Zoran Gavrilovski – 50 JT ( TMP ) 2018, #2: Award by Karol Mlynka

Zoran Gavrilovski – 50 JT ( TMP ) 2018, #2: Award by Karol Mlynka

ZORAN GAVRILOVSKI – 50 JUBILEE TOURNEY : AWARDS Published in The Macedonian Problemist (TMP ), Special issue № 57a (supplement to issue № 57, September – December 2018) CONTENTS Zoran Gavrilovski – 50 JT ( TMP ) 2018, #2: award by Karol Mlynka ....................................................... 2 Zoran Gavrilovski – 50 JT ( TMP ) 2018, #3: award by Predrag Žuvi ć....................................................... 6 Zoran Gavrilovski – 50 JT ( TMP ) 2018, S#: award by Ji ři Jelinek ........................................................... 13 Zoran Gavrilovski – 50 JT ( TMP ) 2018, H#2: award by Nikola Stolev ................................................... 19 Zoran Gavrilovski – 50 JT ( TMP ) 2018, H#2½-n: award by Hans Gruber ..............................................23 “A Grandmaster of Chess Poetry” (interview), Nova Makedoniya, 25.08.2018 ......................................27 Three selected chess problems of Zoran Gavrilovski .................................................................................28 The best of Macedonia! 31 December 2018 ZORAN GAVRILOVSKI – 50 JT 2018: MATES IN TWO MOVES 1st Prize: № 31, Pavel Murashev PARTICIPANTS A rich complex of themes with changed functions of white moves, Z-(2,3,3)-38, Zagoruiko Barry Barnes – 1; Branislav Djuraševi ć – 2; Boško Milošeski – 3; Vyacheslav Pilchenko – 4* ; (xyz), Barnes (AB) Dombrovskis theme (ABx!), Dombrovskis paradox by secondary threat (Ax!), Le Grand (xAB), Pseudo-Erokhin (CB), exchange of defenses and refutations (xy), Valery Shavyrin – 4* ; Petro Novitsky – 5; Rauf Aliovsadzade – 6*; Petro Novitsky – 6*, 7*; D Mykola Chernyavskyi – 7*, 8, 9*, 10*; Fedor Kapustin – 9*; Evgeny Gavrilov – 10*; Mikhail 3 -mates on 3 adjacent squares (e5, f5, g5), a flight-giving key and a very good construction. nd Croitor – 11; Nagovytsin – 12; Sergey Solokhin – 13; Anton Fedorov – 14*; Aleksandr Sygurov – 2 Prize: № 4, Vyacheslav Pilchenko & Valery Shavyrin 14*; Jozef Burda – 15; Vladimir Sorochan – 16; Givi Mosiashvili – 17; Miroslav Svítek – 18, 19, A masked form of Nowotny theme. Mates on the same square (c4, e4), Zagoruiko 3 x 2 20, 21, 22*; Zoltan Labai – 22*, 23*, 24**, 25**; Vidadi Zamanov – 23*, 24**, 25**, 26*; Salman (after 1... s:a4/ lf6) plus changed mates after 1... de4 and 1... sb4. Z-(3,3,4)-4.10. Javadadze – 24**, 25**; Mark Basisty – 26*, 27*, 28*; Anatoly Vasilenko – 27*, 28*, 29*, 30; rd № Sergey I. Tkachenko – 29*,; Pavel Murashev – 31, 32, 33*; Anatoly Slesarenko – 33*, 34; Dieter 3 Prize: 20, Miroslav Svítek Müller – 35, 36, 37; Valery Kopyl – 38, 39; Živko Janevski – 40, 41; Aleksandr Pankratiev – 42; Change of defensive motifs in 2 phases and 3 variations (Labai type = DM-23-36 ; A – Vasyl Dyachuk – 43, 44*; Vasyl Markovtsy – 44*; Vladimir Kozhakin – 45; Ilija Serafimovi ć – 46. checking, B – creating flight by line interference, C – Schiffmann-I, D – Schiffmann-II, E – stopping a battery pawn, F – direct guard) combined with change of mate in 4 phases (Z-41-14). PRELIMINARY AWARD A minus: a repeated refutation. by Karol Mlynka st № nd № rd № I would like to express my thanks to Zoran Gavrilovski for giving me the opportunity to 1 Hon. Mention: 32 2 Hon. Mention: 34 3 Hon. Mention: 17 judge his Jubilee tourney in the Twomovers section with a free theme. I received 46 originals in Pavel Murashev Anatoly Slesarenko Givi Mosiashvili anonymous form. The quality of the received entries was good. The authors most frequently dealt with themes such as Zagoruiko, Barnes, Bikos, Lender, Dombrovskis, Schiffmann, anti-Schiffmann, le Grand, pseudo-le Grand, Labai, Mosiashvili, Erokhin, Pseudo-Erokhin, Nowotny, anti-Moscow, Rotterdam-Kharkov, Shanshin, Salazar, Surkov- Slesarenko, Arnhem, Pseudo-Burmistrov, Rudenko, Urania, Fleck, Sushkov etc. My great thanks to all contributors, congratulations to the authors of honored compositions and especially to Zoran. 1st Prize: № 31 2nd Prize: № 4 3rd Prize: № 20 Pavel Murashev V. Pilchenko & V. Shavyrin Miroslav Svítek #2 v v v 12+9 #2 * v 10+8 #2 v v v 13+10 1.f4? A (2. Dh3# B, Th3# C) 1...g:f2 2. L:e5# 1.Se7? (2. Sd7# A, 2. Dh2# B) 1... te:g5 x 2. Tf3# 1... se6 2. Ted7# 1...s:e6+/da4 2.D:e6#/L:d6# 1... tg:g5! 1. S:e5? (2. Dd4#) 1...l:d5! 1. Dh3? B (2.f4# A) dc8! 1...g:f2 2. Sd3#! 1. Td2? (2. Sd7# A) lg4! 1... tg:g5 2.f:e4# 1... se6 2. Sf7# 1... l:d5 2. T:d5# 1... te:g5 x 2. Sf5# 1... l:e4 2. Tcd7# 1... da4 2. L:d6# 1...e:f3 y 2. D:f3# 1... le6! 1. S:d6? (2. Dh2# B) db4! #2 * v v v 11+8 #2 * v 9+11 #2 v v v 14+7 1. Da6? (2. Da3#) df8! 1. TTT:e5! (2. Dd4#) 1... l:d5 2. Sd7# A D T 1... da4 2. Sc4# s s S 1...e:f3 y 2. d3# 1...g:f2 2. ee7#! 1... h~/ :f5! x 2. (:)g4# A /? 1... s:a4/ de4/ lf6 1.f8 S? (2. Sf7#) f2! s T 1... sf5/d:d6+ 2.D:f5#/L:d6# s S 1. TTTh3! C (2.f4# A) 1... e6 2. d5# 1.Tc5? (2. Sg4# A, 2. Sd7# B) 2. Dc4#/ L:e4#/ Dc6# 1... :f5 2. g6# l l D TTT S T S t 1... te:g5 x 2.f:e4# 1... :e4, e6 2. f8# 1. :d6! (2. d7# A) d y s x D 1. b3? (2. :f3#) g8! 1... e3 / :f5! 2. g5#/? 1. Se6? (2. Td4#) de4! D 1... s:c6 2. T:c6# 1...l:d5 2. Dh2# B 1... s:f5 2. T:f3# 1...e:f3 y 2. :e5# 1. Te3!? C (2. Sg4# A) se6! s l s t 1...da4 2. Tb6# 1... :a4/ f6/ b4 1.f8 D? (2. Sf7#) f2! 1... g:g5 2.f:e4# 1... s:f5 x /d:e5 z/d:e3 1.. .d:d6 +/s:e 6+ 2. L:d6# /D:e6 # 2. Se7#/ Sf4#/ S:c7# 1... ld6+ A 2. D:d6# 2. Sd7# B /L:e5#/ Dg5# 1. SSSc2! (2. Td4#) 1... le5 B 2. D:e5# st № 1. D:f4? (2. Sd7# B) de3! y 1 Honourable Mention: 32 , Pavel Murashev 1... s:a4 2.c4# [2. Dc4+?] 