Illustrations Measurements are given in centimetres, height before width before depth. 1. Ossip Zadkine, Le Poete, OU Hommage a Paul Eluard, 1954. Plaster, 216 x 57 x 76. Musee Zadkine, Paris. Photo: Marc Vaux 2. Alberto Giacometti, Objet desagreable, ajeter, 1931. Wood, 31 x 19.6 x 29. The Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh. Photo: Antonia Reeve 3. Alberto Giacometti, Sans titre (Femme egorgee), c. 1932. Pen and ink on paper, 31.6 x 24.5. Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh. Gabrielle Keiller Collection 4. Pierre-Jean David d'Angers, Goethe, 1829-31. Plaster. Musee d'Orsay, Paris.© Photo RMN 5. Auguste Preault, Virgile, 1853. Bronze. Musee d'Orsay, Paris.© Photo RMN 6. Auguste Preault, Dante, 1852. Bronze. Musee d'Orsay, Paris. © Photo RMN 7. Gabriel Pech, Monument a Charles Perrault, 1908. Stone. Jardin des Tuileries, Paris 8. Alexandre Schoenewerk, La Jeune Tarentine, 1872. Marble. Musee d'Orsay, Paris.© Photo RMN 9. Theodore Riviere, SalammbO chez Math6, 1895. Bronze, ivory and jewels. Musee d'Orsay, Paris.© Photo RMN 10. Ernest Christophe, La Comedie humaine, 1876. Marble. Musee d'Orsay, Paris.© Photo RMN 11. Paul Dubois, Chanteur jlorentin, 1865. Silvered bronze, h.38.4. Musee d'Orsay, Paris.© Photo RMN 12. Pierre-Jean David d' Angers, Le Poete Gilbert, 1842. Plaster. Galerie David, Angers Keith Aspley, Elizabeth Cowling, and Peter Sharratt - 9789004484078 Downloaded from Brill.com09/26/2021 05:36:05AM via free access 216 13. Auguste Preault, Orphelie, 1843. Bronze, 75 x 200 x 20. Musee d'Orsay, Paris.© Photo RMN 14. Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux, Ugolin et ses fils, 1857-61. Bronze, h.194. Musee d'Orsay, Paris. 15. Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux, Ugolin rampant sur les corps de ses enfants, 1858. Black crayon, pen, ink and wash ori paper, 14 x 21.5. Musee des Beaux-Arts, Valenciennes 16. Auguste Rodin, Porte de l'Enfer, c.1880-1900. Plaster. Musee d'Orsay, Paris, on deposit from Musee Rodin. © Photo RMN 17. Auguste Rodin, Sketch for Porte de l 'Enfer, 1880. Plaster. Musee d'Orsay, Paris.© Photo RMN 18. Auguste Rodin, Le Baiser, 1887. Marble. Musee d'Orsay, Paris. © PhotoRMN 19. Auguste Rodin, Porte de l'Enfer (detail of left panel). © Photo RMN 20. Auguste Rodin, Porte de l'Enfer (detail of left side). © Photo RMN 21. Auguste Rodin, Porte de l'Enfer (detail of right panel).© Photo RMN 22. Auguste Rodin, Fugit amor, c.1881. Bronze, 38.8 x 46 x 33.5. Musee d'Orsay, Paris.© Photo RMN 23. Camille Claude!, L'Age mur, OU La Fatalite, 1895. Plaster, 87 x 99.5 x 52.5. Musee d'Orsay, Paris. ©Photo RMN 24. Camille Claude!, L'Age mur, 1899-1903. Bronze, 114 x 163 x 72. Musee d'Orsay, Paris.© Photo RMN 25. Auguste Rodin, Le Penseur, 1887. Pen and ink in margin of Paul Gallimard's copy of Les Fleurs du Mal (1857) by Charles Baudelaire. Musee Rodin, Paris 26. Auguste Rodin, Sans titre, 1887. Pen and ink in Paul Gallimard's copy of Les Fleurs du Mal (1857) by Charles Baudelaire. Musee Rodin, Paris Keith Aspley, Elizabeth Cowling, and Peter Sharratt - 9789004484078 Downloaded from Brill.com09/26/2021 05:36:05AM via free access 217 27. Auguste Rodin, Satan, 1887. Pen and ink in Paul Gallimard's copy of Les Fleurs du Mal (1857) by Charles Baudelaire. Musee Rodin, Paris 28. Auguste Rodin, le suis belle, c.1882. Bronze, 75 x 40 x 30. Musee d'Orsay, Paris.