da Series, Vol. XX I, No. 6 ~()"«:~~(.'r 11,.I'JK6 ~- ~ !_uesday. ... - - - -. - .. .. --_ ......... _-_. __.. - Kartika 2n. I t)()~~ (Sftka) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Seventh Session (Ei2hth Lok Sabba) (Y.I. XXI ctJ"tain, Nl'J. 1 ID 10) LOI( SARHA SECRET ARJAT NEW DELHI Pr!e, / R.I. 6.00 [Original Englisb proceedings iDcluded in English Version and Original I-lind j proceediDl1 included in Hindi Version wil1 be treated as authoritative aod not the translation thereof.) CONTENTS No.6, Tuelday, Novt'mbe, 11, i986/Kattlka 20, 1908 (SAKA) COLUMNS Oral Answers to Questions- 1-31 .Starred Questions Nos. 104, lOS, 108, 109, 11 J and 112 Written Answers to Questions : 31-285 Starred Questions Nos. 101, J02, 106, 107, 110, 113 to 120 31-39 Unstarred Questions Nos. 1033 to 1101. 1103, 1104, 1106 to 1147, 39-283 1149 to 1244, 1246 to 1253 and J255 to 1257 Papers Laid on the Table 285-289 Supplementary Demands for Grants (Genera)). 1986-87- 289 Statement presented Public Accounts Committee- 289 Fifty .. eighth Report Matters Under Rule 377- 291-299 (i) Demand for measures ~o protect the historical places of archaeological value and develop the birth places of late Pta MotilaJ Nehru, GaJib and Nazir in Agra as national memorials Sbri Nib.1 Singh Jain 291 (ii) Demand for steps to eradicate poverty in the rural areas of tbe country Shrl Uma Kaot Misbra 292 (iii) Demand for continuing scholarships to SC/ST students studying in higher classes and for raising the rates thereof Shrl R.P. SumaD 293 • The SilO t marked above the name of a Member indicates that the qUOItiou wal actually asked on the floor or the House by that Member. (I) eli) (iv) Steps to protect sick jndustries jn Bihar Sbri C.P. Tbakur (v) I)emand for preserving the ecoloaical balance in the Western Ghats Shri RanJit Singh Gaekwad 295 (vi) Need to direct tbe Rajasthan Government to stop recovery of dues from tbe Indira Gandhi Canal Project Area Shri Blrbsl 295 (vii) D(!mand for measures for rapid ind ustrialisatioD of Kerala Shri K. Mobandas 296 (viii) Demand for a high-po Ncred Committee to study the economi~ crisis in tbe film industry and to advise for reduction of taxes and curbing of video piracy Sbri Sunil Dutt 297 (ix) Demand for measures to improve the conditions prevailing in Rancbi Mental Asylum Sbrt MObd. Mabfooz Ali Khan 298 ~itizensbip (Anlendment) Bill, 1986-Contd. 299-316 Clauses 2 to 4 and Motion to pass Shri P. Chidambaram 300 Sbri Syed Sbababuddin 303 Sbri Indrajit Gupta 30S Sbri Brajmoban Mohanty 309 )iscusslon on the Ethnic Problem of TamiUans in Sri Lanka- 317-385 Shri Bhattam Srirama Murty 317 Shr; Shyam La) Yadav 328 Sbri Suresh Kurup 335 Shri Sbarad Dighe 331 Sbri Syed Shahabuddin 3'9 Sbri P. Jeevarathinam 345 Prof. P.J. Kurien 348 Sbri P. Kolandaivelu .51 ~OLU"Na Shri Naresh Chandra Chaturvedi 355 Shri Narayan Chou bey 359 Sbri P.R. Kumaramangalam 363 Shri Balwant Singh Ramoowalia 370 Dr.O.S. Rajbans 372 Shri Abdul Rashid Kabuli 37S Shri K. Natwar Sjngh 378 Delhi Fire Prevention and Fire Safety Bill, 1986- 385 -392 Motion to consider Shri Cbintamani Panigrahi 385 Sbri C. Sambu 388 Business Advisory Committee- 392 Twenty-ninth Report 'I' LOK SABHA DEBATES LOK SABHA (SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN DEV) : (a) (i) No, Sir. It is not correct to say that most of the systems remain out of order. How- ever, tbe service rendered by a few of the systems is not very satisfactory due to old Tlle.fda.)', November J 1, 1986/ Kartlka 20, and worn out exchange equipment. 1908 (Saka) (ii) In rural areas the telephone is affected adversJy due to frequent and pro- longed power failures. Thl' l.ok Sabha met at Eleven 01 the Clock. (b) and (c). Steps taken to improve the telephone services are given in the [MR. SPEAKER in the Chair) statement below. All States are covered in the above programme. ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Statement [Translation] The following steps have been talen Working of Telephone System in to improve the telephone service. Rural Areas 1. Introduction progressively of ·104. SHRI VIRDHI CHANDER electronic telephone exchanges to JAINt : avoid problems ir.herent with SHRI MULLAPPALLY electromagnetic switching equip- RAMACHANDRAN: ment used hitherto. Will the Minister of COMMUNICA- 2. Replacement of life expired TIONS be pleased to state: equipment. (a) whether the telephone system in 3. Special testing of exchange equip- most of the places in the country, particu- ment particularly jnter~exchange larly in rural areas, remains out of order junctions is being 'Jndertaken to due to old equipment and technical faults improve inter -exchange work iog. in telephone exchanges and dereliction of duty by officers and employees; 4. Working of air-conditioning plants in various exchanges is (b) if so, whether the Department