® Effie is a registered trademark / service mark of Effie Worldwide, Inc. 2010 the winners the Awarding Ideas That Work That Ideas Awarding African-American Agricultural/Industrial/Building United States Marine United Technologies Corps (USMC) ‘real Talk’ african american- ‘croSS-SecTion’ TargeTeD campaign UniteD teCHnOlOGieS Marine COrPS reCrUitinG COMManD UniWorld Group, inc. DDB nY Mindshare Prometheus Media inc. J Walter thompson Automotive, Vehicles Hyundai MINI Volkswagen aSSurance carfun fooTprinT rouTan Boom HYUnDai MOtOr aMeriCa Mini USa VolKSWaGen Of aMeriCa Goodby, Silverstein & Partners Butler, Shine, Stern & Partners Crispin Porter + Bogusky initiative Beauty Products & SErvices Dove Old Spice Vaseline MEN ‘Soap Scum’ Swagger: The ScenT ThaT VaSeline men: The making of a Unilever - DOve makeS a Difference manly loTion P&G Unilever Ogilvy & Mather Wieden+Kennedy Bartle Bogle Hegarty Mindshare Mindshare ryan iDirect eSPn MBooth BeverAges, Alcohol Miller High Life Sobieski 1 SeconD aD campaign TruTh in VoDka MillerCOOrS iMPerial BranDS, inC. Saatchi & Saatchi Meter industries Dig Communications Horizon Media MC Media CK-Pr Upshot 1 / 2010 Effie Awards Winners – Awarding Ideas That Work BeverAges, Non-Alcohol green Mountain Coffee Kraft Beverages- Pepsi Capri Sun a reVelaTion in eVery cup ‘reSpecT The pouch’ refreShing an icon Green MOUntain Kraft BeveraGeS PePSiCO COffee rOaSterS BrandBuzz/Young & rubicam Ogilvy & Mather tBWa\Chiat\Day Mediavest razorfish Digitas Boomer+ Campbell’s Toyota VENZA many, many reaSonS ‘appeTiTe for life’ CaMPBell SOUP COMPanY Toyota MOtOr SaleS BBDO Saatchi & Saatchi la Mediaedge:cia MSn Brand entertainment Circle One Marketing, llC experience team (Beet) G2 interactive reveille Productions Weber Shandwick Brand Experience Breakfast Foods frito-Lay Women’s gatorade U.S. Army Eggo Portfolio only in a woman’S worlD gaToraDe replay The army experience cenTer - your way fritO-laY nOrtH aMeriCa GatOraDe ShowcaSing ToDay’S army KellOGG’S U.S. arMY, OffiCe Of tHe CHief MarKetinG OffiCer Juniper Park tBWa\Chiat\Day ignited leo Burnett OMD fleishman-Hillard the Scenic route Starcom Worldwide Computer HArdwarE Cisco Kodak The realm prinT anD proSper CiSCO KODaK Ogilvy & Mather Deutsch, inc. neO@Ogilvy Partners + napier Ketchum 2 / 2010 Effie Awards Winners – Awarding Ideas That Work Computer SOftwarE IBM Corporation PlayStation SolidWorks ‘wooDlanD creaTureS’ mlB’ 09: The Show 3DuDeS gone 3D iBM COrPOratiOn SOnY COMPUter entertainMent SOliDWOrKS aMeriCa Ogilvy Deutsch la Small army Consumer Electronics Apple Microsoft ‘There’S an app for ThaT.’ real pc aPPle MiCrOSOft tBWa\Media arts lab Crispin Porter + Bogusky OMD COrporate Reputation/PrOfessional SErvices CulturE & The Arts Intel United Technologies The field Museum SponSorS of Tomorrow ‘croSS-SecTion’ real piraTeS intel COrPOratiOn UniteD teCHnOlOGieS tHe fielD MUSeUM COrPOratiOn venables Bell & Partners DDB nY DDB tag Worldwide Prometheus Media inc. OMD Chicago OMD the Upper Storey Pte ltd Bates 141 HK David vs Goliath Brita green Mountain Coffee Kia Miller High Life Drink reSponSiBly a reVelaTion in eVery cup kia Soul VS. Scion xB 1 SeconD aD campaign tHe ClOrOx COMPanY Green