EiffclSriNTO ääi>i£l{)EiLB£:RG Julius Groos, Publisher, Heidelberg. Gaspey-Otto-Sauer's method for the learning of Modern languages. „Mit jeder neuerlernten Sprache gewinnt man eine neue Seele." Karl V. The textbooks of the Gaspey-Otto-Sauer method have, within the last ten years, acquired a universal reputation, increasing in pro- portion as a knowledge of living languages has become a necessity of modern life. The chief points of advantage, by which they com- pare favorably with thousands of similar books, are lowness of price and good appearance, the happy union of theory and practice, the clear scientific basis of the grammar proper combined with prac- tical conversational exercises, and the system, here conceived for the first time and consistently carried out, by which the pupil is really taught to speak and write the foreign language. To this method is entirely due the enormous success with which the Gaspey-Otto-Sauer textbooks have met; most other gram- mars either content themselves with giving the theoretical exposition of the grammatical forms and trouble the pupil with a confused mass of the most far-fetched irregularities and exceptions without ever applying them, or go to the other extreme, and simply teach him to repeat in a parrot-like manner a few colloquial phrases without letting him grasp the real genius of the foreign language. The superiority of the Gaspey-Otto-Sauer textbooks is most clearly proved by the unanimous opinion of the press in all quarters of the Globe, by the numerous editions they have hitherto passed through, by the success attending the books based on this method in other foreign languages and lastly even by the frequent attempts at imitation, plagiarism and fraudulent impressions. The new editions are constantly improved and kept up to date. Method GaspeyOtto-Saiier for the Study of modern Languages. For the use of Kuglishnieii and Americans. German: Otto, Dr. E., German Convers.-Grammar. 22. Ed. clotli — Key to the German Convers.-Grammar. 16. Ed. boards — Supplem. Exercises to Otto's Germ. Gram. 2. Ed. boards — Elementary German Grammar. 4. Ed. cloth — First German Bool<. 7. Ed. cloth — German Reader. Part I. 5. Ed. boards — German Reader. Part 11. 3. Ed. boards — German Reader. Part III. 2. Ed. boards — iViaterials for transl. English into German. Part I. 5. Ed. boards. Part II. 2. Ed. boards — Key to Materials for translat. English into German. 2. Ed. boards. — German-English Conversations. 2. Ed. cloth Otto-Wright, Accidence of the German language, cloth French: Otto, Dr. E., French Coavers.-Grammar. 9. Ed. cloth — Key to the French Convers.-Grammar. 5. Ed. boards — Materials for transl. English into French. 4. Ed. cloth Wright, Dr. J., Elementary French Grammar, cloth Italian: Sauer, C. M., Italian Convers.-Grammar. 5. Ed. cloth. — Key to the Italian Convers.-Grammar. 4. Ed. boards. Spanish: Saner, C. M., Spanish Convers.-Grammar. 4. Ed. cloth. — Key to the Spanish Convers.-Grammar. 2. Ed, boards. Sauer-Roehrich, Spanish Reader, cloth. For the use of Frenchmen. Grerman: Otto, Dr. E., Grammaire allemande. 13. ed. cloth. — Corrige des Thames de la Grammaire allem. 3. ed. boards. — Petite Grammaire allemande. 6. ed. cloth — Lectures allemandes. I. partie. 4. ed. cloth. — Lectures allemandes. II. partie. 2. ed. cloth. — Lectures allemandes. III. partie. 2. ed. cloth. — Conversations allemandes. 3. ed. cloth English: Manron-Gaspey, Grammaire anglaise. 5. ed. cloth. — Corrige des Thames de la Grammaire angl. 2.ed. boards. Manron, Dr. A., Petite Grammaire anglaise. 2. ed. cloth. — Lectures anglaises. 2.ed. cloth Italian: Saner, C. M., Grammaire italienne. 6. ed. cloth. — Corrigö des Thames de la Gramm, italienne. 3. ed. boards. Extract from the Literary Keview (Litterarische Rundschau) of J. B. Stamm inger, Würzburg. EDUCATIONAL WORKS AXD CLASS-BOOKS for the Study of modern Languages, published by JiUitis Groos, Heidelberg. Julius Groos, Publisher at Heidelberg, has for the last thirty years been devoting his special attention to educational works on modern languages, and has published a large number of class- books for the study of those modern languages most generally spoken. In this particular department he is in our opinion unsurpassed by any other German publisher. The series consists of S3 volumes of different sizes which are all arranged on the same system, as is easily seen by a glance at the grammars which so elo-^ely resemble one another, that an acquaintance with one greatly facilitates the study of the others. — This is no small advantage in these exact- ing times, when the knowledge of one language alone is hardly deemed sufficient. The system referred to is easily discoverable: 1st. In the ar- rangement of the grammar — 2nd. In the endeavour to enable the pupil to understand a regular text as soon as possible, and above all to teach him to speak the foreign language; this latter point was considered by the authors so particularly characteristic of their works, that they have styled