INDEX The index provides translations of the listed Chinese expressions; the translation of the titles of scriptures is only given if they are not listed in the bibliography. As a rule, only the main text is indexed. In some cases, personal names and names of sects or scriptures mentioned in the footnotes are also listed. The page number is then followed by "n" (e.g., 122n). A B Aidi Rffl (Han emperor), 28, 30, 36 Bagua j\:ff (Eight Trigrams), 303 Alchemy, 26, see also Neidan Bagua jiao /\:J:t~ (Eight Trigrams Alcohol Teaching), 339,413-426,431, abstinence from, 48n, 96, 144, 452, 4 78, see also Rebellion, 147-148,155,171, 192,231 Baguajiao use of, 64n, I 08n, 143, 323, 369 Bagua jiugong /\:tin'§ (Eight Amitabha, 126-127, 139, 180,219, trigrams and nine palaces), 303, 242, 244-245, 247, 280, 283-285, 417 300-30 I, 388-390 Bagua tu /\!HI! (Chart of the Eight Amulets of the Five Lords, see Trigrams), 413 Wugongfu Baiyangjiao am~ (White Yang An Shigao ~t!tiWi, 96 Teaching), 398 Ancient Buddha, see Gufo Bai Tieyu a•~, 122n Anhui,86,255,257, 265,354 Bailian cai a~~' see White Lotus Anyang~m, 193 Vegetarians Apocaloypse, apocalyptic beliefs, 84, Bailian jiao a~~' see White Lotus 135, 195,283,289,291,323, Teaching 372-373,442,471-472,480 Bailian* jiao B ~~' 269 in Buddhism, 128, 130-139, Baiyang a m(White yang), 120n, 145-146 246,253n, 283n,327-328,394, in Daoism, 81, 91, 133 428 Apocrypha Baiyang hui B mfr (White Yang Buddhist, 114, 130-134, 139, 145 Assembly), 276, 304 Confucian, 21, see also Chenwei Baiyi a :;t{, see White clothes Apostates, 233-234, 256 Baiyun a~, see White Cloud Asceticism, ascetics, 105, 142-145, movement 147, 150, 155 Baiyun cai a~~' see White Cloud August Ultimate, see Huangji Vegetarians Bao San~= , 336 Bao Wenyu §)C==&, 336 Hubert Seiwert and Ma Xisha - 9789047402343 Downloaded from Brill.com09/29/2021 01:54:54PM via free access 528 INDEX Bao Yizong §~'if;, 336 Chan Buddhism, 222, 229-230, 264, Baojuan -~ (Precious Scrolls), 228, 430,475 273-274, 292, 319, 368, 381-390, Chang'an fit$.', 52, 108 411, 438-439, 460, 468, see also Changshengjiao fit~~ (Teaching of Scriptures, sectarian Changsheng, or Teaching of BaopuziftQt~~,56 Long Life), 316-317 Beizhou ~')•['[, 122-123, 150, 193 Changzhou ~ 1'1'1, 411 Bhi~magarjitasvararaja (Weiyin &X; Chaos Origin Teaching, see Hunyuan i'l), 325 Jiao Bitiansi ~~~' 296 Chart for Disclosing the Hidden, see Blood Basin, 188, see Xue pen Tubei tu Bo HdlHD, 71-72 Chart of the Cultivation of Perfection, Boatmen, 231,238-240,250-251, see Xiuzhen tu 263,400,453 Chen ~Jl:[ (family of sect leaders), 401 Bodhidharma, 430 Chen fl* (sect teacher), 256 Buddhas of the three ages, see Three Chen Biao ~Jl:t~, 354n cosmic periods, Buddhas of the Chen Rui ll*lffil, 63-64, 67-68 Buddhism, 27, 34, 53, 95-164, 312, Chen Zhongzhi ~Jl:t1$~, 245 315, 355, 388, 430, 462, 480, see Chen Zizhong ~Jl:t~,';S'., 255 also Chan Buddhism; Lay Cheng Yi f5[1£&, 165 Buddhism Chengdi nlGw (Han emperor), 29 Chenwei imUl (Confucian apocry- c pha), 17-19, 21-22,81 Cakkavatti-sihanada-suttanta, Chenzhou ~Jl:t 1+1, 194 124-125 Chicai shimo ~*$!JI, See Cakravartin, 124-125 Vegetarian Devil Worshippers Candraprabha-kumara, see Yueguang Chijing zi #ffl~, 