LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE MAR 02 1990 'PULSE' HEALTH GUIDE IN THIS ISSUE N6WARK, DELAWARE BUlK RATE U.S. POSTAGE PAlO PERM IH 138 NewArk Post NEW ARK . DE 19711 80th year, No.5 February 22, 1990 Newark, Del. Agreed: 273 bridge Police need new closing nears facility Safety concerns children arc in school. However, traffic i typically heav ier in the by Cathy Thomas to be discussed fall. The cos t may be more than they " The word I get is the residents expected, but city officials agree by Cathy Thomas of Woodmere want that projec t to sta n as soon as it can so they ca n that the city needs a new police The cracked bridge on Nottin­ ge t it over with ," said Senator stati on . gham Road will be torn down later I James P. Neal, R-Newark. A California consulting firm this year so a new bridge can be Tuesday night presented City Coun­ built over the Christina Creek. The bridge was posted willl a cil with their recommendations for As a res ult, traffic will be three ton weight limit in July 1988 a new police station. detoured onto Church Road in after cracks were discovered during The study, prepared by Wendell Woodmere, crea ting some sa fety a routine inspection. The cracks Mounce and Associates , indicates concerns for residents. were found in the concrete under­ that the cost of a new police station A meeting will be helcl at 7:30 neath the bridge. could run as much a $4 million ­ tonight (Thursday) at Downes $1 million more than the city had Elementary School to disc uss safety Due to llle weight limit, consLruc­ plan ned to spcncl for the project. concern s. tion trucks have been forced to City Manager Carl Luft believes If the bridge replacement proj ec t travel through Woodmere to get to the cos t ca n be reduced. begins in June, Nottingham Road new hC\n;ing developments. " When th e facility improvments could be reopened to traffic in a r-:eal sa id highway crews will im­ arc actually designed," he said, "I couple of monllls. Traffic is usually p·.uve Church Road so th at it will be believe we can supplement avail­ lighter during llle summer months, sa fe for traffic while llle bridge is able fund s with additional financing but the children arc out of school in being replaced. sources over the next two budget the summer, riding bicycles and " It's got to be done," Neal sa id years along with cos t reducti on playing ncar the streets. of the bridge repl acement. " ! think alternatives." The alternative is for lllc projec t it ought to be done in a way to mini­ Funds avai lable for the new to \ begin in Sep tember when mize safety problems." building amount to $3,083,400. That amount includes thi s year's bond tss ue to be constdcrcd by voters April 10. Roselle will take Final cos ts of the bui lding may depend on site selection. The con­ sul tants ruled out the prcsc m police station site due to its inadeq uate office; May 1 size. Police officials now work out of David P. Roselle{ officially be­ comes llle Univcrsit)' of Delaware's a renovated church on East Miiin 25 th president on May 1. Street. Chief William A. Hogan said cons tructing a new building on The presidential transition is now underway, according to the Andrew the cu rrent site would also displace B. Kirkpatrick Jr., chairman of the the department for several month . uni versity board of tru stees. The He said th e dcpartrncm would have Cheek bee-decked, a Newark High swimmer checks her time. trustee executive commillec recent­ to find another location while con­ ly approved transi tion plans made struction was underway - someth­ by Roselle and current president Dr. ing that is not real ly feas ible. Newark girls No. 1 E. Arthur Trab<ml. The city is seriously considering Roselle was elected the next two locations on Elkton Road: city­ Enter Meliss a Dalrymple. president of the universi ty during a owned property nex t to the Records fall as Dalrymple, Dalrympl e, who Newark coach Chris Collier cal ls trustee meeting in December. municipa l building and vacant Rudy and Klockars excel one of t11 c elite swimmers in the state, absolutely " Until May 1," said Kirkpatrick, property at Thorn Lane ncar an anihilatccl the 2:08 .1 2 state record in the 200-yard " Dr. Trabant will fulfill all official Aetn a fire house. by Steve Canaday ind ividual med ley that had stood since 1984. Dal­ university duties while taking a