You go girls! The cutest pet! Page 6 Page II THE COMMERCIAL Heafcer 25 cents Established 1922 OF LYNDHURST THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2003 New building planned at Veterans visit Washington School Lyndhurst Knights Lewandowski Commons will host breakfast By Michelle Rosa Rayfoeck they wanted to go through with the Knights of Columbus NfcWS Kl)lir)R upprmals (hat were already gran! Council 2396 will hold a c'd. ' said Planning Board attorney Communion Breakfast on John Ambrosio. who is among the LYNDI11 RSI - A long-dis Sunday. Nov. 30 at 10 a.m., al new members requiring a review of cussed plan for a new buildinii al the council hall on New York the existing approvals Ixwandowski Commons mav stn>n Avenue. Lyndhurst. This building has been part ol come to Iruilion, it the L>ndhursi Menu will include sausage, ihe Lewandow\ki Commons plan Planning Board find* .ill in order at ham. eggs, rolls, danish. orange since the development was buill in a spec la I meeting Do*. 4 juice, iruit cup. coffee and tea. 199H Currently. Lewandowski Lewandowski Commons VAX', (he tickets arc $4 in advance Commons is comprised ot the Stop company thai nuns ihe pmpcrtv al and S5 al the door. Contact (V Shop Supermarket, and the small Lewandowski Si reel between Vincc Briamonte at 201-933 strip mall across the street, winch Brisbin and Mann avenue*., MJS 9253 or Fury Zcoli at 201 919- features Ihe Bigger Bile, a sand approvals in h.tnd I nun ihrec years 170S for tickets/information wich shop, .is well as a physical ago. but has agreed to prescnl .ill ihcrapv facility and a laundromat its data again to bring planning Elks sponsor essay In April 2000. ihe developer board members who were nol on received approval to construct a contest for children the board lot (he itrigiii.il proposal, 4.72* square loot building, zoned The Lyndhurst Lodge No. up in speed Retail "I>. with the stipulation that 1505 BPO Elks is sponsoring an "The atioriK\ tot the developer, no drive through service be essay contest tor Americanism, who had noi been the attorney pre- offered. Sotiovia said she thought entitled "Why I am Proud to viously, came I or ward." said the IWK proposal had featured a Say the Pledge of Allegiance." Planning Board President Belt) drive through bank or restaurant The contest is open to all stu Sottovia "In in\ opinion, they're In August 2002, the developer dents ii] grades 5-8 who are resi- coming to make changes We can't again came before (he board, this dents of Lyndhurst. remember whai was granted three tune proposing to build a 10.000 Forward essays to Lyndhurst years ago. and there's no documen square-foot building with medical Lodge No. 1505 BPO Elk*, 251 lation. just the resolution on hie offices on the first tlmr and man Park Ave . Lyndhurst. NJ 07071. We need to see whai documcnia agement offices on the second. Ann Ann Manzan. lion they have " This proposal was denied "There The essay cannot he more Glenn Kicn/. Ironi the law linn is insufficient parking tor an office than 200 words, must be typed ol Wiener Lcsniak in Parsippunv, is building,1' Sottovia said. and must have child's name, the altorney lor developer He Al press lime. Kicn/ was experiences were given by the on the destroyer. USS Lymon K address, phone number, schixil follow ing members ol attended the No\ I * plarunng ima\ aitable tor comment Swenson. during World War II attending and grade on it. board meeting. "To fell the board Lyndhurst's American Legion Additionally. Louis Meeka. a Contact the Elks at 201-507- Post 1 W: Paul Haggcrty. a non parent ol a Washington School 1505 lor more information. combatant veteran of the V S student and veteran ol the U S gram, set up by Dennis Sluka. Marine Corps; John Pcrrauli. a Arms during Operation Desert Holiday fair at Scout Township residents invited principal of the school, began \eteran ot the U.S. Army Corps Storm in Iraq, spoke io the stu with the students and veterans of Engineers, who served in the tits and brought in some mil. House in Lyndhurst reciting the "Pledge ot Korean War; Dennis Tarns, a vet y items tor Ihe students to A Holiday Fur will be held to Holiday Lighting Dec. 7 Allegiance." 1 »l lowing the eran of the U.S. Navy who served mi Saturday. Nov. 22. 10 a.m. to Pledge, and an introduction hy on the guided missle destroyers, (lowing a short question 4 pm. al the Scout House. 