INDEX Abbott, Mrs., 197 Alman, Miriam, A Guide to Manuscripts Re- Abernethy, Thomas P., The South in the New lating to America in Great Britain and Nation, 1789-1819, rev., 353~355 Ireland, ed. by Crick and Alman, rev., Abington, Pa., 127, 131 507-508 Abington Monthly Meeting, 127, 128 Alverthorpe, countryseat, 70-71, 181, 183, Academy of Fine Arts. See Pennsylvania 192-193, 194, 342 Academy of the Fine Arts Ambler, Mary, 33m Academy of Music, Phila.: described, 344, Ambler, Pa., 127, 331 n 345, 348; opening of, 342; operas at (1857), Amelia Sophia Eleanora, Princess, 430 344, 345; scenery in, 345, 347~348 America: John Dickinson on, 274-275; the Academy of Philadelphia. See under Univer- "invention" of, rev., 91-92 sity of Pennsylvania American Ethnographical Survey, 301, 30 m "An Account of Goods at Pennsbury Manor, American-German Review, 314 1687," by Hubertis M. Cummings, 397-416 American Historical Association, 307 Achillesy steam collier, 173, 177 The American Musical Stage Before 1800, by Act of Settlement, 420 Mates, rev., 488-489 Adair, Douglass, Peter Oliver's Origin & American Philosophical Society, 132, 47in; Progress of the American Rebellion: A Tory catalogue of portraits in, rev., 109-110; View, ed. by Adair and Schutz, rev., coal displayed by, 161 216-218 American Railroads, by Stover, rev., 106 Adams, John, 132, 241 American Red Cross, 312 Adams, John Quincy, 42; funeral procession, American Revolution: John Dickinson and, in Phila., 75 243; Hope Lodge during, 116, 133-136; Adams, Peter, 130 intelligence service, 134, 136; lawyers and, Adams, Samuel, 241 241-242; the Negro in, rev., 487-488; Admiralty courts, and Stamp Act enforce- Peter Oliver's account of, rev., 216-218; ment, 36n, 39 Pa. Germans and, 31 in; Pa. politics during Aesop, 277W (1776), rev., 216; Whitemarsh campaign, Africa, slaves from, 145, 147, 343 134-136. See also Colonies, Am. (British); Agriculture: S. G. Fisher's interest in, 49, 52, Continental Army; Independence; Prison 62, 74-75, 88,181,323,327-328,347; use of ships hay dust (1685), 400; use of soot (1687), American Suffrage: From Property to Democ- 402. See also names of individual crops and racy, 1760-1860, by Williamson, rev., 97-99 domestic animals; Orchards; Seeds American Swedish Historical Museum, 302 Aix-la-Chapelle, Treaty of, 417, 421 n Americana Germanica, 299,301-302,303,307, Albany, N. Y., 69, 70; S. G. Fisher on, 68 308, 311 Albany Plan of Union, 419 Amity, ship, 156 Albion, Robert G., 173 Ancient Order of Hibernians, 313 Albright, Raymond W., Focus on Infinity. Anderson, James, 44 A Life of Phillips Brooks, rev., 104-106 Anderson, Rebecca C. Lloyd (Mrs. Wm. Alexander the Great, 281 Anderson), 255, 424-425, 440-441 Alexander Wilson, Naturalist and Pioneer, by Anderson, William, 255, 440 Cantwell, rev., 214-216 Andirons, 409, 411, 413 All, Isaac, 132 Andros, Sir Edmund, 376 All Souls Library, Oxford, 285 Anglicans. See Church of England Allen, Capt. See All, Isaac Anglo-American relations, in Baltic Sea Allen, Carlos R., Jr., rev. of Brant's James (1812), 43-48 passim. See also American Madison, Commander in Chief, 1812-1836, Revolution 357-35? . Anglo-Saxonism, 62; reaction to, of German- Allen, William, 157, 4.23W, 440 Americans, 288, 289, 290, 294, 295, 305, Allentown, steam