course and 141. Three major areas were 6. Revision of Ground Instructor 13. Appendix BÐPrivate Pilot Certification identified during this review: first, Certificates and Ratings; Inclusion in Course issues of immediate concern Part 61. 14. Appendix CÐInstrument Rating Course 7. Eligibility and Tests 15. Appendix DÐCommercial Pilot recommended by the NTSB and public 8. Training Requirements Certification Course comments; second, the requirements for 9. Proficiency 16. Appendix EÐAirline Transport Pilot aircraft operations in today's 10. Privileges and Limitations Certification Course environment; and finally, the 11. Records 17. Appendix FÐFlight Instructor requirements for pilots in the year 2010 12. Recency of Experience Certification Course and beyond. Accordingly, the regulatory 13. Conversion to New System of Ground 18. Appendix GÐFlight Instructor review was divided into three phases Instructor Certificate Instrument (Aircraft Category and Class) corresponding to the needs identified 14. Medical Certificates Certification Course 15. Required Pilot Possession of Pilot and 19. Appendix HÐGround Instructor above. The final rule for Phase 1, Medical Certificates Certification Course Amendment Nos. 61±90 and 141±4 (56 16. Issuance of U.S. Pilot Certificates on 20. Appendix IÐAircraft Category or Class FR 11308; March 15, 1991; effective on the Basis of Foreign Pilot Licenses Rating Course April 15, 1991), contained the 17. Logging Flight Time 21. Appendix JÐAircraft Type Rating following: 18. Recency of Experience Requirements Course, other than airline transport pilot 1. New requirement to obtain training 19. Instrument Currency 22. Appendix KÐSpecial Preparation and a flight instructor endorsement to 20. English Language Ability Requirements Courses serve as pilot in command of a tailwheel 23. Appendix LÐPilot
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