MOUntain COffee Kia MOtOrS aMeriCa MillerCOOrS rOaSterS DDB West BrandBuzz/Young & rubicam David & Goliath, llC Saatchi & Saatchi edelman initiative+ Dig Communications OMD innocean Worldwide MC Media Upshot 3 / 2010 Effie Awards Winners – Awarding Ideas That Work Delivery Systems & Products Entertainment/Sporting Events United States Postal EA SPOrTS EA SPOrTS HBO Service a Simpler way To Ship ea SporTS acTiVe ea SporTS ‘The win’ True BlooD campaign perSonal Trainer ea SPORTS HBO UniteD StateS POStal ServiCe eleCtrOniC artS inC. Campbell-ewald Draftfcb Heat & freestyle interactive Digital Kitchen Wieden + Kennedy Wieden + Kennedy Campfire ammo Marketing PHD ignition Print Bemis Balkind Fashion/STyle Financial SErvices - CArds JCPenney Lee Jeans American Express OPEN Beware of The DoghouSe The new lee.com american expreSS open forum J.C. PenneY COMPanY, inC. lee JeanS aMeriCan exPreSS OPen Saatchi & Saatchi OlSOn Crispin Porter + Bogusky OMD federated Media Publishing razorfish Mindshare Ogilvy & Mather Digitas Financial SErvices - Products/SErvices Allstate Insurance HSBC INg financial Services Company our STanD afforDaBiliTy maTh of life Do you know your numBer? program HSBC inG finanCial ServiCeS allState inSUranCe COMPanY leo Burnett USa JWt BBDO atlanta Starcom Worldwide Mindshare OMD K&l advertising 360i Blinq Media Global Earth Hour, WWf IBM Corporation Pedigree The nighT The worlD wenT Dark ‘leT’S BuilD a SmarTer planeT’ peDigree aDopTion DriVe WWf - eartH HOUr iBM COrPOratiOn PeDiGree leo Burnett, Sydney Ogilvy & Mather tBWa Starcom Mediavest Group neo leo Burnett, Chicago Mindshare 4 / 2010 Effie Awards Winners – Awarding Ideas That Work GoodWOrks - Brands ford Motor Company Starbucks Coffee SunChips Company DriVe one 4 ur School STarBuckS ‘SparkS’ BuilDing a preeminenT fOrD MOtOr COMPanY StarBUCKS COffee COMPanY green BranD fritO-laY nOrtH aMeriCa team Detroit BBDO new York Juniper Park the Park Blast radius OMD exposure Marketing PHD Media Budco edelman GoodWOrks - Non-PrOfit BoostUp Detroit Public Schools People’s City Mission The graDuaTion proBlem -The i’m in ‘greaT coffee for The DropouT iSSue reframeD DetrOit PUBliC SCHOOlS greaTer gooD’ aD COUnCil PeOPle’S CitY MiSSiOn Publicis new York leo Burnett Bailey lauerman @radical.media Starcom Mediavest Group Berg Muirhead and associates Brian alexander Productions Government/Institutional/Recruitment AdCouncil Iraq & Detroit Public Schools United States Army Afghanistan Veterans of America VeTeran SupporT i’m in ‘STrengTh like no Other’ tHe aDvertiSinG COUnCil DetrOit PUBliC SCHOOlS UniteD StateS arMY, Manpower anD reServe affairS BBDO new York leo Burnett McCann erickson iraq & afghanistan veterans Starcom Mediavest Group MrM Worldwide of america (IAVA) Berg Muirhead and associates Universal McCann aOl Brian alexander Productions Weber Shandwick Worldwide Momentum Worldwide HealthcarE - OTC HealthcarE Products & SErvices Plan B Tampax Anthem Blue Cross group Health and Blue Shield Cooperative plan B: BecauSe The ouTSmarT moTher naTure our healTh connecTS uS finD more minuTeS unexpecTeD happenS PrOCter & GaMBle WellPOint (antHeM BlUe CrOSS GrOUP HealtH COOPerative teva WOMen’S HealtH anD BlUe