© Photo RMN 29. Emile-Antoine Bourdelle, Buste de Leon Cladel, 1894. Bronze, h. 126. Musee Ingres, Montaubon. Photo © Courtauld Institute of Art 30. Emile-Antoine Bourdelle, Monument a Auguste Quercy, 1911. Bronze, h. 120. Jardin des Plantes, Montaubon. Photo © Courtauld Institute of Art 31. Emile-Antoine Bourdelle, Apollon et sa meditation et les Muses (detail), 1912. Bronze, h. 284. Central panel from frieze for Theatre des Champs-Elysees, Paris. Photo© Courtauld Institute of Art 32. Emile-Antoine Bourdelle, Sapho, 1924-25. Bronze, h. 210. Musee Bourdelle, Paris. Photo © Courtauld Institute of Art 33. G. Duroucher, Monument a Ronsard. Stone. Tours. Photo© Courtauld Institute of Art 34. Fran~ois Sicard, Monument aux marts, 1870. Stone. Lycee Descartes, Tours. Photo © Courtauld Institute of Art 35. Denys Puech, Monument a Leconte de Lisle, 1898. Stone. Jardin du Luxembourg, Paris. Photo © Courtauld Institute of Art 36. Emile-Antoine Bourdelle, Monument a Moreas, 1911. Plaster, h. 40. Musee Bourdelle, Paris. Photo: Gazette des Beaux-Arts 37. Emile-Antoine Bourdelle, Femme sculpteur au repos, 1906. Bronze, h. 68. Musee Bourdelle, Paris. Photo© Courtauld Institute of Art 38. Alexandre Falguiere, Untitled decorative sculpture. Stone. Toulouse. Photo © Courtauld Institute of Art 39. Paul Valery, Edgar Degas (left), 1910, Stephane Mallarme (right), 1910. Wax. Musee d'Orsay, Paris.© Photo RMN Keith Aspley, Elizabeth Cowling, and Peter Sharratt - 9789004484078 Downloaded from Brill.com09/26/2021 05:36:05AM via free access 218 40. Edgas Degas, Tete, petite etude pour le Portrait de Madame S., c.1892. Bronze, 14.5 x 10.4. Musee d'Orsay, Paris.© Photo RMN 41. Paul Valery, Manuscript with drawings. Pen and ink on paper. Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. Reproduced from Cahiers 1894-1914, eds Nicole Celeyrette-Pietri et Judith Robinson-Valery, Paris, 1987. © Editions GALLIMARD 42. Paul Valery, Chez Mallarme, 10 October 1891. Pen and ink on paper. Bibliotheque litteraire Jacques Doucet, Paris 43. Paul Valery, Une Salle de Spectacle: projet d'illustration pour "Monsieur Teste", Ink and wash on paper. Musee Paul Valery, Sete 44. Edgar Degas, Renoir et Mallarme, 1895. Photograph. Bibliotheque litteraire Jacques Doucet, Paris 45. Edgas Degas, Danseuse regardant la plante de son pied droit, c.1896- 1911. Bronze, 45.7 x 18.5 x 20.7. Musee d'Orsay, Paris.© Photo RMN 46. Henri Laurens, Instrument de musique, 1916. Papier colle and charcoal on paper, 36.5 x 55.9. National Gallery of Art, Washington 47. Henri Laurens, Nature morte, 1918. Papier colle and charcoal, 32 x 40. Galerie Louise Leiris, Paris 48. Henri Laurens, Bouteille et pipe, 1917. Papier colle and chalk, 47 x 30. Galerie Louise Leiris, Paris 49. Henri Laurens, Guitare, 1919. Painted stone, h.37. Galerie Louise Leiris, Paris 50. Hans Arp, Tete stabile, 1926. Painted wood, 61 x 45. Stiftung Hans Arp und Sophie Taeuber-Arp e.v., Rolandseck. Photograph by kind permission of the owner and Hubertus Gassner. 