Let your VOICE be Heard! 2011-12 KBA Officers and Board of Governors PRESIDENT DISTRICT 2 (CON’T.) DISTRICT 10 Rachael K. Pirner Rep. Paul T. Davis Jeffery A. Mason (316) 630-8100 Wichita (785) 843-7674 Lawrence (785) 890-6588 Goodland [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] PRESIDENT-ELECT DISTRICT 3 DISTRICT 11 Lee M. Smithyman Eric L. Rosenblad Nancy Morales Gonzalez (913) 661-9800 Overland Park (620) 232-1330 Pittsburg (816) 936-5788 Kansas City, Mo. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] VICE PRESIDENT DISTRICT 4 DISTRICT 12 Dennis D. Depew William E. Muret William E. Quick (620) 325-2626 Neodesha (620) 221-7200 Winfield (816) 360-4335 Kansas City, Mo. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] SECRETARY-TREASURER DISTRICT 5 AT-LARGE GOVERNOR Gerald L. Green Terri S. Bezek Gwynne Harris Birzer (620) 662-0537 Hutchinson (785) 296-2639 Topeka (316) 265-7741 Wichita [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Natalie G. Haag KDJA REPRESENTATIVE Glenn R. Braun (785) 438-3121 Topeka Hon. Richard M. Smith (785) 625-6919 Hays [email protected] (913) 795-2622 Mound City [email protected] DISTRICT 6 [email protected] YOUNG LAWYERS SECTION PRESIDENT Bruce W. Kent KBA DELEGATE TO ABA Vincent M Cox (785) 556-2019 Manhattan Sara S. Beezley (785) 232-7761 Topeka [email protected] (620) 724-4111 Girard [email protected] DISTRICT 7 [email protected] DISTRICT 1 Matthew C. Hesse KBA DELEGATE TO ABA Gregory P. Goheen (316) 858-4924 Wichita Linda S. Parks (913) 371-3838 Kansas City, Kan. [email protected] (316) 265-7741 Wichita [email protected] J. Michael Kennalley [email protected] (316) 263-3200 Wichita Kip A. Kubin [email protected] ABA BOARD OF GOVERNORS (816) 531-8188 Kansas City, Mo. Thomas A. Hamill [email protected] Calvin D. Rider (316) 267-7361 x 157 Wichita (913) 491-5500 Overland Park Eric G. Kraft [email protected] [email protected] (913) 498-3536 Overland Park ABA STATE DELEGATE [email protected] DISTRICT 8 Hon. Christel E. Marquardt Mira Mdivani John B. Swearer (620) 662-3331 Hutchinson (785) 296-6146 Topeka (913) 317-6200 Overland Park [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DISTRICT 2 DISTRICT 9 Jeffrey J. Alderman Charles E. Branson David J. Rebein (620) 227-8126 Dodge City (785) 234-5696 Topeka (785) 841-0211 Lawrence [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] July/August 2011 • Volume 80 • No. 7 The Journal THE Board of Editors OURNAL of the KANSAS BAR ASSOCIATION Your Partner in the Profession • www.ksbar.org Richard D. Ralls, Chair Shawnee Mission Aïda Marie Alaka Topeka J Terri Savely Bezek Topeka Hon. David E. Bruns Topeka Focus Boyd A. Byers Wichita Toby J. Crouse Overland Park Connie S. Hamilton Topeka Evan H. Ice Lawrence 28 Void Katharine J. Jackson Manhattan Michael T. Jilka Overland Park Enactments Lisa R. Jones Wichita Hon. Janice Miller Karlin Topeka of the Kansas Casey R. Law McPherson Julene L. Miller Topeka Legislature Wichita Hon. Robert E. Nugent By David E. Pierce Nancy A. Ogle Wichita Professor John C. Peck Lake Quivira Teresa M. Schreffler Lawrence Richard H. Seaton Sr. Manhattan Sarah B. Shattuck Ashland Richard D. Smith Topeka Items of Interest Regular Features Marty M. Snyder Topeka Matthew A. Spurgin Topeka 08 Actions and Consequences 06 President’s Message Catherine A. Walter Topeka Thinking Ethics: Coping with Young Lawyers Section News Issaku Yamaashi Overland Park 10 07 New Technology Rachael K. Pirner, BOG liaison Wichita 11 Law Students’ Corner 14 19 Honored by the Kansas Bar Association for Their Service to 12 Law Practice Management Richard D. Ralls, Chairperson the Profession Tips & Tricks [email protected] Beth Warrington, Communications Manager 20 Milestones for Members of the 13 Members in the News [email protected] Legal Community 13 Obituaries 22 Golf and Sporting Clays Results 44 Appellate Decisions 22 In Memoriam ... You’ll be Missed 45 Appellate Practice Reminders OUR MISSION 22 Special Thanks to the 2011 58 Classifieds Annual Meeting Planning Task Force, Supreme Court Education 59 CLE Docket The Kansas Bar Association is Committee, and Annual Meeting dedicated to advancing the pro- Sponsors fessionalism and legal skills of The Robert K. Weary Award lawyers, providing services to its 23 members, serving the commu- 53 Notice of Amendment of Local nity through advocacy of public Rules of Practice of the United policy issues, encouraging public States District Court understanding of the law, and promoting the effective admin- istration of our system of justice. www.ksbar.org The Journal of the Kansas Bar Association | July/August 2011 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS CON’T. Article ... serving the citizens of Kansas and the legal profession through funding chari- 24 table and educational projects that foster 2011 the welfare, honor, and integrity of the legal system by improving its accessibility, equality, and uniformity, and by enhanc- Legislative