them — to distinguish them from other works of a similar kind — Couvei'sationrd Grdniinars. Tiie grammars are all divided into two parts, commencing with a systemntic explanation of the rules for pronunciation, and are again subdivided into a number of Lessons. Each Part tnats of the Parts of Speech in succession, the 1st. giving a rapid sketch of the fundamental rules, which are explained more fully in the 2nd. In the 1st. Part attention is givtn rather to the Etymology ; in the 2nd. Part more to the Syntax of the language; without how- ever entirely separating the two, as is generally the ease in Syste- matic Grammars. The rules appear to us to be clearly given, they are explained by examples, and the exercises are quite sufficient. — We must confess that for those persons who, from a practi- cal point of view, wish to learn a foreign language sufficiently well to enable them to write and speak it with ease, the authors have set down the grammatical rules in such a way, that it is equally easy to understand and to learn them. — Moreover we cannot but commend the elegance and neatness of the type and binding of the books. It is doubtless on this ac- count that these volumes have been received with so much favour and that several have reached such an large circulation. Our admiration of this rich collection of works, of the method displayed and the fertile genius of certain of the authors, is in- creased when we examine the different series, especially those in- tended for the use of foreigners. , The first series comprises manuals for the use of Enf/lisliinen. It consists of 22 volumes. 17 of which are adapted for the study of Gernum and French: Dr. E. Olio German Convers-Grammar and Key to it; Dr. E. Olto, Supplement, exercises to the Germ. Grammar; Dr. E. Otto, Elementary German Grammar; Dr. E. Otto, First German Book; Dr. E. Otto, German Reader, 3 vols.: Dr. E. Otto, Materials for translating English into Ger- man, 2 vols, and Keys; Dr. E. Otto, German Conversations; Dr. E. Otto, French Convers.-Grammar and Key to it; Dr. E. Otto, Materials for transl. English into French; Otlo-Writfht, Elementary French Grammar; Otlo-Wright, Accidence of the german language; C. M. Sauer, Italian Conversation-Grammar and Key; C. \\. Sauer, Spanish Grammar and Key; Sauer-Roehrich, Spanish Reader. The series for the use of Frenchmen comprises 17 vol., 7 of which adapted for the study of German: Dr. E. Otto, Grammaire allemande and Key to it; Dr. E. Olto, Petite Grammaire allemande; Dr. E. Otto, Lectures allemandes, 3 vols.; Dr. E. Otlo. Conversations allemandes; 4 adapted for the study of English: Vlauron-Gaspey, Nouvelle Grammaire anglaise and Key; Dr. A. MaiiroD, Petite Grammaire anglaise; Dr. A. Mauron, Lectures anglaises; two each adapted for the study of Italian three for Spani.sh and two for Russian: C. M. Sauer, Nouvelle Grammaire italienne and Key; C. M. Sauer, Grammaire espagnole and Key; Sauer-Roehrich, Lectures espagnoles; Paul Fuchs, Grammaire russe and Key. The series for Italians comprises 7 vols. (2 for the English, 2 for the French and 3 for the German language)'. C. M. Sauer, Grammatica inglese; L. I'avia, Grammatica elementare della lingua inglese; Sauer-Motli, Grammatica francese; Sauer-:^lolti, Grammatichetta francese; Sauer-Ferrari, Grammatica tedesca; Dr. E. Otto, Piccola grammatica tedesca; Dr. E. Otto, Letture tedesche. There are three volumes for the use of Sxtaniards: Dr. E. Otto. Gramatica sucinta de la lengua alemana. Dr. K. Otto, Gramatica sucinta de la lengua francesa. Dr. E. Otto, Gramatica sucinta de la lengua inglesa. There are three volumes for the use of Portu- guese: Otto-Prevot, Grammatica allema. Otto-Prnot, Chave da Grammatica allema. Otto-Pifvot, Grammatica elementar allema. The series for the use of Gernians comprises the French subdivision u-ith the following hooks: Dr. E. Otto, Franz. Konversat.-Grammatik; Dr. E. Otto, Franz. Konversat.-Lesebuch, in 2 parts; Dr. E. Otto, Franz. Konversat.-Lesebuch (for the spec, use of Schools for young ladies, in 2 parts); Dr. E. Otto, Kleine französische Sprachlehre; Dr. E. Otto, Conversations frangaises; the English subdivision comprises: Dr. Th. (iaspey. Englische Konversations-Grammatik; Dr. Th. Gaspey, Englisches Konversations-Lesebuch; Dr. Th. Gaspey, English Conversations, containing subjects taken from daily life, & ex- tracts from history and literature; Dr. E. Otto, Kleine englische Sprachlehre; Dr. E. Otto, Materialien z. Übersetzen ins Englische for proficients (short pieces of consecutive prose, with conversational exercises). the Itulian subdivision comprises: C. M. Saner, Italienische Konversations-Grammatik; C. M. Sauer, Italienisches Konvers.-Lesebuch, which chiefly aims at conversational language; C. M. Sauer, Kleine italienische Sprachlehre; C. M. Sauer, Dialoghi italiani, adapted not only for schools, but also for persons who in- tend to travel in Italy; in the sp(tnish subdivision ive have: C.
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