lead " lf we could build on the city rymple's 2:06.43 was almos t nine seconds ahead of in introducing Dr. Roselle to the hall site, that would be super," said th e second place finisher, Angela Szewczuk of university and larger commun ity." Luft. " It's a great location, and we The defending state champion Newark High Ursuline. Roselle, who is currently serving already have the property." Sr hool girls swimming tea m knew going into the as pres ident-elect, comes to David Roselle. City Counc il cannot take further state meet that their main competition would come " [ felt good toni ght," a dazed Dalrymple said Delaware from lllc University of Ro ellc and hi s wife, Louise, will ac tion on constructing a new police from A.l. duPont. afterward , "but l certainly wasn't ex pec ting a time Kentucky where he was pres ident move into th e Wright House - the station until the April 10 vote on the And when the AI team opened the meet by post­ that good. It was about two whole seconds under my ing a record -breaking time in the 200-yard medley since July of 1987. A native of official res idence of the pres ident bond iss ue. If the bond iss ue is ap­ bes t time, and J 'm more than a little bit surprised." relay, lllings didn't look too good for th e Vandergrift, Pa., he is a graduate of - later this spring. They arc cu r­ proved, city officials expect to Yellowj ackets. See SWIM/1 Oa West Chester State College and rently livi ng in other housing begin th e des ign of the new build­ Duke Uni versity. owned by th e university. ing in the fall. Biden: Say no Christina fires shot to legalization in war on drugs Now that t11 c district has c - by Neil Thomas tablishccl a solid base in the area of by Neil Thomas Tavern patrons could sidl e up to Weighing in against drugs in the prevention. she sa id it must move th e bar and for " two bits " order a class room, t11 c Chri stin a School into intervention. WILMINGTON - The '80 , pure gram of cocaine to further Di trict is preparing to institute tile START revolve s around core U.S. Senator Joseph R. 13iden Jr. boost th eir highs. second phase of a two-pronged at­ teams composed of build ing staff told the Delaware Media Associa­ " Mainstrea m America wa s be­ tack on substance abuse. member , according to Christina's tion during a luncheon here co ming add icted," Bidcn said. Christina has alrea dy implc­ Debb ie Lutz. Effective combin a­ Thursday, was a decade of un­ " Housewives to professors to mcntccl a drug abu se prevention ti ons include the principal, a co un- bridled coca ine abuse which laborers were strun g out. " progmm known as Here's Looki ng clor or student advi or, tea hers resul ted in huge increases in violent From 1898 to 1902, the nation 's At You 2,000, and thi fa ll plans to from each grade level, l11 e school crime. popu lation rose just I 0 percent begi n an intervention and co unsel­ nurse and other support staff mem­ Not exactly startling news, ri ght? while cocaine consumpti on jumped ing program known as START, for bers such as the human relation s Except the ' 80s to which Bielen 40 percent, morp hine usc 400 per­ Student Ass istance Referral T ea m. speci alist or school psycholog ist. referred we re the 1880s, not l11 e cent and heroin usc 600 percent. W i th th e programs, said At the clcmentar leveL START 1980s. With lllc increase in the usc of De laware Lt. Gov. Dale Wolf, directs its cffons toward th e In th e 1880s, America suffered drugs came a res ul ting increase in Chri tina is ·'way out in fron t of its first grea t cocaine epidemic with violent cri me. anything in Delaware." developm ent of ba s1• life ·ki lls man y of the same problems as arc But cven lllally, said Bielen, Carol Brown, who head s Chris­ ·uch as sdf- '& tc 111 , decision seen toda y, Bielen sa id . society carne to grips with the is uc tina drug abu se program , said mak ing skill · and the abilit y to cope Th en, the drug trade wa s more and America kicked th e habit. Here's Looking At You was begun with strc s. open. Thi rty brands of soft drink s, It did so primarily by educating in 1983 and today boasts " a very Withem early interve ntion, ·uch including Coca-Cola and anoth er the public as to lllc dangers of drug large network of teacher trainer problems can hlow up into more brand bluntl y named Dope, were Lt.
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