ing public opinion of the role of lawyers in our society. Kansas Law Center Update 1200 SW Harrison By Joseph N. Molina III Topeka, Kansas 66612-1806 Telephone: (785) 234-5696 Fax: (785) 234-3813 Website: www.ksbar.org OFFICERS Daniel H. Diepenbrock Liberal President [email protected] Joni J. Franklin Wichita President-elect [email protected] Cover layout & design by Ryan Purcell [email protected] Katherine L. Kirk Lawrence Secretary-Treasurer [email protected] James D. Oliver Overland Park Immediate Past President [email protected] BOARD OF TRUSTEES Glenn R. Braun Hays James C. Dodge Sublette Holly Dyer Wichita Gregory P. Goheen Kansas City, Kan. James L. Hargrove El Dorado Aaron L. Kite Dodge City Charles L. Lee Hutchinson Amy E. Morgan Overland Park David H. Moses Wichita Edward J. Nazar Wichita C. David Newbery Topeka Susan G. Saidian Wichita Todd N. Thompson Lawrence Kenneth W. Wasserman Salina Hon. Evelyn Z. Wilson Topeka Melissa R. Doeblin Topeka Young Lawyers Representative Margaret A. Farley Lawrence Kansas Association for Justice Representative Patrice Petersen-Klein Topeka Kansas Women Attorneys Association Representative William L. Townsley III Wichita Kansas Association of Defense Counsel Representative Laura L. Ice Wichita Kansas Bar Association Representative Bruce W. Kent Manhattan Kansas Bar Association Representative Timothy M. O’Brien Kansas City, Kan. Kansas Bar Association Representative EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Jeffrey J. Alderman Topeka [email protected] MANAGER, PUBLIC SERVICES Kelsey Schrempp Topeka [email protected] www.ksbar.org The Journal of the Kansas Bar Association | July/August 2011 5 FROM THE PRESIDENT RACHAEL K. PIRNER Leaving Her Corner of the Forest “You can’t stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to The Association is launching a new and updated website come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.” this year. With that will come a software upgrade that will –Winnie the Pooh allow for list serves to be maintained by the Association for the benefit of our section members. The first section members his is one president that is leaving her corner of the that will be asked to subscribe will be Solo & Small Firm Sec- forest — or the plains, as the case may be — to see my tion and young lawyers. As we all know, there has been great friends and colleagues. My hope is that this year many growth of small and solo practitioners in this state and around Tof us will also venture out of our corners of the forest. One the country. The list serve will give our colleagues a forum to of my objectives, and thankfully one shared by our president- ask for advice about their business, “what has been your ex- elect, Lee Smithyman, and our vice president, Dennis Depew, perience with XYZ billing software,” or seek answers to ques- is to create opportunities for us to better communicate with tions in the course of practicing law and, most importantly, one another. We will facilitate communications between the our colleagues in Solo & Small Firm Section can begin to Board of Governors, the officers, and you. But we will also build relationships with one another that are not constrained create opportunities among the members, committees, and by geographic proximity. sections for networking and communication. We have great Lee, Dennis, and I are going on a listening tour this year, lawyers that comprise our Association. Our substantive sec- and if necessary, the next few years. We want to visit our mem- tions include the best practitioners in their respective areas of bers and colleagues around the state to talk to them about the law and each section contributes to our profession, mak- their practices, their needs and see how this organization can ing us all better lawyers. Our committees work to implement better serve those needs. At the time of this writing, we have our Mission, tirelessly. Now, it is time to get acquainted, re- meetings scheduled in Liberal, Colby, Dodge City, Hays, gardless of where we live or work. Washington, Topeka, Fredonia, Wichita, Johnson County, Last year, for the first time in a long while, the Associa- Marion, and Ottawa. We will be meeting with the Kansas tion facilitated a meeting among section presidents and com- Women Attorneys Association, the Kansas Association of De- mittee chairs. Wow, put a bunch of smart, passionate lawyers fense Counsel, and the Kansas Association for Justice. We are into a room and just sit back and watch the innovative ideas in the process of scheduling additional meetings with local about how to better serve membership fly. Collaboration and and specialty bars across the state. If you would like for one of networking among our colleagues was instantaneous, the by- us to visit your local bar, please call or email me at rpirner@ product will be new CLE opportunities and better service to ksbar.org.
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