1... s:f5 C 2. D:f5# Very interesting strategy with multiple themes: Reversal II (x2), Schiffmann-I (x3), anti- 1... s:f5 x /d:e5 z /da7 d L 1. TTTb4! (2.e5#) 2. D:f5#/ D:e5#/ Dg5# 1... e4 2.d:e4# [2. :e4+?] Schiffmann (x 2), fragmental 3-fold change of 2 mates (3 х 2 in 4 phases: x-xy-y-xy). Z-(1,2,1,2)-26. l S 1... ld6 D 2. D:d6# 1. SSSe7! (2. Sd7# B) 1... f6 2. c:e3# l D 2nd Honourable Mention: № 34 , Anatoly Slesarenko s S 1... e5 E 2. :e5# 1... s:f5 x/d:e5 z/k:e5/ da7 1... b4 2. :b4# 1... s:f5 F 2.e:f5# A classical Zagoruiko (set, try, solution) with extra mate change in form of switchbacks is 2. Sg4# A/ T:h6#/Te3# C/Dg7# 1... sc4+ 2.d:c4# 1... sb6 2. D:c7# nice but well known. The try is better. Z-32-26. Compare to A1 and A2 in the Appendix. 2 Zoran Gavrilovski - 50 Jubilee Tourney 2018: Award in the #2 section The Macedonian Problemist № 57 a (September – December 2018) 3 3rd Honourable Mention: № 17 , Givi Mosiashvili Commendation : № 28 Commendation: № 43 Barnes theme, Dombrovskis and Zagoruiko. A synthesis of Mosiashvili theme with Mark Basisty & Vasyl Dyachuk le Grand. Z-32-26 . In recent times, some authors have explored many similar thematic Anatoly Vasilenko combinations. Special Hon. Mention : № 22 Commendation : № 33 Commenda tion: № 44 Zoltan Labai & Pavel Murashev & Vasyl Dyachuk & Miroslav Svítek Anatoly Slesarenko Vasyl Markovtsy #2 * v 8+4 #2 v v v v 9+8 1... k:e4 2. Lg2# C 1. De8? (2. De3# ) t S 1. Te6? A (2. D:d6# B) 1... c~ 2. (:)c4# t t T 1... kc6 x 2. Lg2# C 1... e5, d3 2. (:)d3# 1... t:c3! v v v v v 1... sce4 y 2. Te5# D #2 * 13+8 #2 9+9 #2 9+8 1.c4? (2. Dc3#) 1... tb6 2. T:c5# l 1... t:c4 2. S:c4# 1... f3 2.e3# 1. L:f3? A (2. L:e4#) 1.Kc2? (2.Te3# A, 2.Lb7# B) s 1... d7! 1... te5, td3 2. T(:)d3# 1... sd8~ 2. S:e6# 1... l:f3 x 2. Dd4# B# 1... dc4+ x 2. T:c4# C 1. LLLg2! C (2. Te5# D) 1... td4 2. D:d4# 1. Dc1? (2.d3# A) 1... sf6! 1... l:d3+ y 2.B:d3# 1... kc6 x 2. Te6# A 1...c1 d(t)! 1... db6 2.d4# B 1. Sg:f3? (2. Dd4# B) 1...c4! 1... sc:e4 y 2. D:d6# B 1.e3? A (2.Tg2# B, 2.Dh2+? D) k D 1... l:f3 x 2.Th5# [L:f3?? A] 1... :e4 2. :c4# 1. TTTc4! C (zugzwang) 1... tf5, tg5, td4 2.D(:)d4# 1...d:c5 2. T:d7# [Le6+? C] 1...c3! 1...d:c4 x 2. Te3# A 1...c1 s 2. Sb1# 1... lf5! y 1. LLLc1! (2.d4# B) 1... l:d3 b 2. Lb7# B 1... te5! 1. L:d7? (2. Le6# C) 1... t:b3 2.d3# A 1... k:d3 2. T:d4# 1.e4? C (2.Dh2# D, 2.Tg2+? B) 1... lf5 y 2. Dd4# B 1... ke5 2. S:g6# 1... l~ 2. D(:)e2# 1... t:c3 2. D:c3# 1...f2! t T 1... s5~ 2. D(:)f3# 1... d3 2. g2# B 1. SSSd:f3! (2. Dd4# B) 1... th5 2. Dd4# 1... s7~ 2. D(:)f5# 1..

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