JL iri I LUX VOL 49, NO. 12 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1956, ALFRED, NEW YORK Telephone 5402 Religion InLife Week Commences; St. Pat Board Announces Interfaith Program In Progress by Evadna Sterrett Johnny Long's The Band "Religion in Life Week" on the Alfred campus began Sunday. Soviet Attitude; Feb. 19, and will end Saturday, Feb. 25. This week is set aside Civil Workers; "Young' America's Favorite," Johnny Long and his orchestra to emphasize the important of religion in the student's everyday AU To Represent will be the feature attraction of the 1956 St. Pat's Festival at the affairs. It is sponsored by the Inter-collegiate Christian Board of Assembly Topic Iraq and Yemen annual ball to be held in the Men's Gym March 17. Alfred. A special period has been set aside for the purpose each year On Thursday, February 16, Dr. Jan The man who made hit recordings of "Blue Skies," "When I M. Novotny, professor of economics, Grow Too Old to Dream," and "Paradise" brings in his 15 piece was the assembly's speaker. Dr. No- At Model UN votny was graduated from the Univer- orchestra featuring Sandee Moore, The Alfred delegation to the model Johnny Wells, the Long Shots and the sity of Charles in Prague, and then United Nations General Assembly, came to the United States where he Glee Club for the big dance. received his master's degree in poli- which will take place March 28, 29 and Long is known as the "backward tical science from the University of 30 at Indian State Teacher's College, violinist,'1 as he plays the violin with Pennsylvania. He then returned to Indian, Pennsylvania, will have as Its his left hand. He got his start as a Prague and entered the Ministry of general coordinators Dave Cohen and professional musician when he form- Finance and later became under-sec- Jerry Slater. These two will plan the ed an eleven piece orchestra during retary in charge of customs. It was his freshman year at Duke Univer- with this background, that Dr. Novot- overall strategy for the Alfred delega- sity in 1931. Under the direction of ny chose as his topic, "Problems of a tion which will represent both Iraq and Hal Kemp the band turned for pro- Civil Servant Under a Totalitarian Yemen. fessional bookings and started ' its Regime." The main agenda for this model as- climb to the top after graduation fr»m college. The life of a civil servant in a So- sembly will be a debate on the ques- viet-run country is governed by four "In a Shanty in Old Shantytown," major points, our speaker said. First, tion: How far should the United Na- which he recorded in 1940 is the song everyone exists under the rule of one tions interfere in the internal affairs most attributed to him and a band employer—the government. Second, of nations? The main speaker at this dates never, goes by without at least there is dual control by the state gov- meeting of which there will be three one request for it. During the war Johnny and the ernmnt and the Communist party. sessions, will b Eleanor Roosevelt. Third, is the Soviet way of life, de- orchestra entertained at many camps, Johnny Long void of ethics and laws. Instead is Everyone connected with this pro- bases and as many hospitals as his substituted a feudal allegiance which ject has been assigned to a nation and busy schedule would permit. He says Bookings also included the New only extreme loyalty is profitable. The committee, of which there are four: the highlight of it all was when he York Paramount Theatre, the Chica- Dr. Allen Best fourth and last point involves the un- (1) the political and security, which was asked to play at the President's go Theatre, Roseland and Trianoa Dr. Charles Bodie restrained use of terror as a method will concern itself with the Korean Birthday Ball in 1941. ballrooms in New York and Chicago, since Alfred has had a chaplain, be- for government. "It is difficult to ar- truce and Arab-Israeli truce, (2) the Sandee Brown left the campus of the Steel Pier in Atlantic City and Methodist Church in Hornell. Mr. rive at the summit and stay there," social and economic committee, which Brooklyn College to make her night ginning in about 1929, with Chaplain Robert Turner from the Alfred Station the Palladium in Hollywood. said our speaker, because of the con- will report on the International Fi- club debut at Number 1 Fifth Aven- After recent appearances in the Alh McCloud. Society of Friends went to Lambda tinual checking of many secret police ue a few years ago and the beautiful Opening the observances Sunday, the Chi and Kappa Psi had as its guest uance Corporation, (3) the