51. Hans Arp, Tete aux objets ennuyeux, 1930. Bronze, 36 x 26 x 19. Stiftung Hans Arp und Sophie Taeuber-Arp e. V., Rolandseck. Photo© museum Keith Aspley, Elizabeth Cowling, and Peter Sharratt - 9789004484078 Downloaded from Brill.com09/26/2021 05:36:05AM via free access 219 52. Hans Arp, "L' Air est une racine", Le Surrealisme au service de la revolution, 6, 1933. Stiftung Hans Arp und Sophie Taeuber-Arp e.V., Rolandseck. 53. Hans Arp, Chemise et fourchette, 1922-27. Painted wood, 39 x 37. Stiftung Hans Arp und Sophie Taeuber-Arp e. V., Rolandseck. Photograph by kind permission of Serge Fauchereau. 54. Hans Arp, Kaspar, 1930. Bronze, 50 x 28 x 19. Stiftung Hans Arp und Sophie Taeuber-Arp e. V., Rolandseck. Photograph by kind permission of Serge Fauchereau 55. Hans Arp, Yawning Shell, 1965. Bronze, 15.5 x 22 x 15. Stiftung Hans Arp und Sophie Taeuber-Arp e. V., Rolandseck. Photograph by kind permission of Serge Fauchereau 56. Hans Arp, Doigts, 1933. Collage, 26.7 x 22.4. Stiftung Hans Arp und Sophie Taeuber-Arp e. V., Rolandseck. Photograph by kind permission of Hubertus Gassner 57. Hans Arp, Groupe mediterraneen, 1941-42. Bronze. Fondazione Marguerite Arp, Locarno. Photo © Celesia fotografia, Locarno 58. Hans Arp, Sculpture automatique (Hommage a Rodin), 1938. Plaster, 27 x 22 x 11.5. Mrs Erica Kessler, Locarno. Photograph by kind permission of Serge Fauchereau 59. Hans Arp, Roue foret /, 1961. Stone, 90 x 82 x 20. Fondazione Marguerite Arp, Locarno. Photo © Celesia fotografia, Locarno 60. Andre Breton, Poeme-objet: Portrait de l'acteur A.B., 1941. Assemblage on board. Present whereabouts unknown 61. Andre Breton, Objet a fonctionnement symbolique, 1931. Various materials assembled on a wooden plank, 24.5 x 41.5 x 32. Private collection 62. Andre Breton, Poeme-objet, 1935. Assemblage and manuscript poem on wooden board, 31 x 35.6 x 6.9. The Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh 63. Cover of Documents, 11/1, 1930 Keith Aspley, Elizabeth Cowling, and Peter Sharratt - 9789004484078 Downloaded from Brill.com09/26/2021 05:36:05AM via free access 220 64. Stills from Fox Movietone Follies of 1929, in Documents, 116, 1929 65. Alberto Giacometti, Homme et femme (1928-29) and Tetes (1927-29). Photograph composed by Michel Leiris, and published in Documents, 114, 1929 66. Jacques-Andre Boiffard, Gros orteil, sujet feminin, 24 ans, 1929. Photograph published in Documents, 1/6, 1929 67. Alberto Giacometti, Various sculptures including Homme (1929). Photograph composed by Michel Leiris, and published in Documents, 114, 1929 68. Alberto Giacometti, Objet desagreable, 1931. Wood, 15.5 x 49 x 11. Private Collection 69. Bahaylou, L'Homme et !'aloes, 1928. ·Reproduced in Documents, 116, 1929 70. Pablo Picasso, La Grue, 1951. Plaster, spade, forks, metal items, tap and sprig of osier on wooden base. 76.5 x 29 x 43.5. Musee Picasso, Paris. © Photo RMN - Beatrice Hatala 71. Pablo Picasso, Guitare, 1912. Construction of cardboard, string and wire (restored). 65.1x33 x 19. The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Gift of the Artist. Photograph© 1995 The Museum of Modern Art, New York 72. Pablo Picasso, Verre d'absinthe, 1914. Painted bronze with silver-plated spoon. 22 x 16.5 x 5. Berggruen Collection, Berlin 73. Pablo Picasso, Tete de femme, 1929-30. Painted iron, sheet-iron, springs and colanders.
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