Public Safety Commission Regular Meeting Agenda Wednesday, October 2, 2019 5:00 P.M. City Hall — Multipurpose Room 23825 Stuart Ranch Road Call to Order Roll Call Pledge of Allegiance Approval of Agenda Report on Posting of Agenda— September 26, 2019 1. Written and Oral Communications from the Public and Commissioners A. Communications from the Public concerning matters which are not on the agenda but for which the Commission has subject matter jurisdiction. The Commission may not act on these matters at this meeting. (30 minutes total time allotted) B. Staff updates C. Commissioner reports, comments and inquiries. (15 minutes total time allotted) 2. Consent Calendar A. Previously Discussed Items None. B. New Items 1. Approval of Minutes — September 4, 2019 Recommended Action: Approve minutes for the Public Safety Commission Regular Meeting of September 4, 2019. Staff Contact: Executive Assistant Linden, 310-456-2489 ext. 232 3. Old Business None. Public Safety Commission Page 2 of 3 October 2, 2019 4. New Business A. Public Safety Agencies Annual Service Review Recommended Action: 1) Review services provided by the County of Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department, Fire Department and Lifeguards, and Malibu Volunteers on Patrol (VOP); and 2) makerecommendations to the City Council for service level adjustments, if appropriate. Staff Contact: Public Safety Manager Dueflas, 310-456-2489 ext. 313 B. 2019 Summer Beach Enforcement Operation Summary Recommended Action: Receive and file summary report of the 2019 Summer Beach Enforcement Operation. Staff Contact: Sheriff’s Liaison Lieutenant Seetoo, 310-456-2489 ext. 232 C. Ordinance to Prevent Trespass in the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone Recommended Action: Provide a recommendation to the City Council concerning the Drafi Ordinance that would amend Title 8 of the Malibu Municipal Code (MMC) to prevent trespass in the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone. Staff Contact: Public Safety Manager Dueñas, 310-456-2489 ext. 313 D. Public Safety Agency Activity Recommended Action: Discuss recent Public Safety Agency activities and receive and file activity reports from the County of Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department, Fire Department, and Lifeguards. Staff Contact: Executive Assistant Linden, 310-456-2489 ext. 232 Adi ournment Future Meetings Wednesday; November 6, 2019 5:00 p.m. Regular Meeting City Hall Multipurpose Room Wednesday, December 4, 2019 5:00 p.m. Regular Meeting City Hall Multipurpose Room Wednesday, January 1, 2020 5:00 p.m. Regular Meeting City Hall Multipurpose Room Public Safety Commission Page 3 of 3 October 2. 2019 Guide to the City Commission Proceedings The Oral Communication potion of the agenda is for members of the public to present items which are not listed on the agenda, but are under the subject matter jurisdiction of the Commission. Although no action may be taken, the Commission and staff will follow up, at an appropriate time, on those items needing response. Each speaker is limited to (3) three minutes. Time may be surrendered by deferring (1) one minute to another speaker, not to exceed a total of (8) eight minutes. The speaker wishing to defer time must be present when the item is heard. In order to be recognized and present an item, each speaker must complete and submit to the Recording Secretary a Request to Speak form pri~ to the beginning of the item being announced by the Chair (forms are available at the entrance to the meeting room). Speakers are taken in the order slips are submitted. Items in Consent Calendar Section A have already been considered by the Commission at a previous meeting where the public was invited to comment, after which a decision was made. These items are not subject to public discussion at this meeting because the vote taken at the previous meeting was final. Resolutions concerning decisions made at previous meetings are for the purpose of memorializing the decision to assure the accuracy of the fmdings, the prior vote, and any conditions imposed. Items in Consent Calendar Section B have not been discussed previously by the Commission. If discussion is desired, an item may be removed from the Consent Calendar for individual consideration. Commissioners may indicate a negative or abstaining vote on any individual item by so declaring prior to the vote on the motion to adopt the entire Consent Calendar. Items excluded from the Consent Calendar will be taken up by the Commission following the action on the Consent Calendar. The Commission first will take up the items for which public speaker requests have been submitted. Public speakers shall follow the rules as set forth under Oral Communication. Old Business items have appeared on previous agendas but have either been continued or tabled to this meeting with no final action having been taken. Public comment shall follow the rules as set forth under Oral Communication. Items in New Business are items which are appearing for the first time for formal action. Public comment shall follow the rules as set forth under Oral Communication. Copies ofthe staffreports or other written documentation relating to each item ofbusiness described above are on file in the City Manager’s Office, Malibu City Hall, 23825 Stuart Ranch Road, Malibu, Caflfornia and are available for public inspection during regular office hours which are 7.30 am. