Proceedings of' the Birmingham .' Natural, History Society ( . Special Number FLORA OF WARWICKSHIRE' . : . -' QF~ICERSAND . COUNCIL 1965·66 P-r'~sident -Ld: Eva~s. _ -Vice':Preside'nts . Prti J. ,G~;' H~wk,~~; M.A,---sC-.D, 'F.L'.S- 'l~'- ,13ili~n~ -M.SC; F._~:S" F .R.E;S~_ rid~p\fsT:.i3Ioi:. .. W.--SaJmori:; F:R:~;S Trus.tees;, A._,H._,Sayer,'].p Hoil,., Secretary V;:-A. Noble,; F.R-:t.S ',. -Hon. Tre\lsure~, ~:,,: M. -C:.-C1a~k~'_F:r;A-' ~Hoii:.Progr~riline-8eCfeta:_iy' W.:_Peartie"Ch6p,e, M:A Hon."Lihratian- '.-, H.:-i"-E: B~bb Hon.- -As-sistant -Libraiiah-. Co, ' :,i:I~~o~-'9~~t.~r6tA'ppai:aius P... ~ini:t~, '~:s~ -. -Hoh/Editor of Proceedings M.: C'- ,Clatk,- F.I.,\" Wa.~den, of N~_tti:re-R~serv~s '~F.' ~'~'·;N,o~ie;:'F·.l(.E;S' S!lcrl~NA.LOFFI(;EIlS.' ..•...... ; ...... SECTioN p~~~~~{,-,:< '. ~'&1;~rii~~l": '~:-'-.C.> Cl~~k.\;;-liA;." ~~~ril;ldg~ca~i : _' . ~~I} f~EY~~~- de616g~~~i -&J;~Q'giapl}.i~~i~: ~;iI'~::,6~~:~~~p*::1~~bi'Ai:~' .. :A~~~id~i'~,ai -,.-," . ELECTIVE l\1EMBEk~} For -ti;t'ee ,y~d,t~ ·,:j)~.;i,-:~ie~it}: :'Dr';S~--vt, G.~~en~, -Pt6f/F;-'W';'~Shbttori'r-' , . -. For_ tyv-o years.' b~fw.:-Bow'~,t~r~':6 .. -$-, -Ti~h~," '-R;- c':-' ;B,eadett " - :':J~r·,~,~,~~e~;,]t. A~._-,,-B. St~nf~n! ' . -:',:rvrrs Q,,,-w. T~~mpsqri;'.B.s,G -"-f CONTENTS VOI,UME xx No. 4 EDI'fORIAL , 1 CHECK LISTS OF THE VASCULAR PLANTS AND BRYOPHYTES OF WARWICKSHIRE (v.c. 38) AND SURROUNDING VICE-COUNTIES PAR~f (1) - VASCULAR PLANTS by R. C. Readett,J. G. HawkesandMiss D. A. Cadbury . 2 PART (2) -,Bi!YOPHYTES by T. Lajlin 45 PRINTED BY DREW AND -HOPWOOD LIMITED, BiRMiNGHAM 3 AND ~UBLISHED BYTHBoSOCIETY AT THE MIDLAND INSTITUTE, BIRMIN°GHAM 1 ",RICE: FIFTEEN SHILLINGS ·COMM1TfEES1965~66 . Endo~mimtpt . .... tib!""YC~1Il1iriittee .... ... Research Committee -;- :-'1'116 _Lil?r~~jat{ EL E;-.K :Babb* and. ' .' - . ' .The' Trustees _::' Aisi~t~:ht_ .Lib~ai-ian, :.,togefher· with A;--.H;:- __ Sayer: _Q~W' .iIle~ber-:to be elected by-'e'ach -, ' , Eo. P.- ~vansJ , s,ed.iQri;- -- :to~e,~er :wi~-: __ _ . J>iQ£eS_sOli_:F.-W. Shotton RiLRCade\t .Cbl. W.:Bowater.. "'"--"--,.-' '- ,-::;.::> .. ':':>:-,--;-- -' "-', "_:,;::-, " .... Glme'rl,lIP"'1'oses. co11l!"lttee ,-N~t.:tt~--R~s_erv~:- C~~_~i~ee W. -Pearse:_Chope '.- .,~~_-A.--_Nobl~·-~,:--· _' ,;D~. J.:,Fremiin_ .; W.'Pearse Chope:.-_ :_ - CoL _Wo, Bowater P~cifesso~-F- G; 'Hawke~_ ~ One ,-_of Jhec LibraJ;ians)' -and-- the - secre:tari~s' 'oL the ,'seGtioi:;l.s or­ . their dei:)'utie~.· - , '_:, " _1 PublishiligCommitt.ie . ·-·r-he--Edit~r)-:_M ... c;': :CJai-k~--:8:p'~('orie c -', "-R/Y. ,W~d~wot£p-::·! ,', , m~m,b_er t.o beel~c~~p. ,byea,ch sec~i(ll'!-:' . :_Mr~ .R.<A. _Beti:.r_~4ge:', '-:~I~'di~t_~~'-'Ch~~ici_~ri-"'~'(:C6~tte~-; "<The _; <I?_tesi,detit;',:. ~ _Tr~_aj~~~r/;, :_-~rid , $_ec;refa,lY:_are-;~x':(),ffi.cio,-rriembets cif -, . -~~l ;_~-~~rt~i~t~~~_;) _:':':):'?_: ';;- Proceedings of the Birmingham Natural History Society Editor: M. C. CLARK, F.r.A. VOLUME XX No. 4 APRIL 1965 EDITORIAL vV c are pleased to be able to present in this special number the long­ awaited check lists of the flora of '" arwickshire. These lists summarize the results of the survey of the vascular plants on which many of the members of our Botanical Section have been engaged during a period of over 14 years, together with those of the independent survey of the mosses and liver-worts on which lVIr T. Laflin has been working for 8 years with some help from a fe\\' of our members. As explained by the authors, it is hoped that the revised Flora of vVanvickshire itself will be published within the next two years. lVIuch of the matter incorporated into these check lists will be used directly in the Flora. The particulars of first records in the county and of occurrencies in neighbouring counties have involved an enormous amount of research, and should require little further revision. However, the trouble and expense of publishing this preliminary information will be justified only if it is most carefully studied by all those who are able to contribute anything further to the knovdedge of the flora of the area. The authors ask fot constructive criticism. Outstanding matters of doubt which can be cleared up by work in the field, 01' otherwise, will still need the help of members ,yho arc in a position to give it. It is intended that these check lists should be given as vvide a circula­ tion as possible among botanists. Vv"e are sure they could form the basis of many interesting studies, particularly of changes in the constitution of the flora of the county. The issue of a special number at this particular time has caused a change of plans in regard to future numbers, which we ask readers to note. It is proposed to