collier, 173, 177 307, 316 509 5io INDEX October Ann, servant, 60, 190, 192 Bacon, Mr., 453 Anna,) brigantine, 158^ Bacon, Anthony, 255 The Annals of Murder. A Bibliography of Bacon, Francis, 1st Baron Verulam and Books and Pamphlets on American Murder Viscount St. Albans, 280, 283/7 from Colonial Times to 1900, comp. by Bacon, in London (1754), 264 McDade, rev., 213-214 Bahamas, charter (1670), 387 Annesley, Arthur, 1st Earl of Anglesey, 395 Bailyn, Bernard, Education in the Forming of Anson, George, Baron Anson, 282, 433 American Society. Needs and Opportunities Anthony, Joseph, 167 for Study, rev., 111-112 Anthracite coal: early reaction to, 161; mines Baize, 404 of Reading Co., 171, 174, 179; production Baker, Charles E., Supreme Court of Judica- of, in Pa., 161, 162, 167; steamships and, ture of the Province of New York, 1691-1704, 167, 172, 178. See also Coal trade by Hamlin and Baker, rev., 92-95 The Antifederalists: Critics of the Constitution, Balfour, Mr., 33 1781-1788, by Main, rev., 490-492 Balfour, James, 33/7 Antislavery movement, 58; Friends and, 143, Ball, Joseph, estate of, purchased by Reading 159. See also Slave trade; Slavery; Slaves Railroad, 164 Appel, John J., "Marion Dexter Learned and Ball, Robert, 214 the German American Historical Society," Balloon ascensions, by Goddard (1856), 338 287-318 Balls, 328; at Academy of Music (1857), 342; Apples, 264 fancy dress (1846), 54-56; of Mrs. Jas. Archbold, Samuel, 177 Rush, 467, 468 Architecture, 184; of Hope Lodge, 115-116, Baltic Sea, Am. shipping in (1812), 42-48 118 passim Armies, standing, in England, 247, 418, 445, Baltimore, Lord. See Calvert, Charles; 448-449 Calvert, Frederick Army, U. S., in Mexican War, 59, 60-61 Bancroft, George, 243/7 Arnold, Benedict, profiteering of, 137 Bank of Commerce, Phila., 463 Art, at Hampton Court, described by John Bank of the United States, 2nd, 87,141,165— Dickinson, 281. See also Paintings; Sculp- 166; and Phila., Wilmington and Baltimore ture Railroad, 329, 341 Articles of Confederation, 243 Banking: crisis in (1857), 462, 463, 464; Ashhurst, Richard, & Sons, firm, 345/j S. G. Fisher writes on, 469, 472; Pa. Bank- Ashhurst, William Henry, 345 ing Act (1840), 469?*; Pa. "relief bill" Ashland, Henry Clay estate, 74-75 (1857), 469 Assemblies, colonial, and Stamp Act, 23, 24 Barbados: and royal disallowance, 385; slaves Assembly, Pa. (colonial, 1682-1776): and de- from, 144, 146. 147, 158 fense measures, 419, 432/7, 439-440; levies Barclay, David (1682-1769), 260, 428, 440 duties on slaves, 150, 151; loses appeal to Barclay, David, & Sons, 260/7, 266 Board of Trade (1755), 419, 432; meeting Barclay, Robert (1648-1690), 376/1, 392 room, compared to House of Lords, 259; Barges: coal, 173, 179-180; coal, at Port Quaker influence in, 439-440; and taxation Richmond, i75r; at Pennsbury, 400, 402 of Penn estates, 273/2, 419, 446 Barillon, , 378/7 Assembly, Pa. (bicameral, 1790- ), 324; Baring, Alexander, 141 corruption in (1850), 186; denies Middleton Baring Brothers, 141 divorce, 183/;; passes relief act for banks Barley, 416 (1857),469; and Reading Railroad, 165,172 Barnett, Mrs., 274 Assembly, Phila. See Philadelphia Assembly Barnum's Museum, 1951"; destroyed by fire Athenaeum, Phila., 71-72, 200 (1850), 194 Atherton, Emily