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Friday. Written materials distributed to the Commission within 72 hours of the Commission meeting are available for public inspection immediately upon distribution (Government Code Section 54957. 5(b)(2). Copies ofstaffreports and written materials may be purchasedfor $0.10 per page. Pursuant to State law, this agenda was posted at least 72 hours prior to the meeting.. The City Hall phone number is (310) 456-2489. To Contact City Hall using a telecommunication devicefor the deaf(TDD), please call (800) 735-2929 and a Caflfornia Relay Service operator will assist you. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, ~f you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please Contact Andrew Sheldon, Acting Environmental Sustainability Director, (310) 456-2489, ext. 251. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. [28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADD Title II]. Requests for use of audio or video equipment duringa Commission meeting should be directed to Alex Montano at (310) 456-2489, ext. 227, or [email protected] before 12:00p.m. on the day of the meeting. I hereby cert~ under penalty ofpeiyuiy, under the laws of the State of Caflfornia, that the foregoing agenda was posted in accordance with the applicable legal requirements. Dated this 26t.’ day ofSeptem ber 2019. j 4~1.~L Ma Li~ Executiv- .‘ sistant Public Safety Commission Meeting 10-02-19 Item 2~BQ1, Pubhc Safety Commission Agenda Report To: Chair Frost and Members of the Public Safety Commission Prepared by: Mary Linden, Executive Assistant Approved by: Reva Feldman, City Manager~ Date prepared: September 20, 2019 Meeting date: October 2, 2019 Subject: Approval of Minutes — September 4, 2019 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve minutes for the Public Safety Commission Regular Meeting of September 4, 2019. DISCUSSION: Staff has prepared draft minutes for the Public Safety Commission Regular Meeting of September 4, 2019, and hereby submits the minutes to the Commission for approval. ATTACHMENTS: Draft September 4, 2019 Public Safety Commission Regular Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 1 Agenda Item # 2.B.1. MINUTES MALIBU PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 4~ 2019 MULTIPURPOSE ROOM 5:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER Chair Frost called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m. ROLL CALL The following persons were recorded in attendance by the Recording Secretary: PRESENT: Chair Chris Frost; Vice Chair Andy Cohen; and Commissioners Fred Roberts and Doug Stewart ABSENT: Commissioner Keegan Gibbs ALSO PRESENT: Susan Dueflas. Public Safety Manager; Rob DuBoux, Public Works Director; Arthur Aladjadjian, Public Works Superintendent; Jerry Vandermeulen, Fire Safety Liaison; Matt Myerhoff, Public Information Officer; Stephanie Schellerup, Public Safety Specialist; Lieutenant Jennifer Seetoo, Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department; and Mary Linden, Executive Assistant PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Vice Chair Cohen led the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION Vice Chair Cohen moved and Commissioner Stewart seconded a motion to approve the agenda. The motion carried 4-0, Commissioner Gibbs absent. REPORT ON POSTING OF AGENDA Executive Assistant Linden reported that the agenda for the meeting was properly posted on August 29. 2019. ITEM l.A. PUBLIC COMMENTS Bobby Milstein stated Malibu Towing is a cog in the City’s wheel along with the Sheriffs and Fire Departments. He stated Malibu Towing drivers know Malibu’s roads better than any other company. He suggested using land purchased by the City for a tow yard. Lori Gray discussed a Los Angeles Times article about halos being installed at locations throughout Los Angeles County where pedestrians and cyclists have been killed. She suggested it could be a deterrent for unsafe driving along Pacific Coast Highway (PCH). Malibu Public Safety Commission Special Meeting Minutes of September 4, 2019 Page 2 of 10 Bonnie Decker discussed her family’s history with Malibu Towing. She stated Malibu Towing knows the canyons, fire roads, and residents in Malibu. Gary Wilcox discussed work he did in the past with Adail Gayhart. He stated other tow companies will take care of their own communities first. but Malibu Towing will take care of Malibu. He stated he recently signed a lease with Malibu Towing to use his property. Debbie Gayhart deferred her time to Adail Gayhart. Adail Gayhart declined to speak. Ste~hanie Sunwoo spoke in support of Malibu Towing. She agreed with other speakers that Malibu needs Malibu Towing and they are part of the community.
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