issue the next ordinary number (No. 5 of the present volume) early in 1966 and subsequent numbers will also appear in the early months of succeeding years, rather than in the late summer. Reports of outdoor excursions during 1964 will be held over and will appear in the next number, along \vith reports of the lectures and other activities during the wintet season 1964-5 and of the summer excursions of 1965. Page 2 Check lists of the Vascular plants and Bryophytes of Warwickshire (v.c. 38) and surrounding vice-counties PART (I) - VASCULAR PLANTS by R. C. Readett, 1. G. Hawkes and Miss D. A. Cadbury Introduction The check list which follows is intended to be an integral part (in preliminary form) of the new Warwickshire County Flora which we hope to complete and publish within the next two years. * The list sets out the species alphabetically (for easy reference without an index) following, with a few exceptions for which the authorities are given, the nomenclature used by Clapham, Tutin and Warburg in their Flora of the British Isles (2nd Edition). It indicates, according to the best information available to us, the species which have been recorded for Warwickshire (v.c. 38) and for the surrounding vice­ counties. We are certain this information will be of great use to workers on the Warwickshire Flora survey during the period of final checking) indicating) as it does by earlier records of plants in v.c. 38 not recorded in the present survey) and by records given for some of the surrounding vice-counties of plants not recorded for v.c. 38) what additional species might yet be found in the county. At the same time it is hoped that workers in surrounding vice-counties will find the list of assistance and that it will play its part in building up a new Comital Flora of the British Isles. *The methods being used in this work have been described in the following papers: HAWKES) J. G. & READETT) R. C. (1954) The Warwickshirc County Flora revision: A new method of recording. Proc. Birm. Nat. Hist. and Phil. Soc., 18) 61-74. HAWKES) J. G., READETT) R. C. & SKELDING, A. D. (1955) The Warwickshire County Flora revision: Mapping distribution. Proc. Birm. Nat. Hist. and Phil. Soc., 18, 109-112, CADBURY, MISS D. A., HAWKES, J, G, & READET'l', R. C. (1957) Flora of 'Varwickshire: Species distribution maps and habitat analyses, Proc. Birm. Nat. Hist. and Phi!, Soc., 18, 134-145. I-IAwKEs, J. G. & READETT, R. C, (1963) Collecting the Data: A description of the methods used in the current revision of the Flora of Warwickshire. In 'Vanstall, P. J. Ed, Local Floras. B.S.B.I. Conference Report No. 7, London, VASCULAR PLANTS OF WARWICKSHIRE Page 3 It would be foolish to imagine that the check list could be without its errors of commission and of omission: an additional reason 'for its publication is that it should encourage critical examination. We hope to receive many communications from botanists, correcting or adding to our records. These will increase the accuracy and enhance the value of the new vVarwickshire County Flora when it is published and generally help to further botanical recording in the Midland counties. \;Yith this end in view it had been our hope to circulate copies of the check list in manuscript to botanical field workers in surrounding vice-counties and to invite their comments before publication, but it now seems to us preferable to get the list printed without further delay. This check list makes lIse of the results of the survey of the vice­ county for which we are jointly responsible but most of the research has been done by R. C. Readett who alone is responsible for the accuracy or inaccuracy of the first records and of the records of the presence of species in the surrounding vice-counties. The herbarium specimens cited have in all cases been examined by him jointly with J. G. Hawkes. vVe should like to acknowledge the assistance we have received from those responsible for the various herbaria consulted; from the national specialists who have determined for us many specimens in the critical groups and who have sometimes supplied us with records; and from all the field workers on the \;Y arwickshire County Flora revision without whom much of this work would have been impossible. For reasons of space detailed acknowledgement is not made here, but will be made in full in the published Flora. General Principles First Records In giving the first record of a plant for the vice-county the term has been accepted in a wide sense: the first record for which the evidence was considered satisfactory, whether it be publication, manuscript or herbarium speci.men, has been accepted.
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