J. See Purviance, Emily J. Barre*, Col. Isaac, 19-20, 21, 41 Atherton Bartle, Rudolph, 136 Atherton, Humphrey, 77, 79, 86 Barton, Dr. John Rhea, S3 Atherton, Mrs. Humphrey, 77,78,344, 463 Barton, Susan Ridgway (Mrs. Thos. Rotch, Atherton, Sarah Ann. See Fisher, Sarah Ann Mrs. John Rhea Barton), 53, 467, 468 Atherton Bath, Earls of. See Grenville, John; Pulteney, Augusta, Princess, 430 William Augusta of Saxe-Gotha, Princess of Wales, Bathrooms, 199, 459 420, 421/2, 430 Baths, public, 456 Austria, 418, 438/z Bay State, steamboat, described, 66-67 Autobiographies, Am., bibliography of, rev., Bayard, Richard Henry, 73, 74 IIO-III Beads, 403, 406 1962 INDEX 511 Beales, H. L., 507 Board of Trade (Lords Commissioners for Beans, 146,409,415 Trade and Plantations): creation of, ^79, Beckford, William, 16-17, 3ln 382, 392; John Dickinson attends meetings Bed pans. See Warming pans of, 257-258; and grant of Pa., 375-396 Bedding, in Pennsbury inventory (1687), 406, passim; and laws of Jamaica, 385; N. Y. 407, 408, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 416 merchants petition (1766), 32W; questions Bedford, Duke of. See Russell, John colonial agents (1756), 439; supports Thos. Bedsteads, 130; at Pennsbury (1687), 408, Penn against Pa. Assembly (1755), 419,432 410,411,412,414,416 Board of Trade, Phila., 162 Beef, 146,399,400,415 Boats, belonging to Wm. Penn, 400, 402, Beer, 399 40977. See also Barges; Canal boats; Ferry Belaysyse, Earl Fauconberg, 392, 395 boats; Ships Belfield, countryseat, 473n Bodleian Library, 285-286 Bell, Mr., 285 Bodley, Sir Thomas, 285^ Bells, 403, 406, 413 Bohemia, countryseat, 465 Benezet, Anthony, 143 Bohner, Charles H., John Pendleton Kennedy, Bennett, Henry, 1st Earl of Arlington, 395 Gentleman from Baltimore, rev., 102-104 Benson, Lee, The Concept of Jacksonian Bolingbroke, Lord. See St. John, Henry Democracy: New York as a Test Case, rev., Bolivar, Fernando, 470-471, 472 223-225 Bolivar, Simon, 470^ Bentham, Jeremy, 74 Bollan, William, 36n Berkeley, John, Lord, 379W Bolsters, 407,408,410,411,412,413,414,416 Berks, steam collier, 173, 177 Bonaparte, Napoleon. See Napoleon I Berlin, University of, 316 Bonnefons, Nicholas de, 407 Berman, Milton, John Fiske: The Evolution of Book trade, western (19th century), rev., a Popularizer, rev., 226-228 361-362 Bernheim, Albert, 311 Books: on gardening, 403, 407; of Samuel Bible, 131, 286; New Testament, S. G. Fisher Morris (1770), 131; at Pennsbury (1687), on, 200; Raphael's illustrations from, in 403, 407, 408. See also Libraries Hampton Court, 281 Boscawen, Admiral Edward, 446 A Bibliography of American Autobiographies, Bosse, Georg von, 289, 296, 303W, 312 comp. by Kaplan, rev., 110-111 Bosse, Siegmund von, 312 Biddle, Mr., 132 Boston, Mass., 174, 177, 179, 180, 185; S. G. Biddle, Edward, SS Fisher article reprinted in, 333, 33s; im- Biddle, Jane J. Sarmiento (Mrs. Edward portation of tea (after 1770), 132; mer- Biddle), SS chants of, and War of 1812, 42; ships from, Biddle, Nicholas (1786-1844), $Snj l&5 in Sweden (1812), 46, 47 Biddle, Mrs. William, 328 Bottles, 410; glass, 410; leather, 410 Bill, servant, 464 Bowen, Eli, 170 Bingham, William, 117 Bowers shipyard, 163 Binney, Horace, 51, 332, 335, 33$'* S.
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