trusteeship pie Blossom Festival in Virginia and forces. committee, which will have as its main Miss Brown soon found herself sing- the Strawberry Festival in North Car- Reverend Dr. Allen C. Best preached Rev. Melvin Nida, pastor of the ing in the top night spots all over the at the regular morning Union Church Troupsburg Methodist Church. Dr. Novotny spoke about the place topics Togoland unification and the olina the group has been on a college of the Ministry, and the average work- question of the procedure or receiving nation as well as doing radio and TV tour. Included in it were dates at service on "Christ's Cross and Cal- A schedule of special events for the work. She also has work in two MGM vary" and at a special evening ser- er in a Soviet-run country. Most information from non-self-governing Notre Dame, Carnegie Tech, Duke and remainder of the week is as follows: greatly stressed was the idea that movies to her credit, "Main Street to Dartmouth University. vice, using as his topic, "What Our countries, and (4)the Ad-Hoc commit- Broadway" and "I Love Melvin." Faith Means to Us." Tonight at 7:30 in Howell Hall: survival, not advancement is the ma- tee, which will discuss peaceful uses The Johnny Long orchestra has re- An informal session will be held jor concern. of the atom and disarmament. Jennie While working out on the West corded many of the nation's top col- Dr. Best is Director of the New where students will have an opportun- Coast Sandee heard that Johnny Long lege songs and his theme song is of York State Methodist Student Move- Gobert from Alfred will be the chair- was looking for a vocalist and she au- ity to meet Dr. Bodie. man of this fourth committee. collegiate origin, "The Sweetheart of ment and is Methodist chaplain and ditioned, providing no question as to Sigma Nu." Some of the other Long student counselor at Cornell Univer- Wednesday at 7:30 in the Seventh Ceramic Symposium Day Baptist Church: Most of the work for this general who the new singer would be — "one hits include: "Last Night on the sity. He is personally responsible for assembly meeting will be carried out of the most beautiful and most tal- Back Porch," 'Ktae Dozen Roses," a religious program serving 12>0€-150'0 Dr. Bodie will preach at the reg- Set For April 2-6 ented young songbirds in the nation." "Poor Butterfly," "Sweet Sue, Just Methodist students at Cornell Univer- ular Lenten service followed by a in these committees and in each one A symposium, designed to acquaint will be represented each of the 61 The young baritone featured with You," "Winter Wonderland," "The Girl sity and Ithaca College. He teaches social hour and song fest in the chruch the group is Johnny Wells. John was That I Marry," "All the Bees are courses in psychology of religion, phil- center. engineers, chemists and physicists nations of the United Nations. with the current theory of the solid The Alfred delegates to the model an honor student in high school and Buzzing Round by Honey" and "We'll osophy, marriage and Bible. Thursday at 11:00 in Aluumni Hall: state and the implications deriving received a pre-law scholarship to the Build a Bungalow." A graduate of Syracuse University, Dr. Bodie will address the Uni- Assembly and the nation and commit- University of Maryland. While attend- from the theory will be held on the tee they»will represent are as follows: John Welson of Downbeat maga- Dr. Best is a member of several hon- versity Assembly. University campus during the week of, (committee 1), ing school he sang over many of the zine says, "Johnny Long for some orary scholastic and professional so- Raja Ajluni Irv Friday at 7:15 in Kerfyon Chapel April 2-6 according to an annoucement Schwartzman (2), Sol Schfartz (3), Washington stations until he was time, has one of the "Best Outfits" cieties (Theta Chi Beta, Theta Beta by Dr. Thomas J. Gray, Associate Pro- drafted during his sophomore year in Phi and Psi Chi) and is also inter- A n Interfaith Sabbath Service and Angela Zegarelli (4) represneting in the country Long has stuck will be held followed by a social hour fessor of Physical Chemistry. Iraq, and Ernie LaFollette (1), Art college. to the basic principles a good ested in athletics, having played base- The troops received entertainment dancable beat and showmanship. Long ball, football and boxed. at the Union. The symposium will be limited to Unger (2), Bruce Elkin (3), and Mari- Saturday at 11:00 in the Seventh an enrollment of fifty individuals. Ex- on- Sutton (4) representing Yemen.
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