29-30, 89 tongzi Chuzhou~1'i'l, 252, 256 Canonical scriptures Cloud City (yuncheng ~:!JiX), Buddhist, 114, 124-125, 131, 159, 282-284, 289 189,204,263,498 Competition, 53 Confucian, 17-18, 21, 29, 33, 344, between Buddhism and Daoism, 496 53, 99, 102, 157-158 Daoist, 23-24, 52-53, 57, 61, 91, between religious groups, 109, 161, 93, 189-190 183,299,460,462 of the Sanyijiao, 349, 356-357 between religious teachers, 26, 76, Cao Cao tfti¥!, 42, 51, 54, 56 187,212,233,256,295,356, Cao Pi '/:f::f, 54 378, 452, see also Entrepreneurs, Catastrophes of the final age, see religious Apocalypse; Final period Complete Perfection, see Quanzhen Celestial Venerable, see Tianzun Confessions of sins, 37, 39, 41, 43, 48, Celestial Venerable of Primordial 96, 104 Beginning, see Yuanshi Tianzun Confucianism, 14-22,60, 315, Celestial Venerable of the Numinous 317-318, 343-344, 350-351,355, Treasure, see Lingbao tianzun 426, 428, 430, see also Ortho- doxy, Confucian Hubert Seiwert and Ma Xisha - 9789047402343 Downloaded from Brill.com09/29/2021 01:54:54PM via free access INDEX 529 Confucius, l 7, 166, 285, 317, 324, Daode jing m:1m~, 24, see also Laozi, 344,348-349,351,357,374, Book of 425-426, 430 Daoheng m:·t§:, I 06 Cui Hao *ti!r, 60 Daoism, 23-93, 100, 102, 107, 110, Cuihua Zhangjie ~ftiJ.IHEi, 376, 212, 289, 312, 315, 326, 379,401 346-347,355, 388,424,475 See Cultivation also Orthodoxy, Daoist in nine stages, 34 7 Daomin m:R (People of the Way), in ten steps (shibu xiuxing +:JP-f~ 170-172 11'), 279, 286-287' 371' 384, 398, Daoren m:A. (Man of the Way), 412,434,470 109-110, 155, 352 of the mind, 345-346, 354 Daoshim:±, 24,26 Daoxuanm:w, 132 D Dasheng ** (Mahayana, Great Da loutanjing ::*:ti:J!R~, 128 Vehicle), 253n,see also Dacheng Da xiao mingwang chushi kaiyuan Dayunjing )(~~&!(Great Cloud jing j(fj\EJJEEI±l t:ltOO 7[;~ (Sutra Siitra), 136, 140 about the Great and Lesser King Dehu zhangzhejing1mtii~~~' 115 of Light Appearing in the World Demons, 26, 32, 38, 43, 65, 82, Ill, to Open a New Era), l93n, see 113, 130, 356, 499, see also also Xiao dao mingwang chushi Guidao kaiyuan jing Devil, see Demons Dacheng **(name ofFaqing), lll, Dharai;!I, 105, 144, 155, see also 148 Mantra Dacheng ** (name of Gao Dharma King Stone Buddha, see Tancheng), 121 Fawang Shifo Dacheng::*:RJG (state), 66 Dharma name, see Name, religious Dacheng dajie jing ***m~ Dharrnakala, 104 (Scripture on the Great Precepts DiamondDhyana, seejin'gang chan of the Great Vehicle), 259-260 Diamond Siitra, see Jin'gang jing Dachengjiao **~(Great Vehicle Dilei jing $i~~JJ! (Siitra about Tears), Teaching), 236-49,241,251, 193-195 259-260,322,377-382,384,392, DingYu Tr, 253n 397-398, 400, 405-406, 408-409, Dingguo Gong /E~:L}, 320 411,413,419-420,432-435,458 Diparp.kara, 253, 283-284, 303, 371, Dacheng* jiao j(RJG~, 384n 373-374, see also Three cosmic Dachengjing **~(Great Vehicle periods, Buddhas of the Scriptures), 237n Dong Yiliang IIi-~, 432n Dacheng tianzhen yuandun zongmen Dong Yingliang iilfl!~, 432n **:7:::~111P~*r~ (Great Dong Zhongshu iifr¥~, 16, 18 Vehicle School of Heavenly Dongyuan shenzhou jing MJ mil flf! 5'E Truth and Complete and ~. 