SHielD) DraftfCB leo Burnett Chicago Deutsch inc. tM advertising Digitas Starcom SMG United arc 5 / 2010 Effie Awards Winners – Awarding Ideas That Work Hispanic Allstate Insurance Charmin Company proTecTion iS our game/ camping proTeccion eS la JugaDa PrOCter & GaMBle allState inSUranCe COMPanY lapiz lapiz tapestry Carat Octagon Multicultural Marketing tapestry the integer Group Household FurnishingS & Appliances Brita glidden IKEA Drink reSponSiBly gliDDen geTS you going ‘emBrace change’ tHe ClOrOx COMPanY aKzO nOBel iKea nOrtH aMeriCa ServiCeS llC DDB West DDB new York Deutsch, inc. edelman etcetera Mediaedge:cia OMD PHD networks 89 Degrees interbrand liggett Stashowser Household Supplies & SErvices Pull-Ups Sherwin-Williams Paint Terminix Store group poTTy Training STinkS aSk Sherwin-williamS Seeing iS BelieVing KiMBerlY-ClarK SHerWin-WilliaMS terMinix JWt McKinney Publicis Dallas Mindshare Chicago Optimedia edelman INfluencerS Bauer Hockey ford fiesta McAfee Bauer iS Back fieSTa moVemenT h*commerce BaUer fOrD MOtOr COMPanY McAfee OlSOn team Detroit tribal DDB Mindshare DDB West Undercurrent OMD action Marketing Group 6 / 2010 Effie Awards Winners – Awarding Ideas That Work Internet Products & SErvices CLEAr E*TrADE McAfee welcome To The fuTure Take conTrol wiTh e*TraDe h*commerce ClearWire e*traDe McAfee Secret Weapon Marketing Grey new York tribal DDB applegate Media Group Spark Communications DDB West aKQa OMD Mindshare LeisurE Products & SErvices gold’s gym The Coleman Company from STrengTh To STrengTh - ‘The original Social reinVenTing an iconic neTworking SiTe’ GOlD’S GYM COleMan COMPanY McKinney Doner Camelot Communications Media Companies Media Idea Superguarantee The Atlantic Kellogg’s frosted Miller High Life Mini-Wheats Too Soon for a eulogy can The AtlanTic Turn a profiT? froSTeD mini wheaTS: 1 SeconD aD campaign iDearC MeDia tHe atlantiC mom’S homeroom MillerCOOrS KellOGG tM advertising eUrO rSCG Starcom Worldwide Saatchi & Saatchi Cleverworks llC leo Burnett Dig Communications MC Media Upshot Media Innovation Adobe CBS and Pepsi frito-Lay aDoBe acroBaT 9 ulTimaTe Tour- “monDay To The max” firST-eVer only in a woman’S worlD ney guiDe ViDeo-in-prinT fritO-laY aDOBe SYSteMS CBS Goodby,Silverstein & Partners OMD OMD eSPn PepsiCo Juniper Park americhip Ketchum entertainment Weekly (time inc.) 7 / 2010 Effie Awards Winners – Awarding Ideas That Work New Product Or SErvice Schick Quattro Truvia™ Natural for Women Sweetener from priVaTe Buzz...To culTural TruVia™ naTural conVerSaTion SweeTener launch SCHiCK WilKinSOn SworD CarGill JWt Ogilvy & Mather Mediaedge:cia Universal McCann amplitude Marketing Group, inc. Bolin Marketing lippe taylor Periscope rf Binder Packaged Food foster farms Klondike Stouffer’s Say no To plumping DouBle Dare rekinDling STouffer’S fOSter farMS Unilever iconic STaTuS StOUffer’S (neStle) Goodby, Silverstein & Partners DDB new York JWt fineman Pr Mindshare zenithOptimedia Story Publicis Consultants | Pr Golin Harris DigiKnow ryan Partnership Pet CArE Renaissance Restaurants - Launch/Relaunch Pup-Peroni Lay’s Jack in the Box DogS JuST know happineSS iS Simple mini cowBoyS-innoVaTion
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