39 FEBRUARY 2012 PORTUGUESE PRIME MINISTER AND ANTÓNIO MOTA VISIT THE WORKS OF THE LUANDA BAY MOTA-ENGIL PERU An example in the internationalisation of the Group "I STRONGLY BELIEVE IN THE PRESENT AND FUTURE OF MOTA-ENGIL" Jorge Coelho interview, CEO of the Mota-Engil Group 39 FEBRUARY39 2012 AF_Anuncio de Impresa ME-SGPS_EXTERNA_VA_20x27.5_UKPATHS.indd 1 2/15/12 11:49 AM 03 SUMRY MA 06 THE GROUP NEWS Results of the third quarter: Group shows positive operating perfomance Jorge Coelho interview: "I strongly believe in the present and future of Mota-Engil" Luanda Bay: Portuguese Prime Minister visits the renovation works accompanied by António Mota Mota-Engil Indústria e Inovação signed 08 the first project within the scope Interview with the Group's CEO of the programme "Internationalizing Jorge Coelho: "I strongly believe in the present and future of Mota-Engil" in Partnership" 20 BUSINESS AREAS Fundações e Geotecnia celebrates 20th anniversary Mota-Engil, Engenharia e Construção, was considered the Best, Biggest Export Company, in the services sector 44 AMONG US Eduardo Pimentel interview, director of MEAS and chairman of Tertir 44 50 Eduardo Pimentel Interview "Portugal Voluntário 2011" 48 PEOPLE A life filled with challenges Conference 2011 Christmas Lunch 50 SUSTAINABILITY Prime Minister and Minister of Solidarity and Social Security preside the "Portugal Voluntário 2011" conference 2nd edition Manuel António da Mota awarded to Leque 58ENO T CH LOGY & INNOVATION Corporate portal ON.ME available to over 2,000 users 60 COMPANIES 60 Mota-Engil Peru, an example Mota-Engil Peru in the internationalisation of the Group An example in the internationalization of the Group FEBRUARY 2012 04 OP ENING MESSAGE TECHNICAL RECORD DIRECTOR › Chairman of the Executive Committee Jorge Coelho Jorge Coelho EDITOR Pedro Arrais PUBLICATION Mota-Engil, SGPS, SA It is time to hold hands, it is time to focus HEAD OFFICE Rua do Rego Lameiro, 38 4300-454 Porto on the essential; it is time to reorganize DESIGN | EDITING White_Brand Services whatever needs to be reorganized and PRINTER Ondagrafe, Artes Gráficas, Lda. adjust whatever needs to be adjusted. PRINT-RUN 700 copies It is time to pursue one single purpose: LEGAL DEPOSIT 307551/10 DISTRIBUTION Free-of-Charge One Group, THE FOLLOWING one Project, one Strategy! CO-OPERATED IN THIS EDITION AGUIAR BRANCO ALEXANDRA MARTINS ANDREZ ANA PIRES ANGELA FERREIRA CARLA COSTA CATARINA TEIXEIRA CÉLIA MORAIS EDUARDO PIMENTEL FRANCISCO FRANCA HUGO MAÇÃS JORGE GONZALES LÓIDE ALMEIDA MARIA ANTÓNIA CADILHE NUNO ALMEIDA PAULO RUIVO RAQUEL GUEDES RUI GUIMARÃES RITA CABRAL RUI PEDROTO SENA SANTOS SOFIA VASCONCELOS SINERGIA 39 05 WE WON’T KEEP OUR ARMS CROSSED! It is true that the world is facing a company mentality the leadership policy In the current situation of considerable crisis! of trusting company skills and those of the the world, especially the people who comprise it” path. one which Europe is facing, Europe, apart from facing an enormous crisis, is unable to find the right answers This is the path we choose to follow at the the fragile and dependent that either in terms of leadership or of Mota-Engil Group. Portuguese economic strategy will allow us to believe that all structure does not provide an difficulties will soon be overcome. That is As any other company, we also have our easy life for both Portuguese also true! issues. companies and citizens In the current situation of the world, But we also have the enormous ability and nor does it offer short term especially the one which Europe is facing, determination to pursue new solutions optimistic perspectives. the fragile and dependent Portuguese which will allow us to achieve our goals. economic structure does not provide an easy life for both Portuguese companies Today, our culture, our history is homage and citizens nor does it offer short term to our Founder, Manuel António da Mota, a optimistic perspectives. man who fought against all odds. People are facing moments of anguish, None of the twenty thousand workers difficulty and uncertainty. in the twenty countries where we are operating will keep their arms crossed. No But, whereas what I mentioned before man will give up, no matter the hardships are indisputable facts, the paths which that are to come. those who have the obligation of finding solutions for our problems have to choose It is time to hold hands, it is time to focus may be numerous. on the essential; it is time to reorganize whatever needs to be reorganized and On one hand, the easiest path to follow, adjust whatever needs to be adjusted. It is but also the most irresponsible and most time to pursue one single purpose: compliant one is that of “there’s nothing else to be done” and “let’s hope it’ll go One Group, one Project, one Strategy! away”. We