82-83, 85-87, 110, 133 Sudden [Enlightenment]), 381 Dou jf (Han empress), 24 Daning::*:~, 223,241-242,251 Doumu -4-Et, 349 Dao'an m:*' (4th century), 127 Dragon-Flower Assembly (Longhua Dao'an m:*' (13th century), 177 hui fffHI~fr), 126, 244, 282, 348, Hubert Seiwert and Ma Xisha - 9789047402343 Downloaded from Brill.com09/29/2021 01:54:54PM via free access 530 INDEX 358,370-371,374-376,392,404, Fachuanjiao l'*io/d-~ (Dharma Boat 411-412,424,469 Teaching), 407 Dragon-F1ower Scripture, see Fajing ?'*~, 112, 159 Longhua jing Fan Ben 11!jt, 66 Dragon-F1ower tree ~onghua shu ~~ Fan Changsheng 11!~~, 66-68 :ffiW), 125-126 Fang La 1JJlfj, 189, 197 Du Wanyii±f.lt-, 188, 198 Fangshi 1J±, 20, 24-28, 30, 38, 40, Du Zigongi±r:?#, 76-77, 79 54, 56, 119 Faqing ?'*~, lll-114, 116,121, E 148-149, 158 Eight trigrams, see Bagua Fasting, 73, 104, 144, 147-148, 150, Eight Trigrams Teaching, see Bagua 153, l 71, see also Vegetarianism jiao Fawang l'*.:E (Dharma King), 376 Elite culture, 494-500 Fawang Shifo J'*.:EE19t (Dharma Elixir of immortality, 31, see also King Stone Buddha), 376 Golden Elixir Faxiu r:*%', 109 Enben jing Jgl,;;zjs:#~ (Scripture on the Final period, final age, 283 Root of Benevolence), 436n of a kalpa, 59, 85, 133, 194, 232, Enlightened teacher (ming shi Ej)j ~ffi), 322-323,372-373,376,410 219,245,287,344,346,370, of the Dharma (mofa *1'*), 113, 374,424 129-130, 132, 141, 176, 187, Enlightenment, 126, 179, 218, 225, 194,297 246, 278-279, 294, 302, 315, Rrst Emperor of the Qin dynasty, see 321,330,384,390,412,424, Qin Shihuangdi 446,448,470 Five Books in Six Volumes (Wubu Entrepreneurs, religious, 212, 231, liuce li'OO ;\ ff!t), 209, 214, 218, 233, 449-451, 453, see also 222,227-229,237-239,245,247, Competition between religious 249, 252-255, 261-264, 266, 273, teachers 276, 292, 321, 330-331, 433, see Erhui =1'! (Two Assemblies), also Wubu jing 191-192, 195-197,203 Rve Pecks of Rice Sect, see Wudoumi Erhuizi=1Wr, 191 dao Erhuizi=1'1W/r, 196 Foguangf9t:7\:;, 237,240-241 Eschatology, 59, 133, 226, see also Foshuo fa miejinjing 19t~l'*~m~, Apocalypse; Final period, final see Fa miejin jing age Foshuo Huangjijieguo baojuan f9t~ Buddhist, 127-137, 156, 159 ~~~="f/:Jt:ff, see Huangji Daoist, 30, 32, 81-85, 90-91, 133 jieguo baojuan definition, 80 Foshuo tileijingf9t~~~#~ (Siitra Ming and Qing sects, 280, 282, 429 Spoken by the Buddha about Eternal Mother, see Wusheng Laomu Tears), 193, see also Dilei jing Fozhengf9tlE, 237,240-241 F Fubao Wi¥~, 227 Faxian r:*i!, 129 Fuen :miJgt, 227 Fa miejinjing l'*~iH~, 113, 115, 130, 141, 176 Hubert Seiwert and Ma Xisha - 9789047402343 Downloaded from Brill.com09/29/2021 01:54:54PM via free access INDEX 531 Fujian, 181, 189, 197,238,251,255, Gufo "i!if91l (Ancient Buddha), 218, 257,259,268,332,343,345, 276, 280, 282-284, 297-298, 356-357, 432 368-371,373, 387-388,443-444, FuxitK~,309,368,430 see also Gufo Wusheng; Huangji Gufo; Tianzhen Gufo; Yaoshi G Gufo) Gai Wu :iii~, 108 Gufo Tianzhen kaozheng Longhua Ganji TE, 33-34,40,69,71, see also baojing "i!if91l7:~~~'!ll¥lf Yuji ~' see Longhua jing Gan Zhongke i:tJi\;', PI, 29-31, 33-34, Gufo Tianzhen shouyuan jieguo 50-51 Longhua baochan "i!if91l7:~l& Gansu, 86, 107 1111?.\S=*'Ill¥Jllt, see Longhua
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