being regularly monitored to ensure proposes to chalk out any programme to proper working. bring about substantial improvement in the system; and s. Laying of new junction, primary and secondary cables in ducts to (c) if so, the outlines thereof and the protect them from external States likely to be covered thereunder? damaaes. [Eng/ish] 6. Pressurisdtion' of primary, secon- dary and JUDction cables to THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE minimise cable break .. down fdlNISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS fl1Qlfs, j Oral Answers NOVEMBER 11, 1986 Oral Answers 4 7. Use of jel1y filled cables in the 18. Monitoring of the automanua) distribution network to prevent service and trunk service is beina entry of water in the cables to carried out so 8S to ensure avoid faults. prompt response on these services. 8. Cable trenches arc beina ftooded before being closed so to as 19. Public grievance cells have heen detect damage during trench- any opened at General Manager! of tbe cables. ing or laying The headquarters and Area Managers public is being asked to inform offices to provide single ouUet Telephone Department before tbey attention to the subscribers. take up digging on 'dial before dig' service so as to keep liasion with other agencies who are 20. Formation of Inter-utility engaged in digging. coordination Boards to avoid damage to cables. Extensive patrolling of cable 9. 21. routes to detect any digging Engine alternator sets and higher batteries are being provided operations and to take precau- size to overcome the problem due tionary measures to avoid damage to unstable power supplies. to cables. [ Translation] 10. Provision of bigh grade junction circuits on Pulse Code Modulation, SHRI VIRDHI CHANDER JAIN: Mr. Coaxial and microwave media to Speaker, Sir. it is clear even from the provide better quality and more reply just now given by the hon. Minister dependable service. that telecommunication system in tbe country, especially in the rural areas, is not Rebabf1itation of subscribers' It. functioning properly. It has been clearly fittings and the D.P. Boxes to stated in the reply that this situation has minimise faults on the line. arisen due to old and worn out exchange equipments. The strike by the Junior 12. Replacement of overhead wires by Engineers has also crippled this service. insulated drop wires to avoid If you happen to dial a telephone, pa t faults due to kite strings, bird comes the reply from the operator that nests etc. which lead to contact the line is out of order. We do not get or low insulation faults. even dial tone. The operators do not attend. Especially, when an information Use of improved telephone 13. is sought on 180, 181, 199 and 183. they instruments. are not able to give information as they have only the old directory with them. I 14. Replacement of aluminium wires would like to know from the hon. in the fittings at the subscribers Minister whether be is tak ing steps to set premises by copper wires to avoide these things right ? break faults. [English] IS. Computerisation of cable records and fault repair service to bring SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN DEV : Sir, down duration of faults. it is a fact that in rural areas, tbe tele- communication system performance is not 16. Computerisation of Directory very satisfactory mainly because most of the Assistance, (197) service and exchanges which have been installed th~re records. are very out-dated. Now, in this Seventh Five Year Plan, we are tryin8 to gradually 17. Computerisation operator assisted cbanae tbese exchanscs i .... to moderp n80) trunk eervlc,8o ones. S Oral Answers Oral Answ,rs 6 About tbe services which are rendered [1m",{atlon] by tbe manual operators, it is a fact that there are complaints and recently, tbe 'MR. 'SPEAKER: He bas .eted that Department has started a scbeme by which you, no doubt, have let the equipment. these operators are being trained and riaht.. but can you also set rilbt the per- wherever there is over-staffing, we are sons who man them? transfering tbem to those places where there is under-staffing. I hope tbat tbe [Englilh] situation will improve. But, as I said, gradually, we are trying to change to SHRI MULLAPPALLY RAMA. electronic type of exchanges and then CHANDRAN; I am extremely Ilad to efficicol!Y in rural areas will be improved. go through the len&tby answer given by the This is now being planned in a phased Minister. But whatever may be tbe policy manner. I hope, ufter the Seventh Plan, today, people at large are not happy about it will substant ially improve. tbe fUDcliooins of telecommunicatioDs in the country, especially in rural areas. This [ T"C1ns/ullon) poor performance is due to several factors: They are out .
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