23X LYNMIl'RST - Commissioner ihe members of the Junior Stuka. a video about veterans and the USS Waddcll and the USS nswer period. Ihe assembly Livingston Avc. Lyndhurst. Paul Passamano Jr.. director ol the Woman's Club immediately follow Veterans Day was shown. Koont/, during the Vietnam War; I with students, teachers ami Handcrallcd items made hy 1 ymlhuiM IX-partmenl of Parks and ing the ceremony. The pmgratn will hollowing the video, presenta- and Anthony Machcinski. a veter veterans singing "(!od Bless the Girl Stouts will be avail Recreation, together w uh the include a visit hy Santa, compli- tions regarding their personal an ol the U.S. Navy, who served Ami able. Lyndhurst lire Department, the ments of Commerce Bank, and (hg (JFWC Lyndhurst Junior Woman's the Blue Dragon. Goofy and one of Club and Commerce Bank, cordially Presbyterian Church the seven dwarfs, compliments (>t invites all Lymlhursi residents, fami- holds holiday bazaar ihe Lyndhupit f ire Department- ly and friends to the annual Holiday Santa's mailbox wilt be in front Dinner party will honor retiring teachers A Holiday Craft Bazaar and Lighting, to be held on Sunday. IV* ot the Town Hall starting on this Cake Sale will he held at the I.YNDHI'RST - Three dedicat- A dinner party will he held in It interested in attending, tall the 7 at 5 p.m., at the municipal build date for tetters to Santa. United Presbyterian Church, ed l.vniltiiitM High SihiKtl teachers. their honor on Thursday. Dec 11. al high school al 201-896-2100, press 2 ing. For further details, call the recre- corner of Page Avenue and Beverly Alherti. IVitriua Ekkcrt and the San Curio Restaurant in lor the main office. Refa"shmcnis uill be served bv ation department at 201 WW-2482 Ridge Road. Lyndhurst. on Judith Healey. have announced their Lyndhurst. The price ol the dinner is Saturday. Nov. 22. 10 am to 4 reurcmem. $68 per person. p.m. Lunch will be available beginning at 11:30 a.m. Handcrafled Hems, including baby clothes. afghans. Christmas ornaments, jewelry, home-baked goods and a while elephant table will be featured. Subscribe now for $10 a year (Out of state, $12). Call (201) 43WT700 PuWshwJat 251 Ridge Road • Lyndhurst renoatcal rosttQft rHO m Rutherford, NJ 07070 Subscription $10 Published Weekly USPS125-620 Postmaster phi* ami al address chmgM to Community support - Commissioner Thomas B. GraUam presented an award to the owners of Harold's OeK for their donation and support of the 251Ri<igaRomi Lyndhurst Community Ctean-Up Project. The award was presented to the Murrays at the Keith Von Rapadd Night fundraiser held at Harold's Deli, 10 Lyndhurst, NJ 07071 PoKto Ave.. Lyndhurst. Profits from the night were given to the scholarship fund for the young police officer who passed away suddenly. From left to right: deli owner Chris Murray, Sen. Paul Sario. Mayor James Guida, owner Denise Murray. Commissioner Thomas Graffam, JoAnn and George Von Rapacki, Assemblyman Paul DiGaetano and Commissioner Mark Gumbte. FOR ADVERTISING INQUIRIES, CALL: (201) 310-5161 O& E-MAIL: [email protected] J. TUI ipgnAV NOVEMBER 20, 2003 Red light, red crate, three nabbed red-handed Fax us at 201-438-9022 By Mlclwll* Rosa Raybacfc motor vehicle and providing talsc identification, since the name he NEWS EDITOR initially gave proved to have been LYNDHURST - A routine false. "He chose the wrong name to motor vehicle stop yielded a num- make up." Valente noted. ber of interesting results. Officer Brian Walsh. 24. of Jersey City, John Castiglia stopped a vehicle was charged with possession ol for running the red light at Valley heroin and paraphernalia. Brook Avenue and Orient Way on Both men and Sharon Condi. Nov. 11 at 5:30 p.m. 29, also of Jersey Cilv. were The driver had no identification, charged with possession of stolen Private Lmorn but the name he gave came up as property for the food. "We believe Accented\ Kay Board > Drums having a revoked driver's license their intent was to sell the food lor 580 Keamy Ave. Keamy and arrest warrants. While the offi- drug money." Valnte added. All cer was speaking with the driver, three were remanded to Bergen 991-2233 the rear passenger began stuffing County Jail. packages of perishable foods into plastic bags. No one could produce receipts for the food, but two red Grand Opening plastic crates marked "Stop & Shop" were found in the back seat. The food, including steaks and large bags of frozen shrimp, was later found to have been shoplifted Candf, Otff BosVvft. Porty Favor*, from Stop & Shop in Secaucus. Police also found two decks of Victi ChrUtie heroin in the car. as well as numer- We a Iso do: ous power Kiols. "We haven't been * Customized Giil Baskets j. S t M 1 tl I i! Al able to determine where they came * Party Centerpieces ')")) V«ll.q Brook Av, Umlh.iTti.
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