will make it! On the other hand, there’s the “let’s not keep our arms crossed nor give up” path; the “let’s fight for optimistic alternatives to our problems” path; the “let’s implement in FEBRUARY 2012 06 THE GROUP NEWS ORdeRS PORTFOLIO Group Orders Portfolio MOT A-ENGIL SHOWS (9M11) POSITIVE OPERATING PERFORMANCE 14% SUPPORTED ON 33% INTERNATIONALISATION 13% 25% 18% Reinforcement of the portfolio in external markets supported activity and anticipates Engineering & Construction Portugal Engineering & Construction Africa the increasingly internationalised Engineering & Construction Central Europe Environment & Services model of the Group Engineering & Construction America The Mota-Engil Group presented the growth within the various business results of the third quarter on 21st segments. November. In spite of the adverse economic context at international As a common denominator for the level the Group showed that it was operational indicators presented one determined to withstand the adversities finds the prominent contribution of and thus presented a positive operating the international area. Currently the performance. external markets represent 60% of the Group’s order book (in the Engineering To prove this positive performance we and Construction area it is 65%) and highlight the 6.4% increase in turnover contributed 52% toward Turnover and up to Euro 1,556 million as well a rise in 58% of the EBITDA generated by the EBITDA and EBIT (Operating Result) of Group. 17% and 18.6% to Euro 199.4 and 122.5 Currently the external million, respectively. In addition to the contribution of the markets represent 60% international markets, the annual growth of the Group’s order book In addition to the Group’s operational of 22% of the consolidated activity of the and contributed 52% indicators, the order book of Euro 3,308 Environment and Services area led to million (at December 2010) demonstrates a result that reflects a more diversified toward Turnover and 58% the capacity of the Mota-Engil Group Group, in line with the Strategic Plan of the EBITDA generated. in ensuring its sustainability and even “Ambition 2013”. S INERGIA 39 07 KEY T URNOVER EBITDA Sales and Services Rendered Group Ebitda Group EVENTS 9M11 POSITIVE PERFORMANCE 1,600 803.4 1,400 565.6 675.6 6,4% INCREAse IN 1,200 TURnoveR UP to 1,000 200 1.556 115.3 MILLION EURos 800 893.4 103.8 787.3 150 753.0 600 56.1 100 EBITDA AND EBIT 400 A RISE of 85.7 84.1 50 66.6 200 17% AND 18,6% TO Million eurosMillion 0 eurosMillion 0 2009 2010 2011 2009 2010 2011 199.4 External Activity and 122.5 Internal Activity MILLION EURos, RespectivelY Note that the Environment and Services in Portugal - a trend which has been improved to 4.3, indicating greater area represented 17% in 2009, 20% in observed since 2002 and in the case efficiency of the Group. 2010, 23% of the Group’s turnover in of Mota-Engil encouraged the anticipated September 2011. preparation of an internationalisation In addition to the financial component strategy integrated with resources strongly influenced by the international In consolidated terms, the Group was and perspectives with potential for situation, the accounting effect of Martifer able to improve its levels of operating development in each priority area affected the Group accounts. efficiency, and this was demonstrated by of action. the improvement in the EBITDA margins By assuming on the proportion of the in all segments in the Engineering and In contrast to the positive operational held capital in this subsidiary (37.5%) Construction area. The Environment and performance, the Group registered a the results obtained, Martifer negatively Services area improved the EBITDA in negative Financial Result of Euro 66 affected the net result attributable to absolute terms in all its segments. million (-36.7% compared to 2010), due the Group by Euro 13 million, so when to the difficult and demanding access compared to the previous year the result A less positive point was the fact that to funding and proved by the Euro 13.3 fell 28.6%. the domestic market in the Engineering million increase in interest plus Euro 2.2 and Construction segment fell 8% million in currency devaluation. Without the Martifer effect, the net result when compared to the same period attributable to the Group would have last year. This reveals that there has On the financial side, the Group increased been Euro 35 million thus the equivalent been a sharp contraction in line with a its total net debt to Euro 1,144 million, to a 9.5% increase on 2010. decline in production within the sector even though its Net Debt/EBITDA ratio FEBRUARY 2012 08 THE GROUP NEWS CEO of the MOTA-ENGIL GROUP, JORGE COELHO, INTERVIEWED BY SINERGIA "I am quite concerned with the national
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